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18-Aug-08, 16:15
I telephoned an online store today as I hadn't received a reply to an emailed query last week and was told they were very busy with the Christmas rush [disgust] .

18-Aug-08, 16:48
I telephoned an online store today as I hadn't received a reply to an emailed query last week and was told they were very busy with the Christmas rush [disgust] .

Shopping Channel QVC had a "Christmas in July" Day five or six weeks ago. Lots of very sad people were ringing in live to wish the Presenters a Merry Christmas. I reckon QVC and other channels are actually a branch of The Samaritans that frees up resources for the really serious cases.

"Hi Charlie, remember me? It's Janet from Croydon. I spoke to you last February about my bad back and flaky scalp?"

Poor Charlie takes another two Valium and replies.

"Oh yes, nice to hear from you again Jill, err Janet I mean. How are things in Camden, whoops Croydon? Hope your flaky back is better now"

Christmas should be banned until December, sad people should stop calling QVC and seek help from a GP

18-Aug-08, 16:49
I must be just as bad i started buying for christmas last month:D

18-Aug-08, 17:02
I am another one then ;) Being on my own I have to budget and buy when I can so I try to start early...Oh! BTW its 18 weeks on Thursday so its not that far! :) x

18-Aug-08, 17:17
sad til say, i too hev started the 'c' word shoppin.

its really a budgetin thing, so i can get all ma friends really cool stuff instead o' freakin oot aboot time an £s in 'e middle o' december.

i love christmas day at ma mams, eit, drink an be merry - blessed be....;)

18-Aug-08, 18:14
TV License
Annual prescription fee
AA Membership renewal
Car Tax
Quarterly Electric
Quarterly Gas

All of the above are due in the next 2 weeks.......Christmas shopping is gonna have to wait!:(

18-Aug-08, 20:11
AA Membership renewal

All of the above are due in the next 2 weeks.......Christmas shopping is gonna have to wait!:(

Just go back on the drink, it might be cheaper ;)

18-Aug-08, 20:31
Just go back on the drink, it might be cheaper ;)

You'd think they'd hold their meetings somewhere less obvious than a beeg yellow van wouldn't you?:roll:

18-Aug-08, 20:48
TV License
Annual prescription fee
AA Membership renewal
Car Tax
Quarterly Electric
Quarterly Gas

All of the above are due in the next 2 weeks.......Christmas shopping is gonna have to wait!:(

Ouch Karia now that will hurt.

18-Aug-08, 21:03
Oh dear - makes me feel so disorganised. The shop in question was the BBC bookshop ! I mean if it was Hamleys I could understand but the BBC ??

Bit like you Karia - all my bills come in next month.
Car tax
boiler service
birthdays all the way to Christmas
don't even want to think what else.

18-Aug-08, 21:25
Our store is asking staff if they want overtime soon, the xmas build starts next month.

oh yay, Christmas songs from October onwards. I cannot even bring myself to say 'have a nice xmas' by mid December

18-Aug-08, 21:52
boiler service

Why not send the mother-in-law to a well woman clinic-they are free.[lol]

18-Aug-08, 21:57
Don't know about the rest of the country but down here in Hampshire and Berkshire the works Christmas parties usually start getting organised from July onwards.

Sod off-I'm more concerned with getting outside for a tan than thinking of winter.

18-Aug-08, 22:44
There's one answer to all this Xmas 'shopping' crap.

Don't buy anything, wish everyone you know a Happy Christmas at Christmas and wipe from your memory any prat that whinges because you haven't bought them a present.


18-Aug-08, 22:49
i too have started gettin little things in for xmas makes it so much easier nearier the time plus thins are chea.per now .

18-Aug-08, 22:50
I think christmas would be far more pleasant for everyone if you only bought the immediate members of your household. Although elderly relatives would also need remembered but the lack of stress would be great for all.

19-Aug-08, 10:10
Why not send the mother-in-law to a well woman clinic-they are free.[lol]

I am the mother-in-law :eek:

I'm also the elderly relative so, thanks, unicorn.

Here's my recipe - forget the cards (nightmare!), no presents except small (small !!) for children, donation to charity, then sit back and relax. Wish I had the courage to do it.

19-Aug-08, 10:26
Here's my recipe - forget the cards (nightmare!), no presents except small (small !!) for children, donation to charity, then sit back and relax. Wish I had the courage to do it.

I'm Mrs Scrooge nowadays, badger....very few (charity) cards, presents for immediate family (6 people) only, small donation to charity. Very different from how it used to be, but it's what's manageable and affordable for me now, so I can relax and enjoy it.:)

I have presents to buy for two close family members whose birthdays are on Boxing Day and at the New Year, so I really need to buy these well before Christmas too.

Joxville, you naughty boy!! I too am the mother in law, but though no spring chicken, am not an old boiler either!! ;)

Valerie Campbell
19-Aug-08, 10:51
Well badger, I've bought all my nephews and nieces presents! Sad I know, but when you've got so many to buy for, this is best time of year to get them as most people aren't thinking about it and you can grab a bit of a bargain.

Bad Manners
19-Aug-08, 12:20
What's wrong with man shopping we wait untill 24 th dec we buy all in one day wrap that night and the rest of the year is easy. Why worry

19-Aug-08, 12:46
What's wrong with man shopping we wait untill 24 th dec we buy all in one day wrap that night and the rest of the year is easy. Why worry

Yup....thats why most of us women have bottles of aftershave instead of perfume and stupid "boys toys" we dont like cos you left it to the last minute ;) x

Bad Manners
19-Aug-08, 12:54
man shopping is nothing to do with poor choice it's to do with time. We don't like shopping at the best of times so at christmas we look on the net we find the ideal gift and we reserve and buy all on 24th. Poor choice is just lack of thought. you either have it or not? hope you get the thoughfull gift.

19-Aug-08, 13:00
I haven't sent Christmas cards for nearly twenty years, yes, I am a meanie! The only presents I buy are two or three specials and I ask that people don't buy me presents either but if they do, I still say thank you and appreciate them for the thought behind it. My daughter always hits on a good idea which could be a donation to a charity she knows I would approve of or at the very least, a "green" present. (This years tomatoes are beginning to flower).

I am always aghast at what some people spend, whether they can afford it or not! I hope the "go green" habit hits Christmas soon as it is certainly not what any religion wants of its members. If we donated all the "loadsa money" spent on ourselves to worthwhile causes instead, we would be much more content instead of "can I take it back to the shop" or "euughhh, what a colour" or "why didn't I get a new phone" etc.

I rather think that with the credit crunch things will hopefully return to a sensible level of at least being bought with money we have saved instead of borrowed. I would be horrified if I thought someone was getting into debt just to buy me a present. The day I am starving of hunger or cold is the day I will appreciate their money being spent on me.

As for weddings, birthdays, "special" birthdays (every five years or so) it is all over the top and boy but big business enjoys it! Well done to those who keep these big companies going and their bosses in the manner to which they have become accustomed! :lol:

Merry Christmas! ;)

19-Aug-08, 13:10
Is it too soon to dig out my festive snowman avatar? :roll::eek:

19-Aug-08, 13:13
Is it too soon to dig out my festive snowman avatar? :roll::eek:

Not at all Angela; let's get this show on the road! After all it is August! :lol:

Anne x
19-Aug-08, 13:39
After a hard 6 months I discovered a lot of things I do and buy are really not required and not necessary I Baked and Cooked more than normal cut out expensive eating out, trips to town to buy another top or whatever I really didnt require
I cut back on everything Presents , Shopping etc and I do Intend to carry it on
Xmas it will be a time for the little children and close family presents only

At a recent family celebration a poem a very kind lady ;) helped me with was read out and it meant more to the person than all the big expensive presents

If the past 6months has taught me anything it is Do you really need that ?

ps Angela never to soon for the snowman ;)

19-Aug-08, 13:59
ps Angela never to soon for the snowman

I'll be recycling last year's snowman Anne ;) If I can find it at the back of the cupboard!

My financial circumstances changed a lot (not for the better) with widowhood and ill health, but at least I do have more time so I don't have to rush out and buy expensive stuff at the last minute. Instead I've discovered the pleasures of the local charity shops and spend time on finding bargains online.

I do wish folk didn't feel so much pressure to spend vast sums of money they can't afford at Christmas. If one good thing came out of the current credit crunch and threat of recession, it would be that people discovered they could have just as good a time without getting massively into debt to do it.

It might now become acceptable and even almost fashionable to make do and mend!;)

19-Aug-08, 14:04
well i have started my xmas shopping aswell, with my baby being due on the 8th of december, nd as i am having a section thought i would get organised early, got the kids a few presents each already.

19-Aug-08, 14:36
man shopping is nothing to do with poor choice it's to do with time. We don't like shopping at the best of times so at christmas we look on the net we find the ideal gift and we reserve and buy all on 24th. Poor choice is just lack of thought. you either have it or not? hope you get the thoughfull gift.

I apoligise for assuming that you bought badly because of the time factor,maybe you should give some other guys your tips on how to buy quickly and correctly :D Maybe some men do manage to get the perfect gift without the shopping since august bit,your OH is very lucky ;) x

Bad Manners
19-Aug-08, 15:11
I apoligise for assuming that you bought badly because of the time factor,maybe you should give some other guys your tips on how to buy quickly and correctly :D Maybe some men do manage to get the perfect gift without the shopping since august bit,your OH is very lucky ;) x
My OH has a lot to put up with as I am not in the best of health and she never asks for much so I try and surpass that. however the perfect present is one you know they want but havent said.

25-Aug-08, 20:32
It's way too early for me to be thinking of Christmas shopping! I haven't even had a summer holiday yet! :roll:

I can understand why some people start early, though, so they're not spending a lot of money all at once. But I do think it's sad how over commercialised Christmas has become, and that some people end up going into debt because of it. I say celebrate the season - but within reason!