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17-Aug-08, 15:55
I am originally from Invergordon and cannot abide the way it has been desecrated by the painting of murals all over the town.

They have now won an award for the painting of a mural over the railway station. Have to admit this one is bearable as its away from the centre of the town.

If your town or village had murals painted over every gable end, how would you feel about it? Incidentally when the idea was first mooted by the "Off the Wall" group 97% of the residents were against it yet they were still given funding. Democracy anyone?


Kevin Milkins
17-Aug-08, 16:19

This is one of a few murals in Leith depicting Leith life I think it is well done

I dont know what everybody else is seeng ,but all I am seeing is a little square box with a red cross in it.?

I suppose it could be art to sum:confused

17-Aug-08, 16:23
The muriel,(as Hilda Ogden called them), on Tollemache House in Thurso is hideous. Not seen it in long time so hopefully it's gone by the next time I visit.

17-Aug-08, 16:33
I dont know what everybody else is seeng ,but all I am seeing is a little square box with a red cross in it.?

I suppose it could be art to sum:confused
Have deleted it Kevin :(

Second attempt folks


17-Aug-08, 16:45
I like seeing wall murals/graffiti if it's something recognisable but some which hark back to 'art deco' style I just don't get.

Use the link to some good murals:


Bad Manners
17-Aug-08, 16:47
Hi you have brought back memories the window in the top right corner used to be my bedroom. I never liked the painting but when someone asked where I lived when I told them everyone knew exactly where.
Again it was another one of these goverment sponcered work's of art.
Only 1 family in the stair liked it the rst hated it and the benches at the bottom normally had two or three wino's.
It was a very nice flat but I am glad to have left it behind.
would't want to see anything like it up here.

17-Aug-08, 17:19
Have deleted it Kevin :(

Second attempt folks


Bigger version here (http://lh6.ggpht.com/_QWLXPrWpT_A/SIV3lZYjL2I/AAAAAAAAAlU/BjZUEbD-Xz4/DSC01931.JPG) if you want to see the detail...

17-Aug-08, 19:41
I'd love to see wall murals done by this pavement artist:


17-Aug-08, 19:53
The muriel,(as Hilda Ogden called them), on Tollemache House in Thurso is hideous. Not seen it in long time so hopefully it's gone by the next time I visit.

You mean the one in my avataar Jox - it is class!

17-Aug-08, 20:11
I think the mural on Tollemache house is wonderful and something truly different in Thurso! I have to say I like murals and think they add to towns especially if they brighten up some grey concrete monstrosity. I appreciate it might be awful if you had to look out at it all the time and you did not enjoy the art or the subject.

Kevin Milkins
17-Aug-08, 21:15
Have deleted it Kevin :(

Second attempt folks


That looks cool.
Not sure if it would blend with Leith Walk but You have to admire people that have the talent to do that.

percy toboggan
17-Aug-08, 21:19
I visited Invergordon in July for the first time. I saw two murals as I drove out of the town...both near a filling station. I took photographs of them. They were okay...but I'd not like to live close by to them I think. They are meant to captivate visitors for a minute or two...and irritate the locals - in my opinion.

Sounds like an EU style of Democracy...ignore the result or ask a different question 'til you get the right answer (or the one you want)

17-Aug-08, 21:22
i have just come back from northern ireland and i think some of the murals over there are fantastic and then there are also some that are not so good

percy toboggan
17-Aug-08, 21:41
i have just come back from northern ireland and i think some of the murals over there are fantastic and then there are also some that are not so good

I agree...the better ones (subjective statement of course) have a certian historical context...albeit fairly recent history. I'd like to see a few preserved for all time to be honest...though obviously the locals have the final say.

17-Aug-08, 21:58
I'd like to see a few preserved for all time to be honest...though obviously the locals have the final say.[/quote]

I think the majority of the ones that are left will be left, that was what i was told by someone over there

can anyone help as i would like to post a few of them but i don't know how

17-Aug-08, 22:49
Wall murals are great for brightening up dull and drab looking building, but they have to be well done otherwise they are just another piece of graffiti.

18-Aug-08, 06:52
i have just come back from northern ireland and i think some of the murals over there are fantastic and then there are also some that are not so good

Have to agree their are some amazing murals in Norn Irn. Obviously they depict certain events cultures etc but you cant hide the fact that they are very good, whichever side of the fence you come from. Would post a link to some but to be fair wont as it may offend some.

18-Aug-08, 11:20
You mean the one in my avataar Jox - it is class!

Sorry scotsboy, I still think it's hideous even though it's different from last time I saw it.

18-Aug-08, 17:01
not to keen on the ones in invergordon have to admit but i do like the one at leith. its not on leith walk tho its at the end of junction street so it looks good beside the water and trees. :)

18-Aug-08, 18:20
Wall murals are great for brightening up dull and drab looking building, but they have to be well done otherwise they are just another piece of graffiti.

One man's graffiti is another man's art. ;)


18-Aug-08, 18:25
Liked the mural at Junction street.......... it`s right opposite my dentist and when we lived in the City I passed it every day going for the rolls and milk. There are statues in the garden below, but the vandals got to them and some are broken, they depict sailors and I think it was a Caithness sculptor who fashioned them......... sure Golach will correct me if I`m wrong.

18-Aug-08, 19:20
Liked the mural at Junction street.......... it`s right opposite my dentist and when we lived in the City I passed it every day going for the rolls and milk. There are statues in the garden below, but the vandals got to them and some are broken, they depict sailors and I think it was a Caithness sculptor who fashioned them......... sure Golach will correct me if I`m wrong.
Not sure who the sculptor was Poppett, but yes the local yobs have beheaded some of the statues. I too lived in that area of Leith for many years.
Found this link too Poppett
