View Full Version : New Year

16-Dec-05, 13:11
This is a message for all you caithness folks who won't be at home for New Year, (and those of you who will be) Caithness FM will be hosting a Hogmanay show from 11pm to 2am and would be delighted to play requests for your friends and family in the county.

This is likely to be the last time that CFM will be allowed to play over "the bells" due to new management at MFR so we'd like to make this our best hogmanay party yet with links from the Thurso street party (Wick as well if anyone wants to phone in! give us a ring before hand and we'll sort something out 01847 890000)

so please, if you'd like a message sent to anyone in caithness for the New Year send an email to us at [email protected] or phone us or even text us on the above number.

Best wishes to you all when it comes!

23-Dec-05, 11:57
Don't forget to phone, email or text us in your requests and dedications for the Hogmanay party

Happy New Year when it comes!