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View Full Version : Dangerous dogs....

04-Aug-08, 12:21
I always get the feeling that Orgers are extremely responsible dog owners, but wonder how you would react, and what you would do, if you knew of a dog that was potentially dangerous?

I've just had the dreadful news that my daughter's best pal, who's pregnant, and her two wee girls, aged four and a half and 18 months, were attacked a couple of days ago by a dog here in Edinburgh....just completely out of the blue.

It was a terrifying experience for all three and both girls have puncture wounds -their mum had to try to prise the dog off the older girl who'd been knocked to the ground. :~(

I don't know every detail of how this came to happen- it's now in the hands of the police. For all I know this could have been completely uncharacteristic behaviour on the part of a well trained dog -though it does seem unlikely.

But it started me wondering what I would do if I knew of a dog that seemed to be a possible danger to the public. Before this I think I might have ignored it, but now I would report it....but who to? :confused

What would you do?

04-Aug-08, 12:23
I would and have reported a dog I thought to be dangerous, I reported it to the local council who sent out the dog warden to check it out. Better safe than sorry

04-Aug-08, 14:17
I would report such a dog to the Police without question !

Over the years I have been bitten, my daughter has been bitten on the face, and my sons have been terrified out of their skin. As a result we are all terrified of dogs.

I am so sorry to hear that your friends have been attacked in this way. I do hope the little girls will recover from the shock.


04-Aug-08, 15:31
How awful! I hope your friend and the children have no long lasting effects from this.

arana negra
04-Aug-08, 15:34
If I had the misfortune to be in the situation again I would get as much detail as I could, date time place best description of dog and handler witnesses as I could. I would write it all out and take and send copies to the Police, the Council Dog Warden and the R.S.P.C.A.

04-Aug-08, 19:59
Hi there - my dog and my aunt's dog have both been badly attacked by an alsation in Wick - neither time was the alsation on a lead and both times the other dogs were. One is a border terrier so little though he is, he fought his corner but the other is a yorkie / spaniel cross and she was so terrified she'll hardly leave the house now. I don't know if it was the same dog attacking each time but I STRONGLY believe that if people cannot control their dogs, they should NOT be letting them off the lead!!!!!