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15-Dec-05, 01:48
whats the worst chat up line you have heard and please keep it clean.

15-Dec-05, 01:49
come home with me and i'll read you a bedtime story

15-Dec-05, 02:06
whats the worst chat up line you have heard

and please keep it clean.

Come, come now, is that really possible?:rolleyes: :D

15-Dec-05, 02:08

Come, come now, is that really possible?:rolleyes: :D

maybe not see your not posting one!:rolleyes:

The Pepsi Challenge
15-Dec-05, 02:25
So, ehh, you on the Pill, aye?

15-Dec-05, 02:34
Hi my name is Ken, how do you like me so far?

15-Dec-05, 08:36
Hi goergous heres 20p go and phone home and and tell them you won't be coming home tonight.

15-Dec-05, 09:47
You must be tired, you've been running through my mind all day.....YUK!!

15-Dec-05, 10:27
worst chat up line used on me has to be

Him: is your dad a thief
Me: what????
Him: cos he stole the stars out the sky and put them in your eyes
Me: pass the sick bucket, yuck

15-Dec-05, 11:35
I cant post it

its tooooooooo rude

I was shocked!!!!

But then i was 18 and still shockable

15-Dec-05, 12:47
What about -

"Do you wanna dance, infact nevermind cause I know I'll be dancing in your bed later" ! - Eh..no!!

15-Dec-05, 14:15
When they made the alphabet they should have put U and I together.

How was heaven when you left?

Is your dad an alien because their is nothing else like you in the world?

15-Dec-05, 16:52
if kisses were snowflakes id send u a blizzard saw that in a paper the other day shocking!!

15-Dec-05, 16:55
"Did someone put a mirror in your pants, as I can see myself in them later on"

"I wish you were a door, so I could bang you all night"

15-Dec-05, 18:51
Stop yapping and get the drinks in....

15-Dec-05, 20:55
Love the frock .... but it would look better on my bedroon floor,,,,,,,,,, sheeeeeeeeeeeesh:rolleyes:

15-Dec-05, 21:04
A young lassie in a dance hall in Fountainbridge in Edinburgh in the 60's says what do you work at?
Me "I travel in Oil"
Young Lassie "Where"
Me "All over the World"
Young Lassie Swoons
Me to my mate "Well I have worked on Shell Tankers as a Cabin Boy"

15-Dec-05, 23:20
"Excuse me ladies could you direct us to the local holstelry as we seem to be having trouble finding one?"
That in a town that has 17 pubs in a main street less than a mile long

15-Dec-05, 23:58
when i was a teen riding my bicycle, a young policeman stopped me and asked for my drivers license. I said, I dont need a driver's license to ride a bike. He kept after me for my address, and I kept askin, why did you stop me, have I broken any bicycle law. He never did have an answer. grrrrrrr

Oh and it was a cloudy day and I busted him for wearing dark sunglasses as a fashion accessory/intimidation technique. I can thank my caithness grannie for my smart mouth.

16-Dec-05, 01:11
Music is rubbish let's go and make our own, barf!!

16-Dec-05, 01:15
i use that all the time,maybe weve met

haha was that you?? scruffy, creepy, sod hanging onto the side of the bar dribbling, gosh! your everywhere.

16-Dec-05, 01:19
no that was my brother,he uses that line too

so it was, you were dribbling on the other side of the bar you look like your brother though!:rolleyes:

16-Dec-05, 01:24
im better lookin tho

it's pretty hard to tell the difference although if you look close enough you have more spots!

16-Dec-05, 11:31
wow, look at those eyes... Did you get them before or after you bought the top...?
