View Full Version : Time for a change?

15-Dec-05, 01:09
Another evening with no caithness.org. :(

I hope you guys have decent SLAs in place with Architec and are getting at least some of your hosting fee back in penalty charges… if not, I’d be looking for a new host if I were you.

Niall Fernie
15-Dec-05, 12:00

"The service and support to date has been second to none and the connectivity and speed of the actual servers have been excellent. Rackspace's delivery of 'burstable bandwidth' will become valuable as we transfer more and more domains. As some of our sites are heavily populated, this will be a significant benefit once we have all our services with Rackspace."From this page: http://www.rackspace.co.uk/aboutus/[email protected] (http://www.rackspace.co.uk/aboutus/[email protected])

According to Rackspace we should be getting "Zero-Downtime", unfortunately we dont have a money-back guarantee with Architec but they seem to have with Rackspace... :rolleyes:

Changing host is something we are seriously looking at, but having performed a server move in the past it's not a job I would choose to do lightly. I just have my fingers crossed that we can make it through to next year without too much disruption. The black pages still haunt me from a couple of years ago.

15-Dec-05, 12:29
"Rackspace provides round-the-clock monitoring, [...] backup power supply and high-speed and redundant network connectivity to ensure uniterrupted high performance and data integrity. [...] We're dedicated to providing hosting excellence with our 100% network up-time guarantee. Over the past year our customers have experienced genuine 100% network up-time - we understand how important it is that Web sites are reliable and secure."

As they say, the devil is in the detail... It doesn't matter if the drives are fried, the web-server has fallen over or the cleaners balance their coffee-cups in the CD tray; so long as the network is up they're covered. I wish I worked to guarantees like that ;)

I've got to say, offering your customers "Fanatical Support™" rather than bog-standard, professional support is a genius move.

Ah well, it's a thankless job, eh Niall?