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View Full Version : George Galloway Greits about Gaelic

Melancholy Man
28-Jul-08, 12:13
He should write a letter (http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/comment/columnists/lifestyle-columnists/george-galloway/2008/02/04/gaelic-station-is-a-turn-off-for-viewers-86908-20308810/) to the Groat.

28-Jul-08, 15:14
Got to say I agree with George Galloway........more good could be made of the money elsewhere.

28-Jul-08, 16:37
Dont often say this but I agree with "Gorgeous george".
It is an absolute waste of money for a very small minority. I agree they should get a TV station but surely not at that amount.
That channel has been on my freeview box for about 4 years and I've yet to see it on!.
Why dont they use that money to start a "highlands" channel, then we would see how STV etc would be inondated by people complaining. The money was probably earmarked by some political correct liberal who thought it would be "right on" to make a gaelic channel.

28-Jul-08, 17:30
Dont often say this but I agree with "Gorgeous george".
It is an absolute waste of money for a very small minority. I agree they should get a TV station but surely not at that amount.
That channel has been on my freeview box for about 4 years and I've yet to see it on!.
Why dont they use that money to start a "highlands" channel, then we would see how STV etc would be inondated by people complaining. The money was probably earmarked by some political correct liberal who thought it would be "right on" to make a gaelic channel.

My sentiments as well, although I like the idea of a Highland tv channel in ENGLISH as the majority write in it, think in it,communicate in it.

Cant believe George the chameleon Galloway actually thinks this way!!!! He mustve had a knock on the head recently.

28-Jul-08, 20:04
Ye Gods, i'm agreeing with George Galloway:eek:

I'm all for Gaelic culture, but he has made some very good points in that piece. Well said.

28-Jul-08, 23:09
Does seem like an awful lot of money for a dedicated station for so small a group of people. Having said that I would hate for gaelic to die out and I do quite enjoy the gaelic progs on the beeb even if I have to use the sub titles!

28-Jul-08, 23:18
He should write a letter (http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/comment/columnists/lifestyle-columnists/george-galloway/2008/02/04/gaelic-station-is-a-turn-off-for-viewers-86908-20308810/) to the Groat.
Thats a little out of date Melancholy man....read that back in February:mad:

28-Jul-08, 23:23
Thats a little out of date Melancholy man....read that back in February:mad:

Grumpy, grumpy gol! Obviously a few of us missed it cos we replied! ;)

28-Jul-08, 23:27
I'm all for the Gaelic if it confuses the English enough to deter them from settling here.:Razz

29-Jul-08, 10:51
Stick your head back up your rear end George...

29-Jul-08, 11:11
Got to say I agree with George Galloway........more good could be made of the money elsewhere.

He may have licked milk like a cat but the man does have a point. Very few of us speak the language or were ever given the opportunity to speak it. So why foist the cost of broadcasting it on to the non-speakers.

29-Jul-08, 15:47
I'm all for the Gaelic if it confuses the English enough to deter them from settling here.:Razz

Didn't stop me, TBH. ;)

I find my Yorkshire accent confuses the Weekers though......

29-Jul-08, 15:51
Didn't stop me, TBH. ;)

I find my Yorkshire accent confuses the Weekers though......By Eck lad, you could be right.

29-Jul-08, 15:58
I'm all for the Gaelic if it confuses the English enough to deter them from settling here.:Razz

If you did not have Dounreay and the English in the county you would still be a backwater over the Ord!!

29-Jul-08, 15:59
A backwater that speaks English though ;)

29-Jul-08, 16:01
We are still a backwater over the Ord, nothing new there then.

30-Jul-08, 05:42
If you did not have Dounreay and the English in the county you would still be a backwater over the Ord!!

mibbes aye mibbes naw,but you wouldnt be able to give a fax about it if it wasnt for a Caithness citizen !!! ;)

Melancholy Man
30-Jul-08, 11:45
He may have licked milk like a cat but the man does have a point.

That was actually one of the most noble things he's ever done. Humiliated himself for the benefit of others, rather than what personal benefit he could extract.

True, just 60,000 or so speak it regularly, but this will increase when considering learners or the many who still use bits of it. And it's has a established providence in a major part of Scotland's cultures which, to be frank, Punjabi and Polish do not.

Can you imagine the outcry if the government gave £50 per week per head to subsidise Lahore TV?

And more people speak Polish in Scotland than speak Gaelic but Gdansk TV could only dream of such a subsidy.

Both spurious analogies. Those are hypothetical stations in existing third party countries which would broadcast to there. Not an indigenous culture which has resided in (parts of) Scotland for centuries and more.

And does he have anything to suggest this implicity accusation of racism and intolerance? Of course he doesn't, but being a Stalinist, this doesn't matter. Furthermore, is he suggesting he's opposed to the many community language funding programmes in Scotland?

The man is an absolute disgrace. Having thrown racialist firebombs about Bethnal Green and Bow, here he is attempting to sow more seeds of distrust and petty jealousy in Scotland.

30-Jul-08, 14:10
He may have licked milk like a cat but the man does have a point. Very few of us speak the language or were ever given the opportunity to speak it. So why foist the cost of broadcasting it on to the non-speakers.

The cost of broadcasting is paid for by the state - the same state that paid for a school system that actively excluded gaelic for a century and more.

I'm not going to write a long reply to Galloway's article, other than to say I disagree with every single word he's ever written on gaelic. In fact, I find his views extremely offensive - he has in the past I believe referred to it in a derogatory fashion as "choochter talk".

His us / them attitude is despicable and this article's attempt at tabloid humour by evoking Highland sterotypes (Hoots mon, Angus Og and Free Presbyterianism etc) would be considered questionable were it aimed at any other minority in the country.

And that's me biting my tongue!!

30-Jul-08, 14:24
Erm,.... did someone say something about Gaelic? And who's George Galloway? ;)

WBG :cool:

30-Jul-08, 22:09
We were wondering where you were.............. George Galloway is a repulsive cretinous reptile(proper meaning Loafer) that doesnt care much for Gaelic either[lol]