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View Full Version : Guitar hero psychedelia!!!

26-Jul-08, 17:31
Having just purchased and "rocked out" to Guitar hero I have noticed a strange phenomenom.
After playing a song without taking my eyes off the screen when i look away the walls move!!!.
Its great,the clock is another one thats amazing, has anyone else noticed this?
Its an acid trip without the acid and 100% legal!!!!
Hope Im not the only one or thats the last time I let the wife make tea ;)

26-Jul-08, 18:11
Which screen? Is this a DVD or are you playin something on the PC - I am confused (can you tell and nothin new some would say?)?
Last time you "let" the wife make tea??? How generous of you! [lol]

26-Jul-08, 19:11
I to have had this experience it is very weird, if you stand up and look at the floor its kinda weird to:eek:

Also my boyfriend and a friend of mine, have had the same feeling of things moving after you take your eyes of the screen.

So your not the only one, and i am sure your wife will be giving you a swift clip round the head for suggesting it could have something to do with her cooking lol:lol:

26-Jul-08, 19:15
Which screen? Is this a DVD or are you playin something on the PC - I am confused (can you tell and nothin new some would say?)?
Last time you "let" the wife make tea??? How generous of you! [lol]

It's a game for computer like PS3, XBOX 360 ect. There is a link below (i hope it works) if you want to have a look.


26-Jul-08, 19:25
Got ya now - thanks floyed! Thanks for link - I can see how it would make you see movin walls!
PS I hope mrs hotrod gies him a clout too! [lol]

28-Jul-08, 11:18
Got ya now - thanks floyed! Thanks for link - I can see how it would make you see movin walls!
PS I hope mrs hotrod gies him a cup of tea too! [lol]

She never gave me a clout, she gave me some tea! ;) lol
(i didnt change your post it was the big boys who did it and ran away ;) jok

28-Jul-08, 16:28
Aye those big boys have a lot to answer for! ;)