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21-Jul-08, 11:56
If you gave away something for nothing on the org, how would you feel if the recipient sold it on very soon after?

This has happened to me and I felt very aggrieved as the items I gave were intended to make someones life a little easier as they had needy children.

Has this ever happened to you. If so how did you feel?

21-Jul-08, 12:05
This has never happened to me mccaugm, but if it did, I'd feel I'd been taken advantage of, made a fool of, even.

I'd be extremely annoyed - to put it very mildly! [evil]

Kevin Milkins
21-Jul-08, 12:28
Live and learn mccaucgm.
It does kind of destroy your faith in human nature though.:(
For every kind and generous person there is in the world there are ten that will take advantage of that kindness.

21-Jul-08, 12:41
shady isn't it ,we gave away a couple of rabbits and they were sold to pets at home,where they pay £9 a head.

21-Jul-08, 12:56
name & shame :lol:

21-Jul-08, 13:02
ditto. they spoil it for the genuinely needy

21-Jul-08, 14:07
I would name and shame as thats a pretty sad way to treat someone who went out of their way to genuinely help.

A while back on here i was selling sims for mobiles that I got free by e-mailing and phoning, I stated I got them free and advised the price accordingly. Someone jamp on my post and reported me as "running a business" and my for sale was removed, so there are people out their who feel morally obliged its now that you need them!!!!!

21-Jul-08, 14:21
If you gave away something for nothing on the org, how would you feel if the recipient sold it on very soon after?

This has happened to me and I felt very aggrieved as the items I gave were intended to make someones life a little easier as they had needy children.

Has this ever happened to you. If so how did you feel?

I would feel just as as you if its free its free.

We were given a lovely bed sofa when we moved into this house,we didnt have much so it was appreciated.
When the time came that we could afford to replace it I advertised as free to a good cause.It was still ingreat condition and the lady felt something should be offered so we told her to donate to worthy charity.

Makes you seriously doubt some peoples intentions.:~(

21-Jul-08, 14:32
I suppose once you've given something to someone it's up to the new owner what to do with it but it's really quite cheeky to accept something for free with the intention of selling it on! I'd be rather peeved if that happened to me.

Anything I've had via the org 'free stuff' I've kept except one item which I gave to my sister but I made that clear up front when I asked for it.

21-Jul-08, 14:51
It's not the first time it has happened. Sadly some people in life are just out for themselves and don't care about the feelings of others.

21-Jul-08, 17:17
Thanks for all your comments, I won't publicly name and shame as that seems somewhat petty but if your concerned about your "free" items going to the "wrong" home PM me.

21-Jul-08, 19:42
There are a lot of people who want to make an easy buck.I do not think they know the meaning of the word "conscience"!!!