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15-Jul-08, 11:41
That large, bright thing in the sky tonight will be Jupiter, cloud dependant of course. Anyone with even a small telescope will get a really good view of it, and even binoculars will be useful. Look to the south, and just above the horizon.

Dont get confused with the moon, which may be brighter and larger.

15-Jul-08, 12:31
Cheers for the info.

Hope the cloud clears by then.:confused

15-Jul-08, 23:02
Jupiter should be visible over the next month or two, low above the southern horizon as the sky darkens.
Here are a couple of pics I snapped of it recently whilst out observing some noctilucent clouds (http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?t=52128).

The first is a wide angle shot with it showing prominently above Thurso College:

This second photo was taken with my digital compact at full zoom (10x). It shows a couple of the moons closeby it. If you have a decent pair of binoculars (& weather permits!) you can see up to four of Jupiters brighter moons move position around the planet from one night to the next.
As DeHaviLand points out it's well worth a look if you have binoculars or a telescope/ spotting scope!

15-Jul-08, 23:06
I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for it but like DeH said I've got too many clouds:(

Kevin Milkins
15-Jul-08, 23:29
I just set up my field scope on a tripod and got it in between the cloud cover.
When the clouds move on I will have a go at a better close up focus..
Thanks for the info though as we have never seen Jupitor before

16-Jul-08, 00:11
Saw it in between the clouds here - not as good as Mars I saw recently but would, I am sure, be better if the night was not so cloudy.

George Brims
16-Jul-08, 01:27
For a nice daily astronomy picture check http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html

A few days ago they published this one of Saturn, Mars, Regulus, and the moon in a nice alignment. I was about 200 miles to the east of the spot pictured at the time, but I was too busy barbecuing my dinner to take a picture as they set over the pine trees.


16-Jul-08, 01:46
Amazing - check out July 5 entry! How I would have loved to have been there! Three of my favourite things - fireworks, the night sky and lightning - wow! Thanks for posting GB!