View Full Version : Wick co-op moving/ Somerfield's closing

15-Jul-08, 01:17
People on the Poulteney side of wick will be upset to know the co-op is moving next year.
They beat Asda and Sainsbury in their bid for Somerfield's present store.
Somerfields will be finishing so there will no longer be a somerfields store between Inverness and wick.
Co-op want a smaller floor space, hence the move.They will lose a lot of trade from the schoolkids. At one time they applied for planning consent to have a cafe in the store and that is why i thought they were moving things about to make space.
Pity Asda didnt get Somerfields, but i am glad Co-op is staying.

15-Jul-08, 09:02
As you say Fran it will affect those on the Pulteney side. Its a shame to see Somerfields closing. I for one shopped there quite often when down town. If the Co-op move there they will attract more people than at Angle Park. I wonder how long the Co-op building will lie empty?

15-Jul-08, 09:11
I know someone who works in Somerfields and she's not heard anything about this...............or maybe they just haven't been told yet :eek:

15-Jul-08, 09:38
People on the Poulteney side of wick will be upset to know the co-op is moving next year.
They beat Asda and Sainsbury in their bid for Somerfield's present store.
Somerfields will be finishing so there will no longer be a somerfields store between Inverness and wick.
Co-op want a smaller floor space, hence the move.They will lose a lot of trade from the schoolkids. At one time they applied for planning consent to have a cafe in the store and that is why i thought they were moving things about to make space.
Pity Asda didnt get Somerfields, but i am glad Co-op is staying.

This Post is UNTRUE as the CO OP Has Not made DECISIONS as to what is going to happen .
The CO OP have Purchased Sommerfield group not just the Wick store.

15-Jul-08, 09:57
"They beat Asda and Sainsbury in their bid for Somerfield's present store."

I find it unusual that ASDA was beaten by Somerfields!?
Surely Someone must know the full story..

15-Jul-08, 10:54
I think we need to know, is Coachman really Big A :confused

15-Jul-08, 10:54
Maybe ASDA will take on the old co-op?

15-Jul-08, 11:34
I hope the Nationals get a grip of themselves and realise that if they want the real, up to date news then they must tap into the rich seam of insider information that is to be had in Caithness. The truth is out there.

Murdina Bug
15-Jul-08, 11:44
Curiosity got the better of me so I googled Somerfields and found this in the 'retail weekly'. I would think that any further info on which stores are moving/merging/closing is just guess work at this stage!

<LI class=publish>Published: 14 July 2008 08:36 Author: Lisa Berwin ([email protected])
<LI class=update>The Co-operative Group is this week expected to complete its £1.6 billion takeover of rival chain Somerfield.
The Somerfield deal will take Co-op's portfolio to more than 3,100 supermarkets and convenience stores. The group will have almost 8 per cent of the market share, closing in on Morrisons, which is the UK's fourth biggest supermarket at present with an 11.5 per cent market share.
Somerfield was put up for sale in January by a consortium led by private equity group Apax. At the time, it was hoped the sale would be worth about £2.5 billion, but the credit crunch had a serious impact on Somerfield's sale price.
About 120 Somerfield stores are expected to be offloaded to other supermarkets following the sale.

15-Jul-08, 11:44
From what I believe, the Coop have bought over Somerfield but in any towns that a Coop already exists, they will not create two, therefore, any Somerfield stores in such a town (like Wick) will close and the building will be sold/rented out for something else.

Murdina Bug
15-Jul-08, 14:12
That's not strictly accurate. There are two Co-ops in Thurso already! Ok, one of them is very small (Springpark) but there are two!

15-Jul-08, 14:23
It was stated in the paper I believe that, in a town where a co-op foodstore already exists, they would not create another as a result of their takeover. All co-op stores are to be renamed "The Cooperative Food"

I don't think they are referring to convenience stores.

15-Jul-08, 14:34
Asda are buying the bignold park in Wick to build a huge supermarket with plans for a garden centre there also. They are also buying the Somerfield building in Wick with the idea of using it to sell their George range of clothing.

15-Jul-08, 14:38
Asda are buying the bignold park in Wick to build a huge supermarket with plans for a garden centre there also. They are also buying the Somerfield building in Wick with the idea of using it to sell their George range of clothing.

Are you actually being serious about that?

15-Jul-08, 14:46
Apparently they have decided that their George range is too good a seller to be restricted to a few aisles in a supermarket so they are going to use smaller stores specifically for the purpose of selling the full range on offer, hopefully enhancing their substantial profits in the bargain clothing market.

15-Jul-08, 15:47
TBH: "Asda are buying the bignold park in Wick to build a huge supermarket with plans for a garden centre there also. They are also buying the Somerfield building in Wick with the idea of using it to sell their George range of clothing."
Yes you're right, I've heard that as well.
(In *Preston they've already got a separate George store)


15-Jul-08, 15:54
So really no ones knows anything for sure and its all pure speculation as usual :roll:

15-Jul-08, 16:01
So really no ones knows anything for sure and its all pure speculation as usual :roll:This is a marketing strategy by walmart/Asda to gain a foothold in the clothing market.
Rather than be seen as a cheap range being sold in a supermarket they are trying to establish the George range as a separate enterprise.

15-Jul-08, 16:02
Do you honestly think they would get planning permission to take over one of the only masses of greenery in Wick which is next to a playingfields, football practing grounds which are used by East End Football Club. I don't think so.

15-Jul-08, 16:09
Do you honestly think they would get planning permission to take over one of the only masses of greenery in Wick which is next to a playingfields, football practing grounds which are used by East End Football Club. I don't think so.
They most definitely would get planning permission. Wick has other areas that could be developed as play areas for the children. The bignold park is a prime area for developement and big companies are sitting up and taking notice of this fact.

Highland Laddie
15-Jul-08, 16:10
Asda are buying the bignold park in Wick to build a huge supermarket with plans for a garden centre there also. They are also buying the Somerfield building in Wick with the idea of using it to sell their George range of clothing.

And there goes another flying pig

15-Jul-08, 16:13
I seem to remember years ago about it going up for sale, lately the 'Core Paths Plan' No 215.046 were looking at it too - a LOT of open spaces have been sold to those who offer the most - don't forget the land where Tesco is now was 'green field' and yet the Council ignored it (unlike Thurso) - I think maybe that's why ASDA and George are going for it in Wick and not Thurso?

15-Jul-08, 16:18
They most definitely would get planning permission. Wick has other areas that could be developed as play areas for the children. The bignold park is a prime area for developement and big companies are sitting up and taking notice of this fact.

I honestly do not think they will get planning permission. I'm sure it would receive many objections. This is the only place in Wick which has big enough ground for the East End club to hold their football club. If the ground was taken over by ASDA, they would have to stop. It's directly opposite houses and I'm sure residents wont want a massive monstrosity of a building to look onto instead of trees, grass and playing fields.

15-Jul-08, 16:21
I honestly do not think they will get planning permission. I'm sure it would receive many objections. This is the only place in Wick which has big enough ground for the East End club to hold their football club. If the ground was taken over by ASDA, they would have to stop. It's directly opposite houses and I'm sure residents wont want a massive monstrosity of a building to look onto instead of trees, grass and playing fields.

Oh dear, sense of humour failure:D.

15-Jul-08, 17:06
And there goes another flying pigThey will be selling those at £5 per Kilo.;)

15-Jul-08, 17:07
I honestly do not think they will get planning permission. I'm sure it would receive many objections. This is the only place in Wick which has big enough ground for the East End club to hold their football club. If the ground was taken over by ASDA, they would have to stop. It's directly opposite houses and I'm sure residents wont want a massive monstrosity of a building to look onto instead of trees, grass and playing fields.The residents wont have a say. I mean, who the hell do they think they are, they buy their houses but there is no provision in the title deeds for a view.

15-Jul-08, 18:55
I don't normally agree with you TBH, but in this instance you might be right, as during the fiasco over ASDA coming to Pennyland, it was pointed out a number of times that the houses overlooking the potential site, had 'no right to a view' as this is not enshrined in Planning Law.
And if you read the 'conditions' imposed by the Council; IF ASDA had got Pennyland, a childrens play area, bus stops landscaping had to be funded by ASDA, so no doubt if ASDA did get Bignold some form of recreation area would be found for a possible transposition.

15-Jul-08, 19:32
Interesting that this all seems to be happening as the developers (my other half included) have worked out that the demographics in Caithness don't indicate the kind of retail spending required to sell a development. Perhaps that massive oil strike will change everything? Look out the white stilettos ladies- it's Aberdeen circa the 1970's

15-Jul-08, 19:58
"They beat Asda and Sainsbury in their bid for Somerfield's present store."

I find it unusual that ASDA was beaten by Somerfields!?
Surely Someone must know the full story..

Yeah me too i must admit

15-Jul-08, 20:03
Research has brought up the 'Buying manager' ASDA; Mr Gelrouy-gnillup (What a weird name if you don't mind me saying!), but it is the intention of ASDA to have separate sections locations for it's stores aka 'George' as mentioned earlier, and with the Far North being bereft of such an outlet, initial consultation is to be initiated "within weeks"..

15-Jul-08, 20:22
Research has brought up the 'Buying manager' ASDA; Mr Gelrouy-gnillup (What a weird name if you don't mind me saying!), but it is the intention of ASDA to have separate sections locations for it's stores aka 'George' as mentioned earlier, and with the Far North being bereft of such an outlet, initial consultation is to be initiated "within weeks"..

At last, some information we can believe in :)

15-Jul-08, 21:24
I don't normally agree with you TBH, but in this instance you might be right, as during the fiasco over ASDA coming to Pennyland, it was pointed out a number of times that the houses overlooking the potential site, had 'no right to a view' as this is not enshrined in Planning Law.
And if you read the 'conditions' imposed by the Council; IF ASDA had got Pennyland, a childrens play area, bus stops landscaping had to be funded by ASDA, so no doubt if ASDA did get Bignold some form of recreation area would be found for a possible transposition.
That's perfectly okay old chap, I don't normally agree with myself either.:D

16-Jul-08, 20:15
The staff at our local Somerfields were told this morning of the Coop takeover.

It'll be a couple of months before the staff know exactly what the coops intention is for the store in Portree.
They allready have a large store up near the industrial estate so the prospect isnt looking too bright for another in the village.:(

17-Jul-08, 00:19
This Post is UNTRUE as the CO OP Has Not made DECISIONS as to what is going to happen .
The CO OP have Purchased Sommerfield group not just the Wick store.

I can assure you this post is true. i always check out my facts before putting things on here, You will read about it in the "groat" on friday.
The entire Somerfield chain of 900 stores has been sold for around £1.5million. Restricted in what can be said as the bid has been referred to the office of fair trading.
But ...co-op are definetly moving into Somerfeilds wick store premises. Somerfields will be no longer. Co-op is down sizing. This is happening next year. Co-op has already started clearing out, lots of items reduced.

17-Jul-08, 00:57
I can assure you this post is true. i always check out my facts before putting things on here, You will read about it in the "groat" on friday.
The entire Somerfield chain of 900 stores has been sold for around £1.5million. Restricted in what can be said as the bid has been referred to the office of fair trading.
But ...co-op are definetly moving into Somerfeilds wick store premises. Somerfields will be no longer. Co-op is down sizing. This is happening next year. Co-op has already started clearing out, lots of items reduced.Don't you mean Billion?:eek:

George Brims
17-Jul-08, 22:32
So really no ones knows anything for sure and its all pure speculation as usual :roll:

Well this is a *Caithness* web forum!

George Brims
17-Jul-08, 22:33
They most definitely would get planning permission. Wick has other areas that could be developed as play areas for the children. The bignold park is a prime area for developement and big companies are sitting up and taking notice of this fact.

Why don't they use the old Glass Factory site - or has something been done with it already?

17-Jul-08, 22:46
Why don't they use the old Glass Factory site - or has something been done with it already?Which one, the original in Harrow Hill of the one near the Airport?

17-Jul-08, 22:50
I can assure you this post is true. i always check out my facts before putting things on here, You will read about it in the "groat" on friday.
The entire Somerfield chain of 900 stores has been sold for around £1.5million. Restricted in what can be said as the bid has been referred to the office of fair trading.
But ...co-op are definetly moving into Somerfeilds wick store premises. Somerfields will be no longer. Co-op is down sizing. This is happening next year. Co-op has already started clearing out, lots of items reduced.

Where is the proof?

It may well happen, but without a credible source it means nothing. Many stores have reduced items on a regular basis.

This thread has no credibility.

17-Jul-08, 22:54
Where is the proof?

This thread has no credibility.
Is this proof Scorrie, and is it credible?


17-Jul-08, 22:54
Why don't they use the old Glass Factory site - or has something been done with it already?

The old one at Harrow hill is now a housing estate, the one at the Airport is now A&D furniture store.

18-Jul-08, 00:16
Where is the proof?

It may well happen, but without a credible source it means nothing. Many stores have reduced items on a regular basis.

This thread has no credibility.

Well you can read all about it in the "john O'Groat journal tomorrow, then maybe you will beleive me.

18-Jul-08, 01:33
Is this proof Scorrie, and is it credible?


Get a grip on yourself Golach. The link is merely proof that the Co-op have purchased MOST Somerfield stores. If you had the intelligence, you would read that not ALL stores have been purchased. It is a condition that some stores be sold on. Unless I am sorely mistaken, there is NO mention whatsoever about either the Wick Co-op or Wick Somerfield, far less their fates in the link given.

It is fairly obvious that you do not have any idea what the thread was originally about. It MAY well turn out to be correct, but forums are not best served by comment without proof at the time the comment was made.

If you look back through previous speculation on this, you will find that I was the FIRST person to point out the FACTS about the Co-op taking over Somerfield. Another person posted a link that was three years out of date and posters lapped it up as fact that the Co-op had pulled out of the deal. That truth is there if you have the will and the capability to look back at it.

18-Jul-08, 01:42
Well you can read all about it in the "john O'Groat journal tomorrow, then maybe you will beleive me.

Facts have to be backed up at the time. Who/where was the source?

I alerted readers earlier in the year that a report, referenced here, of the supposed backing off of the Co-op from buying Somerfield, was three years out of date.

In addition to the original post, there was talk of ASDA buying the Bignold Park. As far as I am concerned, that is bollocks and should not be allowed without some sort of substantiation.

If I recall correctly, you posted on this website that the Co-op was building a Cafe. That worked out really accurate, didn't it?

18-Jul-08, 11:06
so what is the truth really here, this is just a mad game of chinese whispers, i think, everyone has an opinion but does anyone actualy no the truth here.

18-Jul-08, 11:31
so what is the truth really here, this is just a mad game of chinese whispers, i think, everyone has an opinion but does anyone actualy no the truth here.

As I said earlier, nobody knows what is happening with the stores. The deal still has to be given the go ahead for a start.

Here is the story from the Groat website. I assume that this is the same story that is in the paper itself. According to Fran, this story was supposed to prove that her prognosis was correct. As you can read, there is NOTHING written in stone yet. Fran's scenario may well come to fruition. It is certainly one of very few options that exist. My point is that there is no certainty at this moment. Anyone who followed the earlier progress on the Co-op bid for Somerfield, would have read that the Co-op did not actually want all of the Somerfield stores and they were in negotiation with the other big players to sell some of the Somerfield stores on. It is not impossible that the Wick Somerfield might be one of those sold on to a competitor. From my viewpoint, neither the Co-op or Somerfield are exactly setting the heather alight in terms of the footfall going through the doors. I would be worried that closing one store to move to a smaller store would have an adverse impact on the overall job numbers.

http://www.johnogroat-journal.co.uk/news/fullstory.php/aid/4936/Uncertainty_over_jobs_after_%A31.5bn_supermarket_d eal.html

18-Jul-08, 20:40
Facts have to be backed up at the time. Who/where was the source?

I alerted readers earlier in the year that a report, referenced here, of the supposed backing off of the Co-op from buying Somerfield, was three years out of date.

In addition to the original post, there was talk of ASDA buying the Bignold Park. As far as I am concerned, that is bollocks and should not be allowed without some sort of substantiation.

If I recall correctly, you posted on this website that the Co-op was building a Cafe. That worked out really accurate, didn't it?ASDA are very interested in the bignold park area, it is a prime site for developement. If you wish to purchase bollocks I am sure they could source some for you as they are very good like that, any preferences?

18-Jul-08, 23:21
ASDA are very interested in the bignold park area, it is a prime site for developement. If you wish to purchase bollocks I am sure they could source some for you as they are very good like that, any preferences?

Who owns the Bignold Park then?

If would rather purchase bollocks than talk them.

19-Jul-08, 08:59
either building would make a great bowling alley/cinema imo

19-Jul-08, 13:24
either building would make a great bowling alley/cinema imo

Good idea!

Highland Laddie
19-Jul-08, 15:16
You should never let the truth get in the way of a good story !!!

19-Jul-08, 21:14
You should never let the truth get in the way of a good story !!!

The truth of the matter is that the Bignold Park is an Amenity Area. The Highland Council describe their policy on Amenity Areas thus:-

"The Council will safeguard these areas from development not associated with their purpose or function"

Pretty recent activity by ASDA in the Highlands is listed at the following link:-


Funny how they forgot to mention that they had bought the Bignold Park in Wick!!

I would imagine that I am not alone in my view that, if ASDA ever took over the Bignold Park, there would be the Mother of all Bonfires burning there shortly afterward. A wee bit bigger than Ian Sutherland's Hogmanay one anyway ;)

19-Jul-08, 21:16
The truth of the matter is that the Bignold Park is an Amenity Area. The Highland Council describe their policy on Amenity Areas thus:-

"The Council will safeguard these areas from development not associated with their purpose or function"

Pretty recent activity by ASDA in the Highlands is listed at the following link:-


Funny how they forgot to mention that they had bought the Bignold Park in Wick!!

I would imagine that I am not alone in my view that, if ASDA ever took over the Bignold Park, there would be the Mother of all Bonfires burning there shortly afterward. A wee bit bigger than Ian Sutherland's Hogmany one anyway ;)

Oh dear, yet more sense of humour failure.;)

19-Jul-08, 21:32
Oh dear, yet more sense of humour failure.;)

Trouble is, some people take any old tripe to be gen. There is a joke section to cater for the wags and fantasy merchants.

Bearing in mind the original Wick Co-op moving/Somerfield's closing title of this thread, I set a team onto the case in search of the reality. It is true, Somerfield DID close. This occured at 9pm, as was displayed on the door. However, one member of my team observed Wick Co-op for a full 24 hours and reported that, "At no stage was the building seen to be moving"

22-Jul-08, 14:26
Bignold Park was gifted to the town of Wick therefore nothing can ever be developed on it.

22-Jul-08, 14:32
Bignold Park was gifted to the town of Wick therefore nothing can ever be developed on it.

but(slightly off thread) wasnt that the same for the Harmsworth park as well? which is now going to block public access(through no fault of Wick academy, just mindless morons)
Just a thought....

23-Jul-08, 00:44
but(slightly off thread) wasnt that the same for the Harmsworth park as well? which is now going to block public access(through no fault of Wick academy, just mindless morons)
Just a thought....

Academy are wasting their time blocking access to the park. If anyone wants to put up graffiti or bust windows, a sappy fence and walls ain't gonna keep them out. They may even see it as more of a challenge.