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10-Dec-05, 00:20
Why is everything about the free masons so hush hush ?

10-Dec-05, 00:21
Why is everything about the free masons so hush hush ?

They dinna want folk knowing what they do with the sheep!

Mad Martigan
10-Dec-05, 01:01
Why is everything about the free masons so hush hush ?

Sorry we cannae discuss that here :D

10-Dec-05, 01:04
oh go on, im dying to know all the gossip........hahaha

10-Dec-05, 01:23
Why is everything about the free masons so hush hush ?

looks like your gonna have to wait until tomorrow night for an answer, seems thereall out on the poster party.

10-Dec-05, 12:48
They dinna want folk knowing what they do with the sheep!I think you mean the goat

10-Dec-05, 13:16
Only way to find out, is join them

10-Dec-05, 19:01
This pretty page (http://www.rotten.com/library/conspiracy/freemasonry/) gives some good details and details of rituals.


11-Dec-05, 03:25
Sorry can't tell ye anything we would have cut out yer tongue and rip out yer heart after words, so is it worth it?

11-Dec-05, 03:37
but how do you join them, I would be interested to know??? My grandfather was one.

11-Dec-05, 03:45
but how do you join them, I would be interested to know??? My grandfather was one.

You just can't go and get a form you must be invited in and sorry no women.

Bill Fernie
11-Dec-05, 10:42
Over the past 20 years the masonic lodges have become much more open possibly due in part to the huge publicity that came about with the publication of the The Brotherhood by Stephen Knight http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0586059830/203-9885462-6139925
As with all these types of expose type investigations you have to keep an open mind. The book certainly created a huge stir when it was published and has remained in print ever since. There also followed several TV programmes, newspaper articles and so on about the organisation. Over the years since then lodges have gradually allowed more public access even to the extent of holding open days to see inside their buildings. The Wick lodge - The St Fergus Lodge Of Freemasons - has held open days in the past few years. A short history with some photos is at http://www.caithness.org/community/masoniclodges/stfergus/index.htm
Many lodges have web sites with details and information, history etc about themselves and what it is about. A visit to the St Fergus lodge is certainly interesting and they records going back a long way recording the membership etc and what they have done over the years.

11-Dec-05, 11:59
Personally I think it's all very weird, if my memory serves me correctly aren't that linked historically to not-so-nice religious sects?

concerned resident
11-Dec-05, 17:47
Why is everything about the free masons so Hush Hush,
Because if you become a member, it is alleged you get preferential treatment when applying for jobs, and preferential treatment if you break the law, just two of the perks available.

11-Dec-05, 18:52
most pigs,err sorry police are entangled within the masons(and their goats)!

11-Dec-05, 22:43
Sorry can't tell ye anything we would have cut out yer tongue and rip out yer heart after words, so is it worth it?

Was there a need for you to make that posting dumbo?
Krieve wanted to know why everything was so hush hush!
you did'nt help any then!

11-Dec-05, 22:44
I think there just a bunch of goaty wanting for nothing .

The Pepsi Challenge
12-Dec-05, 15:39
I'd destroy every lodge and do away with freemasons - if I could.

12-Dec-05, 17:08
it is not hush hush. you can read about everything the masons do in their lodges on websites and in books. its just that masons themselves dont say what goes on.

12-Dec-05, 17:09
and ' the pepsi challenge '. your post is really informative

12-Dec-05, 18:28
....erm,......me being thick and all that,......:)

.....you can read about everything the masons do in their lodges on websites and in books. its just that masons themselves dont say what goes on

....so, how come masons themselves don't say what goes on? If you can read about everything on websites and in books????? Why not ask them and get an answer.

Here's a question then,......and if everything is not so hush, hush, maybe some nice mason will tell us the answer - if they are high enough up the ladder to know. I believe they believe in a diety. By what name is that diety known at level (if that's what it is) 33/34. What happens after they reach this level? From where does the name come from? OK, OK,...it's more than one question but seriously (to coin a phrase from DrSzin :)) I'd really like to know, I am most interested. Answers on a postcard please to...............WBG :cool: Och, OK a reply on this thread will do!

12-Dec-05, 19:36
Another question when they go on there trips why do they take the coffin with them? Whats free masonary got to do with goats? When you ask a member a question why wont they tell you anything? ok 3 questions

12-Dec-05, 19:40

quote=weeboyagee]....erm,......me being thick and all that,......:)

....so, how come masons themselves don't say what goes on? If you can read about everything on websites and in books????? Why not ask them and get an answer.

Here's a question then,......and if everything is not so hush, hush, maybe some nice mason will tell us the answer - if they are high enough up the ladder to know. I believe they believe in a diety. By what name is that diety known at level (if that's what it is) 33/34. What happens after they reach this level? From where does the name come from? OK, OK,...it's more than one question but seriously (to coin a phrase from DrSzin :)) I'd really like to know, I am most interested. Answers on a postcard please to...............WBG :cool: Och, OK a reply on this thread will do!

They do believe in religion - a religion, that religion can be different for everyone, but the main concept is that they do have to believe in a god of somekind, whatever that god may be called.

12-Dec-05, 23:02
My Father was a Master plasterer,he was invited to join the freemasons but he declined.Which leads me to think you have to be a master of your trade to be eligible.Weren't the Freemasons associated with the Knights Templar?

12-Dec-05, 23:15
Sorry we cannae discuss that here :D
So who does your faith lie in then

12-Dec-05, 23:19
....erm,......me being thick and all that,......:)

....so, how come masons themselves don't say what goes on? If you can read about everything on websites and in books????? Why not ask them and get an answer.

Here's a question then,......and if everything is not so hush, hush, maybe some nice mason will tell us the answer - if they are high enough up the ladder to know. I believe they believe in a diety. By what name is that diety known at level (if that's what it is) 33/34. What happens after they reach this level? From where does the name come from? OK, OK,...it's more than one question but seriously (to coin a phrase from DrSzin :)) I'd really like to know, I am most interested. Answers on a postcard please to...............WBG :cool: Och, OK a reply on this thread will do!

Weeboyagee, are you on the level?

13-Dec-05, 02:52
Weeboyagee, are you on the level?

No i don't think he is , i certainly woluld not give him my penny.

13-Dec-05, 11:36
My father has also been asked to join many times over the years he was invited to a dance they where having when he was in Edinburgh and asked to join but he declined. Since moving up here nearly 20 years ago he has been asked to join on a number of occasions. The last time was about two years ago at new year 3 of them came to see him and asked him again he said looked i have told you a number of time over the years i dont want to join im not interested and never will be. One of them got up and walked out the house and would'nt speak to him for about 4 months.

13-Dec-05, 23:16
not everything is hush hush, if you read the books about the masons then it will give an insight to what its all about. book 1 the book of splendure or something like that, that book gives you an insight as to how it all began back in the egyption times then the second book which gives you all the modern stufff that you so seek.?

13-Dec-05, 23:26
not everything is hush hush, if you read the books about the masons then it will give an insight to what its all about. book 1 the book of splendure or something like that, that book gives you an insight as to how it all began back in the egyption times then the second book which gives you all the modern stufff that you so seek.?
Yes but the books have missing words and you only know the words if your a goaty .

13-Dec-05, 23:32
Surely somone has broken the secrets and told somone what its really all about . I know somone who,s in the masons and they wont tell a thing .Why do they have a hold over them . Whats the worst thing that can happen but get kick out .

Big G
13-Dec-05, 23:41
Maybe they dont say anything because they have promised to their God or whatever, that they wont say a thing out side the mason hall, etc, etc, etc! u get my point - or maybe there is nothing to tell, they do nowt? so they use the hush hush excuse as a cover up?

13-Dec-05, 23:47
You have to pay fee of about £ 170 a year were does that money go to .And why such a high fee . PS what god do they believe or as i said before who does your faith lie in .

Big G
13-Dec-05, 23:50
well i am sure 'as someone else has said before' that they have to believe in some sort of God, doesnt matter which as long as it is one?! am i correct or have i put myself to shame?

14-Dec-05, 00:47
You have to pay fee of about £ 170 a year were does that money go to .And why such a high fee . PS what god do they believe or as i said before who does your faith lie in .

You must be talking about the regular Masons - surely the Freemasons wouldna costa penny?

14-Dec-05, 00:48
My Father was a Master plasterer,he was invited to join the freemasons but he declined.Which leads me to think you have to be a master of your trade to be eligible.Weren't the Freemasons associated with the Knights Templar?

I believe so!

The knights Templar were the most powerful order in the medieval world but were also brilliant bankers, traders and capitalists until their very suspicious downfall and covenient loss of all their records, although it is believed that they hid secrets in the Roslyn Chapel.
Masonic history is believed to have started with the Knights Templar and although some freemasons reject this theory, it is accepted by many more.

14-Dec-05, 12:17
it does not cost that much, £170. there is a small fee every year. they have bills to pay for the running of the lodge.

14-Dec-05, 15:48
it does not cost that much, £170. there is a small fee every year. they have bills to pay for the running of the lodge.

If I remember correctly, masons meet as a lodge, not in a lodge.

it is not hush hush. you can read about everything the masons do in their lodges on websites and in books. its just that masons themselves dont say what goes on.

Masons are generally completely public about their affiliation and masonic buildings are usually clearly marked and meetings a matter of public record.
They are however an esoteric society therefore they feel their knowledge is suitable only for the advanced or privileged.
Obviously think very highly of themselves! lol

The Pepsi Challenge
14-Dec-05, 16:02
I believe so!

The knights Templar were the most powerful order in the medieval world but were also brilliant bankers, traders and capitalists until their very suspicious downfall and covenient loss of all their records, although it is believed that they hid secrets in the Roslyn Chapel.
Masonic history is believed to have started with the Knights Templar and although some freemasons reject this theory, it is accepted by many more.

Yeah, right. The masons would like to "think" they started with the Knights Templar.

14-Dec-05, 17:27
Freemasonry is an occultic organisation, who operate under the guise of respectability. Unfortunately many members do not realise what they are getting into until it is too late. By level 33/34 they are taught that Lucifer is God. They are made to promise not to reveal any of the secret rituals, or terrible things will happen to them. The coffin referred to in an earlier entry is used in one of these rituals, as are sharp daggers directed at the members' stomachs etc. I have read accounts of men who have realised what they were dabbling in and got out before it was too late - chilling stuff. I am not against the Freemasons themselves, who are mostly honest, nice men, but as a Christian I am against the evil which is at the core. There are lots of informative sites on the internet where you can get all your answers re Freemasonry.

14-Dec-05, 17:28
Yeah, right. The masons would like to "think" they started with the Knights Templar.

Another theory is that this esoteric society are the remains of the religion of the ancient druids!

14-Dec-05, 17:55
Freemasonry is an occultic organisation, who operate under the guise of respectability. Unfortunately many members do not realise what they are getting into until it is too late. By level 33/34 they are taught that Lucifer is God. They are made to promise not to reveal any of the secret rituals, or terrible things will happen to them. The coffin referred to in an earlier entry is used in one of these rituals, as are sharp daggers directed at the members' stomachs etc. I have read accounts of men who have realised what they were dabbling in and got out before it was too late - chilling stuff. I am not against the Freemasons themselves, who are mostly honest, nice men, but as a Christian I am against the evil which is at the core. There are lots of informative sites on the internet where you can get all your answers re Freemasonry.

Eek! I've just had a look at those websites and I shall never look at a handshake quite the same again. I'll be watching for the not so secret freemason one. lol

From what I have just found out with regards to the religion of freemasons, apparantly I was right before. You just have to believe in a deity regardless of what you believe that supreme being to be.

'The great architect of the universe' is then the collective name that freemasons use for their god.

15-Dec-05, 19:37
it does not cost that much, £170. there is a small fee every year. they have bills to pay for the running of the lodge.
How do you know how much it costs

16-Dec-05, 00:06
Eek! I've just had a look at those websites and I shall never look at a handshake quite the same again. I'll be watching for the not so secret freemason one. lol

From what I have just found out with regards to the religion of freemasons, apparantly I was right before. You just have to believe in a deity regardless of what you believe that supreme being to be.

'The great architect of the universe' is then the collective name that freemasons use for their god.

I shouldn't worry about the handshake if you're a woman.I remember reading somewhere that Freemasons built the Temple of Solomon.Which is quite logical when masons work with stone.

16-Dec-05, 00:08
Eek! I've just had a look at those websites and I shall never look at a handshake quite the same again. I'll be watching for the not so secret freemason one. lol

From what I have just found out with regards to the religion of freemasons, apparantly I was right before. You just have to believe in a deity regardless of what you believe that supreme being to be.

'The great architect of the universe' is then the collective name that freemasons use for their god.

Which website did you read about the handshake?? Cant seem to find it!

16-Dec-05, 01:35
Im an expensive mason. When I was a travelling mason I stayed in some wierd and wonderful lodges. Some were full of secrets and others were as transparent as your grannies glasses. Everybodies got secrets. Freemasons are no different than the rest of us. However the comment by flyfifer about the Freemasons being involved in the occult is a wee bit rich from someone whose religion actually invented the concept of the devil and the occult.
The coffin referred to would probably symbolise a born again exprerience. Symbolically drinking the blood and eating the body of a god is as gruesome a practice to me as a bunch of blokes standing around a coffin waiting for a reborn brother to emerge into the light.
Ive known some wonderful Christians who are Freemasons and one of the nicest men I ever met was a freemason. Ive also met Christians who were adulterors and swindlers and even a couple of murderers.

16-Dec-05, 11:07
How do you know how much it costs

because i know quite a few masons

16-Dec-05, 11:11
because i know quite a few masons
yeh right we all now a few masons just sounds to me that you are a free mason

16-Dec-05, 12:48
Which website did you read about the handshake?? Cant seem to find it!

If I remember right it was something like 'The order of the former freemasons'

16-Dec-05, 15:48
It's a regular handshake,
except that you press your forefinger hard into the others palm,
the thumb presses against the bass of the second and third fingers.
It looks pretty much like any other handshake,
only the person shaking hands can feel the differance.:D

16-Dec-05, 16:53
Ive known some wonderful Christians who are Freemasons and one of the nicest men I ever met was a freemason.
Ive also met Christians who were adulterors and swindlers and even a couple of murderers.

Like I said, I have nothing against the men themselves. Have some Freemasons in the family actually....

Everyone makes mistakes but everyone can receive forgiveness if they are truly sorry, even adulterors, swindlers and murders.

16-Dec-05, 17:31
OK, OK,...it's more than one question but seriously (to coin a phrase from DrSzin :)) I'd really like to know, I am most interested. I've only just spotted this. Thanks for the compliment WBG -- they say that imitation is the szincerest form of flattery. :)

I haven't posted on this thread because we were here six months ago (http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?t=2585&highlight=freemasons): I've already posted my usual rambling opinions on the subject (http://forum.caithness.org/showpost.php?p=22380&postcount=13), and ironically, I've previously declared my lack of interest in the the masons. :D

However the comment by flyfifer about the Freemasons being involved in the occult is a wee bit rich from someone whose religion actually invented the concept of the devil and the occult.
The coffin referred to would probably symbolise a born again exprerience. Symbolically drinking the blood and eating the body of a god is as gruesome a practice to me as a bunch of blokes standing around a coffin waiting for a reborn brother to emerge into the light.Indeed. What a wonderful piece of imagery -- my owld mate gleeber hits the nail on the head yet again.

16-Dec-05, 20:17
My great grandad used his Freemason membership like we use networking for jobs today. Joining St Stephens Lodge in Edinburgh just before he left Scotland in 1884, he had his letters of introduction all ready.
So maybe its a bit like a fraternity, where members help others get settled in a new area.
I do know that when he died while working in Alaska, the local Catholic cemetery refused him burial inside the gates because he was a Freemason.

flyfifer, you are waaay off the mark; and gleeber, you are spot on.

16-Dec-05, 20:26
yeh right we all now a few masons just sounds to me that you are a free mason

the last i knew you couldnt be a mason if your a woman

mr bean
17-Dec-05, 01:24
the last i knew you couldnt be a mason if your a woman
Yes you can if you join the eastern star . Thats for the females .

17-Dec-05, 01:25
Yes you can if you join the eastern star . Thats for the females .Is Mrs bean a member then?

mr bean
17-Dec-05, 01:30
I dont know you will have to ask her .

17-Dec-05, 20:25
My great grandad used his Freemason membership like we use networking for jobs today. Joining St Stephens Lodge in Edinburgh just before he left Scotland in 1884, he had his letters of introduction all ready.
So maybe its a bit like a fraternity, where members help others get settled in a new area.
I do know that when he died while working in Alaska, the local Catholic cemetery refused him burial inside the gates because he was a Freemason.

flyfifer, you are waaay off the mark; and gleeber, you are spot on.

What mark??

17-Dec-05, 23:06
What mark??

The mark of truth and accuracy, rather than rumour mongering. I invite you to investigate fully before you spout accusations like "evil at the core". -H

17-Dec-05, 23:31
Mate, let's not turn this into another slanging match. I respect your opinion - Merry Christmas xx

18-Dec-05, 01:01
I am not a freemason but I understand that it has a lot to do with helping eachother, well that in itself must be applauded in a world where 'mutual help' is often very wanting.

18-Dec-05, 03:48
Perhaps if everybody became freemasons the world would be a better place, there is no barrier on religion or faith, you just have to beleive in a supreme being. The fraternity was founded upon brotherly love and that still applies today.

Think about it, there is nothing hidden, there are many websites and books which explain all.

18-Dec-05, 10:32
you just have to beleive in a supreme being.

This is the only real gripe i would have with the Masons. They help to perpetuate the delusion that we live in a supernatural world where untold beings actually control everything that happens in the real world, especially our own thoughts and emotions which are up for grabs by the 2 warring sides in the spiritual battle to control the universe. Thats what it means to believe in a supreme being. Its nursery school stuff fueled by our own superstitions and unconscious animalistic behavioural impulses. Ultimately we are not responsible for the running of our planet because someones God is making all the right decisions for everybody. Who are we to argue against that?
Small wonder the worlds in such a state.
Merry Xmas to you too Flyfifer an all the devils men. (and weemin too)

18-Dec-05, 12:03
The old freemasons topic certainly does seen to stir up a bit of debate on the site.

It seems to me that there are a lot of folk who know f all typing away spouting nonsense about the it being evil ot a cult etc.

Then there are a few brothers on here trying to defend their cause.

And then on the other hand there are a few others with an interest in Freemasonary and who would actually like to join should the opportunity arise.

18-Dec-05, 14:17
Perhaps if everybody became freemasons the world would be a better place, there is no barrier on religion or faith, you just have to beleive in a supreme being.
That's a contradiction in terms. :rolleyes:

You have already ruled out atheists, agnostics and pagans, and perhaps also Buddhists, Shinto-ists, and even some Hindus. Oh, and weemin too. Or don't we count? :rolleyes:

And with all the masons' little rules and regulations, I suspect you may have ruled out anyone who can think for him/herself.

18-Dec-05, 15:07
This is the only real gripe i would have with the Masons. They help to perpetuate the delusion that we live in a supernatural world where untold beings actually control everything that happens in the real world, especially our own thoughts and emotions which are up for grabs by the 2 warring sides in the spiritual battle to control the universe. Thats what it means to believe in a supreme being. Its nursery school stuff fueled by our own superstitions and unconscious animalistic behavioural impulses. Ultimately we are not responsible for the running of our planet because someones God is making all the right decisions for everybody. Who are we to argue against that?
Small wonder the worlds in such a state.
Merry Xmas to you too Flyfifer an all the devils men. (and weemin too)Super post gleeber. Ye'll make a nature-loving pagan yet. :cool:

26-Dec-05, 16:41
what charities do they give money to??????????????????

26-Dec-05, 20:58
Was just digesting the comments on the Free Masons.
Seems a wee bitty sad to see the comments that the Police are Pigs, and the misconception that there are those friendly goats involved in a test or whatever....Perhaps ignorance brings this out in people.... I always thought that The Masonic Lodge ...Made Good Men Better, and ensured entry into the Shriners. Plus the fact that No One is repeatedly invited to join. Perhaps some people would like to be..............

27-Dec-05, 02:49
Freemasonry may have originated in northern Britain about 6000 yrs ago. The first masons may be the Watchers as mentioned in the Book of Enoch. There is even a theory that masonry may have influenced Judaism that led to Christian myths.

29-Dec-05, 01:31
You interest me Rhegers. Didn't know you were into the book of Enoch.
Masonary ?? It does go way back, although the grand lodge of England claims to have started it approx. 1750ad. there are recorded minutes in Scottish Lodges going back to the 15th century. You are right though, the concepts and tenets do go back thousands of years.

There appears to be an awful lot of people fishing in this thread.

WHY ???

All you need to do is use google or are you scared it will shatter your misinformed concepts

29-Dec-05, 01:39
Those Watchers may even be the original Caithnessians. I am reading a book called Uriel's Machine, it has some interesting chapters in it.

29-Dec-05, 01:48
Havn't read Urials Machine yet, I have it and it is next on the list, I'm into the book of Hiram at the moment.

29-Dec-05, 01:51
That is funny, I haven't read the Hiram Key but believe it is a good thought process. I am 3/4 through Uriel m/c atm. I believe their latest book Civilization 1 is a load of bunkum though :)

08-Jan-06, 17:10
Read 'The Book Of Hiram'.

08-Jan-06, 17:53
The old Freemason thing always pops up when someone is bored!!

I joined the masons a few years ago and the secret about the masons is theres no secret!! Not anymore with the internet and so many books that you can read!!

What I found was that is was like a big childs playground for grown men. They congregated in wee groups always trying to get one up on the other groups and was full of bullies, backstabbers and generally unsavoury characters.

I never joined it to give me a "leg-up", my grandfather would turn in his grave if I never got anywhere with good honest graft and nothing else. What I can tell you is it DOES NOT get you anywhere, if that's what you are looking for, the Rotary Club's the place to go! But from what I've seen from when I have been in the Pentland Hotel when they come out of meetings, make sure you re-mortgage the house before you join!!!!!!

I for one won't be back at "The Ludge"

The Loafer

08-Jan-06, 17:57
The old Freemason thing always pops up when someone is bored!!

I joined the masons a few years ago and the secret about the masons is theres no secret!! Not anymore with the internet and so many books that you can read!!

What I found was that is was like a big childs playground for grown men. They congregated in wee groups always trying to get one up on the other groups and was full of bullies, backstabbers and generally unsavoury characters.

I never joined it to give me a "leg-up", my grandfather would turn in his grave if I never got anywhere with good honest graft and nothing else. What I can tell you is it DOES NOT get you anywhere, if that's what you are looking for, the Rotary Club's the place to go! But from what I've seen from when I have been in the Pentland Hotel when they come out of meetings, make sure you re-mortgage the house before you join!!!!!!

I for one won't be back at "The Ludge"

The LoaferI think thats been the best description so far..thanks Loafer:)

08-Jan-06, 18:01
It is needed,I believe, to read all four of the Hiram books before concluding the impressions they create. I look forward to the next book by one(I believe)of the writers where he goes into human consciousness.
Gleeber,your are so enclosed by your own boundaries that your blinkers are beginning to wrap round the rest of your vision. Thank goodnees we are on the net and not in my front room or we would have fallen out by now. Because you have not seen it does not mean that it does not exist.LOL
I was under the impression that the Hiram Key expostulated that the lost words of power were given to the Egytptians by the Gods and that the Gods could be Atlanteans. Does this stretch the belief system too far? No harder to accept than the story of Genesis or the Christan mythos.