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View Full Version : Yey I've got Dunnocks.

04-Jul-08, 20:53
Was minding me own business at you do when sitting in the garden when I spotted a strange sparrow type bird, on referring to the OM he said he had also seen what looked like a cross between a sparrow and a robin the previous day and had been bemused by the dark grey breast.
May be it's holidaying with it's house sparrows cousins that nest in the ivy!
How common are they in the north?
I've never seen one in the garden before.

04-Jul-08, 22:11
I think they are quite common but often mistaken for spaeeows

04-Jul-08, 22:16
dunnocks or hedge sparrows, as their name implies are birds of the hedgerows of which there are precious few in wick lol but where there are hedges you will find these birds although they dend to skulk around in the bottom of the hedgerows and tend to be overlooked. best time to see them is mating time when they are often heard rather than seen although the male will find a perch near the 'top' of the hedge :D

05-Jul-08, 08:35
dunnocks or hedge sparrows, as their name implies are birds of the hedgerows of which there are precious few in wick lol but where there are hedges you will find these birds although they dend to skulk around in the bottom of the hedgerows and tend to be overlooked. :D

Was wondering about their behaviour.
We have loads of dunnocks frequenting our back garden. There is a little weeping willow tree where the branches reach right down to the ground and the dunnocks are forever "bouncing" in and out of the cover.

08-Jul-08, 12:52
Lizz, I noticed one here for the first time last week, feasting on the seeds which have fallen out of our feeders. Fine wee fellow, like a cross between a sparrow and chaffinch I thought with his grey balaclava [lol]. I did get some pics but they're not very good...