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View Full Version : Help! ....what's my flower?

04-Jul-08, 11:36
Another Orger's just asked me what my blue flower is -the one that's my avatar.

To my shame, I don't know :eek:- I do know the flower but I just can't think what its name is.

Can anybody help us out here please? :)

04-Jul-08, 11:39
I'll have a guess its a cornflower but I've got a funny feeling its the wrong shape.:confused

04-Jul-08, 11:45
I think your avatar is a Globe Thistle..................

04-Jul-08, 12:03
It could be Allium :)

04-Jul-08, 12:38
would love to know the name of it at my work they grow in your beer garden the gardeners have toke a photo of it to look on the net but no luck yet!!!

04-Jul-08, 12:58
http://re3.yt-thm-a03.yimg.com/image/25/f10/280829922 (http://uk.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0WTf22DD25IgFwAInBNBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTBpZm5udGl 1BHBvcwM1BHNlYwNzcgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=1l7avsd2t/EXP=1215258883/**http%3A//uk.images.search.yahoo.com/images/view%3Fback=http%253A%252F%252Fuk.images.search.ya hoo.com%252Fsearch%252Fimages%253Fei%253DUTF-8%2526p%253Dalium%2526rd%253Dr1%2526fr2%253Dtab-web%2526fr%253Dyfp-t-501%26w=500%26h=334%26imgurl=static.flickr.com%252 F1210%252F1424097592_7722abc201.jpg%26rurl=http%25 3A%252F%252Fwww.flickr.com%252Fphotos%252Fnardip%2 52F1424097592%252F%26size=139.3kB%26name=Purple%2B Alium%26p=alium%26type=JPG%26oid=815744193faebe3c% 26fusr=nardip%2B%2540%2Bthephotocode.com%26tit=Pur ple%2BAlium%26hurl=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.flickr.c om%252Fphotos%252Fnardip%252F%26no=5%26sigr=11f7op jcl%26sigi=11g6773pi%26sigb=12v8lh5k8%26sigh=114pf j47m&tt=5,799)

Like Tigger2U, I think you're a purple allium, Angela. :)

But I still don't know what I am :eek:!

Kevin Milkins
04-Jul-08, 13:04
My guess was an ornimentel onion ,but difficult to judge the size.:confused

04-Jul-08, 13:11
My guess was an ornimentel onion ,but difficult to judge the size.:confused

Alliums are members of the onion family, which includes chives and garlic....so if we're right Kevin, Angela's definitely very tasty :D!

04-Jul-08, 13:16
But I still don't know what I am!

lol helen you are of course unique!;)..... but you do look as if you might have hatched out from something in Alien...:eek:

04-Jul-08, 13:33
lol helen you are of course unique!..... but you do look as if you might have hatched out from something in Alien...:eek:

Oooh, so cruel Angela :lol:!

But do you mean my avatar, or the photo I sent you? :eek:

04-Jul-08, 13:59
I think you are a blue Alium - beautiful flower and fairly long lasting too

04-Jul-08, 17:41
Hi Angela.

Looks like Echinops to me :)

04-Jul-08, 17:50
Heres a slightly clearer picture of echinops.

04-Jul-08, 17:56
Heres a slightly clearer picture of echinops.
Well seeing as you are a florist i'm not going to argue with you! Not that i would dare to anyway!

04-Jul-08, 18:07
Well seeing as you are a florist i'm not going to argue with you! Not that i would dare to anyway!

Ok, I'll bow here to Hibeechick's superior knowledge ;) and go for echinops, AKA globe thistle, as teenybash suggested too.

Thanks everybody for being so willing to help...:)