View Full Version : The Great American kilt War

07-Dec-05, 00:32
Some of you may remember Bill posting a short bit a while back about a young lad over here that was not well treated by his school principle over the matter of wearing a kilt to a school dance.
The orginal story was posted on a local news website in his home state


From which an online petition got started.


Now the Scotsman has picked up the story,,,,


Small world we live in!! ;-)

The petition will be availible until Dec. 16th for any that are interested in showing their support.


07-Dec-05, 00:45
Glad he at least was wearing a white shirt and tie with his kilt but MAN couldn't he get proper kilt hose.....ow it hurts the eyes LOL
OK i signed the petition, and thanks Royce.

07-Dec-05, 01:41
Glad he at least was wearing a white shirt and tie with his kilt but MAN couldn't he get proper kilt hose.....ow it hurts the eyes LOL
OK i signed the petition, and thanks Royce.

LOL,,,yea, that was my reaction to. Maybe we should take up a collection and send him a pair. ;-))


07-Dec-05, 09:43
you can tell that he was serious about the kilt.. *sighs* the boy is 6'4 so he would have had to have been mesured for the kilt.. as its proper length!
i agree poor fashion sense! *laughs*
but as an american i think men are extremly manly and hot in kilts.. i love when hubby wears one.. and bless him my brother would live in one if he could!
he swears the ventilation is the best *groans*
but seriously.. the principle is just being a pain in the tush

07-Dec-05, 10:05
Glad he at least was wearing a white shirt and tie with his kilt but MAN couldn't he get proper kilt hose.....ow it hurts the eyes LOL
OK i signed the petition, and thanks Royce.
go teach him how to wear the kilt, I signed also

07-Dec-05, 10:15
I signed it also but I agree the socks????? yeuch.

07-Dec-05, 14:46
The shoes could do with an upgrade as well...;-)) Of course finding gillies to fit a laddie that size could prove a challange ! 6' 4" and 250 pounds! Defensive lineman,,, this is not a wimpy youngling. Must have feet like snow shoes. Doesn't look like the lassie has any problem with the way he is dressed. <snicker>

I signed it also but I agree the socks????? yeuch.

07-Dec-05, 21:52
The shoes could do with an upgrade as well...;-)) Of course finding gillies to fit a laddie that size could prove a challange ! 6' 4" and 250 pounds! Defensive lineman,,, this is not a wimpy youngling. Must have feet like snow shoes. Doesn't look like the lassie has any problem with the way he is dressed. <snicker>

Oh Lord,,,,now some of the Gunns over here are starting a drive to help the laddie get the rest of his full outfit......


08-Dec-05, 17:40
This thing is really spreading...one of the biggest papers in Missouri has picked up the story. The reporter called out Clan Gunn Texas Commissioner last night to get more details.


And a paper in Denver CO,,has picked it up.


The members of our International Gunn eGroup are working on a plan to help the laddie get the rest of his kit togather.....yes HT,,,,starting with proper kilt hose!

We would love to have any of you Caithness Gunns join the group. Just go to
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/clangunnsociety/ and hit the "Join this group" button. You don't have to be a member of any scociety,,just a Gunn or a sept.

08-Dec-05, 23:37
Thought there might be a few that would want to join the drive to get Nathan properly kitted out.

This is a Yahoo eGroup, but we are only useing the Data Base function. Just click the "Join this Group" button,,,,and go to the Data Base (left hand menu)


08-Dec-05, 23:43
Thought there might be a few that would want to join the drive to get Nathan properly kitted out.

This is a Yahoo eGroup, but we are only useing the Data Base function. Just click the "Join this Group" button,,,,and go to the Data Base (left hand menu)


You think the link might be usefull??? Sheeeesssss I hate old age!!



09-Dec-05, 19:10
The count has jumped to over 1100 so far....



10-Dec-05, 22:20
You think the link might be usefull??? Sheeeesssss I hate old age!!



Slight change in plans. Anyone that wants to donate to getting Nathan kitted out can contact Mike Pearson at
[email protected]

You can trust Mike, he is one of our Texas Gunns and a straight up guy.


19-Dec-05, 15:00
Slight change in plans. Anyone that wants to donate to getting Nathan kitted out can contact Mike Pearson at
[email protected]

You can trust Mike, he is one of our Texas Gunns and a straight up guy.


Brief Update. the petition is up to 1641 now. The Admin has ordered an official copy to present to the School Board, but we are going to leave it on line until the issue is resolved. So keep spreading the word.


Mike Pearson, one of our Texas Branch leaders is handling the arrangements to get all the stuff together and sent on to Nathan.

You can contact Mike at

Or by email at
[email protected]

Mike has also set up his website so that cash donations can be made by way of credit card.

A website has been set up to accept donations by credit card for
Nathan's kilt fund. The URL is:


Master Card and Visa preferred due to lower transaction fees, but
Discover and American Express are welcome. The charge will show up as
Ancestral Lineages.

Mike Pearson

22-Dec-05, 00:35
The petition broke 2000, and seems to be picking up speed. This is getting intersting, I have never seen the Scottish world community all get going in the same direction like this before....intersting


22-Dec-05, 20:57
The petition broke 2000, and seems to be picking up speed. This is getting intersting, I have never seen the Scottish world community all get going in the same direction like this before....intersting


As of a few seconds ago the petition is closing in on 8,000, probably will hit 10,000 plus by the end of the day over here.

To all of you in Scotland that have shown your support,,our thanks. I know it seems like a non-issue to you, but to us it's improtant.


23-Dec-05, 18:22
Over 10,000 and still rising. The Nova Scotians are getting in now.....they are not happy campers!!! ;-))


05-Jan-06, 01:48
Over 10,000 and still rising. The Nova Scotians are getting in now.....they are not happy campers!!! ;-))


Closing in on 12,000

Here is and update for those that have been following the story of Nathan Warmack and his battle to win an apology and the right to wear his kilt to the Senior Prom, in fact, for anyone to wear legitimate formal cultural attire. There will be a school board meeting January 9th, at which the Warmack's lawyer is hoping the matter will be resolved.
Although the lawyer took the case on a pro bono basis, there are still exspences to be covered. If anyone would like to help with this, see the link below.

At this point, the Scottish community has donated almost enough goods and cash to outfit the young man fit to kill. All the big ticket items have been donated, now we are working on the bits and pieces.

One other item of note. The lawyer is asking for letters of support from as many people in leadership positions of as many clans and societies as possible. If you know someone that would be willing please contact me for a mailing address.

Royce Perry
Deputy Commissioner for North Texas
Clan Gunn Society of North America

----- Original Message -----
From: Royce Perry
To: Royce Perry
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:52 PM
Subject: Fw: [clangunnsociety] Re: HEADS UP, GUYS...for BETH and et al...

----- Original Message -----
From: ntxcousin
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 8:53 AM
Subject: [clangunnsociety] Re: HEADS UP, GUYS...for BETH and et al...

Sent legal funds received at P.O. Box to the Warmack's this morning
along with the Letter of Support from the Clan Elliott of Canada.


Website set up to accept credit card donations for the legal fund.

I plan on going up to Missouri to stand outside (legally) if the
lawyers can get a demonstration permit.

Talked to Terry Warmack this morning and gave him an update on the
kilt donation effort.


Mike Pearson

--- In [email protected], "dayzbeth" <bgardner@a...>
> ...and we need to get this out to people now...I just got off the
> phone with Terry Warmack.
> Mike...they are going to need the funds for the lawyer's travel
> expenses next week..so I need to get you Terry's cell phone number
> you can be in direct contact with him since you are handling
> I'll try to email you that number as soon as I finish this post.
> We need to see if we can drum up financial support from whatever
> organizations might be willing to back it up abit...so, please
> spreading the word..if you guys are on any message boards...pass
> word fast..cuz travel expenses are going to run around a thousand
> bucks... for flight, hotel, etc..
> Next...the strategy.
> Nathan's lawyer WANTS this first meeting to be a closed door
> This is because if we are in an open meeting, we sit quietly,
> listen..then leave. We can't say anything...BUT...If we are outside
> and it is a closed meeting...we can carry banners or whatever we
> to do.
> The lawyer wants to give them a chance to gracefully back down
> everyone in there face to face with them...he is planning on making
> pretty hard hit in the board meeting, and he thinks they will be
> likely to back down if we aren't in there and they can save face
> BUT...he does want supporters outside.
> They are taking the petition around to the news organizations on
> Monday and telling everyone that the meeting is that night. If it
> a closed meeting, the board members are bound by law not to discuss
> what happens in the meeting..BUT..the Warmacks are not bound by
> law..and they CAN meet with the media after the meeting. So..they
> going to try to get media out there so they can meet with the media
> directly after the meeting.
> Here's the catch..
> The lawyer wants support to GROW with each subsequent
> meeting....so...he wants to pace the numbers so that the supporters
> showing up at meetings grows rather than diminishes.
> He suggested that whomever makes this trip, try to find someone to
> replace them on the next trip or something so that we rotate our
> supporters there and add a few each time, if possible.
> The lawyer is going to take care of any city filings that have to
> made for there to be a demonstration outside.
> He is hoping that they fold this week...but he wants to be prepared
> for there to be increasing numbers of supporters if they don't.
> have blinked. I can't go into it because I have promised that I
> not discuss it..but there has been a blink on their part. So, we
> have a resolution this coming Monday...but we won't know til they
> If Mike and I go this first round..are there any of you who can
> it to the next round? or...should I wait and let Mike go and act as
> his replacement on the next round to keep the support numbers up?
> Start passing the word..
> ~ beth