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View Full Version : B-17 Flying Fortress "Liberty Belle" headed this way /In Wick tonight(merged threads)

01-Jul-08, 19:26
I know there are one or two aviation buffs who surfaced when the P-51 Mustang diverted into Wick last year.

Well, there is a B-17 Flying Fortress currently en route to the UK for the month of July for some appearances at airshows.

You can track it's progress across the 'pond' by going to the Flight Explorer page which is tracking it - http://www.flightexplorer.com/LibertyBelle/

As the trip last year was not due to even go near Wick, but did, there may be the chance that the B-17 might use Wick if the need arises.

After leaving Goose Bay they will stop for fuel at Narsarsuaq, Greenland. Then they are due to fly direct to the "Lost Squadron" location on the Greenland Icecap then on to Reykjavik, Iceland.
The final leg will see them land at Prestwick, Scotland before a short hop to Framlingham in Suffolk.

Might be worth keeping a camera handy if you are near the flight path - not often that you will see such a sight.

Kevin Milkins
01-Jul-08, 21:14
Thanks for that info MP ,that would be worth seeing if it landed at Wick.
I am sure you will keep us informed in case we forget. Please

02-Jul-08, 19:29
Looks like it is at wick - Prestwick.....

Crew having a day off tomorrow and visiting Islay - final leg of trip on 4th July.

Kevin Milkins
02-Jul-08, 20:15
Looks like it is at wick - Prestwick.....

Crew having a day off tomorrow and visiting Islay - final leg of trip on 4th July.

Put my camera away then:~(

02-Jul-08, 20:19
Anyone got piccies of the B-17 that went down at Halsary?:confused

02-Jul-08, 22:40
Great link MadPict. Thank you.

Kevin we should have phoned in a "request stop". ;)
Wick Airport was not totally bereft of aircraft activity today though. A "flock" of Tucanos were there around lunchtime. They might still be there - I don't know. It might be worth a trip up if you have a decent camera and/or tripod/steady hand.

02-Jul-08, 22:52
... It might be worth a trip up if you have a decent camera and/or tripod/steady hand.

And lots of room on the memory card, chip or whatever those things are called. :)

03-Jul-08, 00:39
And lots of room on the memory card, chip or whatever those things are called. :)

Aha - nothing wrong with your "memory stick" Canuck.
You must be referring to this. :lol:

Bill Fernie
03-Jul-08, 22:34
The B17 was flying into Islay today - See the report at http://www.caithness.org/flying/index.htm

I get a lot of items that never make theweb site but as there is a thread on the subject i have added this one.


Lord Flasheart
04-Jul-08, 02:01
Not meaning to rub it in but here is what could have been .. http://forums.airshows.co.uk/cgi-bin/ukarboard/ikonboard.cgi?;act=ST;f=36;t=50539 .. couple of pics of the old girl deaprting Prestwick today

04-Jul-08, 19:15
Well I managed to catch her arrival at Duxford today...

04-Jul-08, 20:10
Anyone got piccies of the B-17 that went down at Halsary?:confused

What was that about Rheghead? When? I've never heard of it.

05-Jul-08, 18:18
Not meaning to rub it in ....

Ach rub it in, why don't you. ;)

Well I managed to catch her arrival at Duxford today...

Good spotting. Someone I know is dead jealous!

What was that about Rheghead? When? I've never heard of it.

I found a mention of this in the "Wings over Wick" section of Caithness.org.
"The memorial at Halsary is close to the site where one of our Fortresses flew into a hill while trying desperately to land, when returning from a sortie in a snowstorm."
The full article is here:- http://www.caithness.org/wings/metflightslfhart.htm

My hubby remembers that the engines were purchased by an English Doctor from a scrapyard somewhere. They were restored by him and identified by their serial numbers as belonging to the B-17 which crashed at Halsary. The engines were brought North in fairly recent years and displayed in Dunnets Garage Showroom. We have photos somewhere - alas they were taken before the advent of the Digi-Camera so I can't post them here.

Not much help, I know, but at least the above link may be of interest.

05-Jul-08, 18:26
Ironic that 519 Squadron motto was "Undaunted by weather".......

05-Jul-08, 19:04
Not a B17, but if you want to see the Vulcan, nip down to Leuchars 13th September (we are)

"Subject to the aircraft being ready, we are delighted to announce that The Vulcan will fly at Leuchars. "*

http://www.militaryairshows.co.uk/ven12.htm (http://www.militaryairshows.co.uk/ven12.htm)

05-Jul-08, 21:56
Just watched the mighty Vulcan today at the Waddington Airshow...what a sight!!! 558 at its very best!!

07-Jul-08, 19:08
Two planes heading for Wick.....could they be connected or are the Liberty Belle. Flew over approx 3 minutes ago at 19 04/05

07-Jul-08, 21:26
The Liberty Belle is not scheduled to fly North any time soon teenybash.

There is always some aircraft activity in the Far North, apart from the daily scheduled flights. I'm not sure where you are located. We're not far from Wick Airport and I've not noticed any "unusual" air traffic today. Thanks for the "heads up" anyway. :)

07-Jul-08, 21:36
It wasn't Liberty Belle - she is currently at Duxford.

07-Jul-08, 21:45
Thanks MadPict. We're relying on you to get some more fab pics and post them here.

09-Jul-08, 10:36
On BBC regional news...


09-Jul-08, 11:36
Just seen the news item on BBC about the plane, says it's a 'replica' and in other reports it's 'refurbished' - anyone know exactly what it is?

09-Jul-08, 12:39
It's not a replica. The media often make erroneous statements like this. It was built too late to see service in WWII, rolling off the assembly line at Burbank on 14th May 1945, and after being sent to the scrap yards was bought by Pratt & Witney for use as an engine test bed. They altered the front of the aircraft to enable new engines (turbo props) to be fitted for flight testing - image. (http://aerofiles.com/boe-b17turbo.jpg)
After 20 years with P&W she was donated to an air museum where she was damaged when a Grumman Albatross amphibian was thrown onto her 'back' during a tornado.
The remains were stored until 1987 when well known restorer Tom Reilly aquired the remains in exchange for work on another museum aircraft.
Restoration work started two years later and eventually Don Brooks (current owner of Liberty Belle) came into the picture. His father had flown as a tail gunner in B-17s during the war and Brooks wanted to commemerate his fathers service and all the veterans who flew during WWII.

Liberty Belle was an actual aircraft assigned to the 570th Bomb Squadron, 390th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force and flew from RAF Framlingham, Suffolk.

On September 9, 1944 the 390th Bomb Group attacked a target in Dusseldorf, Germany and suffered its second largest single mission loss of the war. Over the target just prior to bomb release, one of the low squadron B-17s was hit in the Bomb bay by flak. The 1000 lb. bombs exploded and nine of the twelve aircraft in the squadron were instantly destroyed or knocked out of formation.

Six of the nine went down over the target, one flew two hours on a single engine and landed at Paris, another "crippled plane" landed in Belgium and the other struggled back to its home base and landed long after the other thirty nine B-17s had returned from the mission. The one that came home was "Liberty Belle", she went on to complete 64 combat missions before being salvaged on February 18, 1945.


Good video of some press flight shots here -

09-Jul-08, 16:27
Much appreciated MP, a very detailed explanation..

15-Jul-08, 17:28
Expected 1830ish this evening at Wick International!

Gotta go..........

15-Jul-08, 18:09
I'm off....camera at the ready !!!!!

Douglas Cowie
15-Jul-08, 19:19
I was just up to the airport the B17 is parked behind the old hanger just behind the bus depot. It's currently being refuelled.
It's worth a look as it's in amazing condition.

15-Jul-08, 19:19

Kevin Milkins
15-Jul-08, 19:43
Expected 1830ish this evening at Wick International!

Gotta go..........

Thanks fore the heads up on that one northener.I am about to down load and see if I got any good photos.
Damm batterys ran out as it was landing and wife had the video camera so I suspect we shall have some good footage of the sky and the ground and the sky and the ground and the sky and the ground,etc:lol:

15-Jul-08, 20:06
Expected 1830ish this evening at Wick International!

Gotta go..........

Got a couple of nice piccys.........great.

Kevin Milkins
15-Jul-08, 20:34
Will photo bucket work for me.


B17 landing at Wick tonight at about 6-30

Kevin Milkins
15-Jul-08, 20:37
Is this one better.?


Kevin Milkins
15-Jul-08, 20:40
I am sure there is a better way of doing this ,it's just I have not worked ohttp://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm196/kevinmilkins/07_15_23.jpgut how yet.

Kevin Milkins
15-Jul-08, 20:43
Rear gun position.

I dont think I would have enjoyed that job much!

15-Jul-08, 20:49
Thanks Kevin. You're doing fine - much better than us! By the time I spotted northener's post, the B17 was parked at the other side of the hangar. :(

Kevin Milkins
15-Jul-08, 21:02
Thanks Kevin. You're doing fine - much better than us! By the time I spotted northener's post, the B17 was parked at the other side of the hangar. :(

It was a rush for me and turned up just as it was landing.
northener was up at the terminal and said the crew are stoping in town tonight and off again in the morning.
The photos I took ,although not that good were taken from behind the hanger as it was refueling. I was a bit cheeky and went around the far side.
If anybody wants me to email a zip file of all the ones I got ,just PM me with an email address.
northener said he got some that he will post later on.

15-Jul-08, 21:44
B17 sitting at airport. Anyone any idea what time she will be leaving tomorrow. Her take off I must see. She is lovely!

Far North Aviation
15-Jul-08, 21:49
Very short notice on this one but we managed to negotiate a deal that brought the B17 to Wick prior to departing back to the US.


Kevin Milkins
15-Jul-08, 22:02
Thats a great photo.

Is it too late to apply for the job refueling at the airport?

15-Jul-08, 22:04
Dammit, I'm having problems loading the piccies. The browser's crashing when I try to upload.

15-Jul-08, 22:05
It was a rush for me and turned up just as it was landing.........
northener said he got some that he will post later on.

Great stuff Kevin. My hubby is looking forward to northener's photos

Very short notice on this one but we managed to negotiate a deal that brought the B17 to Wick prior to departing back to the US.

Far North Aviation - that is brilliant! Have you thought about chairing the "Caithness Tourism (needing all the help they can get) Group?

15-Jul-08, 22:20

I've managed to load a couple of close-up shots of the front of the B17 onto a Cd - if i stick it through your letterbox in the morning, could you post the piccies on here for me? My browser won't let me load up onto the .Org for some reason.....


Kevin Milkins
15-Jul-08, 22:29
Dammit, I'm having problems loading the piccies. The browser's crashing when I try to upload.

I bet the real reason is you forgot to take the lens cap off and are to proud to admit it .lol:lol:
I am not a big plane fan but a mate of mine who I phoned tonight is well jealous that we got close up and personell with this paticular aircraft.
Thanks for the heads up ,once again northener.
If I was to be disapointed at all tonight ,its because I was proberbly in the company of fellow orgers up at the airport tonight and did not get the oppotunity or thought process to find out who was who and say hello.

16-Jul-08, 09:20
High over Thurso @ 0845 today.........


Kevin Milkins
16-Jul-08, 09:28
Nice one grumpyhippo. I have some to post taken by northener.


Kevin Milkins
16-Jul-08, 09:31
Another by northener at Wick airport.


Kevin Milkins
16-Jul-08, 09:34
Another cracking photo by northener. I wish I could afford a decent camera.:(


Kevin Milkins
16-Jul-08, 09:39
And the last but not least of northener's take. If anybody wants the full file of photos,PM me your email and I will send a zip file with all the photos taken last night. Thanks once again northener.


16-Jul-08, 19:45
Nice to see they called in on their way home.

We had a three ship line up at the airshow though unfortunately "Sally B" (who was painted up as "Memphis Belle" for the film) has been having engine troubles and so wasn't flying.


16-Jul-08, 20:19
Great shots northener and thanks for helpin Kevin!

16-Jul-08, 21:22
I was offered the chance to look around inside Liberty Belle this morning by the Skipper.
Unfortunately I had to be somewhere else pretty pronto, and beariing in mind these guys were very busy oiling up and doing pre-checks it would have been very impolite for me to take up their valuable time.
I got the impression that they would have been more than happy to show me around, but they really needed to get going. I can understand that completetely.

Still, I hope the photies I got on the apron give an idea of just how wonderful an experience it was for me and everyone else who was priveliged enough to get up close to an old Warbird.

MP and GH: Nice ones...

Andrew B at Far North: Excellent piccy, lets hope we get many more Warbirds.

Skipper told me that there hadn't been any B17's in Britain since the filming of Memphis Belle in the 80's. So we really are honoured.


16-Jul-08, 22:13
Skipper told me that there hadn't been any B17's in Britain since the filming of Memphis Belle in the 80's. So we really are honoured.

Factually incorrect.
The B-17 "Sally B" has been in the UK since 1975 and played the part of "Memphis Belle" in the film, as well as other aircraft, filmed in 1989. This was a re-make of William Wyler’s Memphis Belle.
"The Pink Lady" has also been a regular visitor popping over for airshows from it's base in France.

For more about "Sally B" - http://www.sallyb.org.uk

16-Jul-08, 23:24
Factually incorrect.
The B-17 "Sally B" has been in the UK since 1975 and played the part of "Memphis Belle" in the film, as well as other aircraft, filmed in 1989. This was a re-make of William Wyler’s Memphis Belle.
"The Pink Lady" has also been a regular visitor popping over for airshows from it's base in France.

For more about "Sally B" - http://www.sallyb.org.uk

My apologies.

More correct to say that The 'Liberty Belle' is the only B17 to fly from North America to the UK since the filming of "Memphis Belle".

17-Jul-08, 00:23
No need to apologise - that statement is more accurate :)

It was still a great 'adventure' and Don Brooks should be congratulated for fulfilling his vision of honouring the veterans who flew in those machines.

Keep your eyes peeled for Glacier Girl hopefully completing her mission next year...