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Anne x
27-Jun-08, 00:56
Was watching the late Scottish News tonight and there was a report from Ullapool they strongly believe that this year the Tourist Industry is going to be affected with the high price of fuel cancellations this year with tourists are high
No rebookings for next year people that book year in year out are staying away

The most distressing Item though was the thefts of Domestic Oil from Private Gardens and property up by 50% in the West and Islands gosh is this what is going to happen next we cannot have Cenral Heating Oil Tanks in our gardens for fear of someone draining it and taking it away

27-Jun-08, 05:53
Was watching the late Scottish News tonight and there was a report from Ullapool they strongly believe that this year the Tourist Industry is going to be affected with the high price of fuel cancellations this year with tourists are high
No rebookings for next year people that book year in year out are staying away

The most distressing Item though was the thefts of Domestic Oil from Private Gardens and property up by 50% in the West and Islands gosh is this what is going to happen next we cannot have Cenral Heating Oil Tanks in our gardens for fear of someone draining it and taking it away

I put a good lock on my tank after the last fill of oil which took because it took a huge proportion on my month's pension.

27-Jun-08, 10:23
Anne x was telling someone on street that got my tank filled with all ,and the price had to pay, was advised not broadcast in town ,as oil from garden tanks are being stolen in high numbers in caithness as well, my dog is better than padlock,sad times as years ago would to bed with house door unlocked.