View Full Version : Caithness Youth Action Group- MEETING

24-Jun-08, 17:56

Aim: To develop a project in Wick for young people (Probably a youth cafe)

On: Monday 14th July

At: 4pm

Where? Wick Scout Hall, Kirkhill

FREE snacks will be provided

We need as many people as possible to attend this meeting in order to show support for the project and also to help out with the setting up of the youth cafe. Further details will be given at the meeting.

If you're able to attend, please email [email protected]

25-Jun-08, 16:42

Caithness Youth Action Group
Meeting guide- Finalised Agenda
Monday 14th July 2008, 4pm, Wick Scout Hall
1. Welcome & Introductions- officials/ representatives & youth/ adult volunteers
2. Group aims
3. Election of office bearers-
Vice Chair
Treasurer & Fundraising
Advertisement & Publicity
Consultation & Interaction
Voluntary Recruitment
Short Break - snacks available
4. Allocation of tasks for above members
5. Task planning (in allocated groups)
6. Open discussion of youth in Caithness (if desired)- views expressed will be noted for Highland Youth Voice
8.Next meeting (obtain contact details to provide date or agree there and then)

26-Jun-08, 12:44

Caithness Youth Action Group
Meeting guide- Finalised Agenda
Monday 14th July 2008, 4pm, Wick Scout Hall
1. Welcome & Introductions- officials/ representatives & youth/ adult volunteers
2. Group aims
3. Election of office bearers-
Vice Chair
Treasurer & Fundraising
Advertisement & Publicity
Consultation & Interaction
Voluntary Recruitment
Short Break - snacks available
4. Allocation of tasks for above members
5. Task planning (in allocated groups)
6. Open discussion of youth in Caithness (if desired)- views expressed will be noted for Highland Youth Voice
8.Next meeting (obtain contact details to provide date or agree there and then)

A very worthwhile poject to benefit the youngsters of the area so back to top.

26-Jun-08, 16:02
A very worthwhile poject to benefit the youngsters of the area so back to top.

Thanks Cattach.

03-Jul-08, 13:58
Just to encourage more people to come along and support us at this meeting- we should have at the very least 15 people attending this meeting if everyone sticks to their attendance confirmation so just to show that there are people actually coming so if you'd like to come along, the details are in the first post. It's a meeting open to everyone so you can just drop in at 4pm at the Wick Scout Hall (3pm if you'd like to help set up!) If you plan to come along, it would be great if you could confirm your attendance with me first at [email protected] although this is not required. We will try and create as relaxed an atmosphere as possible and this is also a chance also for you to talk to me about your views on young people in Caithness, give any ideas you may have which will improve the life of young people in Caithness, any concerns you have about young people in Caithness and even issues relating to transport in the Highlands, being the transport convener.

So come along and hopefully it will be a good, informative evening.


03-Jul-08, 17:07
For anyone interested, we hope to have a website going live tonight sometime at


so if you could check it out later, that would be great!

10-Jul-08, 13:39
This is a final reminder about the meeting on Monday.

Anyone is welcome to come along at 4pm on Monday to Wick Scout hall. If you're able to attend and haven't already confirmed your attendance, please email [email protected] as soon as possible.

We are expecting, at the very least, 10 people to come along and the above agenda will be followed as closely as possible but may be altered in places.

The more support, the better. You don't have to be a expert in anything, nor do you have to make any speeches. All we need is for as many people to come along to the meeting as possible and we'll carry on from there.

Thanks to everyone who makes the effort to come. Hopefully, at future meetings, we will arrange a more convenient time for everyone to attend.

Is anyone here planning on coming along?

15-Jul-08, 13:48
After a very constructive first meeting, we hope to see as many new faces as possible at our next meeting which will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 12th August at Wick Scout Hall. We would like to see between 10 & 22 people at this meeting with adults and young people in proportion to each other. At this meeting, we hope to elect office bearers to form a management committee and also revisit items discussed on Monday which can be found on our minutes (email [email protected] for a copy)

For further details, please see http://whatson.caithness.org/event.php?id=7423

At our meeting on Monday, people from both Wick and Thurso areas attended so if you're from Thurso and would like to support our intentions, that would be great!

Please, even if you don't want to make commitment to the group, we would really be grateful for you to come along just for the one night so you can find out about the project.

15-Jul-08, 23:04
Maybe if you offered a free session on the climbing wall......;)

17-Jul-08, 11:18
Maybe if you offered a free session on the climbing wall......;)

Oh I don't get a say in that :Razz That would be up to the other one ;)

11-Aug-08, 11:29
A reminder about the meeting tomorrow (Tuesday 12th August @ 7pm)

Anyone welcome to attend. The more the better. Most people who attend will be new to the whole thing so you will be briefed about our plans at the meeting. You don't have to offer committment but any support would be appreciated.

Look forward to seeing as many there as possible.