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24-Jun-08, 12:28
Chancellor Alistair Darling is calling for pay restraints in order to curb inflation. Are you willing to forgo a pay rise for the sake of Britain?

No doubt at the same time the cost of living will keep spiralling out of control... food, fuel, mortgages, etc... Pay rises never compensate for other rises anyway!! :mad:

24-Jun-08, 12:47
its not only wage rises that are an issue here.The Carers Allowence currently stands at £50.50 per week,how can they call that a decent wage?

If the people we are payed to look after went into residential care it would cost local authoritys hundreds of pounds per person.
Then again ,they couldnt go into care as there are no care placements.

The government are treating us like doormats.[evil]

24-Jun-08, 13:05
"It is not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"


24-Jun-08, 13:18
its not only wage rises that are an issue here.The Carers Allowence currently stands at £50.50 per week,how can they call that a decent wage?

If the people we are payed to look after went into residential care it would cost local authoritys hundreds of pounds per person.
Then again ,they couldnt go into care as there are no care placements.

Everyone on a fixed income is going to be struggling even more than previously. The Carer's Allowance is hopelessly inadequate - equating to about an 8 hour week on minimum wage. I doubt if many carers have caring responsibilities for only 8 hours a week!:roll:

Then of course when carers reach pensionable age they lose the carer's allowance as they are considered to have retired from working -even when they carry on with caring responsibilties.

The basic state pension urgently needs an increase as well. I know people can get pension credits to top up the woefully inadequate pension -assuming you qualify for that, and quite a lot of people, women especially, don't - but lots of folk don't take these up. They don't understand what they are, don't know if they're entitled to them, find the form filling daunting, worry that they might be overpaid and then have to pay money back. It would be much better to simply raise the basic entitlement so that nobody over retirement age had to live in poverty.

24-Jun-08, 13:22
"It is not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"


I'm sure a dead president's quote will help matters when you are sitting in your house unable to pay for anything... :roll:

peter macdonald
24-Jun-08, 14:58
"Chancellor Alistair Darling is calling for pay restraints in order to curb inflation"
For a long time neither Mr Darling or Mr Brown were very vocal in their criticism of the obscene amounts of money that were/are being paid to the corporate sector maybe they should have started there????
or this

24-Jun-08, 17:51
"It is not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"


"Try our boneless bucket with fries"


24-Jun-08, 18:13
I'm sure a dead president's quote will help matters when you are sitting in your house unable to pay for anything... :roll:

I beg to differ, knowing that fossil fuel prices are rocketing because of limited supply, it would be in their interest to advocate publically any renewable energy within their area.

25-Jun-08, 11:45
I agree with that, Rheg but the thread is about forgoing a pay rise to avoid the rate of inflation rising...

I'm sorry but you seem to have gone off on another tanget about the promotion of renewable energy...

Forgive me if I have mis-interpreted your post. :~(

26-Jun-08, 15:05
As a pensioner I do not have a choice to forego I just have to accept. Unfortunately I have to accept the consistently below the cost of living increase I receive as a rise in pension. Though it is claimed the rise is index linked it depends on what the reference point is and generally a reference is made to a cost of living index whixch does not seem to reflect the oveerall cost of running a home and keeping warm. Inm real terms pensions are reducing as against what most other (I agree not all) workers receive.

26-Jun-08, 21:56
Let's not forget that pensioners have had that wonderfully generous increase in the annual fuel allowance - £50 :D The way things are going I should think that £250 will just about pay for one quarter of a 1,000 litre tank full - which isn't a lot to last the winter. Maybe he'll change his mind and decide a 25% rise is too much. Can't have rises over the rate of inflation.

Lord Flasheart
26-Jun-08, 23:00
Chancellor Alistair Darling is calling for pay restraints in order to curb inflation. Are you willing to forgo a pay rise for the sake of Britain?

No doubt at the same time the cost of living will keep spiralling out of control... food, fuel, mortgages, etc... Pay rises never compensate for other rises anyway!! :mad:

Hang on.

This guy is the Chancellor and wants US to take the hit for his and his predecessors actions. Your problem Alastair .. back to work and sort your own mess out.

Guy Fawkes had a point didnt he ??

26-Jun-08, 23:15
Did MP'S or was it MSP'S not just award themselves a nice big inflation busting pay rise? The rest of us have to be capped at no more than 2%.
I thought the figure of £10,000 was mentioned or might have been reading one of those fiction newspapers.:Razz