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View Full Version : Wick Baby Unit Saved ?

frank ward
01-Dec-05, 11:32
It looks like the massive public opposition to downgrading the Caithness Baby Unit might have been successful at last.

In an apparent U-turn, NHS Chairman Gary Coutts admitted this morning on MFR Radio that only a consultant-led service would be acceptable and that three full-time posts will be based in Wick.

If this is a genuine move and not a subterfuge it means that the campaign to save the unit has WON !

Congratulatiuons (I hope) to the campaign waged by NAG and of course to the thousands of people who marched through Wick on Mothers Day last year.

Frank Ward

01-Dec-05, 12:19
Terrifica news! Can I also add my congratulations to the NAG volunteers, without whom this would probably never have been achieved - well done everyone and thank you

01-Dec-05, 14:29
I heard it on grampian news just now so thats really good well done to everyone involved in the campaign.

01-Dec-05, 16:05
Well done. It shows that people power does work. Those involved in the campaign are to be commended for all their hard work. Its just a pity it took so long and cost so much before the pen pushers came to the same conclusion as the people of Caithness.

01-Dec-05, 16:21
Well done NAG, just heard it on the BBC Scotland news keep up the good work...who knows maybe the Dentists next?

01-Dec-05, 17:55
And the windmills too?

Seriously, well done to everyone involved. Let's hope the maternity battle doesn't have to be fought again in the near future.

There's a short article and a video on the BBC News website (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/4488050.stm).

Murdina Bug
01-Dec-05, 21:14
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!!! Delighted with the news - was it expected at this time though? Has the review been completed or did they just say 'to heck, it's the obvious solution'?

Any views on how it's going to shape up now? Will this Highland wide contract have any nasty surprise clauses for the Consultants? Will it be some way of rotating them round different hospitals or is it a way of linking them more to Raigmore? Will new Consultants at other Hospitals in Highland have similar contracts? Will the service actually be developed now that it has stabilised (e.g. provision of birthing pools and epidurals).

I would also like to shower NAG with praise for a well fought campaign and the people of Caithness, N. Sutherland and further afield who all showed their support. Give yourselves a huge pat on the back.

01-Dec-05, 21:29
Can I also congratulate the NAG team on a job well done.

01-Dec-05, 22:14
Its fantastic, a welcome decision for the county and surrounding areas

Credit should also be given to The League of Friends of Caithness General Hospital and Donnie Mackay Cllr.
The League of friends, with the help of Donnie set up the initial petitions, initial meetings, the protests when Prof Calder came to visit and it was also them who set up the meeting to form NAG. To think that was 2 years ago.

Caithness was united on this one, and although it took time. We got there in the end. Hip Hip Hooray.

02-Dec-05, 01:14
WONDERFUL news.....and all thanks to the hard working campaigners. congratulations to all involved. I always knew the maternity unit would stay, there is no other possible option.

frank ward
02-Dec-05, 14:32
Thank you for your kind remarks about NAG. We have had a busy time over the last two years and it has been the massive support of the community that has kept us going.

We don't yet know the details of the new consultant posts and they may indeed have to share duties at other locations. But NAG has never been parochial or pedantic about the technical details, our aim has been to preserve 24/7 cover.

A surprise announcement? Certainly. In the recent MAT (Maternity Action Team) committee meetings that have been discussing alternatives to 24/7 there has been no indication of a shift. In fact there were signs of a hardening of the Officials' position.
It is possible that the decision has come from above and NHS Highland has been told to concede. They'll never admit to this of course.
It may be no coincidence that this follows the last few thousands of NAG's colour leaflet, distributed in Thurso at the end of November. This leaflet was also widely diastributed in the polital corridors and amongst the medical profession throughout Scotland.

NAG has succeeded where equally justified campaigns have failed. A fuller analysis of this great victory will be made later but in my view the massive public anger, including the historic Mothers Day march, were the main factors, which aided the relentless NAG pressure for retention of 24/7 in the face of calls for 'compromise' from erstwhile supporters.

02-Dec-05, 16:32
What a fantastic victory for NAG & all the supporters here. I never had any doubt about the strength of feeling among local campaigners & the determination in the way this campaign was fought. I initially had niggling doubts about the eventual outcome - what a battle it's been - and "thanks to everyone involved" somehow seems inadequate for the huge effort put in to secure what is a truly remarkable achievement. People power is one thing but the way it was harnessed & directed by the main players here is amazing - I'm sure you'll all be head-hunted by other organisations trying to secure similar victories in their areas. Well done.