View Full Version : Possible Youth Cafe in Wick

16-Jun-08, 16:39
I've recently attended a meeting with representatives from the Pulteneytown People's Project in Wick in relation to the "Caithness Youth Action Group" thread, previously posted on Caithness.org.

It has been decided to gather a group of as many people as possible to show support for our intentions and help us consult with young people in the surrounding area. Anyone at all who would be interested in attending this meeting to discuss the possibility of a youth cafe being run in Wick (or another project, depending on consultation responses) can contact me at [email protected] . It would be great to have as much support as possible. We wont ask for a huge amount of your time. There have already been people in contact with me from my previous thread, who have voulnteered to help out so I will contact these people again, aswell as representatives from different groups/ organisations.

It is important that you are able to attend a meeting which will be held in Wick within the next month. I'll also make it clear that you do not have to live in Wick to attend this meeting, as long as you have an interest and would like to show support for this project.

It is intended to make use of the Pulteneytown People's Project premises in Murchison Street, Wick, which already has facilities to offer but we can expand on these in the near future aswell as maybe looking for alternative premises if a great number of young people choose to come along.

So please contact me now at [email protected] and leave your name, contact details and dates which you are likely/ unlikely to be available on within July and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I will only be available to respond to emails before Thursday 19th or after Sunday 22nd as I will be away at a Highland Youth Voice conference from Thursday - Sunday.

Time, date and place of meeting is still to be confirmed. I will try to make it convenient for everyone who is offering their help to attend the meeting though.

Thanks to anyone who offers their help.

16-Jun-08, 16:51
Maybe you need to fill people in on just what is involved in this Youth Cafe. What ages will it be for? What will they be offering to keep young folk off the streets. If its to be held in Murchison Street it will hopefully draw in the throngs of youths (boys and girls) who seem to gather at most corners in the area. I have to say though that I don't think you will attract those from the other side of the town. You will need somewhere more central for that.

16-Jun-08, 17:03
Maybe you need to fill people in on just what is involved in this Youth Cafe. What ages will it be for? What will they be offering to keep young folk off the streets. If its to be held in Murchison Street it will hopefully draw in the throngs of youths (boys and girls) who seem to gather at most corners in the area. I have to say though that I don't think you will attract those from the other side of the town. You will need somewhere more central for that.

I did suggest premises more central but I was told that I would be surprised by the number of people they already attract to their current premises. I'll keep your point in mind though. This will be a question on the consultation though to find out where young people are likely to go.

A Youth Cafe can cater for a variety of facilities. It is a drop in centre which is likely to offer- relaxation areas, widescreen television, computer games, food & drinks, darts, pool/snooker, hopefully as time progresses- internet access and POSSIBLY days for outings of choice for anyone interested. At the moment, it is only likely to offer a few facilities on triall and as time progresses, if it prooves a success, the range of activities will be expanded. It's pretty much a place for young people to hang about which is safe and supervised. Again, this is likely to be a consultation question to find out what young people would like to see there.

16-Jun-08, 18:10
Yes i agree with venture,if there was a cafe up that way i wouldnt be going nor would i take my children,that side of the town is not good for a place like this,it will more likely get vandalised.
Better if it was on the north side of the town at least you wouldnt need to worry about ur car etc getting vandalised.
Most of the people that prob go to the ppp is from pulteneyside.

16-Jun-08, 18:15
I did suggest premises more central but I was told that I would be surprised by the number of people they already attract to their current premises.

I thought they were building new premises on the waste land in Huddart Street.

16-Jun-08, 19:42
I thought they were building new premises on the waste land in Huddart Street.

The PPP I'm guessing you're meaning?

16-Jun-08, 20:48
Also, if anyone is willing to ask people to complete a short questionnaire, let me know via email and I'll forward you a copy of the survey.


16-Jun-08, 23:36
I wonder if Youth Cafes are a thing of the past? What do Youth want? It all sounds a bit organised to me I'm afraid:D

17-Jun-08, 07:22
Yes i agree with venture,if there was a cafe up that way i wouldnt be going nor would i take my children,that side of the town is not good for a place like this,it will more likely get vandalised.
Better if it was on the north side of the town at least you wouldnt need to worry about ur car etc getting vandalised.
Most of the people that prob go to the ppp is from pulteneyside.

So Pulteney isnt good enough for the cafe? as its unsafe. I thought that was the whole point of the cafe to get kids off the streets there!
Your car has just as much chance of getting vandalised on the Wick side as the pulteney side, just read the groat every week and you will see that.
Part of the problem PPP have is that some think its like the wild west in Pulteney when in reality its not. It has some areas with problems but isnt that the same throughout Wick?.
As a pulteney resident I can say that I felt a little dismayed by your comments. My children live and play in the area and have NEVER had a problem. Maybe a bit less negative comments and more understanding of the REAL pulteney may go along way.
Pulteney has a very strong sense of Community, can you say the same for Wick?
I am not trying to start a Pultneney vs Wick thing here, I just feel that we are labelled in Pulteney with incorrect stereotypes that are very hurtful to the area.
Its not all bad :(

martin macdonald
17-Jun-08, 07:47
i am one of the leaders at the cafe in the pulteneytown parish church.
we meet at 7.30pm till 9.30pm on friday eve. the cafe has around 45 high school kids.
so all the best to the ppp and hope you get up and running soon:Razz

17-Jun-08, 15:11
hey makes a nice chance from a charity shop or take away- no offence ment by that

17-Jun-08, 15:55
i am one of the leaders at the cafe in the pulteneytown parish church.
we meet at 7.30pm till 9.30pm on friday eve. the cafe has around 45 high school kids.
so all the best to the ppp and hope you get up and running soon:Razz
Do we really needanother one as there is already one in Pulteneytown church and the same sort of thing in the youth club

17-Jun-08, 15:56
I wonder if Youth Cafes are a thing of the past? What do Youth want? It all sounds a bit organised to me I'm afraid:D

It wont be. It will be an informal, drop in centre. It will be supervised but this will be done by approachable, "young person friendly" adults who will step back to let people get on with things. You can hang about, get food, play darts, computer games, etc. All for free.

17-Jun-08, 15:57
i am one of the leaders at the cafe in the pulteneytown parish church.
we meet at 7.30pm till 9.30pm on friday eve. the cafe has around 45 high school kids.
so all the best to the ppp and hope you get up and running soon:Razz

Maybe you could give us some hints to get started then :Razz Not that we will be competing against you or anything :)

17-Jun-08, 15:59
Do we really needanother one as there is already one in Pulteneytown church and the same sort of thing in the youth club

We will consult with young people first to see what it is they want. If a Youth Cafe prooves popular then that's what we will aim to provide.

Anyone else want to volunteer? We really need as much help as possible.

17-Jun-08, 16:05
It wont be. It will be an informal, drop in centre. It will be supervised but this will be done by approachable, "young person friendly" adults who will step back to let people get on with things. You can hang about, get food, play darts, computer games, etc. All for free.

That sounds like a good deal then. You have the basic needs covered which is important, place of shelter, food, fun...free:)

17-Jun-08, 16:08
That sounds like a good deal then. You have the basic needs covered which is important, place of shelter, food, fun...free:)

The words "free" and "food" go nicely together for young people usually :lol:

17-Jun-08, 16:12
Do we really needanother one as there is already one in Pulteneytown church and the same sort of thing in the youth club

This made me think of the youth club of my time and the things we would get sent to in the holiday's like scripture union, me and my mates only went usually for the fun stuff like a camping trip or a disco and if there was a boy we fancied that went to the youth club. For me it was about keeping in touch with my mates and being with them all the time. Like rfr10 is saying somewhere to have fun and hang out. I don't see the harm in having somewhere young people can go and be with their peers and if they get anything else out of it that's a bonus.

17-Jun-08, 16:15
Most of the people that prob go to the ppp is from pulteneyside.

I would just like to clear this matter up - this is not the case. We deliver over 40 session per week and fill more than 550 places per week.

We run:

Breakfast and after school club at south primary - attended by pupils from two other town schools and watten school.
We provide 18 periods of youth work in Wick High per week to assist teachers to deliver Duke of Edinburgh and Princes Trust Excel.
Craig Roberston and Kevin Sutherland take two after school session per week.
We provide lunch club every lunch time.
we have a girls groups straight after the school on a thursday. - as all of these are delivered within the school children attend from as far away as Watten and Dunbeath.
We have a girls group on Monday night for 12 girls at least 4 are from the Wick side and they walk or parents give them a lift.
we provide a hobbies group for more than 40 people per week and if anything more of these are from the Wick side.
We have an art class and of the 10 that attend they come from Lybster, Watten, Berridale.
We get over 40 people per week attend our learning centre where we have people come from Thurso, John O Groats and Lybster as well as the town.
We organise a three week summer club providing a whole days childcare for £7.50 per day. Kids get trips to landmark, John O Groats, sports, arts crafts etc Children come from all over the county for this club. It attracts parents who work in Wick no matter where they live. We limit the numbers to 60 per day and still have a waiting list!

I hope that clarifies the issue.

We are having an open day on Saturday 28th at 1.30 and if anyone wants to come and see what we are doing and see for themselves the good work and speak to people using the services they would be more than welcome. :Razz

17-Jun-08, 16:20
The words "free" and "food" go nicely together for young people usually :lol:

Hee hee too true!:lol:

pulteney person
17-Jun-08, 21:15
The words "free" and "food" go nicely together for young people usually :lol:

Nothing much comes for 'free' in this world!

17-Jun-08, 21:37
Nothing much comes for 'free' in this world!

Well it wont be free for us to provide the facilities but it will hopefully all be free for everyone who comes along.

17-Jun-08, 23:05
Nothing much comes for 'free' in this world!

That's your experience. Of this world I mean.

18-Jun-08, 11:16
I think it's a great idea. Young folk need an alternative to standing outside Boots, or going down to the dreaded Riverside... It sounds like they're going to get an active voice in how it's run, which will make it more likely to succeed. Well done for trying to do something to change things, instead of moaning about it.....

18-Jun-08, 15:29
Do we really needanother one as there is already one in Pulteneytown church and the same sort of thing in the youth club

Of course we need another one. I have heard kids can only allowed to go to the youth club one night a week, cos there is such a demand for places. Just have it on a different night from the church one - give the kids more places to go.

18-Jun-08, 15:35
The meeting date is likely to be Monday 14th Julyin either the Pulteneytown People's Project offices in Murchison Street, Wick or Wick Scout Hall.

Anyone able to attend a meeting on this date, please contact me [email protected] as soon as possible.


18-Jun-08, 15:37
I think it's a great idea. Young folk need an alternative to standing outside Boots, or going down to the dreaded Riverside... It sounds like they're going to get an active voice in how it's run, which will make it more likely to succeed. Well done for trying to do something to change things, instead of moaning about it.....

Thank you.

We will be targeting all young people in Wick and surrounding area, especially those who hang about street corners, etc.

For this project to be a success, we need as many people as possible to attend this meeting on 14th July so please get in contact with me if you're able to help out. Don't worry- we wont necessarily need the people attending the meeting to volunteer to run the place.

18-Jun-08, 21:18

ON- Monday 14th July 2008

AT- 4pm

PLACE- Wick Scout Hall, Kirkhill

Anyone welcome to attend regardless of age.

Look forward to seeing as many people as possible there.

18-Jun-08, 21:39
Would be better if meeting was in evening as at 16.00 lots of people still at work

18-Jun-08, 21:42
Would be better if meeting was in evening as at 16.00 lots of people still at work

Well if no one is able to come then I'll soon rearrange the time.

Mr P Cannop
19-Jun-08, 05:21

ON- Monday 14th July 2008

AT- 4pm

PLACE- Wick Scout Hall, Kirkhill

Anyone welcome to attend regardless of age.

Look forward to seeing as many people as possible there.

sorry can't make 4pm