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15-Jun-08, 19:25
I had to start this thread because i cant believe the opinions of some people. After reading the "cost of druggies" thread I was amazed at the way people think. I know people can think the way they want to and have their own opinions, but i would just like you to read this and reply.

This is mainly to ask the people who think that people who take drugs are a waste of space, etc what they would think of a senario like this? Just a random one from my head from the real life stories I have read about. Will try to make it as short and not too many details haha

Okay, there is a young girl who has been abused by her parents for her whole life, and she has never had the courage or self confidence to tell anyone about it. She eventually gets the courage to run away from her family life and ends up with a new group of friends who happen to be drug addicts. They become her new family, and considering how horrible her old family were to her, she sees these people as loving and that they actually care for her. She also uses drugs to help her forget about her old life and things that have happened to her. She does not try to get help from the authorities or help groups, etc as she feels that she can trust any one apart form her new friends, and has no confidence to even if she really wanted to.

Does she really need to hear that people hate drug addicts and they should not be given they same treatment as other people in this world? Would this attitude make her feel any better about herself? What she needs is to know is that if she needs the help it is there and no one is going to judge her for the mistakes she has made and the path she has taken in life. So, she doesnt deserve the help from the government who were the ones who let her get into that situation in the first place by not noticing, or giving her help when she was younger and really needed it?

OK thats my rant or whatever you want to call it over. I just wanted to tell people that they may be a lot of people who takes drugs, but its not always because they are bad and horrible people, or people that are weak. Every one needs to be treated the same in this world I say. The fact that there are people that think they are better than others cause problems for people that have low self esteem etc, which can drive people to take drugs to have the confidence to socialise and make friends without worrying that others are judging them.

Yes I do know that there are some bad people in the world that take drugs and do bad stuff, but not everyone has got into the addiction the same way.

I do know that the people on here arent stupid and do realise this, but I just had to write it to calm me down. lol

And to say that all people who take drugs, even those people who will maybe take a little for a night out, are bad people that will steal and hurt others is so stupid and stereotypical. Its like saying, all people who are from scotland are ginger. lol

Okay Im finished. I just had to write that and put my opinion across. was too angry after reading that thread. Hmm reading that back, do I sound bossy and like I think I know everything? I dont think that. haha

15-Jun-08, 19:32
Very well said fantoosh i'm with you a hundred percent on that.:)

15-Jun-08, 19:43
There's also plenty of bad/evil folk who have never touched a drug in their life and steal fom people just because they are greedy. What should happen to these folk?

15-Jun-08, 19:48
I never bothered reading all the tripe spouted by the self appointed moral majority, just more eliteist crap as usual.
Having been involved in a social scene where recreational drugs were common place i saw quite a few people that are 'highly respected in the community' taking pills, speed, coke and dope on a regualr basis, the question these days is not 'who is taking drugs' but 'who is not taking drugs'

15-Jun-08, 20:00
I never bothered reading all the tripe spouted by the self appointed moral majority, just more eliteist crap as usual.
Having been involved in a social scene where recreational drugs were common place i saw quite a few people that are 'highly respected in the community' taking pills, speed, coke and dope on a regualr basis, the question these days is not 'who is taking drugs' but 'who is not taking drugs'

Excatly. That is very true. You would be very very surprised at the people who take drugs. I think some people like to try to be ignorant to whats really going on around them, or maybe they actually dont know how common drugs are these days.

15-Jun-08, 20:09
There's also plenty of bad/evil folk who have never touched a drug in their life and steal fom people just because they are greedy. What should happen to these folk?

Jail? :lol:

Lord Flasheart
15-Jun-08, 20:12
In life people will always have opinions you dont like. Accept it. By all means argue the point and then move on. I get the feeling you were referring to me as I was fairly vocal on the point. If you were I wont apologise for my views, if you dont like them then thats up to you. Or am I not supposed to say anything in case someone may not like it ??, to that I say tough. Do you know not ONE person in PM's asked me how the lass that was slashed fared afterwards but there seemed plenty of sympathy for addicts. Speaks volumes that does, and a sad indictment of the priorities of people today.

And I have been there in case you are wondering, I know what it is like to be at the end of your tether. In my case, I had a childhood I have spent my adult life trying to forget. I was in put in care numerous times due to problems with my stepdad, I was regularly beaten, I ran away many times and had every excuse for wallowing in self pity. Maybe I should have got out of my head on smack instead of making something of myself eh ??, I had to drag myself out of that at a VERY young age and get on with it so forgive me if I dont collapse with sympathy for people who chose the other path. It was the only option for me to get on with it. I feel I have earned the right to look and say "get a grip", why shouldnt I ??, I didnt then and dont now want sympathy I just wanted to be bigger and better than people expected. I made it, I worked hard and kept going. And having done so I dont want my taxes spent feeding a junkies habit when there are far more worthy causes. Why should people involved in an illegal activity get free treatment when say Asthmatics dont ??, and cancer patients cant get drugs that would help them as they are "too expensive".. that is a national disgrace to me.

Your post comes across as making out it isnt their fault. The bottom line in life is that as an individual YOU are responsible for YOUR actions. You make the point about the Goverment helping this hypothetical person who is only in the situation because, as you maintain the Goverment wont help them !!, at which point pray does this hypothetical individual start to take some responsibility for themselves ??, and it is a fact that Drug Addicts will and do turn to crime to feed their habit. There is a 17 year old lassie that can give some insider info on that, how do you think she feels if she sees a lad she likes knowing she has a scar that is visible right down her cheek, despite the best efforts of plastic surgeons she will always have it. The guy who did it showed no remorse and he took the best path in my view in overdosing and removing himself from the gene pool, I hope its hot where he is.

So I wont be taking a seat at the pity party for reasons that should be obvious now. If you want to then thats up to you, its your view and fair play to you for posting it .. but I dont agree .. forcefully.


15-Jun-08, 20:16
Excatly. That is very true. You would be very very surprised at the people who take drugs.
Just over 400 deaths from drugs last year in Scotland and 75 of them from prescribed methadon. Over 20000 deaths from alcohol and even more from nicotine. It seems that the illegal drug user has a higher life expectancy than the legal drug users.
In a recent TV program listing the most dangerous of the Top Twenty commonly abused drugs, alcohol was 4th(or 5th) and cannabis was at 11 and extasy at 18(?) and yet we see alcohol adverts pushing the stuff at us every day.
Get rid of the bigoted hypocritical attitudes and see the whole problem of dangerous drugs and stop hiding behind the legal/illegal aspect.
Drugs, illegal and legal, are consumed by a very large part of our population and to say that a heroin user should be offered euthanasia is inhuman and inhumane to say the least.
Every addict is some-one's son or daughter and has as much right to help as any other ill person.
The attitudes expressed by some Orgers in the other Druggie thread disgust me.

15-Jun-08, 22:16
Thank you Fantoosh and other "orgers" for supporting this thread.

15-Jun-08, 22:56
I have a sister-in-law who is a habitual skunk/cannabis user. She will never be prosecuted for using it because doctors and specialist's say that she is a manic depressive and bi-polar, whatever the hell that means.
She is only allowed to work part-time because of her 'condition' and so qualifies for incapacity benefit and a free car. She has used all sorts of drugs since she was a teenager, and is now 48. She has attempted suicide 14 times since the age of 19! In my view her condition was most likely caused by the drug abuse. She also got several sessions of hypnosis to help her depression and also got hypnosis to come off fags yet still smokes.

My sister-in-laws friend is 39, has used drugs since she was a teenager and is now on methadone. She has been on methadone for 5 years but whenever the doctors say it's time she started to try a recovery program she threatens or attempts suicide, so they leave her on it. She hasn't worked since she was 21.

I smoked for thirty years yet had to pay for my own hypnotherapy treatment to quit. It was my choice to start and my choice to quit-no one forced me to do either. I've worked all my life, paid my taxes and had zilch off this state. For the privilege of being a law abiding citizen I have the honour of being taken for a mug.

My mother died of cancer. She couldn't get the treatment or drugs that would have either saved her or prolonged her life. Do I feel aggrieved that Government policy and we as a society failed her, yet spend millions on addicts? You bet your backside I do. I also include addict's of legal and illegal drugs.

As much as some people do want to come off drugs and I believe they should be helped, I don't believe in feeding their habit by giving a substitute. Cold turkey and 3 months on a remote island will soon get them to shape up and realise what life is about.

I have to side with Lord F's view, but then, I'm sure you guessed that anyway.

15-Jun-08, 22:57
In life people will always have opinions you dont like. Accept it. By all means argue the point and then move on. I get the feeling you were referring to me as I was fairly vocal on the point. If you were I wont apologise for my views, if you dont like them then thats up to you. Or am I not supposed to say anything in case someone may not like it ??, to that I say tough. Do you know not ONE person in PM's asked me how the lass that was slashed fared afterwards but there seemed plenty of sympathy for addicts. Speaks volumes that does, and a sad indictment of the priorities of people today.

And I have been there in case you are wondering, I know what it is like to be at the end of your tether. In my case, I had a childhood I have spent my adult life trying to forget. I was in put in care numerous times due to problems with my stepdad, I was regularly beaten, I ran away many times and had every excuse for wallowing in self pity. Maybe I should have got out of my head on smack instead of making something of myself eh ??, I had to drag myself out of that at a VERY young age and get on with it so forgive me if I dont collapse with sympathy for people who chose the other path. It was the only option for me to get on with it. I feel I have earned the right to look and say "get a grip", why shouldnt I ??, I didnt then and dont now want sympathy I just wanted to be bigger and better than people expected. I made it, I worked hard and kept going. And having done so I dont want my taxes spent feeding a junkies habit when there are far more worthy causes. Why should people involved in an illegal activity get free treatment when say Asthmatics dont ??, and cancer patients cant get drugs that would help them as they are "too expensive".. that is a national disgrace to me.

Your post comes across as making out it isnt their fault. The bottom line in life is that as an individual YOU are responsible for YOUR actions. You make the point about the Goverment helping this hypothetical person who is only in the situation because, as you maintain the Goverment wont help them !!, at which point pray does this hypothetical individual start to take some responsibility for themselves ??, and it is a fact that Drug Addicts will and do turn to crime to feed their habit. There is a 17 year old lassie that can give some insider info on that, how do you think she feels if she sees a lad she likes knowing she has a scar that is visible right down her cheek, despite the best efforts of plastic surgeons she will always have it. The guy who did it showed no remorse and he took the best path in my view in overdosing and removing himself from the gene pool, I hope its hot where he is.

So I wont be taking a seat at the pity party for reasons that should be obvious now. If you want to then thats up to you, its your view and fair play to you for posting it .. but I dont agree .. forcefully.


Firstly I think it is a bit strange that some ‘Database error’ screen keeps coming up now when I tried to get back on the forum to reply to this thread. Funny that it has never happened before. Is someone trying to tell me something? lol

Hey, thanks for your honest reply and I congratulate you on making a better life for yourself, and taking the right path. Just out of curiosity were you ever offered drugs when you were at this point in your life?

You say that you wanted to make yourself become a better and bigger person than you thought people would think you were. Some people may feel that it wouldn’t matter to any one what they made of themselves, so what would the point be? Any one in the scenario I described may think, well the people that care for me take drugs, they are her role models practically. Who else would she look to as a role model? The parents that abused her? OK this is off the point. We can argue this till we are blue in the face, its not going to make a difference.

What that guy did to that young girl was his choice, he did it, just because he was on drugs at the time does not mean that all people who are addicted or take drugs will act this way. I agree that he should have done his time or paid in some way. I also agree that he should not have been let off because he was on drugs, he should have served the same as any one else. But what about the people who slash or kill people that are not on drugs? There are plenty of them, why just target the ones who are?
I can totally understand how the young girl must feel, as a young woman myself I fully understand the importance of looks to a girl or woman and how it affects your confidence and self esteem.

I understand that the government has got its priorities to sort out when it comes to what they fund and what they don’t, as I think asthmatics should be given free inhalers. This is going off the point again. My point is that people should never think or say they are better than anyone else because of the mistakes they have made in their lives and the life they have chosen to live. I know someone is going to say “what about murderers and rapists?” that’s not the people I was talking about, we were discussing people who are addicted to drugs, so there is no point in saying it. Maybe they need some sort of help as well, or maybe they are just bad people through and through.

I was always taught about equality. Is saying people that are addicted to drugs should not be given help or money from the government for help equality? Its just showing that there are a lot of people who only care about themselves and their own. What would you do if one of your children became a drug addict and was refused help from the government, bet you wouldn’t think the same then? If the money from the government can help someone get their life back on track so that it can stop or prevent these people from crimes, then I think it’s well spent money. Ok off track again, Ill shut up.

15-Jun-08, 23:06
Thank you Fantoosh and other "orgers" for supporting this thread.

I thank you for supporting what i wrote. Was half expecting everyone to have the opposite opinion. Its good to see that there are some people who understand and agree.

15-Jun-08, 23:10
I watched a documentary about drugs in Britain on BBC 2 a couple of years ago. The BBC team followed a guy who was dealing drugs under the guise of a taxi business. Far from being about "losers" desperate for a hit on the street corner, this guy's customers were well-to-do people, living in the best areas of town. Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, City Traders etc, you name them, they were all buying coke from this guy. We are not talking dark soda pop or smokeless fuels here either!!

One Doctor voiced the fact that "Outside of my family, my dealer is the most important person in my life"

Doctors and Dentists have plenty of spare cash, they don't need to steal to feed their habit. It is probable that "Druggies" wouldn't have to commit crimes either, if they were on similar salaries that, incidentally, "Our" taxes help to finance.

I think it wise to look at the bigger picture and see that many, supposedly "respectable" professionals in our country use drugs. We also have a legal drug, in alcohol, that causes, arguably, the biggest problems in society. I would say that, if you are intoxicated and causing problems to society, it shouldn't matter too much what caused the intoxication. Drunks should surely be equally responsible for THEIR being pissed, as a "druggie" is for being stoned.

15-Jun-08, 23:26
in my honest and humble oppinion, i think you will find that for the majority people who have delt with drugs and drug users and have in general have had a hard life but now pulling o pulled themselves to a place they would much rathe be, are the ones you will find very anti-drugs and extremly hard on users and abusers.
it tends to be the people who have never delt with the fall out the violence, the pain and degradation that comes with being a drugie or being involved with one that has the lets help them, they are misunderstood view.
there are always exceptions to the rules, and reasons why people do what they do.
However, in most cases innocent children/young people are not held down and foced to take drugs, or have no clue that its a bad thing and they shouldnt do it.
if a young lonley immpresionalble traumatised soul, does decide to take drugs because they are lonley and just want to belong. then that is a choice that they have made. knowing that drugs are dangerous that they can hurt and kill, and turn you into something that you are not normally.
its amazing how sorry, someone is when they have a clear head. how easy it is to say IM SORRY! i will never do it again, i didnt mean to.
and truly mean it, just to turn around and do it again.
when someone you know and love is strung out, all you can do is grieve. Because that person that you love is dead. its not them in the shell of you husband, wife, child, mother, father. but a monster, that is only a shadow of the person they were.
you want to belive to the point that you are blind, that you can help them. that if only they were someone out there that would just reach out. give a hand. every day as you pray that some new program will give them that chance to turn their lives around. that its not going to end up with them or some one else hurt or worse.
you blind yourself to the fact that unless they want help nothing will ever change until they are dead or behind bars.
it is a soul destroying process, and personally i would give the most of my sympathy to the familys of those who are lost. those whos loved ones look on and see the nightmare with no way to help.

15-Jun-08, 23:37
I have a sister-in-law who is a habitual skunk/cannabis user. She will never be prosecuted for using it because doctors and specialist's say that she is a manic depressive and bi-polar, whatever the hell that means.
She is only allowed to work part-time because of her 'condition' and so qualifies for incapacity benefit and a free car. She has used all sorts of drugs since she was a teenager, and is now 48. She has attempted suicide 14 times since the age of 19! In my view her condition was most likely caused by the drug abuse.

My sister-in-laws friend is 39, has used drugs since she was a teenager and is now on methadone. She has been on methadone for 5 years but whenever the doctors say it's time she started to try a recovery program she threatens or attempts suicide, so they leave her on it.

My mother died of cancer. She couldn't get the treatment or drugs that would have either saved her or prolonged her life. Do I feel aggrieved that Government policy and we as a society failed her, yet spend millions on addicts? You bet your backside I do.

As much as some people do want to come off drugs and I believe they should be helped, I don't believe in feeding their habit by giving a substitute. Cold turkey and 3 months on a remote island will soon get them to shape up and realise what life is about.

I have to side with Lord F's view, but then, I'm sure you guessed that anyway.

i thought that the point of methadone is to ween them off it thats wat the docters should be doing since you obviouly havent had a drug problem so you wouldnt know what its like going cold turkey and neither do i but i have herd from a few ex drug addicts who have and couldnt make it because its really hard i think the methadone is really good bt not if you are giving them just as much all the time they should be weening them off it

15-Jun-08, 23:44
I watched a documentary about drugs in Britain on BBC 2 a couple of years ago. The BBC team followed a guy who was dealing drugs under the guise of a taxi business. Far from being about "losers" desperate for a hit on the street corner, this guy's customers were well-to-do people, living in the best areas of town. Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, City Traders etc, you name them, they were all buying coke from this guy. We are not talking dark soda pop or smokeless fuels here either!!

One Doctor voiced the fact that "Outside of my family, my dealer is the most important person in my life"

Doctors and Dentists have plenty of spare cash, they don't need to steal to feed their habit. It is probable that "Druggies" wouldn't have to commit crimes either, if they were on similar salaries that, incidentally, "Our" taxes help to finance.

I think it wise to look at the bigger picture and see that many, supposedly "respectable" professionals in our country use drugs. We also have a legal drug, in alcohol, that causes, arguably, the biggest problems in society. I would say that, if you are intoxicated and causing problems to society, it shouldn't matter too much what caused the intoxication. Drunks should surely be equally responsible for THEIR being pissed, as a "druggie" is for being stoned.

why is it that quite a few people say druggies are stoners when we are talking about people bein addicted to drugs its like heroin smack stuff like that so the correct term would be out my face or summit like that not oooooh im stoned lets go rob someone you will hardly ever hear about someone dying from smoking too much pot or someone robbing somewhere because they were stoned and why because smoking dope makes you think there is no way im getting up to get something to eat even tho they have the munchies not lets go and rob someone for some money

16-Jun-08, 04:00
i thought that the point of methadone is to ween them off it thats wat the docters should be doing since you obviouly havent had a drug problem so you wouldnt know what its like going cold turkey and neither do i but i have herd from a few ex drug addicts who have and couldnt make it because its really hard i think the methadone is really good bt not if you are giving them just as much all the time they should be weening them off it
Methadon is more addictive than heroin and is a lot harder to give up when hooked. The withdrawal is considerabley worse. This approach is an absolute waste of time.
Take the addict off illegal drugs and give them legal ones that are worse is our government logic and the problem gets worse and worse. Prescribe pure heroin to the addicts and most of the problems vanish at a very low cost to the NHS. Give him his daily fix and he has no need to commit crimes to get the cash.

16-Jun-08, 07:23
My opinion of a druggy is they are addicted to the hard stuff and need a lot of money to fund the habit to which they cant control it thats why they commit crime to fund it.
I dont see a druggy as a criminal because they cant control there habit or themselves because the druggs has taken over them its bit like smoking any smoker Knows how hard it it is to stop.
Problem with all the modern society now is there not helping them properly for me i think the best way to deal with a druggy is not to punish them buy sending them to prison because you could probaly get drugs easier inside than out but to remove them from society and force them into drug rehab in a controlled environment so they have no choice but to give up and keep them in that environment for a long period of time so to give them a greater chance of stopping for good.And people that supply and sell druggs should get the book thrown at them good and proper and even maybey inject some drugs into them and see how they like having all the problems a druggy has

16-Jun-08, 08:23
Methadon is more addictive than heroin and is a lot harder to give up when hooked. The withdrawal is considerabley worse. This approach is an absolute waste of time.
Take the addict off illegal drugs and give them legal ones that are worse is our government logic and the problem gets worse and worse. Prescribe pure heroin to the addicts and most of the problems vanish at a very low cost to the NHS. Give him his daily fix and he has no need to commit crimes to get the cash.

seems a bit pointless then giving them methadone if its worse just because it legal

16-Jun-08, 12:18
I go back to what i said in other posts - Some people are strong and some arent. Some people are driven to succeed and others cant. A good and healthy society is surely one where the strong help the weak? Where successfully ovecoming adversity should lead to a "hey guys look what you can achieve if you try" rather than a "pull yourself together get a life you waster".

The attitude of Im better stronger and wiser than you so you should just pull your socks up is the sort of attitude that is to blame for the stigma attached to mental health problems. The pull yourself together attitude is of no use to anyone struggling through alcoholism , addiction or mental health problems. Its not helpful and just leaves people feeling worse than ever. Quite often drug and alcoholism go hand in hand with mental health issues - either as cause or effect. The idea should surely be that people who have survived a terrible childhood, a dreadful tragedy, an awful marriage breakdown, a dreadful bereavement, a traumatic stint in whatever conflict they have fought in should share with compassion and understanding those who are struggling to survive. Fortunately some people do indeed that, CRUISE, AA, SANDS and many other organisations take volunteers with those experiences and help others less able to weather the blows.

We are none of us perfect just some of us are stronger or luckier than others. Thats all

16-Jun-08, 12:25
why is it that quite a few people say druggies are stoners when we are talking about people bein addicted to drugs its like heroin smack stuff like that so the correct term would be out my face or summit like that not oooooh im stoned lets go rob someone you will hardly ever hear about someone dying from smoking too much pot or someone robbing somewhere because they were stoned and why because smoking dope makes you think there is no way im getting up to get something to eat even tho they have the munchies not lets go and rob someone for some money

"Thesaurus: stoned


1. Stupefied, excited, or muddled with alcoholic liquor: besotted, crapulent, crapulous, drunk, drunken, inebriate, inebriated, intoxicated, sodden, tipsy. Informal cockeyed, stewed. Slang blind, bombed, boozed, boozy, crocked, high, lit (up), loaded, looped, pickled, pixilated, plastered, potted, sloshed, smashed, soused, stinking, stinko, tight, zonked. Idioms: drunk as a skunk, half-seas over, high as a kite, in one's cups, three sheetsintothe wind. See drugs/temperance.
2. Stupefied, intoxicated, or otherwise influenced by the taking of drugs: drugged. Informal doped. Slang high, hopped-up, lit (up), potted, spaced-out, turned-on, wiped-out, zonked."

As you can see, there are many terms for describing intoxication. I don't think it matters too much which one we choose.

A guy I was at Uni with, did not like people using the term "stoned" to describe people who were drunk. He saw the term as solely referring to a state of intoxication brought on via the smoking of cannabis. As far as he was concerned, this was a far less vulgar activity than consuming alcohol and, therefore, worthy of it's own terminology.

I don't know whether cannabis users are all law-abiding citizens but I do know that many of its users claim that it is not a drug that leads to problems in the way that other drugs do. Not having used any drug other than alcohol, I cannot comment on the effects of it.

The point I was trying to make, is that many people seem to have the perception that drug users are those living at the sleazy end of society. This is clearly not the case. I would also ask if anyone on the forum can explain why it is that Doctors and Dentists etc can use a drug such as cocaine and not not seem to suffer the same problems as other users who are at a "lower level" in society? Surely, if the drug is addictive and the addiction leads to the addict's problems, then no-one will be immune to the addictive effect of the drug(s)?

16-Jun-08, 13:07
you can have a problem with drink and not be an alocoholic, you can have a problem with drugs and not be a junkie, or a drug addict. Using drugs recreationally can lead to problems yes, but not for everyone who uses them. The same as not everyone who takes drugs, or drinks excessively has had a bad life. I would say most people take these things because it makes them feel good, they enjoy it....which clearly is going to be more appealing especailly as youve had a bad day, or bad few years.

Drug use become excessive due to tolerance levels becoming higher the more you use it, thus needing more, so therefore costing the user more, unfortunately the poorer cases resort to robbing grannies at knife point, stealing and lying and even selling thier bodies to get that hit. This is the extreme effects of drug use, and really considering the amount of people who DO use drugs, is the minority. But has also become the governments cover story when it seems to educating the masses about drug use.... which really is not very reflective of what drug use in this country.

I beleive the lot should be legalised, alcohol causes far more problems than most "illegal" drugs - no matter what is said , it has historically been abused and drugs and alcohol will continue to be abused until the human race is no more..... that has to be accepted,

16-Jun-08, 13:13
I beleive the lot should be legalised, alcohol causes far more problems than most "illegal" drugs - no matter what is said , it has historically been abused and drugs and alcohol will continue to be abused until the human race is no more..... that has to be accepted,
Right on!!!!
He who is well off and can get a good supply of pure drugs can live as long as anyone. It is the fact that they are illegal which leads to the crime among the 'lower orders'. Heroin, I believe, costs about £2 per gram to make in a legal factory and it is pure. Give it to the addicts who can't or won't go clean, and the problems almost vanish. This would cost the Goverment almost nothing.

16-Jun-08, 14:09
you can have a problem with drink and not be an alocoholic, you can have a problem with drugs and not be a junkie, or a drug addict. Using drugs recreationally can lead to problems yes, but not for everyone who uses them. The same as not everyone who takes drugs, or drinks excessively has had a bad life. I would say most people take these things because it makes them feel good, they enjoy it....which clearly is going to be more appealing especailly as youve had a bad day, or bad few years.

Drug use become excessive due to tolerance levels becoming higher the more you use it, thus needing more, so therefore costing the user more, unfortunately the poorer cases resort to robbing grannies at knife point, stealing and lying and even selling thier bodies to get that hit. This is the extreme effects of drug use, and really considering the amount of people who DO use drugs, is the minority. But has also become the governments cover story when it seems to educating the masses about drug use.... which really is not very reflective of what drug use in this country.

I beleive the lot should be legalised, alcohol causes far more problems than most "illegal" drugs - no matter what is said , it has historically been abused and drugs and alcohol will continue to be abused until the human race is no more..... that has to be accepted,

Thanks for the excellent reply.

According to some "experts" certain drugs are more addictive than others. In a recent Horizon documentary, Heroin and Cocaine were listed as the most dangerous of the 20 most widely used drugs.

Full list follow by classification:-

The Top Twenty Most Dangerous Drugs According to BBC Horizon

1. Heroin A
2. Cocaine A
3. Barbiturates (Sedatives) B
4. Methadone (Opioid) A
5. Alcohol Legal
6. Ketamine C
7. Benzodiazepines (Sedatives)
8. Amphetamine (Speed) B
9. Tobacco legal
10. Buprenorphine (Opioid) C
11. Cannabis C
12. Solvents Legal
13. 4-methylthioamphetamine (amphetamine derivative) A
14. LSD A
15. Methylphenidate(Ritalin) B
16. Anabolic steroids C
17. Gamma 4-hydroxybutyric acid (depressant, “date-rape drug”) C
18. Ecstasy A
19. Amyl Nitrate (nitrite inhalants, “poppers”) Legal
20. Khat (plant-derived stimulant) Legal (illegal in USA)

The team of scientists who compiled the list stated that Tobacco would be classed as category B and Alcohol as category A if they were to have arrived on the scene as new drugs today.

I also recall a Documentary from quite some time ago concerning drug "addicts" in Harlem New York. The drugs that were being used by the residents of the area were tested for purity levels. It turned out that the drugs had been cut so much with other materials they contained too little of the actual drug for it to be possible to become addicted to it. The scientists declared that it was not the drug that the users were addicted to but, instead, the way of life involved in obtaining it.

I tend to agree with legalising them all. It is clearly inconsistent that alcohol and tobacco are legal in the the face of the damage they cause and the violent behaviour that results in the case of alcohol.

16-Jun-08, 14:38
On the news today it was stated that 28,000 crimes per year in Scotland are committed under the influence of alcohol. It is ironic that Scotland is complaining about the rising drink problem when one of its largest exports is whisky. Six people per day die from alcohol related illness.
I was amused when reading the public profile of Lord F. whose opinions about druggies nauseated me who states that his main interests are girls and beer. Is he an addict?[evil]

16-Jun-08, 14:47
Gleber2: "He who is well off and can get a good supply of pure drugs can live as long as anyone"

Wonder if Natasha Collins and Mark Speight knew that...

16-Jun-08, 14:48
I go back to what i said in other posts - Some people are strong and some arent. Some people are driven to succeed and others cant. A good and healthy society is surely one where the strong help the weak? Where successfully ovecoming adversity should lead to a "hey guys look what you can achieve if you try" rather than a "pull yourself together get a life you waster".

The attitude of Im better stronger and wiser than you so you should just pull your socks up is the sort of attitude that is to blame for the stigma attached to mental health problems. The pull yourself together attitude is of no use to anyone struggling through alcoholism , addiction or mental health problems. Its not helpful and just leaves people feeling worse than ever. Quite often drug and alcoholism go hand in hand with mental health issues - either as cause or effect. The idea should surely be that people who have survived a terrible childhood, a dreadful tragedy, an awful marriage breakdown, a dreadful bereavement, a traumatic stint in whatever conflict they have fought in should share with compassion and understanding those who are struggling to survive. Fortunately some people do indeed that, CRUISE, AA, SANDS and many other organisations take volunteers with those experiences and help others less able to weather the blows.

We are none of us perfect just some of us are stronger or luckier than others. Thats all

Squidge i couldn't have said it better and i'm glad that you posted this. If everyone was to take on this attitude we might get somewhere. We are all different and it is all too easy to feel smug at the failures of others just because maybe we didnt choose to do this or that in life. The stronger ones are the lucky ones.

I absolutely hate the term 'druggie' i think it and any other derogative term used to describe a person comes a lot with ignorance. When i was at University i worked part time as a youth worker. Some of the things i heard and witnessed were pretty horrific and the majority of the time it came down to drugs. One of the boys i worked with, a quiet 16 year old who looked like the kind of person you would cross the street in order to avoid (he was always dressed in a hooded top, always looked unwashed with a hard look) would often come into the community centre with a few of his friends to hang out and play pool etc. He was found dead in the bottom of a stairwell in the block of flats that he lived in with his mother. He had taken a herion overdose. Because he was lying in the basement he went un noticed for a couple of days and because his mother was an alcoholic and a known herion addict she didn't notice that he was missing. I later found out that his father was in Jail, drug related again.

What made me feel really sad about this situation was listening to the other young people in the centre talking about his death and referring to him as a 'druggie' and a 'junkie'. When i think of him lying there the words sad, desperate and tragic spring to my mind not those terms. I used to feel really embarrased leaving that community at the end of a shift and getting on the bus to go back to my nice safe flat, my couchie job and even knowing that i had parents that always knew where i was and what i was doing because they were interested in my life and they care. If i had been in his situation and if i had his life i can honestly say that i dont know if i would have been strong enough to walk away from something that might make me feel better or even help me forget for a while.

I wonder how many people walked past him during his life and thought to themselves 'druggie' or 'junkie'.

16-Jun-08, 15:13
Gleber2: "He who is well off and can get a good supply of pure drugs can live as long as anyone"

Wonder if Natasha Collins and Mark Speight knew that...
Who are they? Anyone can overdose and kill themselves but those who can afford to support a habit usually know what they are doing and the drug is likely to be fairly pure. Poor addicts have to take what the street supplies and the strength can vary a lot leading to unpredictable dosage. Give the average junkie pure heroin and he or she is liable to overdose.

Valerie Campbell
16-Jun-08, 15:15
I've read both posts about 'druggies' and why I didn't post before was because of the word -druggie. Ok, I'm going to put my life on here because I feel strongly about this. I grew up in an abusive household. Most of my childhood was spent being scared. I didn't turn to drugs, and I'm so glad I didn't, but I did drink a fair bit to suppress the feelings I had. And yes, it helped. It blocked it out for a while. But the problems were still there and it's only now that I feel I've managed to put that part of my life in a separate compartment from who I am now. Drugs, drink, whatever, people turn to these for a million different reasons, and most do it in secret from their loved ones because they feel they can't talk to anyone or they feel totally unable to cope, or alone. When I think back, I could have so easily have taken a different route. I knew suppliers. I knew users. I don't really know the reasons for not going down that route, but I am so glad I didn't. But I have to say, labels don't help people. Only society can and a self-belief that you're worthwhile.

16-Jun-08, 15:18
I cant believe we have some liberal minded people who dont like the term "druggie".
I am death against drugs,having dabbled in my youth, I know personally what they can do to you.
So because I have dabbled in the past and stopped does that mean I get a GOLD STAR for being a good boy? Dont think so! I shouldnt have taken them in the first place, thats the only answer.
Druggies are a drain on society and we all end up paying for it-indirectly. Its nothing to do with being a "strong" person its all to do with knowing right from wrong, if someone thinks of taking drugs show them the state of smelly Pete Doherty or wasted Amy Winehouse (singer not org member!) or for a great example look at Kurt Cobain, one of the most talented musicians of a generation who was so wasted he blew his brains out. Such a waste of human life. Drugs are not "trendy" and the likes of Pete and Amy have alot to answer for, with youngsters thinking "heroin chic" is cool, it certainly aint.The quicker the government is seen getting tougher on the likes of Pete, Amy and Kate moss etc then the quicker kids wont think its cool.

For a perfect example read the lyrics of "White Lines" by melle mel.
Qoute :
A street kid gets arrested, gonna do some time
He got out three years from now just to commit more crime
A businessman is caught with 24 kilos
He’s out on bail and out of jail
And that’s the way it goes

Athletes rejected, governors corrected
Gangsters, thugs and smugglers are thoroughly respected
The money gets divided
The women get excited
Now I’m broke and it’s no joke
It’s hard as hell to fight it, don’t buy it!

Enough said

16-Jun-08, 15:43
I cant believe we have some liberal minded people who dont like the term "druggie".
I am death against drugs,having dabbled in my youth, I know personally what they can do to you.
So because I have dabbled in the past and stopped does that mean I get a GOLD STAR for being a good boy? Dont think so! I shouldnt have taken them in the first place, thats the only answer.
Druggies are a drain on society and we all end up paying for it-indirectly. Its nothing to do with being a "strong" person its all to do with knowing right from wrong, if someone thinks of taking drugs show them the state of smelly Pete Doherty or wasted Amy Winehouse (singer not org member!) or for a great example look at Kurt Cobain, one of the most talented musicians of a generation who was so wasted he blew his brains out. Such a waste of human life. Drugs are not "trendy" and the likes of Pete and Amy have alot to answer for, with youngsters thinking "heroin chic" is cool, it certainly aint.The quicker the government is seen getting tougher on the likes of Pete, Amy and Kate moss etc then the quicker kids wont think its cool.

For a perfect example read the lyrics of "White Lines" by melle mel.
Qoute :
A street kid gets arrested, gonna do some time
He got out three years from now just to commit more crime
A businessman is caught with 24 kilos
He’s out on bail and out of jail
And that’s the way it goes

Athletes rejected, governors corrected
Gangsters, thugs and smugglers are thoroughly respected
The money gets divided
The women get excited
Now I’m broke and it’s no joke
It’s hard as hell to fight it, don’t buy it!

Enough said
Do you think that the person who enjoys a glass of wine or a beer likes to be referred to as an alkie?
Everything you have said regarding drugs can can be said in relation to alcohol. You smoke a fag or drink a pint and you are a druggie just as much as the illegal drug users. Drug users cost the NHS an awful lot less than nicotine and alcohol addicts/users.

The Pepsi Challenge
16-Jun-08, 16:03
The day I worry about 'druggies' is the day alcohol and its own problems have been eradicated first.

16-Jun-08, 16:21
Reading through the thread, I suppose I must be a rarity, in that I had a 'rough; upbringing, being knocked out by my father at 12, my younger brothers earliest memory is of me being chased upstairs by my father beating me with his shoe, telling me I was useless.. no, I did not go down the road of depression and loss of self-worth but determined to prove I was 'better than him'..
Ran off to the Army at 18, and made a fool of myself by imbibing too much alcohol - well you try drinking a tot from each bottle on a German Pubs shelves. Sod that for a lark, haven't touched a drop since. Never smoked either.
I wanted a 'kick' or a 'high' is that what druggies call it? so put me name down for a free-fall parachute course, told as I was under 21 would need my parents permission. As this would be non-forthcoming I forged my mothers signature and went on the course anyway. Who needs to unscrew a bottle, or open a packet or whatever they do to get chemicals into their brains, just hang on that wing strut, feet three-quarters off the wing, look at the instructor and let go - that's adrenaline..

Can't swim, so how about kayaking 800 miles of the Rhine from Switzerland to Holland, going over Grade IV rapids, now that's a 'buzz' - ended up in the Guinness Book of Records for three years. No furtive sticking a needle in your arm, or snorting some stuff up your nose, or spewing up in the gutter and later saying "that was a great night we had there"..
Try kayaking the English Channel in a force 7 without support; 8 hours 40 minutes later landing in Frogland, still a non-swimmer - bloody exciting! and not one pill either..
Special Duties Northern Ireland 'nough said, but that most certainly gives one a 'kick' and all without a sniff of drugs or booze either..

Then there's the 'excitement' of being in a burning building when the floor falls in or the roof comes down - 11 years as a fire-fighter before getting too injured - sounds a bit sick, but I've got a total of just under four foot of scars which equates to a fantastic life of excitement (and a bit of pain) but well worth it and the satisfaction of not diving into a bottle or a syringe makes it complete.
But a rejoinder.. It might be my genetic makeup as my 'lot' have always been adventurers, we might have been poor but we did not hang around... I fully accept that there are individuals who are unable to 'break out' because of abuse - my post is not about them, it's about the chattering classes and those who feel the only way to get 'excitement' is to go down that 'chemicals in the brain' route.. sad gits..

Oh yeah (today)'Alcohol and drug misuse means Scots are almost twice as likely as people south of the border to take their own life or kill, a new report has said'. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/7452716.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/7452716.stm)

16-Jun-08, 16:24
I've been reading all the posts to this with great interest. Personally I think that alcohol is the most damaging drug around. I also believe that methadone doesn't work. I have a friend who has run lots of bars around Glasgow and a comment she once made always stuck with me. She said that in bars you will find 'smokers' and 'drinkers' and at the end of the night it's always the drinkers that are the problem, not leaving, fighting outside in the pavements and so on.

16-Jun-08, 19:26
Reading through the thread, I suppose I must be a rarity, in that I had a 'rough; upbringing, being knocked out by my father at 12, my younger brothers earliest memory is of me being chased upstairs by my father beating me with his shoe, telling me I was useless.. no, I did not go down the road of depression and loss of self-worth but determined to prove I was 'better than him'..
Ran off to the Army at 18, and made a fool of myself by imbibing too much alcohol - well you try drinking a tot from each bottle on a German Pubs shelves. Sod that for a lark, haven't touched a drop since. Never smoked either.
I wanted a 'kick' or a 'high' is that what druggies call it? so put me name down for a free-fall parachute course, told as I was under 21 would need my parents permission. As this would be non-forthcoming I forged my mothers signature and went on the course anyway. Who needs to unscrew a bottle, or open a packet or whatever they do to get chemicals into their brains, just hang on that wing strut, feet three-quarters off the wing, look at the instructor and let go - that's adrenaline..

Can't swim, so how about kayaking 800 miles of the Rhine from Switzerland to Holland, going over Grade IV rapids, now that's a 'buzz' - ended up in the Guinness Book of Records for three years. No furtive sticking a needle in your arm, or snorting some stuff up your nose, or spewing up in the gutter and later saying "that was a great night we had there"..
Try kayaking the English Channel in a force 7 without support; 8 hours 40 minutes later landing in Frogland, still a non-swimmer - bloody exciting! and not one pill either..
Special Duties Northern Ireland 'nough said, but that most certainly gives one a 'kick' and all without a sniff of drugs or booze either..

Then there's the 'excitement' of being in a burning building when the floor falls in or the roof comes down - 11 years as a fire-fighter before getting too injured - sounds a bit sick, but I've got a total of just under four foot of scars which equates to a fantastic life of excitement (and a bit of pain) but well worth it and the satisfaction of not diving into a bottle or a syringe makes it complete.
But a rejoinder.. It might be my genetic makeup as my 'lot' have always been adventurers, we might have been poor but we did not hang around... I fully accept that there are individuals who are unable to 'break out' because of abuse - my post is not about them, it's about the chattering classes and those who feel the only way to get 'excitement' is to go down that 'chemicals in the brain' route.. sad gits..

Oh yeah (today)'Alcohol and drug misuse means Scots are almost twice as likely as people south of the border to take their own life or kill, a new report has said'. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/7452716.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/7452716.stm)

Exactly, don't let the ******** get you down!

Get out and do something - make something of yourself. Everybody can point to something in their life that 'could' lead them to take drugs but why?

It does not solve the problem, its still there and anyway there cannot be a single person in the country that has taken drugs that does not know that they are harmful.

16-Jun-08, 21:15
Drug users cost the NHS an awful lot less than nicotine and alcohol addicts/users.

And your evidence for this is?

On society in general would you rather meet someone with a few drams who is more likely to give you a cuddle, or a Smackheed who will put a knife in you and steal your money? Junkies cost more to society in general.
I never said Alcohol wasnt bad it is when not used in moderation,I am just sick to the back teeth with people blaming everyone else for their drug use, its a choice and as Zammo and the Grange Hill mob said "just say no!"-Simple really

16-Jun-08, 21:29
Not many people have become the victim of a crime instigated by an alchoholic looking for their next drink.

I'll not bother saying any more, I'm sure you can work out the rest for yourselves.


16-Jun-08, 21:35
Not many people have become the victim of a crime instigated by an alchoholic looking for their next drink.

I'll not bother saying any more, I'm sure you can work out the rest for yourselves.


I think what you mean is addiction when the addict can't get what they want and has no access to their drug of choice.

Victims exist in all shapes and forms and even at the hands of so called sober/straight people.

16-Jun-08, 21:48
I have read through both threads on the "druggies" and there are some pretty strong statements made by some, I just wondered out of curiosity how many on here have been the victim of these "druggies" how many have been stabbed/robbed or fallen victim in some other way.
How many have actually had dealings with the "druggies", Or is your opinions just based by what we hear on the news and in the media ( cos lets face it they never get things wrong ) I am not saying that crime doesnt happen by drug users as i said i am just curious are to where all you opinions come from and how many have been actual victims.

16-Jun-08, 21:52
...since this thread also includes (currently) legal drugs such as drink and ciggies I thought I would throw this one into the den of lions...

From reading the postings some people give the opinion that they couldn't care less about "druggies". The fact that someone is "hooked" on something is enough reason to persecute them in the eyes of some (no matter the reason for the addiction).

So what about grannies? Many old people are hooked on various forms of horse-kiling drugs. Admitidly they don't all go out in their hoodies and rob but they are hooked on these drugs...........should they also be treated with such disgust?

PS in no way do I advocate locking up your dear granny or grandad

16-Jun-08, 22:05
Are you suggesting that they are hooked on drugs that they have been perscribed by their GP due to medical conditions?

If this is the case then you can hardly compare the two situations can you.

Other than those perscribed for medical use everybody does have a choice as to if they take the drugs or not.

16-Jun-08, 22:15
Are you suggesting that they are hooked on drugs that they have been perscribed by their GP due to medical conditions?

If this is the case then you can hardly compare the two situations can you.

Other than those perscribed for medical use everybody does have a choice as to if they take the drugs or not.

Yes I am saying that some people become hooked on pescribed drugs. It is also up to the individual whether-or-not they take the pescribed drugs.

I do compare the situations. As far as I can see no matter how the addiction started (pescribed, legal or illegal drugs) we should not be so quick to judge people and tar people with labels as "druggies". I would rather look at how we can help people rather than apointing blame as so many posters have done on this thread

16-Jun-08, 22:26
Yes I am saying that some people become hooked on pescribed drugs. It is also up to the individual whether-or-not they take the pescribed drugs.

I do compare the situations. As far as I can see no matter how the addiction started (pescribed, legal or illegal drugs) we should not be so quick to judge people and tar people with labels as "druggies". I would rather look at how we can help people rather than apointing blame as so many posters have done on this thread

If someone is prescribed a drug by their GP it will either be for short term or long term use. Long term can often mean for the rest of your life. If someone is on a drug long term, they will be ordering repeat prescriptions. How can you say someone in that position is "hooked"?

Of course, everyone can choose NOT to take a drug but if it is recommended for the benefit of your health it would be folly to stop taking it. You could only describe someone as "being hooked" if they were taking MORE than the recommended dose, either in terms of amount in one sitting or exceeding the number times it is taken. Just how does a person obtain the required extra prescribed drugs? The computer system monitors the days between requested repeat prescriptions. It would be easy to spot someone who was going to the well too often. Are Grannies hitting the streets to get a supply from Thyroxine Tommy on the corner?

I am not disagreeing with your sentiment on labelling people here, I just don't think your scenario is very realistic in its attempt to compare prescribed drugs to illegal drugs.

16-Jun-08, 22:33
just for clarity I am suggesting that some people become dependent on pescription drugs whether-or-not there is a medical justification for continuing to use them - to my mind that is being hooked - yet these people are not villified or called "druggies"

16-Jun-08, 23:04
i think benji is more in mind of prescription drugs.. like pain killers and sleeping pills and the like. which thankully over here its no where near as bad as back home.
and as for the question of who has lived thu it.. i have.
i was rasied by an alcholic. its my mum (granny but had me since birth) she drank all my life. She was never abusive to me, but i lived in terror every day of my life. it was a case of is she going to spew and choke to death, am i going to be able to get her up today? who are these strange people in my house drinking? and unfortunatly that was the best parts. my real mum had great taste in men. her husband drank and did drugs. he would beat her and then once he sobered up beg for forgivness. when she was 7 mnths preg. with my youngst brother he broke her arm.. oopps sorry i forgot she "fell"
once when he went into one of his drug induced rages as my brothers sat cowering on the couch trying to make theirselves as small as possible, he started in n her.. he threw her thru a wall.. she landed in the kitchen.. i jumped him.. all of 14 years old. and he picked me up and threw me on the couch.. and started towads me.. she jumped up and jumped on his back and started screaming for me to run.
over and over he told her is she ever left him he would kill her, and truth, he prob. would have.
he took his 5 and 4 year old children, to an armed robbery. they slept in the back of the car while he held up a convience store.
he shot a man point blank in the chest 3 times.
the day she finally was brave enough to leave him was the day that a drug deal went bad, and the dealers came and shot up the house.
she was there with the three youngest children. and he left his wife and children took a sawed off shot gun and hid in the attic, while they screamed and cried down stairs.
she took the matress off the bed, lay on top of the kids and covered them all with the matress to try to protect themselves.
there is nothing nice about drugs. and an addict will do anything and i mean anything to do what they can to get thier fix. it dosent matter how much they love you. at the end of the day if it came between you and their drug of choice. your left behind every time.
i never lived with them, and i thank God every day that i didnt go thru the nightmare my brothers did on a day to day basis. how they survived i dont know.
but having lived the life i have lived. having seen what i have seen. and yes been under the peer presure to do drugs, ive never given in.
ive never even smoked a cigarette. (cant stand the smell *yuck*)
ive come out the other side, and thankfully im a stronger person for it. i didnt let it break me, but im very mulish like that. unfortunatly not everyone is, and i understand how people get caught up in the life. but at the end of the day when all is said and done. they all had a choice. and they made it.
it dosent matter how many programs are out there. unless they want to be helped their is no help.

Yoda the flump
16-Jun-08, 23:14
just for clarity I am suggesting that some people become dependent on pescription drugs whether-or-not there is a medical justification for continuing to use them - to my mind that is being hooked - yet these people are not villified or called "druggies"

difference is that those on taking drugs because they are prescribed by their GP do it to have some sort of meaningful life, those who take them for other reasons do it to destroy their meaningful life.

16-Jun-08, 23:31
difference is that those on taking drugs because they are prescribed by their GP do it to have some sort of meaningful life, those who take them for other reasons do it to destroy their meaningful life.

Have to agree because soemtimes when I'm in agony with my back the only thing that works is presribed drugs and they are totally addictive within sbout 2 days, legal drugs these are.

16-Jun-08, 23:46
difference is that those on taking drugs because they are prescribed by their GP do it to have some sort of meaningful life, those who take them for other reasons do it to destroy their meaningful life.

as I say "whether-or-not there is a medical reason"

Lord Flasheart
17-Jun-08, 00:58
I go back to what i said in other posts - Some people are strong and some arent. Some people are driven to succeed and others cant. A good and healthy society is surely one where the strong help the weak? Where successfully ovecoming adversity should lead to a "hey guys look what you can achieve if you try" rather than a "pull yourself together get a life you waster".

The attitude of Im better stronger and wiser than you so you should just pull your socks up is the sort of attitude that is to blame for the stigma attached to mental health problems. The pull yourself together attitude is of no use to anyone struggling through alcoholism , addiction or mental health problems. Its not helpful and just leaves people feeling worse than ever. Quite often drug and alcoholism go hand in hand with mental health issues - either as cause or effect. The idea should surely be that people who have survived a terrible childhood, a dreadful tragedy, an awful marriage breakdown, a dreadful bereavement, a traumatic stint in whatever conflict they have fought in should share with compassion and understanding those who are struggling to survive. Fortunately some people do indeed that, CRUISE, AA, SANDS and many other organisations take volunteers with those experiences and help others less able to weather the blows.

We are none of us perfect just some of us are stronger or luckier than others. Thats all

Charlie Romeo Alpha Papa.

If you havent got the character to sort your life out then no one can do it for you .. End of.

There are three types of people in this life .. those that take the lead, those that follow the leader and those who stand by and watch all the while whinging that it isnt fair.

Your pyschobabble seems to indicate that those of us who get on with it are somehow responsible for making those who dont feel inadequate. I say this .. GOOD. If you want to have a good cry, blame someone or go on Jeremy Kyle and prove what a complete waste of oxygen you are while blaming everyone else for your own complete lack of personality, charisma, character and will to succeed then feel free.

More room on the highway of life for the rest of us who want to get on and dont feel we owe the bottom feeders a living.

17-Jun-08, 19:17
Charlie Romeo Alpha Papa.

If you havent got the character to sort your life out then no one can do it for you .. End of.

There are three types of people in this life .. those that take the lead, those that follow the leader and those who stand by and watch all the while whinging that it isnt fair.

Your pyschobabble seems to indicate that those of us who get on with it are somehow responsible for making those who dont feel inadequate. I say this .. GOOD. If you want to have a good cry, blame someone or go on Jeremy Kyle and prove what a complete waste of oxygen you are while blaming everyone else for your own complete lack of personality, charisma, character and will to succeed then feel free.

More room on the highway of life for the rest of us who want to get on and dont feel we owe the bottom feeders a living.

Goodness me you are an angry man arent you? Firstly let me correct your probably deliberate misunderstanding and belittling of my posts.

I did not say that you should get other people to sort your life out for you what i said was and here.... you might want to actually read this bit... i said that those of us who get on with it should help and support those who are struggling - by example perhaps or by listening or advising - however we can. No one can SORT someone's life out - they can only try to help whilst someone sorts their own life out. Also i never said that we owe anyone a living - i simply said that we can help people fulfill their potential and if we are strong survivors then we should try to do that.

Quite why you suggest my post is "psychobabble" i dont know. Its well known by everyone (except you I think) that telling someone who is clinically depressed or suicidal to " pull themselves together" is not always very helpful.That it can make people already struggling feel worse. I didnt need a sociology A level or a stint in the army to tell me that.

Fortunately there are a million types of people not simply three lets see how many others i can suggest

those that teach people how to follow the leader
those that help people who cant quite catch up with the leader and the rest of the followers
those that point the way to the leader when someone has got lost
those who heal people who are to ill to care about following the leader
those that explain to others what exactly it is that the leader wants someone to do who is following them

and on and on and on.

Tell you what Lord Flasheart -though quite where there is any heart in any of your posts Im not sure - You power on through life, walking over those who dont meet your exacting standards for "stiff upper lip" and "getting on with it" If you want to kick to one side the people that need a little help and laugh at those less fortunate than you - go on and do so. I hope with all my heart that when you need a little help, that you meet someone on MY wee list above rather than someone on yours.

17-Jun-08, 19:34
Do you think that the person who enjoys a glass of wine or a beer likes to be referred to as an alkie?
Everything you have said regarding drugs can can be said in relation to alcohol. You smoke a fag or drink a pint and you are a druggie just as much as the illegal drug users. Drug users cost the NHS an awful lot less than nicotine and alcohol addicts/users.

i would actually say that the dealers are the druggies. they are the scum who are making illegal money from peoples addictions
. also its true that drug users cost the nhs less, however what tax is on waccie-baccie? the winos and smokers are at least contributing to their future healthcare.

17-Jun-08, 21:42
Goodness me you are an angry man arent you? Firstly let me correct your probably deliberate misunderstanding and belittling of my posts.

I did not say that you should get other people to sort your life out for you what i said was and here.... you might want to actually read this bit... i said that those of us who get on with it should help and support those who are struggling - by example perhaps or by listening or advising - however we can. No one can SORT someone's life out - they can only try to help whilst someone sorts their own life out. Also i never said that we owe anyone a living - i simply said that we can help people fulfill their potential and if we are strong survivors then we should try to do that.

Quite why you suggest my post is "psychobabble" i dont know. Its well known by everyone (except you I think) that telling someone who is clinically depressed or suicidal to " pull themselves together" is not always very helpful.That it can make people already struggling feel worse. I didnt need a sociology A level or a stint in the army to tell me that.

Fortunately there are a million types of people not simply three lets see how many others i can suggest

those that teach people how to follow the leader
those that help people who cant quite catch up with the leader and the rest of the followers
those that point the way to the leader when someone has got lost
those who heal people who are to ill to care about following the leader
those that explain to others what exactly it is that the leader wants someone to do who is following them

and on and on and on.

Tell you what Lord Flasheart -though quite where there is any heart in any of your posts Im not sure - You power on through life, walking over those who dont meet your exacting standards for "stiff upper lip" and "getting on with it" If you want to kick to one side the people that need a little help and laugh at those less fortunate than you - go on and do so. I hope with all my heart that when you need a little help, that you meet someone on MY wee list above rather than someone on yours.

Great post. :)

I was actually listening to Eagle Eye Cherry, Save Tonight at the same time as reading that post, and I could just imagine it being read out in a film with that song as background music. haha Not that that has anything to do with anything. :roll:

17-Jun-08, 21:45
Charlie Romeo Alpha Papa.

If you havent got the character to sort your life out then no one can do it for you .. End of.

There are three types of people in this life .. those that take the lead, those that follow the leader and those who stand by and watch all the while whinging that it isnt fair.

Your pyschobabble seems to indicate that those of us who get on with it are somehow responsible for making those who dont feel inadequate. I say this .. GOOD. If you want to have a good cry, blame someone or go on Jeremy Kyle and prove what a complete waste of oxygen you are while blaming everyone else for your own complete lack of personality, charisma, character and will to succeed then feel free.

More room on the highway of life for the rest of us who want to get on and dont feel we owe the bottom feeders a living.

I still cant understand how you can actually have an attitude like that?
Just shows how different people are really.

18-Jun-08, 00:51
i think benji is more in mind of prescription drugs.. like pain killers and sleeping pills and the like.

You cannot obtain prescription drugs without a prescription. That is my point. You can get painkillers without a prescription but they are watered down versions of what you can get on prescription.

I don't think benji knows what he/she is talking about.

18-Jun-08, 01:00
You cannot obtain prescription drugs without a prescription. ......

You are wrong scorrie,

18-Jun-08, 07:26
[quote=scorrie;397535]You cannot obtain prescription drugs without a prescription. That is my point. You can get painkillers without a prescription but they are watered down versions of what you can get on prescription.

Drugs without prescription are probably more freely available than hard drugs on the street. Temazepam and Diazepam are sold like sweeties by those out to make a profit from their own prescriptions. The internet also provides people with prescription drugs. Try keying in valium into a search on the internet and you'll be shocked at what it comes up with.

18-Jun-08, 14:16
You are wrong scorrie,

Pretty poor post Moira. I thought it was mannerly to provide some sort of evidence/argument when claiming that another person is incorrect. To simply state that I am wrong is poor stuff and I expected better from you.

Our old pal Wiki puts it like this:-


I am pretty sure that if you go into Boots or Reids the Chemist, you will be whistling Dixie for a long time before they will give you a Prescribed Drug without a prescription. Riverview Practice have recently altered the procedure for ordering repeat prescriptions to allow for greater security. That would be a bit pointless if you could simply ask for the drug in the Pharmacy anyway.

What goes on over the Internet and street corners is virtually impossible to control. People will always find a way to con the system. Benji's scenario was about people on drugs prescribed by their GP for a medical condition, rather than people buying Jellies off an alkie down the local pub. If people ARE doing that, it is illegal and they do deserve to be labelled a "druggie". In my mind that can't be compared to someone legally obtaining their medication via legitimate Prescription from their GP.

18-Jun-08, 14:24
[quote=scorrie;397535]You cannot obtain prescription drugs without a prescription. That is my point. You can get painkillers without a prescription but they are watered down versions of what you can get on prescription.

Drugs without prescription are probably more freely available than hard drugs on the street. Temazepam and Diazepam are sold like sweeties by those out to make a profit from their own prescriptions. The internet also provides people with prescription drugs. Try keying in valium into a search on the internet and you'll be shocked at what it comes up with.

I'm aware of the illegal market for drugs. I've lost count of the number of SPAM emails I have received offering me Viagra and other "Potions" that put lead in your "Pencil"

18-Jun-08, 14:43
[quote=scorrie;397679]I am pretty sure that if you go into Boots or Reids the Chemist, you will be whistling Dixie for a long time before they will give you a Prescribed Drug without a prescription. Riverview Practice have recently altered the procedure for ordering repeat prescriptions to allow for greater security. That would be a bit pointless if you could simply ask for the drug in the Pharmacy anyway.quote]

I think the point that was being made was that there are certain people that will mislead their doctors about the length or severity of their affliction in order to continue being prescribed a certain drug. I have seen first hand that this can happen - especially with drugs like anti-depressants or pain killers, both of which can be extremely addictive.

You most definitely would not get POM (prescription only medicine) without a prescription in ANY chemist - sales of these in shops have stringent regulations but unfortunately it's not so easy over the internet.

Riverview Practice have stopped their phoned in prescription line to avoid mistakes on prescriptions. If something is written down by the patient instead of the receptionist, they cannot be blamed if the person gets the wrong medicine repeated.

Kevin Milkins
18-Jun-08, 14:45

I'm aware of the illegal market for drugs. I've lost count of the number of SPAM emails I have received offering me Viagra and other "Potions" that put lead in your "Pencil"

Why dont I get these spam emails:~(

18-Jun-08, 14:50

Why dont I get these spam emails:~(


I can send you some, if you want??

18-Jun-08, 15:00
I beleive the lot should be legalised, alcohol causes far more problems than most "illegal" drugs - no matter what is said , it has historically been abused and drugs and alcohol will continue to be abused until the human race is no more..... that has to be accepted,

Why do you think that alcohol causes far more problems than the illegal drugs? Do you not think it is BECAUSE it is legal and therefore used by people who would not break the law? Legalise drugs and the problem would become much great - just my humble opinion.

18-Jun-08, 15:04
Legalise drugs and the problem would become much great - just my humble opinion.
Holland has less problems with drugs than anyother country in Europe.
The biggest problem they have with their young people is alcohol abuse.
Legalisation removes the romance of the forbidden and would decrease drug use.

18-Jun-08, 15:08
i think benji is more in mind of prescription drugs.. like pain killers and sleeping pills and the like. which thankully over here its no where near as bad as back home.
and as for the question of who has lived thu it.. i have.
when all is said and done. they all had a choice. and they made it.
it dosent matter how many programs are out there. unless they want to be helped their is no help.

Congratulations Brandy on choosing the path you have and becoming the decent person and good mother you are in spite of your background. I know not all people are as strong as you, but whatever a persons reasons for getting into drugs in the first place, there is help out there and once an adult, they have their own choices to make. If they refuse to accept the help that is available then I do not think the tax payer should stump up and keep them on disability when others, through no fault of their own, cannot get what they need. I won't list these things as it's already been pointed out.

18-Jun-08, 15:09
Holland has less problems with drugs than anyother country in Europe.
The biggest problem they have with their young people is alcohol abuse.
Legalisation removes the romance of the forbidden and would decrease drug use.

according to whom? According to a tv program I watched a couple of years ago the drug scene in Holland is way out of controll.

18-Jun-08, 15:27

Why dont I get these spam emails:~(

Make the mistake of giving out your email address to get the results of online quizzes/surveys and you will be spammed to kingdom come. Luckily for me, I used an address that I had from long ago and rarely use. I log in every now and then to check and there are usually a thousand plus Monty Python Vikings singing "Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam" at me!!

18-Jun-08, 15:35
according to whom? According to a tv program I watched a couple of years ago the drug scene in Holland is way out of controll.

I think these tables give an indication



United Kingdom:-


I think WE can put up the rare cry of "Championezzz, Championezz" based on these league tables!!

19-Jun-08, 20:09
Pretty poor post Moira. I thought it was mannerly to provide some sort of evidence/argument when claiming that another person is incorrect. To simply state that I am wrong is poor stuff and I expected better from you..........

scorrie - humble apologies for pointing out that you were wrong, albeit I did not elaborate. I thought it might have occurred to you what I meant when you re-read your original statement "You cannot obtain prescription drugs without a prescription".

Venture has since posted "Drugs without prescription are probably more freely available than hard drugs on the street......" That was my train of thought exactly.

What's considered mannerly on this or any other forum is a different matter and I have no wish to take this thread off-topic. ;)

19-Jun-08, 22:12
scorrie - humble apologies for pointing out that you were wrong, albeit I did not elaborate. I thought it might have occurred to you what I meant when you re-read your original statement "You cannot obtain prescription drugs without a prescription".

Venture has since posted "Drugs without prescription are probably more freely available than hard drugs on the street......" That was my train of thought exactly.

What's considered mannerly on this or any other forum is a different matter and I have no wish to take this thread off-topic. ;)

Moira, it seemed fairly obvious from my point of view that I was talking about legally obtaining drugs without prescription. There are many rules in society, very few of them are not broken every day. Benji originally opined that "everyday" people taking drugs for medical reasons were equally to be classed as "druggies", Quirbal asked if he really meant people simply taking pills as advised by their GP. Benji said yes, and explained that all people have the choice whether to take the drugs or not. I happen to think that there is a clear difference between people taking their prescribed medication, as advised and people buying other peoples medication on the street or importing them via a website. If you are using illegal drugs or breaking the law to obtain drugs you can be called a "druggie" in my opinion. If you are using deceit to obtain drugs from your GP, I feel the same applies. I do not think that it is reasonable to label someone who is simply taking medicine for health reasons in the same way though.

As far as manners go, I happen to think it reasonable to explain WHY someone is wrong and pretty much essential to point out WHAT it is they are wrong about. That is just my opinion on the matter, others may feel differently but I'm fairly sure "I am RIGHT" on this ;)

19-Jun-08, 23:58
im kwite interested an amused readin 'iss thread.....

noone is ever goin till agree...:lol:

ivryine hes their own personal experience regardin 'e matter, whether they hev taken 'e droogs themsels or witness/ed people that do or hev done.

i personally da see nothin wrong wi people (who can afford til) smokin a joint in 'e privicy o' their own hom' - i ken plenty that do...

some people lek til take pills an pooder, recreational at weekends, i suppose if they work hard all week an 'ats what they lek......

their are so many different kinds o' 'druggies', so many circumstances that got them intil 'e situation in 'e first place.

some are responsible, some arna.

maybe 'e law should look a how people act when they are on drugs rether that the partakin 'o drugs itsel.

ye choost need til look in 'e local paper til see.

how many crimes are drink related an they get let off on 'good behaviour'?

yet ye get 'e yowng cheil, caught wi 2.5 o' a gram o' solid an he's lookin at a £200 fine an a criminal record - 'missuse o' drugs act'....

serious stuff min if applyin for a job...

yet, because alcohol is legal its ok til cause a disturbance, make a tit o' yersel in public. it'l probly get thrown oot o' court anyway....[evil]

20-Jun-08, 16:03
This is just one example of the actions of what I call a "druggie". And there are those on the Org who say that this is acceptable behavior

He is not a first time offender, but has had 8 convictions :eek:

20-Jun-08, 16:25
Addiction/level of addiction is the key. Anyone, who like me, has rescued half smoked fags from the bin in desperation (covered in God knows what), knows a little taste of it (and a taste of something equally unpleasant, which remains unknown, hopefully!!!).
I have empathy for anyone who loses control of their lives due to an all-consuming desperation to have something, legal or illegal. I don't think you can generalise drug addicts/alcoholics or any other 'ics' reasons/motive any more than you can 'straight' people who behave badly. If there was a one size fits all solution, we'd be living a utopian existence akin to Magic Roundabout (but then they were all supposed to be stoned oot their boxes too when they wrote that)...
In other words, I don't know what the answer is!!!!!!! I'd like to live in a society where we help people with addictions, particularly those with dependents. That's not to say that I approve of the type of behaviour Golach has highlighted but maybe the guy is radio rental with or without drugs?
What really is the alternative to trying to help and giving folks a chance to turn their lives around?

20-Jun-08, 16:35
What i would like to know is why when someone is addicted to drugs they are a low life, scum of the earth, waste of space etc, yet when someone is addicted to drink it is classed by most as an illness:confused

Drink is every bit as bad as drugs, only differebce is one is legal the other is not, they can both cause pain and suffering to others

And Golach this proves that drink driving is just as bad

or would you want to tell this girls parents its very different to drug offences.

20-Jun-08, 17:15
Gloach's example is just a bit more extreme than Naomi Campbell's latest problem. Wonder what she was on?[evil]

20-Jun-08, 17:34
golach seems til be concentratin on only one kind o' druggy,

the irresponsible ones who have no control over themsels.....

ma point bein that there are people who do take drugs sensibly.

maybe 'e law should introduce a license til take drugs [lol]

seriously, 'e goverment wil never win 'e war against drugs.

in ma most humble opinion, they should decriminalise cannabis and 'crack' doon on hard drugs...at least 'at way more attention could be spent on people who are genuinly oot til cause trouble.

ye wilna get any trouble fie yer average stoner.....only peace an love...an maybe a tok o' their joint :lol:

20-Jun-08, 19:09
And Golach this proves that drink driving is just as bad

or would you want to tell this girls parents its very different to drug offences.
Sam I totally agree with your point here, but drink by its self is not illegal, but Drink Driving is! I would try drink drivers who kill or main just the same way as would try anyone who uses a weapon. There are many good drivers who do drink, but don't drive. I am in favour of the no tolerance system as far as driving and drinking.

20-Jun-08, 20:02
The point i am trying to make Golach is that regardless if its is legal or illegal, it is still a mind altering substance and whether or not its a drunk driver or someone out at the weekend taking a fill of drink and getting into a fight where someone is seriously injured, There is no difference, violence & crime go hand in hand with drink or drugs.

most folk are putting an emphasis on the fact that drugs are illegal, In my personal opinion it makes not one bit of difference when a crime is commited.

20-Jun-08, 20:20
Holland has less problems with drugs than anyother country in Europe.
The biggest problem they have with their young people is alcohol abuse.
Legalisation removes the romance of the forbidden and would decrease drug use.Canabis is not strictly legal in Holland but how would the legalisation of canabis in Britain reduce problems with amphetamines, opioids and other hard drugs?

20-Jun-08, 20:26
Canabis is not strictly legal in Holland but how would the legalisation of canabis in Britain reduce problems with amphetamines, opioids and other hard drugs?

it widna....:roll:

but it wid gie police more time til focus their attention on smacked up junkie scumbags to whom golach refers til....

let 'e stoners be, ats what i say! they come in peace, they mean no harm....live an let live!

dulce et decorum est....one o' ma fave poems o' all time, along wi charge o' 'e light brigade :D

20-Jun-08, 20:32
it widna....:roll:

but it wid gie police more time til focus their attention on smacked up junkie scumbags to whom golach refers til....
let 'e stoners be, ats what i say! they come in peace, they mean no harm....live an let live!
dulce et decorum est....one o' ma fave poems o' all time, along wi charge o' 'e light brigade :D
Trix, the "Smacked up junkie Scumbags" your quote not mine, probably started out by saying I will just try a bit of "Blow", and then they developed their habits a bit more, so in my opinion a bit of blow is as bad as a rock of crack cocaine, but that is just my opinion, as I am a non user and I am the better for it.
I spent many years in my life as a Customs Officer, and I enjoyed tracking down dealers and smugglers

20-Jun-08, 20:36
I think you'll find most of them started on alcohol, the legal drug.

21-Jun-08, 01:54
Canabis is not strictly legal in Holland but how would the legalisation of canabis in Britain reduce problems with amphetamines, opioids and other hard drugs?
In itself, nothing but I advocate the legalisation of all drugs because, in the long term, prohibition has failed miserably. Everything that could be done to stop the drug trade has been done and all has failed. The only thing that has not been tried is complete legalisation with government control.
Are you aware of the history of the prohibition of cannabis and the political sleaze that went with it? The was no cannabis problem anywhere at the time it was made illegal. I wonder how many orgers are aware of the real reasons behind the campaign against the hemp plant. A very interesting time in history.

21-Jun-08, 09:56
legalize drugs?!

don't we have enough idiots running around at the weekend foaming at the mouth?
give life sentences to the dealers, that should eradicate some of the problem.

21-Jun-08, 15:05
legalize drugs?!

don't we have enough idiots running around at the weekend foaming at the mouth?
give life sentences to the dealers, that should eradicate some of the problem.
The death sentence is applied in some countries and that hasn't worked either.

21-Jun-08, 16:30
The death sentence is applied in some countries and that hasn't worked either.They had the death sentence here for murder, that didn't stop people murdering.

21-Jun-08, 17:11
Trix, the "Smacked up junkie Scumbags" your quote not mine, probably started out by saying I will just try a bit of "Blow", and then they developed their habits a bit more.

i cana argue wi ye golach cause lots o' people who take hard drugs began by smoking a fag, drinkin alcohol, smokin pot.....

however, lots o' people enjoy smokin cannabis in a responsible manner, as they do enjoy a pint or gless o wine.

noone has ever died of takin cannabis (unless they maybe got ran over by a bus when stoned...but at can happen til ye or me tomorrow)

its 'e minority o' drug users that end up 'smacked up junkie scumbags' and if there were no drugs, they wid more than lekly be ragin alkies.

perhaps the many years spent workin in customs has limited yer sight and influenced yer opinion to the extent that yer a little harsh on the average stoner, who causes no harm til ither people.

21-Jun-08, 17:27
They had the death sentence here for murder, that didn't stop people murdering.

No you are right, but mutilation seems to do the trick in countries like Saudi.

21-Jun-08, 17:39
In itself, nothing but I advocate the legalisation of all drugs because, in the long term, prohibition has failed miserably. Everything that could be done to stop the drug trade has been done and all has failed. The only thing that has not been tried is complete legalisation with government control.
Are you aware of the history of the prohibition of cannabis and the political sleaze that went with it? The was no cannabis problem anywhere at the time it was made illegal. I wonder how many orgers are aware of the real reasons behind the campaign against the hemp plant. A very interesting time in history.The cannabis plant was a threat to the chemical fertiliser companies, wood companies, synthetic fibre and plastics industries, apparently.

Kevin Milkins
21-Jun-08, 17:42
They had the death sentence here for murder, that didn't stop people murdering.

It stoped the person that was sentanced to death for murdering.;)

21-Jun-08, 17:47
It stoped the person that was sentanced to death for murdering.;)It also stopped a few that hadn't murdered anyone.

21-Jun-08, 18:28
The cannabis plant was a threat to the chemical fertiliser companies, wood companies, synthetic fibre and plastics industries, apparently.
Mechanical inventions made hemp production much less labour intensive and consequently much cheaper which posed a threat to the above mentioned and, more importantly, the cotton growers of the US and the cotton mills of the UK. Hearst newspapers, who owned the forrests used for pulp, began a campaign of lies about the dangers of cannabis smoking, using the drug as an excuse to ban the growing of hemp. There had been, up to that point, no problem with cannabis which could be obtained fron any pharmacy. Hemp pulp is a far better source of paper than wood. In fact bank notes and bibles used to be made from hemp. Hearst's campaign was backed by Du Pont Chemicals who had invented nylon and rayon.
A politician called Anslinger was employed to push the bill through Congress which resulted in the removing the hemp plant from most of the planet.
In the previous century, anyone who owned land in the US had, by law, to grow a certain ammount of hemp annually, such was its importance in the days of sailing ships. Even the Earl of Caithness made his cash from hemp and George Washington grew hemp from cuttings he obtained from Sir John Sinclair who lived in Caithness.
Now we have a plant that could, theoretically, supply 80% of everything we need to survive, illegal and we send people to jail for growing it.
Now, some-one who does what Queen Victoria used to do gets a criminal record and an incredible ammount of public money is wasted trying to control something that has proved to be impossible to stop.

21-Jun-08, 20:24
Well researched, Gleber.

But I have always been given the impression that the ropemakers hemp was a very weak strain and you'd have to smoke a baleful to get a hit.

Permission has been granted in the UK recently to grow this strain of hemp again. The tabloids had a bit of fun with it but it aint worth lighting...much to the dismay of the stoners.....

22-Jun-08, 18:12
Well researched, Gleber.

But I have always been given the impression that the ropemakers hemp was a very weak strain and you'd have to smoke a baleful to get a hit.

Permission has been granted in the UK recently to grow this strain of hemp again. The tabloids had a bit of fun with it but it aint worth lighting...much to the dismay of the stoners.....
The smoking plant is of the same family and was used to make the nonactive plant illegal. It is now legal to grow hemp only if it has less than approx .0001% THC. from seeds supplied under government specs.

22-Jun-08, 23:58
The smoking plant is of the same family and was used to make the nonactive plant illegal. It is now legal to grow hemp only if it has less than approx .0001% THC. from seeds supplied under government specs.

Interesting stuff and thanks for the info, what Fantoosh was trying to say was that people shouldn't be put down for their crimes, such that they are crimes only because someone says so. Otherwse these are decent people coping as they can with what they can, and can only say that I agree druggies dinna start with POT they start with nicotine and alcolhol the so called legal drugs.

23-Jun-08, 00:07
people shouldn't be put down for their crimes, such that they are crimes only because someone says so.

Isn't that applicable to every crime. A crime is only a crime if someone/something, usually a court, decides it. Apparently murder isn't against the law, it isn't in the statute book, so is society wrong for jailing murderer's?

23-Jun-08, 01:20
Isn't that applicable to every crime. A crime is only a crime if someone/something, usually a court, decides it. Apparently murder isn't against the law, it isn't in the statute book, so is society wrong for jailing murderer's?

Get your point but we are talking about things slightly less than murder which may not be in the statute but is in the ten commandments, it is in everyones understanding that this is wrong, it surely isn't debatable or are you lacking stuff to talk about.

23-Jun-08, 01:37
people shouldn't be put down for their crimes, such that they are crimes only because someone says so.

Isn't that applicable to every crime. A crime is only a crime if someone/something, usually a court, decides it. Apparently murder isn't against the law, it isn't in the statute book, so is society wrong for jailing murderer's?

Get your point but we are talking about things slightly less than murder which may not be in the statute but is in the ten commandments, it is in everyones understanding that this is wrong, it surely isn't debatable or are you lacking stuff to talk about.

What I'm trying to say is, it doesn't matter how the laws were made, the fact of the matter is the law of the land is being broken and they should be held accountable.

23-Jun-08, 01:54
people shouldn't be put down for their crimes, such that they are crimes only because someone says so.

What I'm trying to say is, it doesn't matter how the laws were made, the fact of the matter is the law of the land is being broken and they should be held accountable.

So what you are saying is murder is not a crime by law (which I find shocking) therefore not needed to be held accountable for????

What some people are expressing as there opinion here is that some illegal drugs are not as bad as legal ones, doctors will advise giving up caffiene strongly but who would dream of locking someone up for having a coffee.

Perspective is advised to correct some of the posts on the two druggie threads

And I have seen the law people ie police drinking and driving etc, up here it was a well known police officer bad for it I won't say his name but he was well known for taking in drunk drivers whilst drove under the influence many a time while cheating on his wife too and was known for breathalising, the law enforcers can be stupid too we are discussing what is right and wrong in people opinions.

Shame you think anything written in law is set in stone but that is your opinion to which you are entitled I just don't agree, ok :)

23-Jun-08, 07:26
Id say you're walking on "stoney" ground with what you've posted here and if anyone needs to correct their post, its yourself. Making accusations about a member of the local police force on this public forum is asking for trouble. Unlike other forums I could mention there are rules here.

By the way caffeine is not a drug it is a stimulant.

23-Jun-08, 08:18
So what you are saying is murder is not a crime by law (which I find shocking) therefore not needed to be held accountable for????

And I have seen the law people ie police drinking and driving etc, up here it was a well known police officer bad for it I won't say his name but he was well known for taking in drunk drivers whilst drove under the influence many a time while cheating on his wife too and was known for breathalising, the law enforcers can be stupid too we are discussing what is right and wrong in people opinions.

Shame you think anything written in law is set in stone but that is your opinion to which you are entitled I just don't agree, ok :)

The laws of this country as I understand it, and I'm sure more learned people than myself can explain it better, are made under Common Law, Statute Law and Regulatory Law. I was told all that in great detail by a former friend who was a lawyer in Thurso. So although in theory you might not be tried for murder, you would be charged for unlawful killing.

I know the policeman you refer to, in fact he is distantly related to my ex-wife, and all that you say about him can only be classed as hearsay because he hasn't been tried for the offence you mention.

23-Jun-08, 12:35
Flips sake it is a remark? hearsay? ,whatever?, and no-one can know whom I meant unless is he that well known????? Was there only one that ever did that???????? I dunno and don't care it was just a remark in stating that laws are not always right nor law enforcers any better than others SOME of them

23-Jun-08, 12:43
By the way caffeine is not a drug it is a stimulant.
And what are stimulants if not drugs? Caffeine is a fairly nasty drug. Anything that affects your body and mind is a drug.
BTW, I have smoked cannabis with quite a few police in the last thirty odd years. Not hearsay-- fact!!!!

23-Jun-08, 12:52
Main article: Caffeine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine)
Caffeine is a drug that is found naturally in coffee (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee), tea (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea), and to a small extent cocoa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocoa). It is also found in many soft drinks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_drinks), particularly energy drinks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_drink). Caffeine stimulates the body, increasing heart rate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_rate) and blood pressure (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_pressure), and alertness, making some people feel better and able to concentrate. Caffeine is also a diuretic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diuretic). The vast majority (over 80%) of people in the United States consume caffeine on a daily basis. As a result, few jurisdictions restrict its sale and use.
Caffeine is also sold in some countries as an isolated drug (as opposed to its natural occurrence in many foods). It serves as a mild stimulant to ward off sleepiness and sees wide use among people who must remain alert in their work (e.g., truck drivers, military members). Some medications contain caffeine as one of their minor active ingredients, often for the purpose of enhancing the effect of the main ingredient or reducing one of its side effects.


i think you will find caffeine is a drug

23-Jun-08, 15:35
i think you will find caffeine is a drug
But its legal to have Caffeine in your system. And I have not come across anyone under the influence on Caffeine, yet!

23-Jun-08, 16:19
Flips sake it is a remark and hearsay ,whatever, and no-one can know whom I meant unless is he that well known????? Was there only one that ever did that???????? I dunno and don't care it was just a remark in stating that laws are not always right nor law enforcers any better than others SOME of them

If you are saying its hearsay why post it on here. Im assuming you do know what hearsay is.

Re caffeine being defined as a "drug" as well as a stimulant then I have to hold my hands up and say with the amount of coffee I drink in a week Im definitely a "drug addict".

Can you explain your reasons for believing that illegal drugs are not as bad as legal drugs, taking crack and caffeine as a comparison for instance.

23-Jun-08, 16:32
But its legal to have Caffeine in your system. And I have not come across anyone under the influence on Caffeine, yet!

The point was that caffiene is a drug

23-Jun-08, 16:36
If you are saying its hearsay why post it on here. Im assuming you do know what hearsay is.

Re caffeine being defined as a "drug" as well as a stimulant then I have to hold my hands up and say with the amount of coffee I drink in a week Im definitely a "drug addict".

Can you explain your reasons for believing that illegal drugs are not as bad as legal drugs, taking crack and caffeine as a comparison for instance.

Some legal drugs as apposed to some illegal, was the point, wasn't talking about crack could hardly say that that drug wass okay. I for instance would rather bump into a stoner(cannabis) than a drunk(alcohol). Because a stoner is laid back and happy a drunk can be unpredictable. I would rather bump into a stoner than someone high on coffee for that matter or someone who not had their morning caffiene fix lol

23-Jun-08, 17:00
Some legal drugs as apposed to some illegal, was the point, wasn't talking about crack could hardly say that that drug wass okay. I for instance would rather bump into a stoner(cannabis) than a drunk(alcohol). Because a stoner is laid back and happy a drunk can be unpredictable. I would rather bump into a stoner than someone high on coffee for that matter or someone who not had their morning caffiene fix lol

So what happens when the "stoner" isn't stoned hasn't had a smoke for over a week because his supply's dry and he's desperate to score one way or another. Would he be just as nice to bump into?[evil]

I dont know what kind of circles you move in but I certainly have never come across anyone "high" on coffee. I for one enjoy being "high" on life. especially seeing as its free and legal.

23-Jun-08, 17:03
So what happens when the "stoner" isn't stoned hasn't had a smoke for over a week because his supply's dry and he's desperate to score one way or another. Would he be just as nice to bump into?[evil]

It just shows some folk really dont have a clue what they are talking about !

now if you had dropped the stoner bit and added a crack addict or heroin addict i would agree with your statement.

23-Jun-08, 17:16
It just shows some folk really dont have a clue what they are talking about !

now if you had dropped the stoner bit and added a crack addict or heroin addict i would agree with your statement.

As I was replying to padfoot's post about a stoner why would I change it to crack or heroin addict. Or are you trying to say that those addicted to hash never feel the way I have described and are happy contented people 24/7 whether they have a smoke or not? Seeing as you are such an expert and feel that I haven't got a clue what Im talking about, please enlighten me.

23-Jun-08, 17:24
think of cannabis as a recreational drug, much the same as pouring yourself a whisky or vodka of an evening time. If ya aint got any in its no big deal, whereby crack, heroin, cocaine etc are highly addictive, makes your brain/ body think it cant do without it, you cant think rationally, and will do anything to get your next hit.

Alcohol is more addictive than cannabis, as is smoking a cigarette.

23-Jun-08, 19:37
[quote=Venture;399782]So what happens when the "stoner" isn't stoned hasn't had a smoke for over a week because his supply's dry and he's desperate to score one way or another. Would he be just as nice to bump into?[evil]

lol. what kind of "stoners" have you heard about? lol would love to see that. [lol]

23-Jun-08, 19:47
There is not much chance of developing a psychosis through drinking coffee.

23-Jun-08, 19:59
perhaps the many years spent workin in customs has limited yer sight and influenced yer opinion to the extent that yer a little harsh on the average stoner, who causes no harm til ither people.
I am sorry, but I disagree Trix, the years working for HM C&E brought me into contact, with the low lives that sound off all the time about the use of Cannabis and how it is just a recreational substance, maybe so, but I have no wish to use it, I have never found the need to turn to drugs to have a good weekend. A Chinese Meal or any meal in good company to me equals a good weekend.
My so called harshness on the average user, comes from having one of my colleagues killed in the line of duty, just off the coast of Caithness, Alistair Souter, (google his name if you wish). Roderick McLean was the drug runner that we caught as a result of that incident. But Alistair's death still leaves a bad taste in many Customs Officers mouths.

23-Jun-08, 21:04
There is not much chance of developing a psychosis through drinking coffee.

Thank goodness for that. My second cup in the morning helps my eyes to open wide and brings me sharply into focus for the rest of the day. :D

The Pepsi Challenge
23-Jun-08, 21:09
I am sorry, but I disagree Trix, the years working for HM C&E brought me into contact, with the low lives that sound off all the time about the use of Cannabis and how it is just a recreational substance, maybe so, but I have no wish to use it, I have never found the need to turn to drugs to have a good weekend. A Chinese Meal or any meal in good company to me equals a good weekend.
My so called harshness on the average user, comes from having one of my colleagues killed in the line of duty, just off the coast of Caithness, Alistair Souter, (google his name if you wish). Roderick McLean was the drug runner that we caught as a result of that incident. But Alistair's death still leaves a bad taste in many Customs Officers mouths.

Nae offence, but you probably could do with takin' a smetch and chillin' out, golach :)

24-Jun-08, 08:53
i agree with what venture is saying if you have ever actually met someone who has been on pot for lets say 10 years then you would agree with what he is saying, it makes people paranoid and very agitated when they dont have the money for anymore!

24-Jun-08, 11:09
There is not much chance of developing a psychosis through drinking coffee.

At last - someone has hit the nail on the head!!! ;)

24-Jun-08, 13:42
It just shows some folk really dont have a clue what they are talking about !

now if you had dropped the stoner bit and added a crack addict or heroin addict i would agree with your statement.

Obviously you yourself are not as informed as others.
Lack of pot makes pot smokers not very nice people at all.
Have you ever heard of "drug induced psychosis",? its what effects alot of pot smokers making them paranoid and violent.
Pot has bad effects on people in the same way Alcohol does and Cigarettes.
recreational pot smokers dont normally have problems, but that doesnt mean they wont. Its the same as someone who has an odd dram at the weekend, they might start taking more and more frequent and will obviously increase the risk of damage in the same way pot does if you take it more frequently

24-Jun-08, 14:14
lol. what kind of "stoners" have you heard about? lol would love to see that. [lol]

Seeing as you find other people's opinions on here re drug taking so funny maybe its time you read up on the facts about "cannabis" use amongst teenagers. I shall focus on teenagers as this seems to be the age circle you associate with.

What has made me really annoyed about some of the postings on here re smoking hash is the message it may be sending out to those still too young to have tried it. YET! I think it has to be remembered that not only adults browse this website.

Fantoosh you are doing a course on Child and Youth studies according to your profile. I imagine you wish to work with children in the future. You give me the impression from your posts that you don't think there is anything wrong with people who either smoke hash or take recreational drugs at weekends. Say for instance you were in a work situation and a teenager asked you is it OK to smoke a joint, what would your answer be? What are you being taught at college re the use of drugs amongst teenagers?

In the eyes of teenagers it might be cool to have a joint with your mates its what it leads to in the future that concerns me. You ask me what kind of stoners have I seen. Let me tell you Ive been around a lot longer than you and have seen more stoners than you ever will, the most recent are the ones on in years from being a teenager who now suffer from mental illnesses especially schizophrenia.

It is estimated that at least 10 per cent of all people with schizophrenia in the UK would not have developed the illness if they had not smoked cannabis, so there are thousands of individuals whose lives have been ruined by cannabis. The age of starting to use cannabis has been steadily lowering. It is now commonly taken at 15 and there have even been 12 and 13 year olds who have had to seek medical help due to their addiction.

Another point I'd like to make is that the traditional cannabis beloved and introduced en masse by Britain's Sixties youth, or hippy generation, isn't around any more. The amount of cannabis now grown and sold in the UK has risen significantly. New strains of cannabis such as skunk are being home grown under ultra-violet lights and dealers have been able to intensify the quantity of the chemical tetrahydrocannabidinol (THC) - a psycho-active compound that disrupts brain activity and distorts sensory perceptions. In short, the part that gets you high. A cannabis joint today may contain 10 to 20 times more THC than the equivalent joint in the 1970s. This results in feelings of euphoria and relaxation being soured by paranoia and memory loss. Significantly, teenagers whose brains are still developing are more sensitive to the sudden rush of THC into the brain. The drug has increased in strength but reduced in price making it more available to teenagers. Thousands of young people are in treatment programmes for skunk abuse and hospital admissions due to the drug are at their highest ever.

The skunk smoked by the majority of young people nowadays bears no relation to traditional cannabis resin - with a 25-fold increase in the amount of the main psychoactive ingredient, (THC), typically found in the early 1990s. Studies have now reported that those who consistently take large amounts of cannabis or skunk have an increased risk of later developing schizophrenia-like psychosis.

The people who are now in their twenties and suffering from mental illness started using less powerful cannabis eight to ten years ago. The "cannabis" teenagers are trying out today is much more powerful, skunk is an example.

Many people have this image of stoners as you call them being the happy crew who sit in the corner smiling and don't cause any trouble. I agree with them on that Ive seen many myself on a night out. You can spot them a mile off in comparison with those who are "high" on drink. Will they be as "happy" 10 years down the line? I very much doubt it. :(

rob murray
24-Jun-08, 16:22
Seeing as you find other people's opinions on here re drug taking so funny maybe its time you read up on the facts about "cannabis" use amongst teenagers. I shall focus on teenagers as this seems to be the age circle you associate with.

What has made me really annoyed about some of the postings on here re smoking hash is the message it may be sending out to those still too young to have tried it. YET! I think it has to be remembered that not only adults browse this website.

Fantoosh you are doing a course on Child and Youth studies according to your profile. I imagine you wish to work with children in the future. You give me the impression from your posts that you don't think there is anything wrong with people who either smoke hash or take recreational drugs at weekends. Say for instance you were in a work situation and a teenager asked you is it OK to smoke a joint, what would your answer be? What are you being taught at college re the use of drugs amongst teenagers?

In the eyes of teenagers it might be cool to have a joint with your mates its what it leads to in the future that concerns me. You ask me what kind of stoners have I seen. Let me tell you Ive been around a lot longer than you and have seen more stoners than you ever will, the most recent are the ones on in years from being a teenager who now suffer from mental illnesses especially schizophrenia.

It is estimated that at least 10 per cent of all people with schizophrenia in the UK would not have developed the illness if they had not smoked cannabis, so there are thousands of individuals whose lives have been ruined by cannabis. The age of starting to use cannabis has been steadily lowering. It is now commonly taken at 15 and there have even been 12 and 13 year olds who have had to seek medical help due to their addiction.

Another point I'd like to make is that the traditional cannabis beloved and introduced en masse by Britain's Sixties youth, or hippy generation, isn't around any more. The amount of cannabis now grown and sold in the UK has risen significantly. New strains of cannabis such as skunk are being home grown under ultra-violet lights and dealers have been able to intensify the quantity of the chemical tetrahydrocannabidinol (THC) - a psycho-active compound that disrupts brain activity and distorts sensory perceptions. In short, the part that gets you high. A cannabis joint today may contain 10 to 20 times more THC than the equivalent joint in the 1970s. This results in feelings of euphoria and relaxation being soured by paranoia and memory loss. Significantly, teenagers whose brains are still developing are more sensitive to the sudden rush of THC into the brain. The drug has increased in strength but reduced in price making it more available to teenagers. Thousands of young people are in treatment programmes for skunk abuse and hospital admissions due to the drug are at their highest ever.

The skunk smoked by the majority of young people nowadays bears no relation to traditional cannabis resin - with a 25-fold increase in the amount of the main psychoactive ingredient, (THC), typically found in the early 1990s. Studies have now reported that those who consistently take large amounts of cannabis or skunk have an increased risk of later developing schizophrenia-like psychosis.

The people who are now in their twenties and suffering from mental illness started using less powerful cannabis eight to ten years ago. The "cannabis" teenagers are trying out today is much more powerful, skunk is an example.

Many people have this image of stoners as you call them being the happy crew who sit in the corner smiling and don't cause any trouble. I agree with them on that Ive seen many myself on a night out. You can spot them a mile off in comparison with those who are "high" on drink. Will they be as "happy" 10 years down the line? I very much doubt it. :(

Very, very well put arguement...something a lot of people kinda ignore and sweep under the carpet is the strenght of "factory grown" skunk weed and the emerging coralation of proven related mental illnesses with young users.

24-Jun-08, 17:33
It is estimated that at least 10 per cent of all people with schizophrenia in the UK would not have developed the illness if they had not smoked cannabis, so there are thousands of individuals whose lives have been ruined by cannabis. The age of starting to use cannabis has been steadily lowering. It is now commonly taken at 15 and there have even been 12 and 13 year olds who have had to seek medical help due to their addiction.


Seems well researched and am interested to know if you have links to these facts, as only research I have found SO FAR seems to state that people who were at risk of getting schizophrenia may have the chances increased from cannabis use. Nor was I aware that teenagers smoked skunk all the time I didn't think that was commonly available.

I have yet to find anything that says that cannabis definately causes schizophrenia except a loose link in cases of people who had risks of becoming schizophrenic anyway.


quote from above link

"If schizophrenia runs in your family, then you should avoid marijuana. If you react to marijuana with extreme paranoia or any schizophrenic-like symptoms you should also consider avoiding this drug. "

24-Jun-08, 18:56
Seeing as you find other people's opinions on here re drug taking so funny maybe its time you read up on the facts about "cannabis" use amongst teenagers. I shall focus on teenagers as this seems to be the age circle you associate with.

What has made me really annoyed about some of the postings on here re smoking hash is the message it may be sending out to those still too young to have tried it. YET! I think it has to be remembered that not only adults browse this website.

Fantoosh you are doing a course on Child and Youth studies according to your profile. I imagine you wish to work with children in the future. You give me the impression from your posts that you don't think there is anything wrong with people who either smoke hash or take recreational drugs at weekends. Say for instance you were in a work situation and a teenager asked you is it OK to smoke a joint, what would your answer be? What are you being taught at college re the use of drugs amongst teenagers?

In the eyes of teenagers it might be cool to have a joint with your mates its what it leads to in the future that concerns me. You ask me what kind of stoners have I seen. Let me tell you Ive been around a lot longer than you and have seen more stoners than you ever will, the most recent are the ones on in years from being a teenager who now suffer from mental illnesses especially schizophrenia.

It is estimated that at least 10 per cent of all people with schizophrenia in the UK would not have developed the illness if they had not smoked cannabis, so there are thousands of individuals whose lives have been ruined by cannabis. The age of starting to use cannabis has been steadily lowering. It is now commonly taken at 15 and there have even been 12 and 13 year olds who have had to seek medical help due to their addiction.

Another point I'd like to make is that the traditional cannabis beloved and introduced en masse by Britain's Sixties youth, or hippy generation, isn't around any more. The amount of cannabis now grown and sold in the UK has risen significantly. New strains of cannabis such as skunk are being home grown under ultra-violet lights and dealers have been able to intensify the quantity of the chemical tetrahydrocannabidinol (THC) - a psycho-active compound that disrupts brain activity and distorts sensory perceptions. In short, the part that gets you high. A cannabis joint today may contain 10 to 20 times more THC than the equivalent joint in the 1970s. This results in feelings of euphoria and relaxation being soured by paranoia and memory loss. Significantly, teenagers whose brains are still developing are more sensitive to the sudden rush of THC into the brain. The drug has increased in strength but reduced in price making it more available to teenagers. Thousands of young people are in treatment programmes for skunk abuse and hospital admissions due to the drug are at their highest ever.

The skunk smoked by the majority of young people nowadays bears no relation to traditional cannabis resin - with a 25-fold increase in the amount of the main psychoactive ingredient, (THC), typically found in the early 1990s. Studies have now reported that those who consistently take large amounts of cannabis or skunk have an increased risk of later developing schizophrenia-like psychosis.

The people who are now in their twenties and suffering from mental illness started using less powerful cannabis eight to ten years ago. The "cannabis" teenagers are trying out today is much more powerful, skunk is an example.

Many people have this image of stoners as you call them being the happy crew who sit in the corner smiling and don't cause any trouble. I agree with them on that Ive seen many myself on a night out. You can spot them a mile off in comparison with those who are "high" on drink. Will they be as "happy" 10 years down the line? I very much doubt it. :(

I am actually 22 years old in reply to your little dig.

Yes i do hope to work with children in the future. What makes you think from my post that i agree with taking drugs? I also know that if I agree with or take drugs I would not be able to work with children. So do you think that I would risk four years of hard work at college for that? My initial point was the fact that I disagree with people thinking they are better than others that decide to take drugs.

I am not agreeing with taking drugs, but I have never seen first hand the harm it can supposedly do as I have known many people who have smoked cannabis for years and years and are just as healthy and mentally stable as anyone else I know. It is the people who have abused magic mushrooms, ecstasy etc that are the ones who become schizophrenic from what i have witnessed. Three people that have become schizophrenic this way actually live on my street.

You say that teenagers may think having a joint is cool, but what about the fact that teenagers are bought drink, and encouraged to get drunk on their 18th birthdays? What message does that put across?

And in reply to your comment about the "stoners" that sit smiling in the pub. Bet they are causing no hassle. They might be depressed or whatever in ten years, but what problems are the drinkers doing to their bodies? And what about what they are doing while drunk, fighting/passing out, etc? You are highlighting all the problems with smoking cannabis, well there are just as many problems with drinking arent there? I agree you probably know loads more than i do about the topic, but from what i have seen/reseached through college and lived through I have always seen alcohol as more harmful. Which is why I drink and dont smoke cannabis? that makes sense haha

24-Jun-08, 19:25
“Cannabis increases risk of psychosis in teens” is the headline in The Daily Telegraph today. Users of cannabis have a “higher average number of symptoms associated with a risk of psychosis”, the newspaper adds. The results of a study of more than 6,000 young people in Finland also suggests that teen users had a greater risk of the “prodromal”, or warning symptoms, of psychosis than older users

Nuff' said.......

24-Jun-08, 19:33

Nuff' said.......

Another quote from that article

""Overall, this study points to an area that requires more research, but because of its design, the study does not prove that cannabis causes psychosis.""

Nuff said......

24-Jun-08, 19:39
Psychosis is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality." People suffering from it are said to be psychotic.

Sounds familiar.

24-Jun-08, 19:41
Sounds familiar.

Familiar to what???????

24-Jun-08, 21:32
Seems well researched and am interested to know if you have links to these facts, as only research I have found SO FAR seems to state that people who were at risk of getting schizophrenia may have the chances increased from cannabis use. Nor was I aware that teenagers smoked skunk all the time I didn't think that was commonly available.

I have yet to find anything that says that cannabis definately causes schizophrenia except a loose link in cases of people who had risks of becoming schizophrenic anyway.


quote from above link

"If schizophrenia runs in your family, then you should avoid marijuana. If you react to marijuana with extreme paranoia or any schizophrenic-like symptoms you should also consider avoiding this drug. "Cannabis screws around with people's heads, whether they like it or not all those that use it have some form of mental illness through it's use.

24-Jun-08, 21:40
Cannabis screws around with people's heads, whether they like it or not all those that use it have some form of mental illness through it's use.

The extreme paranoia or any schizophrenic-like symptoms shown in this thread makes me wonder if the Pro Illegal Use of Drugs Camp also should consider avoiding this drug. "

24-Jun-08, 21:53
I am actually 22 years old in reply to your little dig.

Yes i do hope to work with children in the future. What makes you think from my post that i agree with taking drugs? I also know that if I agree with or take drugs I would not be able to work with children. So do you think that I would risk four years of hard work at college for that? My initial point was the fact that I disagree with people thinking they are better than others that decide to take drugs.You are hoping to work with the youth of the future based on a lie. Will you have a good old lol when someone voices a concern over cannabis use? Will you preach that to the kids, I don't think so.

I am not agreeing with taking drugs, but I have never seen first hand the harm it can supposedly do as I have known many people who have smoked cannabis for years and years and are just as healthy and mentally stable as anyone else I know. It is the people who have abused magic mushrooms, ecstasy etc that are the ones who become schizophrenic from what i have witnessed. Three people that have become schizophrenic this way actually live on my street.Nobody that is a long term user of cannabis can be claimed to be mentally stable. JUst because you have no experience of such matter doesn't mean it isn't a problem. You see nothing wrong in people smoking cannabis and yet you want to work with young impressionable minds, is that wise?

You say that teenagers may think having a joint is cool, but what about the fact that teenagers are bought drink, and encouraged to get drunk on their 18th birthdays? What message does that put across? 18 is the legal age for consuming alcohol, anything else is illegal and no one would disagree with that.

And in reply to your comment about the "stoners" that sit smiling in the pub. Bet they are causing no hassle. They might be depressed or whatever in ten years, but what problems are the drinkers doing to their bodies? And what about what they are doing while drunk, fighting/passing out, etc? You are highlighting all the problems with smoking cannabis, well there are just as many problems with drinking arent there? I agree you probably know loads more than i do about the topic, but from what i have seen/reseached through college and lived through I have always seen alcohol as more harmful. Which is why I drink and dont smoke cannabis? that makes sense hahaYou choose to drink alcohol and not smoke cannabis, says it all really.

24-Jun-08, 21:57
The extreme paranoia or any schizophrenic-like symptoms shown in this thread makes me wonder if the Pro Illegal Use of Drugs Camp also should consider avoiding this drug. "Very true Golach, Very true.

24-Jun-08, 21:58
Posted by fantoosh - "but from what i have seen/reseached through college and lived through I have always seen alcohol as more harmful. Which is why I drink and dont smoke cannabis? that makes sense haha[/quote]"

Well you must be the only one it makes sense to.[lol] ha ha

24-Jun-08, 22:19
Posted by fantoosh - "but from what i have seen/reseached through college and lived through I have always seen alcohol as more harmful. Which is why I drink and dont smoke cannabis? that makes sense haha"

Well you must be the only one it makes sense to.[lol] ha ha[/quote]

That was sarcasm

24-Jun-08, 22:20

Well you must be the only one it makes sense to.[lol] ha ha

Well Fantoosh, tell us how you think it acceptable to have such views and to have anything to do with impressionable minds???????

24-Jun-08, 22:35
Well Fantoosh, tell us how you think it acceptable to have such views and to have anything to do with impressionable minds???????

I have explained on my last post that I do not agree with people taking drugs, what makes you think that i would encourage young kids to do so? I just dont think people have a right to think they are better than others that take drugs.

I bet there are plenty of teachers/carers that care and educate kids without pushing their own views and opinions onto them isn't there? Or is that impossible to do so? Children should be allowed to grow up with their own opinions without being forced to think the same as others. The same goes with teachers. Just because they want to teach children, does not mean that they all have to think the same and have the exact same opinions as each other. Just because a person has an opinion on something doesnt mean that they would encourage children to think the same, do you really think that I would walk about a classroom and say "oh drugs are ace, they do nothing to you, take as much as you like"? I know drugs are illegal and do harm, but I have only seen this from harder drugs, this does not mean that i will never come across someone who has been affected by smoking cannabis. There are reasons it is illegal, people wouldnt just make up problems that arise from smoking it for the crack. Jesus Im not stupid. So get off your high horse.

24-Jun-08, 22:38
You choose to drink alcohol and not smoke cannabis, says it all really.

What is that meant to mean?

24-Jun-08, 22:42
I have explained on my last post that I do not agree with people taking drugs, what makes you think that i would encourage young kids to do so? I just dont think people have a right to think they are better than others that take drugs.

I bet there are plenty of teachers/carers that care and educate kids without pushing their own views and opinions onto them isn't there? Or is that impossible to do so? Children should be allowed to grow up with their own opinions without being forced to think the same as others. The same goes with teachers. Just because they want to teach children, does not mean that they all have to think the same and have the exact same opinions as each other. Just because a person has an opinion on something doesnt mean that they would encourage children to think the same, do you really think that I would walk about a classroom and say "oh drugs are ace, they do nothing to you, take as much as you like"? I know drugs are illegal and do harm, but I have only seen this from harder drugs, this does not mean that i will never come across someone who has been affected by smoking cannabis. There are reasons it is illegal, people wouldnt just make up problems that arise from smoking it for the crack. Jesus Im not stupid. So get off your high horse.I am not on a high horse whatsoever, I just think you are bit naieve, no offence intended, just an observation.

24-Jun-08, 22:44
What is that meant to mean?It means that you actually take notice of the relevant, factual information that smoking cannabis causes mental illness, so you stick to alcohol, wise choice, lesser of two evils.

24-Jun-08, 22:49
I am not on a high horse whatsoever, I just think you are bit naieve, no offence intended, just an observation.

You may think i am naive, but maybe the case is that you may be old fashioned as the times are moving on?

24-Jun-08, 23:04
It means that you actually take notice of the relevant, factual information that smoking cannabis causes mental illness, so you stick to alcohol, wise choice, lesser of two evils.

That is not the reason I dont smoke cannabis. I dont smoke it for one, its illegal and two, it doesnt interest me in the slightest.

Yoda the flump
24-Jun-08, 23:32
How about another reason - Hydrogen Cyanide, or another Benzene or yet another Carbon Monoxide ...........

People smoke the stuff - is that not enough reason for not taking it.

Even if it does not cause any mental problems it certainly does fill your lungs with some lovely stuff.

24-Jun-08, 23:58
Believe that if you want Padfoot, whatever makes you feel good.

thanx for your permission for allowing me to believe what i want and i dont personally use it as i am a smoker so cant say it defo works

are you sayin that is not true where is your agruement for that i was just pointing out you can be a cannibas user without damaging your lungs and eating it certainly doesnt affect your lungs

25-Jun-08, 00:05
thanx for your permission for allowing me to believe what i want and i dont personally use it as i am a smoker so cant say it defo works

are you sayin that is not true where is your agruement for that i was just pointing out you can be a cannibas user without damaging your lungs and eating it certainly doesnt affect your lungs

...and what about your brain?

25-Jun-08, 00:17
...and what about your brain?

i have still to see any research that proves any real links and as i have been smoking it for a long time and my brain is fine thank you very much hows yours???

25-Jun-08, 00:21
Nuff' said.....

25-Jun-08, 00:59
i have still to see any research that proves any real links and as i have been smoking it for a long time and my brain is fine thank you very much hows yours???

Cannabis free:cool: which is more than can be said for yours?

25-Jun-08, 01:04
You are not supposed to alter quotes surely ?????????????

And my head is quite cannabis free thank you very much, when was the last time you had yours checked, you are quick to come in with short comments now, you never came back with the links to your research on your post earlier, I was actually quite interested in reading them but perhaps you don't have any.

25-Jun-08, 01:07
thats better :)

25-Jun-08, 01:20
i have still to see any research that proves any real links and as i have been smoking it for a long time and my brain is fine thank you very much hows yours???

Who's altering quotes? Read above. You wrote it. Maybe you need your eyes tested as well. Are you suggesting what I posted re using cannabis was untrue?

25-Jun-08, 01:23
Who's altering quotes? Read above. You wrote it. Maybe you need your eyes tested as well. Are you suggesting what I posted re using cannabis was untrue?

You have corrected the quote now, you had an extra bit in the middle [evil]
And everyone here can't need there eyes tested :eek:

I have not seen the research you used for your post on cannabis so can't say is untrue, as I said earlier the information differs from any I have seen so far and was interested to see what you had read but you ignored that and took a dig at fantoosh instead and are taking little digs instead of backing up what you have said. What am I expected to think?????

25-Jun-08, 01:36
You have corrected the quote now, you had an extra bit in the middle [evil]
And everyone here can't need there eyes tested :eek:

Its the crime of the century.

Good grief there's more than one of you.[lol]

Sorry did I post that too quick for you.

25-Jun-08, 01:39
Its the crime of the century.

Good grief there's more than one of you.[lol]

Sorry did I post that too quick for you.

Whose saying its the crime of the century but then to suggest that I needed my eyes tested when you knew you had made a mistake :roll:

So how about links to these facts instead of these boring little comments????

25-Jun-08, 01:52
Whose saying its the crime of the century but then to suggest that I needed my eyes tested when you knew you had made a mistake :roll:

So how about links to these facts instead of these boring little comments????

My suggestion to you getting your eyes tested referred to you posting that you smoked cannabis in one post and then denied it in another. If the comments are boring you then why are you replying.

There's one way to find out if the facts I gave are untrue. Research it yourself and prove me wrong.

25-Jun-08, 02:00
thanx for your permission for allowing me to believe what i want and i dont personally use it as i am a smoker so cant say it defo works

are you sayin that is not true where is your agruement for that i was just pointing out you can be a cannibas user without damaging your lungs and eating it certainly doesnt affect your lungsSmoke it or eat it, whatever, it will still cause you to have a psychosis at some point in your life.

25-Jun-08, 02:02
Who's altering quotes? Read above. You wrote it. Maybe you need your eyes tested as well. Are you suggesting what I posted re using cannabis was untrue?

Well that wasn't very clear was it [lol]

and didn't deny anything thanx perhaps your brain is a little tired have another coffee

Saying my brain is free of cannabis is not saying I do not smoke it, saying you do something does not mean you do it all the time

25-Jun-08, 02:07
My suggestion to you getting your eyes tested referred to you posting that you smoked cannabis in one post and then denied it in another. If the comments are boring you then why are you replying.

There's one way to find out if the facts I gave are untrue. Research it yourself and prove me wrong.

As I said I have researched and nothing so far has turned up what you have said, I have done a fair bit of research already and am not gonna do it indefinately, just to read the same stuff over and over, if these were facts then you must have got them from somewhere so why not let us all see????[lol][lol][lol]

25-Jun-08, 02:12
Well that wasn't very clear was it [lol]

and didn't deny anything thanx perhaps your brain is a little tired have another coffee

Saying my brain is free of cannabis is not saying I do not smoke it, saying you do something does not mean you do it all the time

Judging by the content of some of your posts its just as well you don't smoke it all the time. You can't even quote the right post you are replying to.[lol][lol] Maybe its you that needs the coffee, oh, and its legal.

25-Jun-08, 03:38
Judging by the content of some of your posts its just as well you don't smoke it all the time. You can't even quote the right post you are replying to.[lol][lol] Maybe its you that needs the coffee, oh, and its legal.

No I have used the right quotes, don't need any coffee thanx. I should know what I am referring to more than you. I guess you are not gonna give the data to support your facts then? That will speak for itself :roll:

25-Jun-08, 03:40
Smoke it or eat it, whatever, it will still cause you to have a psychosis at some point in your life.

So everyone that takes cannabis WILL suffer psychosis, would love to see the data to support that too. It is a genuine interest, if there is data to support that I would like to read it plz

25-Jun-08, 03:44
Judging by the content of some of your posts its just as well you don't smoke it all the time. You can't even quote the right post you are replying to.[lol][lol] Maybe its you that needs the coffee, oh, and its legal.

And judging by the content of some of your posts you do not sound too mature either, nae offense just an observation

25-Jun-08, 09:40
So everyone that takes cannabis WILL suffer psychosis, would love to see the data to support that too. It is a genuine interest, if there is data to support that I would like to read it plzEveryone that smokes cannabis will suffer a psychosis of some sort or another. Psychotic episodes like paranoia for example, possibly developing schizophrenia.

25-Jun-08, 09:48
And judging by the content of some of your posts you do not sound too mature either, nae offense just an observation

I found that statement hilarious coming from you.[lol]

I notice from your profile you list one of your interests as going out at weekends and getting drunk with your mates and have your occupation down as being a mother. You also openly admit on here that you smoke cannabis. ....now what was that you were saying about not being mature?

Just an observation by the way.

Oh and I nearly forgot very mature and responsible of you to post the web address for a site offering paraphernalia to do with smoking hash like bongs, pipes and scales. Shame the mods have since removed it.

25-Jun-08, 09:54
Put the claws away ladies, they are retractable you know, Raaaawrrrr.[lol]

25-Jun-08, 09:58
I found that statement hilarious coming from you.[lol]

I notice from your profile you list one of your interests as going out at weekends and getting drunk with your mates and have your occupation down as being a mother. You also openly admit on here that you smoke cannabis. ....now what was that you were saying about not being mature?

Just an observation by the way.

thanx for looking haha yeah i do like to go out with my friends at the weekend and get drunk so your point is i dont do it every weekend so thanx but i think i am allowed to let my hair down and yes i am a mum and yes i do smoke pot and i am 19 im allowed to act like a teenager

and i note that you are the one that is so concerned about the teenagers yet you continue to pick away pettilly instead of showing me the data you got your facts from which may change my mind about my cannabis use lol

And am responding no further to any of the pettiness as wouldn't want to risk what has been an interesting thread be closed because it has degenerated into a slagging match. Is not always like you to be so petty I have enjoyed some of your more sensible posting

25-Jun-08, 10:05
Put the claws away ladies, they are retractable you know, Raaaawrrrr.[lol]

Maybe Im not mature enough to be able to do that TBH. [lol]

... Or maybe Im addicted to it now...

25-Jun-08, 13:02
So everyone that takes cannabis WILL suffer psychosis, would love to see the data to support that too. It is a genuine interest, if there is data to support that I would like to read it plz

Perhaps the below quote will help you some.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Bad Points

As a psychiatric nurse the bad points are the growing number of teenagers that i am now assessing with acute psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar depression who have no other discernible trigger to these illnesses other than using cannabis. I can only think that this is in some way due to the cross-pollination and genetic modification of cannabis plants creating current super potent strains that make the skunks and super skunks of even just five years ago seem like the ratty weed that over-enthusiastic amateurs grow in their bedrooms at their parents house.

There is a growing theme in today's culture of getting 'wasted' 'out of your head' 'mashed' etc all of which seems to be a description of trying to get as far away from the reality of a world/life that the individual is intensely dissatisfied with. Cannabis had previously been used as a social lubricant, helping people overcome social anxieties and spend time enjoying a communal like-mindedness. This is quite a stark contrast to today's culture of needing to be so wasted you cannot walk or string words together.

THC, the active ingredient in Cannabis is using neural pathways and neural chemicals in ways that the brain did not intend for them ot be used, if you use something for the incorrect purpose it can break irreparably. For example would you use a £300 hand-blown one off glass bong to hammer a nail?

With or without tobacco you will experience the same risks of cancer and other respiriatory illnesses as it is the inhalation of large quantities of smoke, weed or tobacco that cause the harm. The safest way of taking cannabis is eating it.

Good points,

If your in your mid-to-late twenties you can be pretty much sure that your parents at some point in their life smoked weed while wearing a kaftan and a pair of rose-coloured John Lennon glasses then probably wrote some really dodgy poetry... and that has gotta make you laugh.

In some cases it has been very effective as a form of pain relief for MS and other chronic illness.

It can be a wicked laugh when you smoke enough to chill, have a good time with friends. I had about seven great years of smoking (trips to amsterdam, week long house parties in london)but you have to know when the partys over and to move on to the rest of your life. I still have friends who are stuck where the some of us were six years smoking from morning to night and losing jobs because they forgotto turn up.
1 year ago

25-Jun-08, 14:29
Thank you for starting this thread - it's a good antidote to the last drug thread. Too bad the two weren't combined to give a good debate - it's getting rarer on the Org.

I've known good druggies and bad druggies, good alcaholics and bad ones. I've sampled, and possibly over-used, both in my time and I believe I'm still an OK person. The point I want to make is that, even though I recognise drugs/drink can alter your personality, isn't there something to be said for the kind of person you are to start with? I have known a crack addict for the past 40 years who really should be dead by now, and he has been extremely bad news to his family and everyone around him forever. I don't know whether to think he was simply a very bad egg to begin with, or just mentally unstable.

I do know in many ways I have more respect for young people's opinions than I do for people my own age. It's been mostly my experience that young people talk more sense and still want to change the world.

I just pulled a couple of quotes out from the many preceding pages to answer:

Not many people have become the victim of a crime instigated by an alchoholic looking for their next drink. I'll not bother saying any more, I'm sure you can work out the rest for yourselves..
Northerner, you apparently can't work the rest out. The domestic violence, murders, etc., resulting from those who've bought their own next drink, next drink, next drink.

Charlie Romeo Alpha Papa.

If you havent got the character to sort your life out then no one can do it for you .. End of. There are three types of people in this life .. those that take the lead, those that follow the leader and those who stand by and watch all the while whinging that it isnt fair. Your pyschobabble seems to indicate that those of us who get on with it are somehow responsible for making those who dont feel inadequate. I say this .. GOOD. If you want to have a good cry, blame someone or go on Jeremy Kyle and prove what a complete waste of oxygen you are while blaming everyone else for your own complete lack of personality, charisma, character and will to succeed then feel free. More room on the highway of life for the rest of us who want to get on and dont feel we owe the bottom feeders a living.
Lord Flasheart:
Bravo Oscar Lima Lima Oscar - oh you'll get my drift.

Lord Flasheart
25-Jun-08, 18:38

I do get your drift.

If you remove the Lima, Echo and Romeo from your username you have mine .. ;)

Dont get into a battle of wits .. your clearly unarmed.

25-Jun-08, 19:14
Perhaps the below quote will help you some.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Bad Points

As a psychiatric nurse the bad points are the growing number of teenagers that i am now assessing with acute psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar depression who have no other discernible trigger to these illnesses other than using cannabis. I can only think that this is in some way due to the cross-pollination and genetic modification of cannabis plants creating current super potent strains that make the skunks and super skunks of even just five years ago seem like the ratty weed that over-enthusiastic amateurs grow in their bedrooms at their parents house.

There is a growing theme in today's culture of getting 'wasted' 'out of your head' 'mashed' etc all of which seems to be a description of trying to get as far away from the reality of a world/life that the individual is intensely dissatisfied with. Cannabis had previously been used as a social lubricant, helping people overcome social anxieties and spend time enjoying a communal like-mindedness. This is quite a stark contrast to today's culture of needing to be so wasted you cannot walk or string words together.

THC, the active ingredient in Cannabis is using neural pathways and neural chemicals in ways that the brain did not intend for them ot be used, if you use something for the incorrect purpose it can break irreparably. For example would you use a £300 hand-blown one off glass bong to hammer a nail?

With or without tobacco you will experience the same risks of cancer and other respiriatory illnesses as it is the inhalation of large quantities of smoke, weed or tobacco that cause the harm. The safest way of taking cannabis is eating it.

Good points,

If your in your mid-to-late twenties you can be pretty much sure that your parents at some point in their life smoked weed while wearing a kaftan and a pair of rose-coloured John Lennon glasses then probably wrote some really dodgy poetry... and that has gotta make you laugh.

In some cases it has been very effective as a form of pain relief for MS and other chronic illness.

It can be a wicked laugh when you smoke enough to chill, have a good time with friends. I had about seven great years of smoking (trips to amsterdam, week long house parties in london)but you have to know when the partys over and to move on to the rest of your life. I still have friends who are stuck where the some of us were six years smoking from morning to night and losing jobs because they forgotto turn up.
1 year ago

Don't forget. In the case of Cannabis in its hash preparation the suppliers have already done what they would do to powders and maximise their profits by simply using bulking agents. Instead of using sugar/vim etc as they do with powders, in the case of hash it'll be bulked up with soap/cardboard/other resins. In fact by the time it reaches the tokers the conc of actual resin will be down to a very small percentage. Can't beat a wee bit of burnt plastic/box/soap sooked into your lungs. The argument whether Cannabis is harmful may burble on but I'm pretty certain that half the rubbish thrown in the mix isn't the best for the old health.

Decide about herbal for yourselves........

Kevin Milkins
26-Jun-08, 02:03
Don't forget. In the case of Cannabis in its hash preparation the suppliers have already done what they would do to powders and maximise their profits by simply using bulking agents. Instead of using sugar/vim etc as they do with powders, in the case of hash it'll be bulked up with soap/cardboard/other resins. In fact by the time it reaches the tokers the conc of actual resin will be down to a very small percentage. Can't beat a wee bit of burnt plastic/box/soap sooked into your lungs. The argument whether Cannabis is harmful may burble on but I'm pretty certain that half the rubbish thrown in the mix isn't the best for the old health.

Decide about herbal for yourselves........

I suppose that pushes on to katarina's point that the safest way to take it is to eat it.
At least if you ate a shard of plastic the worse thing that can happen is ,you will end up with a sore arse.:confused

rob murray
26-Jun-08, 08:43
Perhaps the below quote will help you some.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Bad Points

As a psychiatric nurse the bad points are the growing number of teenagers that i am now assessing with acute psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar depression who have no other discernible trigger to these illnesses other than using cannabis. I can only think that this is in some way due to the cross-pollination and genetic modification of cannabis plants creating current super potent strains that make the skunks and super skunks of even just five years ago seem like the ratty weed that over-enthusiastic amateurs grow in their bedrooms at their parents house.

There is a growing theme in today's culture of getting 'wasted' 'out of your head' 'mashed' etc all of which seems to be a description of trying to get as far away from the reality of a world/life that the individual is intensely dissatisfied with. Cannabis had previously been used as a social lubricant, helping people overcome social anxieties and spend time enjoying a communal like-mindedness. This is quite a stark contrast to today's culture of needing to be so wasted you cannot walk or string words together.

THC, the active ingredient in Cannabis is using neural pathways and neural chemicals in ways that the brain did not intend for them ot be used, if you use something for the incorrect purpose it can break irreparably. For example would you use a £300 hand-blown one off glass bong to hammer a nail?

With or without tobacco you will experience the same risks of cancer and other respiriatory illnesses as it is the inhalation of large quantities of smoke, weed or tobacco that cause the harm. The safest way of taking cannabis is eating it.

Good points,

If your in your mid-to-late twenties you can be pretty much sure that your parents at some point in their life smoked weed while wearing a kaftan and a pair of rose-coloured John Lennon glasses then probably wrote some really dodgy poetry... and that has gotta make you laugh.

In some cases it has been very effective as a form of pain relief for MS and other chronic illness.

It can be a wicked laugh when you smoke enough to chill, have a good time with friends. I had about seven great years of smoking (trips to amsterdam, week long house parties in london)but you have to know when the partys over and to move on to the rest of your life. I still have friends who are stuck where the some of us were six years smoking from morning to night and losing jobs because they forgotto turn up.
1 year ago

Aha...the hash / work life balance arguemement...good stuff !

26-Jun-08, 10:07
It means that you actually take notice of the relevant, factual information that smoking cannabis causes mental illness, so you stick to alcohol, wise choice, lesser of two evils.
A mate of mine who smoked a lot of it when he was younger has started again on the odd occasion - very disappointing. It happened because he was in the company of habitual users who were aloof and thought it was classy to use. He wanted to be in their company at their level and joined in. I found out by a third party but then by a member of his family who was in the company that night. They thought nothing of it - and given their much younger years this disappointed me also - the example (the wrong one to my mind) had been set.

Teenagers need an introduction to tr-hash like a hole in the head. The damage it can do I have witnessed and for those who seem to be fine with it, you have time ahead yet...! Drinking alcohol is another (good coming from me I know) - where they have managed to get themselves in a much worse state with the explosion of the alcholic drink market and the affordability of it all - teenagers in general have much more access to cash (disposable income) and spend a greater amount of it on booze - getting themselves into some states. Both have their effect on their health and their life.

Adults aren't excused - they should know better - teenagers should have the example given to them to follow. If we don't give them the example, we land up with drinking, drug taking mothers and fathers (and single too looking to progress in life) who are teenagers, thinking that they are doing just fine but in reality are already making it difficult for themselves and their young children to have any fulness of life ahead of them.

WBG :cool:

26-Jun-08, 11:51
thanx for looking haha yeah i do like to go out with my friends at the weekend and get drunk so your point is i dont do it every weekend so thanx but i think i am allowed to let my hair down and yes i am a mum and yes i do smoke pot and i am 19 im allowed to act like a teenager

and i note that you are the one that is so concerned about the teenagers yet you continue to pick away pettilly instead of showing me the data you got your facts from which may change my mind about my cannabis use lol

And am responding no further to any of the pettiness as wouldn't want to risk what has been an interesting thread be closed because it has degenerated into a slagging match. Is not always like you to be so petty I have enjoyed some of your more sensible posting

I'm not sure whether I believe that your reasons for not responding further are genuine. Knowing how many infraction points you had accumulated I think you had a pretty good idea that your suspension was imminent after having a post removed by the mods in the early hours. Maybe it was a case of bowing out gracefully before you were thrown out. But seeing as I don't want to be petty Ill give you the benefit of the doubt. ;)

It dosen't bother me that you and others close to you have seen fit to slag me off obscenely on another website in connection with what Ive posted on this thread. What does bother me is that you think its not true. The information I originally posted on cannabis was fact. I couldn't give you one specific link as the information had been gathered from various sources as part of research done a few months ago. It was taken mainly from medical sites. Katarina has since posted near enough the same information so I think that should be proof to you that what I wrote was genuine. I can assure you I would never post anything untrue. What would be the point.

There is a wealth of information out there on the risks of cannabis smoking if you are interested. You come across as a typical teenager with the attitude of "it'll never happen to me". I hope it never does. I didn't post the information because I was having a dig at teenagers. Far from it. I was trying to get across the message that there are dangerous consequences to dabbling in hash. A lot of teenagers genuinely don't know this. Granted there is not 100% proof that it will affect everyone in the same way but some are more at risk than others. Its a case of you won't know until its too late. If you are willing to take the risk then that's your choice. I have close contact with many who now suffer from depression, are bi polar or schizophrenic. They are paying a high price for the risk they took by smoking hash. If they knew then what they know now.

I'll leave you with this short life story. I knew someone whose life was blighted by many things too horrendous to mention. They thought the best way of dealing with it was to block it out. Firstly with an occasional smoke which then progressed to excessive use to get rid of the paranoia. When the depression set in the drugs were accompanied by drink and prescription drugs with horrendous side effects. Then came the schizophrena with the voices within telling them how worthless they were. The black hole they were living in became deeper and deeper and harder to get out of even with professional help. After years of torture they finally found the answer. Unfortunately it resulted in them spending last night on a mortuary slab. I can assure that's 100% fact.

Hopefully none of the things I have mentioned will ever happen to you. As you have said its your life and you do have choices. I hope for your sake and that of your children that you decide to make the right one.

26-Jun-08, 12:02
you know what Venture, you should hang your head in shame ! you went out to deliberatly goad someone in this thread, all to satisfy your warped sense of humour !!!

true ?

26-Jun-08, 12:23
A mate of mine who smoked a lot of it when he was younger has started again on the odd occasion - very disappointing. It happened because he was in the company of habitual users who were aloof and thought it was classy to use. He wanted to be in their company at their level and joined in. I found out by a third party but then by a member of his family who was in the company that night. They thought nothing of it - and given their much younger years this disappointed me also - the example (the wrong one to my mind) had been set.

Teenagers need an introduction to tr-hash like a hole in the head. The damage it can do I have witnessed and for those who seem to be fine with it, you have time ahead yet...! Drinking alcohol is another (good coming from me I know) - where they have managed to get themselves in a much worse state with the explosion of the alcholic drink market and the affordability of it all - teenagers in general have much more access to cash (disposable income) and spend a greater amount of it on booze - getting themselves into some states. Both have their effect on their health and their life.

Adults aren't excused - they should know better - teenagers should have the example given to them to follow. If we don't give them the example, we land up with drinking, drug taking mothers and fathers (and single too looking to progress in life) who are teenagers, thinking that they are doing just fine but in reality are already making it difficult for themselves and their young children to have any fulness of life ahead of them.

WBG :cool:There are a lot that don't smoke as often as they make out but like to give the impression that they do. They are the ones that don't lose their jobs, houses, possibly family and I hope your mate doesn't fall into the trap that they perhaps unwittingly set.

26-Jun-08, 12:41
4,478 view on this thread, wonder what the rest of UK think when they read these postings...

Scotland has one of the highest prevalence's of injecting drug use in Europe
http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2002/07/15074/8613 (http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2002/07/15074/8613)
About 50,000 people in Scotland are infected with Hepatitis C - double the UK average
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/4295116.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/4295116.stm)

Just a thought...

26-Jun-08, 12:56
drugs are a very real problem in the society we live in.Location knows no bounds either,so dont assume because you life in a quiet wee village in the back of beyond it wont effect your community because it will.[evil]

My son was a stupid boy who at the weekend had far too much to drink,had a fight with his X and smashed his fist through a pub window.
He's know saint but I had hoped he'd managed to control his temper.
As a joiner he needs his hands and as a consequence to his "smashing" time at the weekend will now be in plaster for 6 weeks.The ciculation is also giving the doctors cause for concern so may need to have it done again.

He was also found to be in possession of a substance he shouldnt have but has no recolection if he took some.
We thought we knew our own son but unfortunatly we dont :~(

Drugs no matter what type affect the personality so I would say that in my experience if you have an aggresive temper they just make it worse.

26-Jun-08, 14:43
Tilter, I do get your drift. If you remove the Lima, Echo and Romeo from your username you have mine .. ;) Dont get into a battle of wits .. your clearly unarmed.
Sorry Lord Flasheart but I just couldn't help it. Nothing personal intended.

Would like to say I do no drugs/don't drink much at my ripe old age as bod can't handle it. Plus I'd be too scared with today's new-style cannabis which I understand is evil.

Cuddlepop, I'm very sorry about what's happened to your son.

However: if alcohol and nicotine are legal (both very high on addictive substances list), should not all drugs be made legal? That way we could have a bit of quality control and (heigh ho Gordon B.) they could be taxed.

I am now ducking out of sight and hightailing it to Pets Corner.

26-Jun-08, 14:58
Well after reading all these replies it is quite a balanced argument, but what should be done about it..

how about this, the ideas proposed could or could not work..


26-Jun-08, 15:04
Well after reading all these replies it is quite a balanced argument, but what should be done about it..

how about this, the ideas proposed could or could not work..


Sounds good to me Justine. Anything is better than nothing, because current policies on drink/drugs are clearly not working.

26-Jun-08, 15:44
The forum believes cannabis should be taxed and highly regulated to help reduce availability and harm.

Eh? Reduce it's availibity and tax it and the junkies will just go and get it somewhere else...

Just what were the "Forum" smoking when they dreamt this one up?

Recommendations include the setting up of "consumption rooms" where addicts would be able to take drugs safely, and for heroin to be prescribed to users.

Consumption room? Hmmm, reminds me of the old opium dens in China - definitely think the think tank were smoking something...

Hey, why not legalise prostitution? It 'works' on the continent and would reduce the risk that prossies run by plying their trade on unlit street. Reduce the risks of STD amongst those who need to use the services of a streetwalker!!

Back to square one.

26-Jun-08, 16:02
Hey, why not legalise prostitution? It 'works' on the continent and would reduce the risk that prossies run by plying their trade on unlit street. Reduce the risks of STD amongst those who need to use the services of a streetwalker!!

Back to square one.

MP, I think that's back to No. 1 (i.e. you) if you're worried about an STD and not about (a) getting beaten up by your pimp, (2) your next fix. We go off-topic methinks.

26-Jun-08, 16:04
Yeah, and while we're at it why not make 'life' imprisonment mean life without parole (like they do in Massachusetts with Entwhistle).. nah, too far off thread, the liberals wouldn't wear it..

27-Jun-08, 18:26
noone is ever goin till agree...:lol:

ivryine hes their own personal experience regardin 'e matter, whether they hev taken 'e droogs themsels or witness/ed people that do or hev done.

obviously some people contributin til this thread hes witnessed some nasty experienses and have seen nothing but negitivity regardin the recreational use of cannabis...

venture, by yer own admitance ye have witnessed some lives goin terribly wrong after the use of cannabis, and golach....i feel for the family of the officer yer spoke aboot :(

however, ma point is that the majority of cannabis users (world wide) are canny respectable people who do not crave the drug to the extent that they would beg, borrow or steal, they only enjoy it as part of their social circle and life style.

perhaps these people who go 'off the track' after using cannabis is vulnerable to the extent that a berievement or a divorce, unhappy childhood, genetics? ....would infact also induce these feelings of depression, causing them to 'go off the track'

i just feel that the people iv known to smoke cannabis are guid citizons who like to mellow out to some guid music at nite and its a shame that they have to suffer (sneak about and break the law) to obtain their 'bit' so they can relax with chosen like minded individuals, or alone, and be seriously persecuted for this.

i do understand its against the law, and i do understand the reasons why (i also would advise teenagers against the partaking of any drugs) but i also would think that you would be able to respect the individual who chooses this (quiet) lifestyle and not to disrespect/persecute them for their choises.

i am not a judgemental person...

please do not 'flog me' i come in peace with my opinion only :D

02-Jul-08, 08:36
The Netherlands are supposed to be the be all and end all of the cannabis culture in Europe ........not any longer [lol]


Yoda the flump
02-Jul-08, 09:41
i do understand its against the law, and i do understand the reasons why (i also would advise teenagers against the partaking of any drugs) but i also would think that you would be able to respect the individual who chooses this (quiet) lifestyle and not to disrespect/persecute them for their choises.

i am not a judgemental person...

please do not 'flog me' i come in peace with my opinion only :D

Yep, lets just respect the fact that someone wants to disregard the law - why not?

Shall we make a list of laws that it seems okay to flout? If its okay to flout the law and abuse drugs what other laws is it socially acceptable to break?

With an attitude like this is it any wonder we have as much crime in society as we do.

02-Jul-08, 09:51
golach....yer link is dated thursday 29th may 2003....:roll:

it says it wil come intil effect next january....

'iss is 2008 an its never come intil effect yet.....:Razz

yoda....'no wonder there is so much crime'?? get over yersel....

i hev no desire til argue wi ye [lol]

02-Jul-08, 09:54
golach....yer link is dated thursday 29th may 2003....

it says it wil come intil effect next january....

'iss is 2008 an its never come intil effect yet.....

yoda....'no wonder there is so much crime'?? get over yersel....

i hev no desire til argue wi ye
Trix it came into effect yesterday, the 1st of July 2008 [lol]


02-Jul-08, 10:02
iv choost read in 'e paper that....

smokers in amsterdam cannot light a cigarette in coffee shops but 100% cannabis spliffs are ok!!

source - daily star....:Razz

Yoda the flump
02-Jul-08, 10:03
ha ha ha ha.............

You break the law, you thereby commit a crime?

Yoda the flump
02-Jul-08, 10:04
iv choost read in 'e paper that....

smokers in amsterdam cannot light a cigarette in coffee shops but 100% cannabis spliffs are ok!!

source - daily star....:Razz

The reputable source of breaking news!

02-Jul-08, 10:08
it also says so in golachs link.....:roll::Razz

02-Jul-08, 10:11
ha ha ha ha.............

You break the law, you thereby commit a crime?
Yoda exactly,
Drive a car while under the influence.......a crime
Beat up your wife............a crime
Commit a theft...............a crime
Commit Murder...............a crime
Taking Illegal substances sic Cannabis...............a crime
they are all crimes in my eyes

02-Jul-08, 10:14
(quote)The notorious Dutch "coffee shop" faces a unique conundrum under the ban: its patrons can still light up their cannabis joints but no longer if blended with tobacco.

As The Netherlands follows the example of other European Union members in curbing smoking for public health reasons, it finds itself in a singular position as the only one to allow, since 1976, marijuana use in licensed cafes.

The smoking law does not prohibit cannabis use in coffee shops, but owners are having to come up with new strategies to stay afloat in a country where users traditionally prefer their dope mixed with tobacco.

(quote http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5g0LR5Mrd0esVrb5OPbHQ72VXdmsg)

Drive a car while under the influence.......a crime (which can result in harming others)
Beat up your wife............a crime (which is harming others)
Commit a theft...............a crime (harming others albeit in the pocket department)
Commit Murder...............a crime ( definatley harming others)
Taking Illegal substances sic Cannabis...............a crime ( harming no-one but ,possibly, yourself )

They may all be crimes but there is a huge difference.

02-Jul-08, 10:17
wur no arguin 'e fact that smokin cannabis is against 'e law golach....

i think we are all aware of that fact....:Razz

the only crime bein committed by smokers is the fact that they are in possession of cannabis....

what they do when under the influence is the focus here....:roll:

02-Jul-08, 10:24
wur no arguin 'e fact that smokin cannabis is against 'e law golach....

i think we are all aware of that fact....:Razz

the only crime bein committed by smokers is the fact that they are in possession of cannabis....

what they do when under the influence is the focus here....:roll:
Does it mention in your Daily Star about the two Thurso druggies, jailed yesterday for robbing the Co-op, druggies dont commit crimes, well these two are in jail now.

02-Jul-08, 10:28
As far as I am aware, these two took stronger drugs and plenty alcohol. You can hardly blame there antics on Cannabis

02-Jul-08, 10:30
Does it mention in your Daily Star about the two Thurso druggies, jailed yesterday for robbing the Co-op, druggies dont commit crimes, well these two are in jail now.

bet they werna smokin cannabis at 'e time....

if they were they choost widna be bothered :lol:

Yoda the flump
02-Jul-08, 11:40
Drive a car while under the influence.......a crime (which can result in harming others)
Beat up your wife............a crime (which is harming others)
Commit a theft...............a crime (harming others albeit in the pocket department)
Commit Murder...............a crime ( definatley harming others)
Taking Illegal substances sic Cannabis...............a crime ( harming no-one but ,possibly, yourself )

They may all be crimes but there is a huge difference.

Driving under the influence of what?

You take cannabis and decide to go for a drive.........

You can fill in the rest, its a mind altering drug so no better than alcohol.

So no harm there then.

Yoda the flump
02-Jul-08, 11:42
bet they werna smokin cannabis at 'e time....

if they were they choost widna be bothered :lol:

Better they were taking nothing. Probably started smoking cannabis and then onto hard drugs. Sorry started on alcohol and tobacco and then cannabis.

Should ban the whole lot.

02-Jul-08, 12:28
Driving under the influence of what?

You take cannabis and decide to go for a drive.........

You can fill in the rest, its a mind altering drug so no better than alcohol.

So no harm there then.

I have to agree with you there, people under the influence of cannabis shouldn't drive either, but I don't consider cannabis as bad as alcohol.

Although do think that people under the influence of any drug that affects your concentration and judgement should not drive.

And I am inclined to think that people under the influence of cannabis probs couldna be bothered looking for their car keys let alone drive, unless they ran out of munchies, even then you would be hard pushed to get them to move.

02-Jul-08, 23:17
Does it mention in your Daily Star about the two Thurso druggies, jailed yesterday for robbing the Co-op, druggies dont commit crimes, well these two are in jail now.

One of them is a heroin addict. I dont know about both but i know one is.