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View Full Version : Over enthusiastic application of rules and procedures

15-Jun-08, 14:14
I've applied for a part time relief job to drive local pensioners around in a minibus and also to be a part time fire man and am currently going through the process with two personnel departments. Just done the disclosure procedure so that must mean I'm cleared to molest senior citizens(!) but the background required for carrying out these duties from awarenes of everything from racial and sexual orientations to health and safety rules are more like applications to join MI5.

Had to laugh at this one on the notes: "The driver is not allowed reverse the vehicle between the hours of 11.30 and 7am unless the reversing alarm has been disconnected. It reminded me of a camp site I visited which two A4's of instructions on how to operate the shower which concluded with an instruction to take your clothes off before turning on the water!

So whether it's health and safety paranoia or just over the top political correctness does anyone else have experiences of instructions and signs
which make you laugh, cringe or shake your head in disbelief? The EEC, fear of being sued and the the great British public's Pavlovian que forming response seems to have overcome common sense much of the time.

15-Jun-08, 14:48
The latest rule at my work.

No bottled water allowed. Because of the carbon footprint of the manufacturing of the plastic bottles. The plastic cups next to water chiller must be used instead. No-one higher up has thought that the staff are re-filling the bottles instead of using and discarding the cups, thereby lessening their carbon footprint.