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View Full Version : Whose eggs are these?

05-Jun-08, 10:44
Spotted these in the sand - nearly trod on them. Are they oyster catcher eggs? No sign of any birds near it, even when we were at the far end of the bay.

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3256/2551767570_8c66f9c7a8.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22544094@N00/2551767570/)

EDIT: Argh, can't edit the title! That should be 'whose', obviously...

05-Jun-08, 11:47
Gull I thought, bt I could be wrong :lol:

05-Jun-08, 17:55
i would have thought they were a little plover possibly but i am only guessing. it depend on size of eggs and what birds there are around the area, but well spotted anyway. If you know the aproximate position of the nest it would probably be easier for you to find out by watching from a descreet distance to see who claims them :D

06-Jun-08, 09:11
Thanks - I shall keep away from the nest next time I go down there and spy from a distance through my zoom lens!

06-Jun-08, 18:30
I'm an idiot - went down to the beach and forgot the camera!

the_count, I think you're right, it's a little plover - it looks just like this (http://internt.nhm.ac.uk/jdsml/nature-online/nature-navigator-gallery/index.dsml?beginIndex=200&tab=gould&image_id=NHM%2dUK%5fL%5f117022%5f232%5fW%5f1).

06-Jun-08, 23:08
A Ringed Plover I think.

07-Jun-08, 10:51
yeah caz thats a ringed plover lol knew from your saying that you didn't see the bird it had to be a plover. They are almost as invisible as the nest and are usually missed unless you know what you are looking for :D

08-Jun-08, 19:17
Ringed plover imo.

09-Jun-08, 10:56
Managed to get a shot of it last night - definitely a ringed plover, thank you everyone. They run like the clappers don't they?? Apologies for the quality, I was quite a way away.

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3109/2564339176_84048a2406_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22544094@N00/2564339176)

09-Jun-08, 16:24
Here's a photo of a Ringed Plover taken locally.

Ringed Plover
