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06-Jun-03, 18:16
Anyone interested in hearing an AC/DC tribute band or should i say forming one....?
Strictly bon scott era. :D

07-Jun-03, 13:36
What is wrong with the Brian Johnson era AC/DC?.. I mean everything from "Back In Black" right upto "Stiff Upper Lip" has some cool music does it not?..

07-Jun-03, 19:12
Flood land i'm not saying the brian johnstone era is bad(flick of the switch ha ha/
fly on the wall ha ha/who made who haha/blow up your video pahh)its just personal preference .I prefer the bon scott era .I admit there are some good songs on these albums i've mentioned above but as a whole i wouldn't say they were Classic ac/dc.back in black yes,for those about to rock yes ,razors edge yes stiff upper lip yes but I state again its personal choice .I think you could pick any song of any album up to highway to hell(ok & back in black)play it in a tribute band & get away with it.

08-Jun-03, 14:42
Good call darklighter.. Fair comments one and all. Either way, I personally look forward to their new album which is hoped to get a release towards the end of the year from what I gather.. :D

08-Jun-03, 19:14
Yeah should be good if s.u.l is anything to go by!

09-Jun-03, 16:35
if i was still living in caithness i would happly trial for lead guitarist been to long without a decent jam and itching to play live again

have a listen to last bands cover we did


theres a link in top left corner that says download this song



18-Jun-03, 12:35
Why waste talent by playing other people's tunes??!! Get writing, you might surprise yourself!

05-Aug-03, 14:54
i do write my own stuff now but thats an old song that was salvaged

26-Oct-03, 20:38
ritins e way dats al ma bnd du we cnt b botherd wi cuvers at da mo but it is gud 2 learn a fw classics 2 put in da bag. cos ppl lek 2 see ppl hu can write ther own stuf nd can play utha dudes stuf

26-Oct-03, 22:41
ritins e way dats al ma bnd du we cnt b botherd wi cuvers at da mo but it is gud 2 learn a fw classics 2 put in da bag. cos ppl lek 2 see ppl hu can write ther own stuf nd can play utha dudes stuf

:confused oh God

I am sooooooooooooo old!!!!

27-Oct-03, 21:16
r u takin e mik av u got a prob wi my veiws

28-Oct-03, 23:57
i dont have a problem with your views - i just cant decipher the language of text and it makes me feel ancient :~(

12-Nov-03, 14:55
The erosion of our language gathers pace. Kids just can't spell!

13-Nov-03, 22:35
:( We might all spell like this in 100 years