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05-Jun-03, 22:27
Community councillors in Wick want the public to pay for their summer jaunt to the "Harrods of the Highlands". (Caithness Courier 4/6/03)

Treasurer Allan Tait said: "It's our duty to spend the money allocated."

Wendy Cambell said: Why don't we hire a bus and take a tour rather than have a boring business meeting?"

The Rev Alistair Roy said: "I like that idea."

Treasurer Allan Tait said: "Everyone should go away and make up a shopping list for our next meeting in August."

Erm....... How about., one ounce of common sense, two pounds of humility and a whole sack of reality? [disgust]

05-Jun-03, 22:58

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to correct the report that appeared in the local paper on Wednesday. As treasurer I reported that the Community Council had a healthy bank balance and our next allocation from the Highland Council would be received shortly.

In view of this I suggested that we should look to spend some of this money for the good of the town rather than leave it lying in the bank account. I then went on to suggest that the CC consider the purchase of picnic tables to be placed in both the Riverside & Green Road play areas where new equipment has recently been installed but contain no seating for parents/grandparents etc. I made the point that this type of project might also benefit from match funding from organisations such as the Co-op and CASE.

Unfortunately the reporter ignored this in his report and picked up on the bus trip suggestion. The undertaken off such a trip was not agreed and the point was made that if it ever took place it could be funded personally by those taking part.

The option of sharing some of the funds between the other projects in which the Community Council are actively involved was also suggested. These would include- Flowering Baskets, Hogmanny Party, Play Areas, xmas Lights and the improvement of the Riverside Paths.

I hope this gives a clearer idea of what was actually said.

05-Jun-03, 23:01
I am with you on that iceman

A summer jaunt - what are these people on?????????

05-Jun-03, 23:11
It is high time the community council was disbanded once and for all. After all they are supposed to be for the good of the town. Instead, when a new venture is proposed they seem to be against it, e.g. Weatherspoons. I remember reading the local papers when Weatherspoon had put an application to buy the old post office. Some of the community council were against it, claiming it will take business from the Crown bar and other pubs in the town. Only, common sense prevailed and herewe have, TWO new pubs in the town. Surely this is the start of things to come.
Anyway back to the point. What would I do with £2575? If this is surplus then the community council will not need the full £3000 which they get from the Highland council each year. Why don't the Highland council just make up the short fall? As for a jaunt to "THE HARRODS OF THE HIGHLANDS".They couldn't be more insulting could they?
Do they really deserve this trip? If they really want to go let them pay for it out of their own pockets. The money could be better spent. If they can't spend it, THEN KEEP IT!!.
They may need it one day. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSES community councillors. Carry on like this and you might all be elected for the next parliament. [mad] [mad] [mad]

Colin Manson
06-Jun-03, 18:26

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to correct the report that appeared in the local paper on Wednesday.


I hope this gives a clearer idea of what was actually said.

Well Allan it looks like you're corrections weren't taken onboard, maybe it is a question of faith and since the report appeared in Local bible then it's going to be impossible to convince the belivers that it was just a piece of selective editing.

I wouldn't worry about it very much since all the people that know you realise the truth.

Nice work on the new play ground equipment, it's good to see that some people are willing to put their time and effort into these schemes because in the end it benefits everyone.


07-Jun-03, 09:54
Hey Colin
Why doesn't someone from Caithness.org come to Community Council meetings and report on what happens? That way the town would get ACCURATE reporting on what happens. That guy who writes for the local rag has obviously got big dreams and thinks if he sensationalises local stories some big newspaper will snap him up. I'm sure the Sunday Sport would be right up his street!

Allan did a brill job of getting much needed play equipment for Wick, but of course the Groat buried THAT story at the bottom of one of the middle pages.

So how about it Colin. Could you spare a few hours?

Colin Manson
07-Jun-03, 19:58
Hey Colin
Why doesn't someone from Caithness.org come to Community Council meetings and report on what happens?


So how about it Colin. Could you spare a few hours?


I think that's a good idea but I assume that there are minutes for these meetings, If we can get a copy of the minutes then we can add them to the site.

It would be nice if we could get an electronic copy or another possibility is that I could create a specific messageboard and only allow one person to post the minutes of the meetings.

Then we could have different sections for anyone that wanted to add their information to the site.


Mr P Cannop
07-Jun-03, 21:06
hi colin i think thats a good idea why not have their minutes on caithness.org

when is the next meeting ??

07-Jun-03, 22:07
I now receive my minutes of the Community Council meetings by e-mail so I see no reason why Caithness.Org cannot be included on the mailing list. It might be that they would not be available until they are proposed and seconded at a subsequent meeting.

Our next meeting is on the 4th of August and I will raise this idea then.


Mr P Cannop
07-Jun-03, 23:59
Hi AllanT

could you put me my email address on the mailing list for your council Minutes Please ??

08-Jun-03, 01:57
There is a simple answer, if you don't like what they're doing don't whinge just vote 'em outta office!

08-Jun-03, 18:21
What is the "Harrods of the Highlands"?

08-Jun-03, 19:10
I widna be a community councillor for all the daffodils in Wick.
The Thurso meeting gets reported from time to time too, but more usually when theres been a skirmish or something controversial goin on. The nature of the press is "to put some meat on it". It seems like there were a few bones going round the table at the last meeting in Wick.
They were fair game, thats why i widna be a community councillor, not counting all the unpaid time and effort, all the hidden work and probably abuse from time to time...and you something else Lizz? I think they volunteer for the privelage, its not an elected council.
Who said Highlanders were wimps?

Mr P Cannop
09-Jun-03, 19:33
hi colin go ahead and make a new page for Wick Community Council ??

09-Jun-03, 20:40
My local council had a few problems when they changed the publication method of their minutes... basically, some of what was discussed within the meetings had to do with individuals (namely, they were discussing the applicants for a vacancy within the council that they had some input on).

When they published the information on the internet they gave out sensitive information that had not yet been divulged to the people in question... like why certain people hadn't been selected and what salary the person filling the post was being offered.

They've changed the way they take minutes now so that such personal information is replaced with a reference number.

Anyway, just a thought and I'm not saying that these particular minutes will contain the same sensitive information... but worth bearing in mind... there are sometimes reasons why the full meeting minutes aren't published.

09-Jun-03, 23:00
What is the "Harrods of the Highlands"?

It is the shin falls visitor centre near Lairg. it is owned by Mr Al Fyad ( spelling suspect) Who also owns Harrods and a big highland estate (near Bonar Bridge I think). You can purchase Harrods Branded goods at the centre. You should of seen the relatives faces at Christmas when they thought I went the whole way to london for Christmas shopping :D

10-Jun-03, 10:02
The minutes from the community council meetings have to be proposed and seconded at the following meeting, this is to ensure that no errors included.

The meetings are public and may be attended by anyone, although they may not speak. Its just a shame that the groat sent a reporter thats looking to sensationalise the Community Council.

We're also looking at the possibility of running a set of forums for all the Caithness Community Councils. So this might give more of the community a chance to see what goes on in these organisations.

10-Jun-03, 11:49
I think thats a great idea Niall

Mr P Cannop
10-Jun-03, 12:21
and i agree with that

niall why not set some new boards ??

10-Jun-03, 18:12
Ive just read about an innovative idea from Aberdeen council to allow 14-17 year olds to stand for community council electioins.
I hear the politicians and dinosaurs amongst you mumbling about maturity, responsability and lack of respect. My main concern for these kids would be that they get contaminated with that adult maturity we all recognise so readily and which has brought our civilisation to the brink of extinction.
I believe we are born with the ability to be at one with our environment. We marvel at animal intuition and wonder who teaches them, but from the moment we are born we are shaped to meet the requirements of whatever particular culture we are born into. Our christian culture maintains we are born sinners. We have to be controlled. Remember Tony Blair in his card carrying CND days? Now he can stand up in front of the world and justify the accidental killing of hundreds, maybe thousands of innocent people, in a conflict he was responsable for and which at the time i supported to my eternal shame.
We could learn so much from our kids if we would just take the time to listen to them when weve finished stressing for the day.
Wick community council could spend the money having a community day down by the Riverside with an emphasis on youth. One thing Wick has which ive noticed over the years, is a real sense of communty as is communicated in Kitkats response on another thread.
It would be a shame to lose it to politics and a need to control.

16-Jun-03, 13:30
Gleeber, have you by chance read Al Gores book, Earth in Balance, Forging a New Common Purpose?
How things may have been so much different if that guy had made it to the White House :~(