View Full Version : Free Stress Management / Mind Yoga class

29-May-08, 09:49
Free Stress Management / Mind Yoga class

Stress is a major factor in deteriorating health, and can be treated easily and effectively.

Remove the stressors and strains of life, using the latest in stress management techniques.
Learn how to use Mind Yoga (Created by Andrew Usher of Dunbeath Surgery), meditation and natural bio feedback.

This will be a 4 hour workshop, held on a Saturday morning, and is suitable for all.

You will learn how to make methods such as meditation work for you, how to determine stressors and remove them.
Unique to our Mind Yoga program you will see an actual physical representation of how you can relax using our cutting edge technology, the nexus 10 physiological monitoring device. This device will let you see your actual progress, and your actual brain wave patterns in a variety of situations.

The aim of this workshop is to allow you to identify and treat stress and strains without complicated routines or techniques.

The course is FREE, refreshments will be provided, and will be held in our usual laid back style and approach.

To book your place, email us, private message us, or call us on our local rate telephone number 0845 838 2791

Places are limited and on a first come first served basis.
All participants will also have access to our online school and stress busting forum for continues free support.

29-May-08, 11:31
I should add that once we get numbers we will sort out a date, and can be pretty flexible with the date.

03-Jun-08, 15:35
only a couple of places left, grab them whilst they are available!

Murdina Bug
03-Jun-08, 16:06

Tried to PM you but -

A_Usher has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
Please sign me up and I will pm you when I can get through!

03-Jun-08, 16:11
Ill put you down for a place, ive cleared down some of my pm's, sorry about that.


03-Jun-08, 19:36
Ill put you down for a place, ive cleared down some of my pm's, sorry about that.


On a slightly different note, did anything happen with the MMA classes?

Not having a dig, just very interested.

03-Jun-08, 20:14
On a slightly different note, did anything happen with the MMA classes?

Not having a dig, just very interested.

Not yet, ive just returned from two weeks of lectures and teaching in Glasgow, and as i mentioned in the MMA thread earlier today ive just not had time to sort this. I am lecturing most of this month, and busy with patients with evening sessions, so to be honest its July at the earliest, as i need to sort the venue, insurance etc.

I imagine to start with it will be a weekend class, but to be honest to get proficient at MMA, especially BJJ you need to train much more than one session a week.


03-Jun-08, 20:33
Not yet, ive just returned from two weeks of lectures and teaching in Glasgow, and as i mentioned in the MMA thread earlier today ive just not had time to sort this. I am lecturing most of this month, and busy with patients with evening sessions, so to be honest its July at the earliest, as i need to sort the venue, insurance etc.

I imagine to start with it will be a weekend class, but to be honest to get proficient at MMA, especially BJJ you need to train much more than one session a week.


Sorry, I hadnt noticed you'd updated the other thread. Still interested all the same. Could you keep me posted?

03-Jun-08, 20:35
Will do, i am keen to get the class back up and running, ill see if its possible to get even an intro session in the next couple of weeks.


04-Jun-08, 10:08
I think we are full to bursting on this one, if anyone drops out ill post to offer the place.

04-Jun-08, 15:39
A few people have conacted us dissapointed they didnt get a place, so what we will do it look to organise another workshop. Ill post details of that later.

09-Jun-08, 17:01
Ok, The first class will be in July, i require those who wanted a place to confirm by sending me an email to [email protected], as a few havent, and i want to sort the number out etc.


09-Jun-08, 17:45
i havent seen this add until just now - is there any places left - i would need 4 spaces - maybe more.

10-Jun-08, 17:25
Drop me an email with the details on numbers, and if there isn't room ill happily put on another session to accomodate.