View Full Version : Smokers .. On me, I have a plan

Lord Flasheart
24-May-08, 19:21
Yet again today I have had some self righteous individual lecturing me about the evils of smoking. I know its bad for me etc etc etc, anyway the most annoying thing really was that the individual lecturing me was no stranger to a fish supper, "a tad overweight" would be a generous description.

Then it struck me, it is perfectly acceptable these days to have a go at a smoker but if I was to say anything about this individuals (considerable) weight then I would no doubt be villified.

So I propose this .. instead of being all indignant when someone complains about our smoking we should play on the sympathies of the "lefty do gooder's" that I personally have no time for. As smoking is an addiction should we not be treated as the victims here ??, excuses can be made for everyone else so why not us ??

We should have a scheme with the Goverment dishing out Light cigarettes to those wanting to stop, you know like they do with the Methadone for drug addicts. We obviously have reduced lung capacity so we should have "Smokers Only" car parking near the main entrance to Supermarkets etc etc so we dont have to walk too far. This could all be funded from the vast amount of tax WE pay on OUR cigarettes. We could also have support groups where we all describe our treatment at the hands of non smokers and then cry for a bit.

Soon we will be classed as a "minority" and will be able to play on the sympathies of people who wear dufflecoats and use words like "inclusive" and "diversity" in every other sentence.

So if you take stick for smoking dont retaliate, just cry or slump to the floor with your head in your hands. Giving them a puppy dog look and saying "Why do you hate me so ??, Im a human being too" would also probably work.

Who is with me ??

24-May-08, 20:16
Unfortunately I don't think this idea will take off. As you say, there are support groups for people with other addictions and sympathy for them but it's fashionable to kick the smoker, even though we contribute a huge amount in taxes to keep the country running.

I expect the usual dirge from non-smokers about how much it cost's to treat smokers in hospital but ye wanna know something-I don't give a rats backside.

24-May-08, 20:32
Hahaha, like it!! Yep, think I'll start jumping on the comments bandwagon if someone with an above 'normal' BMI says anything!! Probably get my head kicked though! But it is true - the 'leppers' of society are smokers. But I guess for those with food addictions etc, their motto is - 'at least we're not harming your air', which I guess is a very valid comment. But us smokers can't win, regardless of what we shout or cry. Somehow I think I might be carted off to a secure unit if I collapse in tears if someone said I was a filthy smoker!! I'll stick to try to be discreet while in public, only to make myself as conspicuous as possible, standing in a doorway, with the ciggie hidden halfway up my sleeve, feeling like a disgraced schoolgirl!!

Billy Boy
24-May-08, 20:42
As an ex smoker i would say smoking is a habit not an addiction and i can see where non smokers are coming from when they complain just as i understood when i smoked, why would someone who is a non smoker want to passive smoke??
Non smokers also find folk who smoke smell like an old ashtray ( their choice of course ) but then again if someone didna wash for a few month would you be happy to passive smell cos its the same thing in my book .

If you want to smoke go for it just not where non smokers are.

Yeah there are plenty of over weight folk out there but they dont cause folk to passive eat do they?:eek:

so no doubt there will be plenty of you out there just waiting to jump on me for my opinions.:roll:

24-May-08, 20:55
As smoking is an addiction should we not be treated as the victims here ??, Yes, it's an addiction, but no-one forced anyone a fag in your mouth and asked you to smoke it until you coudn't stop... did they?

We should have a scheme with the Goverment dishing out Light cigarettes to those wanting to stop, Eh.....no.... or maybe once they start dishing out Lambrini to alcoholics who just "want to cut down a little"?

"Smokers Only" car parking near the main entrance to Supermarkets etc etc so we dont have to walk too far. This could all be funded from the vast amount of tax WE pay on OUR cigarettes. Get a grip... you're getting a little silly...

We could also have support groups where we all describe our treatment at the hands of non smokers and then cry for a bit. Definately should be a support group, but not a "them versus us" group, one where those who want to stop, can get the help they need.

Soon we will be classed as a "minority" Hope so!!!

Ok... so as you will have guessed I am a non-smoker. I did used to enjoy a sneaky puff, and know full well why people do enjoy smoking... that nicotine rush can be quite nice. I also have lots of friends who smoke, and I don't disrespect them for the choices they make, and equally they respect that I don't want to be next to them when they smoke.

I am delighted about the smoking ban in public areas... and can't wait until they one day put a 50 metre exclusion zone to the entrances of all public buildings. You can go for a night out, and sure no-one's puffing away indoors..... but you still come home stinking of fags cos of all the crowds of smokers you have to walk through to get into the pub in the first place! Ha ha!

I don't believe you should all be getting taxed as highly as you are for buying cigarettes, however, I think there should be more support for those who wish to give up.

I don't mind if folks want to smoke, it's an individual choice... but deciding to be a smoker doesn't give anyone the right to inflict their habit on someone else, because there is a genuine health risk involved. Don't complain about all the issues that go with smoking.... either accept change, or give up smoking.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do, but please be understanding and respectful with those of us who don't want to breathe in that muck, and in turn you'll find that most people will recognise your consideration of those around you. It was wrong of someone to preach to you about smoking, as it is your decision to make, but like I keep saying, be considerate of those around you, and you'll be better respected for it.

24-May-08, 21:04
Yet again today I have had some self righteous individual lecturing me about the evils of smoking. I know its bad for me etc etc etc, anyway the most annoying thing really was that the individual lecturing me was no stranger to a fish supper, "a tad overweight" would be a generous description.

Then it struck me, it is perfectly acceptable these days to have a go at a smoker but if I was to say anything about this individuals (considerable) weight then I would no doubt be villified.

So I propose this .. instead of being all indignant when someone complains about our smoking we should play on the sympathies of the "lefty do gooder's" that I personally have no time for. As smoking is an addiction should we not be treated as the victims here ??, excuses can be made for everyone else so why not us ??

We should have a scheme with the Goverment dishing out Light cigarettes to those wanting to stop, you know like they do with the Methadone for drug addicts. We obviously have reduced lung capacity so we should have "Smokers Only" car parking near the main entrance to Supermarkets etc etc so we dont have to walk too far. This could all be funded from the vast amount of tax WE pay on OUR cigarettes. We could also have support groups where we all describe our treatment at the hands of non smokers and then cry for a bit.

Soon we will be classed as a "minority" and will be able to play on the sympathies of people who wear dufflecoats and use words like "inclusive" and "diversity" in every other sentence.

So if you take stick for smoking dont retaliate, just cry or slump to the floor with your head in your hands. Giving them a puppy dog look and saying "Why do you hate me so ??, Im a human being too" would also probably work.

Who is with me ??

Hey, sorry, Flash. Its fashionable to give low kicks to some minority group or other; guess smokers are this century's underdog. ;)

24-May-08, 21:08
News just in:-

A man was recently taken to hospital suffering from morbid obesity, following the passive inhalation of fish suppers over a number of years. Bus Driver Hugh Jass used to weigh a trim 12 stones, but after being transferred to the late shift he began to pile on the pounds, as he started to become constantly exposed to passengers toting newspaper clad, cholesterol laden time-bombs giving off the toxins that we have only recently discovered to be responsible for the new phenomenon that has been labelled "Passive Eating"...........

I have nothing against people smoking, let them take 200 a day if they wish. Only problem is that I am allergic to ciggy smoke and we were not born with personal fume hoods. Nothing "Lefty" or "Do gooder" in my attitude. More of a "Get yer fag ootma face and ootma space or you'll be blowing smoke rings out of another orifice" type of approach applies in my case. Smokers don't have a monopoly on ballsy, get-it-up-ye sentiment you know!! ;)

24-May-08, 21:14
Lord, what creative ideas you have to boost the morale of the ever decreasing smoking population. And S-chick, where's your sense of humour tonight?!;)

As a "social smoker" I haven't had a smoke for months - I used to enjoy a cig & a pint every so often, but no more....who wants to smoke in the rain? But I do miss it!:(

Hey, Lord, what about starting up a smoking-house for Friday nights? Just open up your home to anyone who wants to smoke socially and we can bring our own beer and have a laugh - it'll be just like the good old days when we could all choose how to kill ourselves and enjoy our inevitable path towards death!

24-May-08, 21:20
And S-chick, where's your sense of humour tonight?!;) !

Lol... that made me laugh...

Think my sense of humour on sick-leave due to over-inhalation of passive smoke over the years.....so stick that up your pipe and smoke it. ha ha! Just kidding.

I don't care if people want to smoke.... just can't stand the "poor me" message whcih was coming across in original post...if you get my meaning... and with a large glass of wine in hand and eurovision in the background.... well I got carried away! :O)

24-May-08, 21:47
I am a smoker...I have also been a pain in the butt ex-smoker :eek: I stopped for FIVE years then stupidly went back on it, BUT I never smoke in my house,or other peoples houses unless they are smokers and are actively smoking there,I dont mind going outside for a fag,infact i prefer it as it is what I am used to doing x
ps I hate walking past smokers when they are smoking outside shops x

24-May-08, 21:57
... and with a large glass of wine in hand and eurovision in the background.... well I got carried away! :O)

Hey, you'd need a large glass of wine to listen to the Eurovision - might even be enough to make you want to go out into the garden for a fag?;)

Who's winning?

Lord Flasheart
24-May-08, 22:16
Lord, what creative ideas you have to boost the morale of the ever decreasing smoking population. And S-chick, where's your sense of humour tonight?!;)

As a "social smoker" I haven't had a smoke for months - I used to enjoy a cig & a pint every so often, but no more....who wants to smoke in the rain? But I do miss it!:(

Hey, Lord, what about starting up a smoking-house for Friday nights? Just open up your home to anyone who wants to smoke socially and we can bring our own beer and have a laugh - it'll be just like the good old days when we could all choose how to kill ourselves and enjoy our inevitable path towards death!

Smoking House .. now theres an idea.

How about we go down the road of the wine taster ??, we all like different brands we could all get smoking jackets and discuss the merits of Woodbine versus Benson and Hedges. The older smokers could sit and mutter about about filters being for wimps while us younger ones discuss the merits of the Superking versus normal cigarettes.

Personally I am going to start smoking these to annoy the non smokers .. http://www.makingthemodernworld.org.uk/everyday_life/personal/1968-2000/TL.0226/ .. if I can find them that is.

And these are quite a good jape for putting on the back of your packet .. http://www.fakefags.co.uk/products/product_ff_a.asp

Lord Flasheart
24-May-08, 22:23
As an ex smoker i would say smoking is a habit not an addiction and i can see where non smokers are coming from when they complain just as i understood when i smoked, why would someone who is a non smoker want to passive smoke??
Non smokers also find folk who smoke smell like an old ashtray ( their choice of course ) but then again if someone didna wash for a few month would you be happy to passive smell cos its the same thing in my book .

If you want to smoke go for it just not where non smokers are.

Yeah there are plenty of over weight folk out there but they dont cause folk to passive eat do they?:eek:

so no doubt there will be plenty of you out there just waiting to jump on me for my opinions.:roll:

See your point.

But he came outside where we were smoking to lecture us, that's like walking into the middle of the road and then complaining if you get run over.

And I dont take health advice from someone who is so overweight every time he turns round it is his birthday and who visibly breaks into a sweat just reaching for his pint.

And I was joking in the original post in case some were wondering .. ;)

Kevin Milkins
25-May-08, 00:34
My wife and I gave up July 4th last year after 37 years as smokers.
We have both increased in weight since ,but are both much fitter than before.
I used to get miffed with people moaning about us when we smoked and it is only since giving up I realise how unpleasent it can be in an enclosed space with a smoker.
I make a point of not trying to make a smoker uncomfortable in our presence as that would make me an hypocryte ,But I dont think I could sit in a crowded pub if the ban had not come in.
I also remember how it felt to need a ciggy so live and live.

25-May-08, 13:43
M'Lord Flasheart,

As an ex-smoker, I am allowed to be an overbearing zealot and have an unwavering narrow-minded view on smoking and smokists.

You should all be gassed.

Unfortunately, you'd all probably enjoy it and then ask to go back in the gas chamber 40 times a day "because I'm an addict and I must have my gas" - whilst the rest of us cover your arses at work.

Seeing as the above Final Solution For Smokism wouldn't be much of a Final Solution, may I ask you to read the following:


Stick with it, it's brilliant;)

Or if you are a smokist who can't be arsed with C17th literature - just skip straight to my signature....

25-May-08, 14:04
M'Lord Flasheart,

As an ex-smoker, I am allowed to be an overbearing zealot and have an unwavering narrow-minded view on smoking and smokists.

You should all be gassed.

Unfortunately, you'd all probably enjoy it and then ask to go back in the gas chamber 40 times a day "because I'm an addict and I must have my gas" - whilst the rest of us cover your arses at work.

Seeing as the above Final Solution For Smokism wouldn't be much of a Final Solution, may I ask you to read the following:


Stick with it, it's brilliant;)

Or if you are a smokist who can't be arsed with C17th literature - just skip straight to my signature....

Christ Almighty Northener, where the hell did you dig that up from? Having read it, it makes me want to take up drinking.:D

25-May-08, 14:14
I was standing in a bus stop on Friday, with the WeeBurdies in tow, waiting patiently for the 13:35 into town. Along came a rather smartly dressed gentleman, I'd guess in his 70's, who proceeded to light up right next to us.

I'm sure everyone can feel my ensuing embarrassment when my 3yr old begins to rant, "Mummy, why is that man smoking? That is disgusting, isn't it? He shouldn't be smoking should he, because it's bad for him, isn't it? It stinks..." it went on and on and on...


On a postive note, I've obviously started my anti-smoking conditioning at just the right age - I doubt she'll turn to the demon stick now [lol]!

25-May-08, 14:17
Christ Almighty Northener, where the hell did you dig that up from? Having read it, it makes me want to take up drinking.:D

I came across it some years ago whilst researching some bits and pieces for a C17th 'Living History' camp we were organising.

King James absolutely hated the 'fad' of smoking, he also wrote about witchcraft ('Daemonologie' 1597) amongst other things. Fascinating reading.

The last paragraph in 'Counterblaste' nicely sums up the whole smoking world! :)

Margaret M.
25-May-08, 14:50
The last paragraph in 'Counterblaste' nicely sums up the whole smoking world! :)

Quite amazing, and centuries later the majority of the population finally agrees with him.

'Have you not reason then to be ashamed and to forbear this filthy novelty, so basely grounded, so foolishly received and so grossly mistaken in the right use thereof. In your abuse thereof sinning against God harming yourselves both in person and goods, and raking also thereby the marks and notes of vanity upon you by the custom thereof making yourselves to be wondered at by all foreign civil nations and by all strangers that come among you to be scorned and held in contemp; a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black stinking fume thereof nearest resembling the horrible stygian smoke of the pit that is bottomless.'

Lord Flasheart
25-May-08, 15:24
Ah well, another light hearted thread goes in the ground. (Lord Flasheart salutes and nods sadly)

Did any of the rabid anti smokers get the sarcasm in the point I tried to make ??, has it occurred that you have just proved my point ??

And Northener you can be as overbearing a zealot as you like, it doesnt bother me, makes me smile in fact. Please forgive me for not reading your link, I suspect the minutes spent doing so I would want back on my death bed. Instead I spent them having a cigarette, it was fab. Personally I get the biggest kick from watching the indignation of the anti smoking crowd when told precisely where they can put their opinions and exactly how to do it when they are offered without request. Unless I am smoking in the presence of a non smoker (and I dont) then any non smoker who stands next to me and gets on his or her high horse shouldnt cry like a child when pushed off it (which they generally do), watching them get indignant is to me, like Dracula getting a whiff of blood.

The individual who prompted the thread was a man mountain who cant control his eating habits and weighs as much as the moon. He then walked into an area set aside (in the fresh air, away from the entrance) for smokers and proceeded to lecture us on the dangers of smoking. As his blood probably consists mostly of cooking oil a few eyebrows were raised. Mainly beacause I run at least three miles a day and this guy couldnt run a tap. Last night I saw him gnawing his way through a burger the size of a small car and couldnt help asking him if he ate until he was full or just until he got tired. But of course I had no right to question him did I ??, and before anyone gives me flak for abusing the tubby lad bear this in mind .. he fired first, if he hadnt I would have said nothing.

And by the way gassing us is a bit harsh but I have to ask .. can I have a smoke first ?? .. ;)

25-May-08, 16:39
Ah well, another light hearted thread goes in the ground. (Lord Flasheart salutes and nods sadly)

Did any of the rabid anti smokers get the sarcasm in the point I tried to make ??, has it occurred that you have just proved my point ??

And Northener you can be as overbearing a zealot as you like, it doesnt bother me, makes me smile in fact. Please forgive me for not reading your link, I suspect the minutes spent doing so I would want back on my death bed. Instead I spent them having a cigarette, it was fab. Personally I get the biggest kick from watching the indignation of the anti smoking crowd when told precisely where they can put their opinions and exactly how to do it when they are offered without request. Unless I am smoking in the presence of a non smoker (and I dont) then any non smoker who stands next to me and gets on his or her high horse shouldnt cry like a child when pushed off it (which they generally do), watching them get indignant is to me, like Dracula getting a whiff of blood.

The individual who prompted the thread was a man mountain who cant control his eating habits and weighs as much as the moon. He then walked into an area set aside (in the fresh air, away from the entrance) for smokers and proceeded to lecture us on the dangers of smoking. As his blood probably consists mostly of cooking oil a few eyebrows were raised. Mainly beacause I run at least three miles a day and this guy couldnt run a tap. Last night I saw him gnawing his way through a burger the size of a small car and couldnt help asking him if he ate until he was full or just until he got tired. But of course I had no right to question him did I ??, and before anyone gives me flak for abusing the tubby lad bear this in mind .. he fired first, if he hadnt I would have said nothing.

And by the way gassing us is a bit harsh but I have to ask .. can I have a smoke first ?? .. ;)You could always offer to do a sponsored walk around him.

25-May-08, 17:36
Unfortunately I don't think this idea will take off. As you say, there are support groups for people with other addictions and sympathy for them but it's fashionable to kick the smoker, even though we contribute a huge amount in taxes to keep the country running.

I expect the usual dirge from non-smokers about how much it cost's to treat smokers in hospital but ye wanna know something-I don't give a rats backside.

Well you should cos I pay taxes for your treatment. Sorry if thats harsh but I cannot stand smoking. I have seen the damage it does to family and friends and its not nice

25-May-08, 17:42
I don't smoke. I grew up in a smoking household. Both my sister and I grew up disliking it ( though I like smelling pipe tabacco when someone else is smoking it! ;) ). However I am very happy that smoking in enclosed public spaces has been stopped. It's much nicer to go out. Meals taste better. The way I look at smoking and smokers is summed up in the following I once read:

Thank you for Not Smoking. Cigarette smoke is the residue of your pleasure. It contaminates the air, pollutes my hair and clothes, not to mention my lungs. This takes place without my consent.
I have a pleasure, also. I like a beer now and then. The residue of my pleasure is urine. Would you be annoyed if I stood on a chair and pissed on your head and your clothes without your consent?

25-May-08, 17:50
my sentiments exactly

25-May-08, 18:38
Smoking House .. now theres an idea.

How about we go down the road of the wine taster ??, we all like different brands we could all get smoking jackets and discuss the merits of Woodbine versus Benson and Hedges. The older smokers could sit and mutter about about filters being for wimps while us younger ones discuss the merits of the Superking versus normal cigarettes.

Personally I am going to start smoking these to annoy the non smokers .. http://www.makingthemodernworld.org.uk/everyday_life/personal/1968-2000/TL.0226/ .. if I can find them that is.

And these are quite a good jape for putting on the back of your packet .. http://www.fakefags.co.uk/products/product_ff_a.asp

OMG!!! £30 for that???? That is a rip-off LF. We bought them at the local market here for £1.00 - and that included one of each phrase!! Personally, I would save your £30 and pring them of yourself!! But they are great fun, we tricked a few people without even going to a pub!!! xx

25-May-08, 18:47
That should say print not pring!! Also wanted to say thanks for giving us a laugh courteousy of your wit LF, much needed and much appreciated!! Glad I share my sick sense of humour with others lol. [lol]

25-May-08, 19:31
I've only read the original post and would like to comment on it.

You refer to people always getting on at smokers but not people who are overweight. Many people get on a smokers and many people get on at people who are over weight but in both these cases, who is it affecting?

A smoker is damaging their own health and anyone else around them.
Someone who is overweight is damaging their own health but no one elses.
You cannot therefore compare the two. If you are concerned about someone who is overweight then, yes, you will have a go at them. You may also hear people having a go at smokers due to concern that they are damaging their health but in the end, it's the individuals own choice but a smoker also has to realise that they may be damaging other peoples health aswell as their own and therefore have to accept when someone complains to them.

Both eventually will lead to early death therefore I really do not see the point in smoking or over eating. There are no benefits whatsoever of any of them regardless of what you believe. Don't waste your life and give up both habits. I also think you will find that the government are doing their best to help in both cases. There are now cigarettes which you can use that are less damaging to the health to assist in cutting down and stopping smoking altogether. I do not believe the government should be providing these type of cigarettes free of charge to smokers as I cannot see it going down very well with tax payers who don't smoke. It's a smokers choice to start smoking and dish out money on cigarettes, it is also the smokers choice to decide if they want to dish out money to help them stop smoking. It is not the responsibility of anyone else.

25-May-08, 19:54
There are now cigarettes which you can use that are less damaging to the health to assist in cutting down and stopping smoking altogether. I do not believe the government should be providing these type of cigarettes free of charge to smokers as I cannot see it going down very well with tax payers who don't smoke. It's a smokers choice to start smoking and dish out money on cigarettes, it is also the smokers choice to decide if they want to dish out money to help them stop smoking. It is not the responsibility of anyone else.

Good point. However may I ask if it's okay for a junkie with drug habit, a habit that is illegal may I add, to get their methadone substitute for free but people who smoke, an activity which isn't illegal, have to pay for their substitute. I've smoked for 30 years now and tried stopping many times, although as many ex-smoker's can confirm, you really must want to stop to be successful. There is a new form of hypnotherapy which apparently has a very high success rate so if the Government's were so concerned about the health of the nation why don't they make smoking illegal and get us hypnotherapy? The answer is because of what they raise in taxes.

25-May-08, 20:04
M'Lord Flasheart,

Alas, your skin is a little thin today, old chap. May I suggest a reading from the Book Of Micah:

"Rejoice not, O mine enemy. For when I fall I shall rise again"

Why, I would not gas such an esteemed .Orger as your good self. There are many more horrific ways to kill off the unwanted!


Lord Flasheart
25-May-08, 20:17
M'Lord Flasheart,

Alas, your skin is a little thin today, old chap. May I suggest a reading from the Book Of Micah:

"Rejoice not, O mine enemy. For when I fall I shall rise again"

Why, I would not gas such an esteemed .Orger as your good self. There are many more horrific ways to kill off the unwanted!


I agree Sir that my skin has been thinner than a politicians promise on occasion today. I apologise and hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. On the bright side though at least you are not being ignored eh ?? .. ;)

I did try to obtain a copy of the Book of Micah but all my newsagent had was Heat and Sheep Fanciers Monthly, I regret to inform that my will broke and I went for the free gift of velcro gloves. Why they were selling them with Heat I will never know .. :roll:

I am soon to retire with a glass of warm milk and a big fluffy .. er .. duvet. Thank you for your kind gesture in not trying to gas me, the other half is most grateful as I am making her stand guard in the kitchen armed with a stale baguette and a bucket of rotten tomatoes lest you sneak in and turn the oven on.

She hasnt worked out its electric yet .. bless her.

25-May-08, 20:21
Smoking House .. now theres an idea.

How about we go down the road of the wine taster ??, we all like different brands we could all get smoking jackets and discuss the merits of Woodbine versus Benson and Hedges. The older smokers could sit and mutter about about filters being for wimps while us younger ones discuss the merits of the Superking versus normal cigarettes.

Well, even though I don't smoke I'd like to come along if it involves wearing smoking jackets. One assumes that the wearing of a fez would be acceptable garb as well.

I'd be more than happy to sink into a large leather chesterfield whilst eating a Balkan Sobranie sandwich, swilling it down with a decent Malt (not one described as 'smoky', though) and regaling you all with tales of various smokers I have successfully stalked and shot over the years:

" It was just coming dusk on Sauchiehall Street, most of the smokers had settled down for the night apart from a huge bull smoker we had been tracking all day.......

........the wounded smoker let out a bellow of rage and charged the native Govan bearers, tossing them aside like dog-ends. My rifle jammed again and my sweating nervous hands fumbled to clear the bolt action. The ground thundered and shook as the huge pie-eating smoker bore down on me. I could see his lips curled back over nicotine-stained fangs and felt the reeking breath of 40 B&H a day blast me in the face as I dropped the now useless rifle and picked up a pointy stick...."


25-May-08, 20:24
Good point. However may I ask if it's okay for a junkie with drug habit, a habit that is illegal may I add, to get their methadone substitute for free but people who smoke, an activity which isn't illegal, have to pay for their substitute. I've smoked for 30 years now and tried stopping many times, although as many ex-smoker's can confirm, you really must want to stop to be successful. There is a new form of hypnotherapy which apparently has a very high success rate so if the Government's were so concerned about the health of the nation why don't they make smoking illegal and get us hypnotherapy? The answer is because of what they raise in taxes.

You're exactly right, a drug addict should also not be given treatment free of charge. I do believe though that is a huge challenge for a drug addict to overcome their addiction therefore they should be given intense assistance. To be honest, I think I have mixed opinions on this. It is evident that smokers have enough money to waste but drug addict will usually result to theft to receive money therefore, if they have no money to overcome their addiction, the government has no choice but to pay for their treatment for their own good and for the safety of other people aswell.

Lord Flasheart
25-May-08, 21:06
Well, even though I don't smoke I'd like to come along if it involves wearing smoking jackets. One assumes that the wearing of a fez would be acceptable garb as well.

I'd be more than happy to sink into a large leather chesterfield whilst eating a Balkan Sobranie sandwich, swilling it down with a decent Malt (not one described as 'smoky', though) and regaling you all with tales of various smokers I have successfully stalked and shot over the years:

" It was just coming dusk on Sauchiehall Street, most of the smokers had settled down for the night apart from a huge bull smoker we had been tracking all day.......

........the wounded smoker let out a bellow of rage and charged the native Govan bearers, tossing them aside like dog-ends. My rifle jammed again and my sweating nervous hands fumbled to clear the bolt action. The ground thundered and shook as the huge pie-eating smoker bore down on me. I could see his lips curled back over nicotine-stained fangs and felt the reeking breath of 40 B&H a day blast me in the face as I dropped the now useless rifle and picked up a pointy stick...."


I fear not Sir as your identitiy has been truly uncovered now.

As the Killer of "Woodbine Jim" the last Woodbine smoker in Govan you have been reposnsible for the death of the last surviving member of a species. While that is tragic in itself the untold hardship you have also inflicted on the unfortunates thrown out of the (now redundant) Woodbine factory like a non smokers impartiality would, I fear, make you a marked man. I have heard this very day that Mr Benson and Mr Hedges would ensure that your Fez was nailed to the wall .. without removing it from your head first. While I have the highest regard for you as an adversary, it is out of my hands now. Pray that Mr Lambert and Mr Butler do not get to you first as they are much, much harsher than Mr Benson and Mr Hedges. Your only hope I fear is surrender to the Menthol gang .. they are a bit of a soft touch.

"Woodbine Jim" will be laid to rest today with the usual 20 cigarette salute and the ceremonial cremation of a non smoker. This consists of attaching a filter to their feet, setting their hair on fire and using a high suction fan attached to said filter to "smoke" them head first until nothing is left. It is not pretty (admittedly neither was Woodbine Jim though) but honour must be satisified. We will continue to remember "Woodbine Jim" through the eternal cigarette .. same thing as an eternal flame but just the wisp of a cigarette smoke trail in everlasting remembrance.


25-May-08, 21:14
Cool. Right all you fellow smokers, we got the green light to go shop-lifting and house burglaring in order to feed our habit!!!:Razz[lol]

When I began to start smoking at a very young age, cigarettes did not have government health warnings, and I am not THAT old! Therefore, being young and silly, I wasn't aware of the dangers of smoking.

A drug abuser years ago, also did not know the dangers involved in drug abuse, nor did the alcoholic.

yet, on comparing the 3 evils, the latter two have more help offered to them in many ways; methadone and rehab, along with counselling for the heroine addict. Counselling and sometimes medication for the alcoholic. Both also get extra social security benefits if they are registered.

The smoker only gets free treatment if they are on benefits, otherwise having to pay for prescriptions. GP's can actually prescribe hypnotherapy or accupuncture for stopping smoking, though very few do.

As for overweight people; they too can have physiotherapy and exercise programes provided on prescription at a local gym - my friend has used this course of treatment several times. And there is also the offer of surgery available for some.

It shouldn't matter what your addiction is, thehelp should be made freely available, particularly for those who have tried on their own to quit their evil addiction; butalso for those who were not aware of risks involved prioer to taking up their 'habit'. I know about 27 years ago there were no warnings on fag packets, the cinema advertised a 'hairspray' perfume that smelled of ashtrays (anyone else remember this???) and at age 10, I could go and buy a pack of 10 cigs without so much as an eyebrow being raised. So how can I be blamed totally for my addiction, along with others my age and older?? We were sheep, following the rest of the herd, on the 'it's cool to smoke' trail, a trail the was glamourised and promoted by the government that is now dissing us!

25-May-08, 21:52
I fear not Sir as your identitiy has been truly uncovered now.

As the Killer of "Woodbine Jim" the last Woodbine smoker in Govan you have been reposnsible for the death of the last surviving member of a species. While that is tragic in itself the untold hardship you have also inflicted on the unfortunates thrown out of the (now redundant) Woodbine factory like a non smokers impartiality would, I fear, make you a marked man. I have heard this very day that Mr Benson and Mr Hedges would ensure that your Fez was nailed to the wall .. without removing it from your head first. While I have the highest regard for you as an adversary, it is out of my hands now. Pray that Mr Lambert and Mr Butler do not get to you first as they are much, much harsher than Mr Benson and Mr Hedges. Your only hope I fear is surrender to the Menthol gang .. they are a bit of a soft touch.

"Woodbine Jim" will be laid to rest today with the usual 20 cigarette salute and the ceremonial cremation of a non smoker. This consists of attaching a filter to their feet, setting their hair on fire and using a high suction fan attached to said filter to "smoke" them head first until nothing is left. It is not pretty (admittedly neither was Woodbine Jim though) but honour must be satisified. We will continue to remember "Woodbine Jim" through the eternal cigarette .. same thing as an eternal flame but just the wisp of a cigarette smoke trail in everlasting remembrance.


I always have the greatest respect for magnificent beasts such as Woodbine Jim. He was held in awe by my bearers who regaled me with tales of his days of terrorising tobbacconists around Glasgow.

Alas, regarding his cremation, you will not be able to set fire to his fine ginger hair as his head is currently mounted as a trophy in my den.

I use it to keep my fez on....



I have been called upon this evening by the seconds of Messrs Lambert, Butler, Hedges & Benson - though not necessaraly(?) in that order. This would indeed be a portent of darker days ahead.
I have therefore despatched my seconds to make the correct arrangements and inform the aforementioned gentlemen of my choice of weapons and venue.

Regarding the Menthol gang: They are base slaves and as such were not received. I ordered the dogs to be set upon them as they are not worthy of being despatched with a sporting shot.

25-May-08, 22:36
Could all you car owners stop using your cars? You are polluting my air and why should I have to inhale your fumes? And while on the subject please home owners coal fires and burning of rubbish etc also may damage my health. As it is not me then don't see why I should have to accept it. Same principle.:D

25-May-08, 22:55
Could all you car owners stop using your cars? You are polluting my air and why should I have to inhale your fumes? And while on the subject please home owners coal fires and burning of rubbish etc also may damage my health. As it is not me then don't see why I should have to accept it. Same principle.:D

A very good point. May I add those that fly abroad and aeroplanes that pollute more on take-off than I can produce in 5 life-times. (Probably) lol

25-May-08, 23:05
i have been a smoker for more years than I care to remember. If others do not like it. TOUGH

Lord Flasheart
25-May-08, 23:07
I always have the greatest respect for magnificent beasts such as Woodbine Jim. He was held in awe by my bearers who regaled me with tales of his days of terrorising tobbacconists around Glasgow.

Alas, regarding his cremation, you will not be able to set fire to his fine ginger hair as his head is currently mounted as a trophy in my den.

I use it to keep my fez on....



I have been called upon this evening by the seconds of Messrs Lambert, Butler, Hedges & Benson - though not necessaraly(?) in that order. This would indeed be a portent of darker days ahead.
I have therefore despatched my seconds to make the correct arrangements and inform the aforementioned gentlemen of my choice of weapons and venue.

Regarding the Menthol gang: They are base slaves and as such were not received. I ordered the dogs to be set upon them as they are not worthy of being despatched with a sporting shot.

I find myself daring to agree with you regarding the Menthol Gang, they truly are the outcasts of our world. Like the French almost. They have long been the Diet Coke of the cigarette world, in that they hide behind the portent of potential harm while all the time being as effective as a domanatrix with a wet celery whip. We do not mourn their loss and trust your dogs took their time to rip them from tip to filter. The wimps.

The funeral of "Woodbine Jim" was truly a touching affair, that his head was not there was a loss to be sure but we saved £23.67 on the coffin so all was not lost. Got us a few extra packs of 20 in the end. That we did not have to look at his, I have to say, grotesque napper was taken by some to be a gift. That the tradition of placing a last cigarette in his lips could not be observed was tempered with mild laughter at the location we had to use on his headless body, I will let you use your imagination there. The ceremonial "smoking" of the non believer went well as we found an individual of some 6ft 7in, a superking if you will.

Messrs Lambert, Butler, Benson and Hedges inform they wish to use the age old zippo flamethrower for your duel. Consisting of a zippo and a firehose that spews petrol I humbly suggest that you get some practice in as they have all the expertise and enthusiasm as a US marine flamethrower crew circa 1945.

I find myself wishing you to survive, you are truly a formidable adversary.

26-May-08, 12:51
Just a rant.

I once smoked so can understand why people do it, I really enjoyed a smoke. However, there is no doubt that they are little white sticks of death that make you stink. When I now notice a pretty girl smoking I think - yuck! I gave up the fags many years ago, took up sports etc and now lead a non smoking, healthy and thin lifestyle. On the subject on thin though there are penalties to be paid. Recently I travelled abroad and took my cycle with me. It was wrapped in it's box and I paid the £30 return fare for it via their on-line procedure. When they weighed it in at the check-in it was 2KG over the max of 18KG and they charged me £5 / kg excess baggage. So, I argued with them that I weighed only 65KG, my case was only 10 Kg and the bike 18 (for with I aready paid £30). The porky fish supper eater behind me in the line looked at least 140KG and was armed with a suitcase to sink a battleship. I didn't matter whatsoever! There is no penalty for being extremely fat as the thin people pay for you. Later I noticed that fat guy sitting outside the airport eating, smoking and having a pint. Good for him, eh?

26-May-08, 16:05
Of all the ways of dying, lung cancer is one of the least pleasant.
The stupidity of people who keep on smoking after all the data are in proving that cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer and emphysema, and contributes to heart disease and stroke..that sort of stupidity is mind-boggling.
So bluster on, folks.
You are self destructive idiots.

Lord Flasheart
26-May-08, 19:24
Of all the ways of dying, lung cancer is one of the least pleasant.
The stupidity of people who keep on smoking after all the data are in proving that cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer and emphysema, and contributes to heart disease and stroke..that sort of stupidity is mind-boggling.
So bluster on, folks.
You are self destructive idiots.

Thanks for that .. as a non smoker or as you say "a self destructive idiot" you shouldnt be offended if I were to tell you to do one .. and take your soap box with you .. Careful now your halo doesnt slip.

I dont drive so it occured to me, how many people die or are injured on the roads every year but drivers still keep getting into their cars dont they ??, how many deliberately use mobile phones or have loud music on which distracts them and increases the risk of an accident ?? .. dont drivers also injure themselves and others through their actions ??

*Listens for the clamour for cars to be banned* ... oh look ... some tumbleweed.

If you think dying of lung cancer is unpleasant I can assure you the mess that was made of a friend of mine, who later died, after being hit by a driver who wasnt paying attention was horrific.

Are you for Cars being banned ??

26-May-08, 20:41
Thanks for that .. as a non smoker or as you say "a self destructive idiot" you shouldn't be offended if I were to tell you to do one .. and take your soap box with you .. Careful now your halo doesnt slip.

I dont drive so it occured to me, how many people die or are injured on the roads every year but drivers still keep getting into their cars dont they ??, how many deliberately use mobile phones or have loud music on which distracts them and increases the risk of an accident ?? .. dont drivers also injure themselves and others through their actions ??

*Listens for the clamour for cars to be banned* ... oh look ... some tumbleweed.

If you think dying of lung cancer is unpleasant I can assure you the mess that was made of a friend of mine, who later died, after being hit by a driver who wasnt paying attention was horrific.

Are you for Cars being banned ??

Sorry but I think you are a typical smoker who always results to saying, what about this, isn't that wrong, or what about this or that or that.

Cars are not to blame for accidents, the car is the responsibility of the driver, the same way as a cigarette is the responsibility of the smoker. If someone is incapable of handling a car and driving safely then they will be arrested and possibly charged. Cars do have benefits when used correctly and safely, however, cigarettes have no benefits whatsoever regardless of their use. You can drive responsibly and even drink responsibly but you cannot and will not ever be able to smoke/ take drugs responsibly. Alcohol in small amounts can actually bring benefits, usually when consumed by drinking wine. Driving brings benefits by transporting people long distances when required but can you say this for smoking? No. Regardless to what a smoker believes or wants to believe, there simply are no benefits to smoking. For a smokers benefit- don't waste your life, and stop smoking and for anyone who is even thinking about smoking- don't result to this pitifully, useless act as it will never ever help you succeed in life. Smoking makes you stink, you get yellow teeth, you will feel dirty and how about you try wiping some cotton wool around your face and I think you'll find the cotton wool turn very yellow as a result of the dirt. I'm sure if you saw what your lungs looked like, you'd soon try to stop. How about you take a look at the following chemicals which make up a cigarette:

Benzene (petrol additive)
A colourless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture - and contained in cigarette smoke. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukaemia.
Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
A colourless liquid, highly poisonous, used to preserve dead bodies - also found in cigarette smoke. Known to cause cancer, respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems.
Ammonia(toilet cleaner)
Used as a flavouring, frees nicotine from tobacco turning it into a gas, found in dry cleaning fluids.
Acetone (nail polish remover)
Fragrant volatile liquid ketone, used as a solvent, for example, nail polish remover - found in cigarette smoke.
Particulate matter drawn into lungs when you inhale on a lighted cigarette. Once inhaled, smoke condenses and about 70 per cent of the tar in the smoke is deposited in the smoker's lungs.
Nicotine(insecticide/addictive drug)
One of the most addictive substances known to man, a powerful and fast-acting medical and non-medical poison. This is the chemical which causes addiction.
Carbon Monoxide (CO)(car exhaust fumes)
An odourless, tasteless and poisonous gas, rapidly fatal in large amounts - it's the same gas that comes out of car exhausts and is the main gas in cigarette smoke, formed when the cigarette is lit. Others you may recognize are :
Arsenic (rat poison), Hydrogen Cyanide(gas chamber poison)

Think. Is it really worth it?

26-May-08, 22:47
Sorry but I think you are a typical smoker who always results to saying, what about this, isn't that wrong, or what about this or that or that.

Cars are not to blame for accidents, the car is the responsibility of the driver, the same way as a cigarette is the responsibility of the smoker. If someone is incapable of handling a car and driving safely then they will be arrested and possibly charged. Cars do have benefits when used correctly and safely, however, cigarettes have no benefits whatsoever regardless of their use. You can drive responsibly and even drink responsibly but you cannot and will not ever be able to smoke/ take drugs responsibly. Alcohol in small amounts can actually bring benefits, usually when consumed by drinking wine. Driving brings benefits by transporting people long distances when required but can you say this for smoking? No. Regardless to what a smoker believes or wants to believe, there simply are no benefits to smoking. For a smokers benefit- don't waste your life, and stop smoking and for anyone who is even thinking about smoking- don't result to this pitifully, useless act as it will never ever help you succeed in life. Smoking makes you stink, you get yellow teeth, you will feel dirty and how about you try wiping some cotton wool around your face and I think you'll find the cotton wool turn very yellow as a result of the dirt. I'm sure if you saw what your lungs looked like, you'd soon try to stop. How about you take a look at the following chemicals which make up a cigarette:

Benzene (petrol additive)
A colourless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture - and contained in cigarette smoke. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukaemia.
Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
A colourless liquid, highly poisonous, used to preserve dead bodies - also found in cigarette smoke. Known to cause cancer, respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems.
Ammonia(toilet cleaner)
Used as a flavouring, frees nicotine from tobacco turning it into a gas, found in dry cleaning fluids.
Acetone (nail polish remover)
Fragrant volatile liquid ketone, used as a solvent, for example, nail polish remover - found in cigarette smoke.
Particulate matter drawn into lungs when you inhale on a lighted cigarette. Once inhaled, smoke condenses and about 70 per cent of the tar in the smoke is deposited in the smoker's lungs.
Nicotine(insecticide/addictive drug)
One of the most addictive substances known to man, a powerful and fast-acting medical and non-medical poison. This is the chemical which causes addiction.
Carbon Monoxide (CO)(car exhaust fumes)
An odourless, tasteless and poisonous gas, rapidly fatal in large amounts - it's the same gas that comes out of car exhausts and is the main gas in cigarette smoke, formed when the cigarette is lit. Others you may recognize are :
Arsenic (rat poison), Hydrogen Cyanide(gas chamber poison)

Think. Is it really worth it?

Wow, thanks for the lecture!!! Do you not think that most, if not all, smokers are aware of what they are putting into their bodies? And do you not think that many smokers HAVE tried various methods to stop? I personally have tried many times. Patches - one brand burned my skin, another actually gave me a nictotine overdose! Chewing gum - just like a normal one. Zyban - smoked twice as much. Champix - felt no different at all. Willpower - I have none. Admittedly, there are no health benefits to smoking, but, as a smoker for at least 25 years, cigarettes and the nicotine I inhale are my 'emotional crutch'. In times of stress or depression, I have not taken illegal drugs or turned to alcohol, but continue on my less than 20 a day habit. On a few occassions, I have been known to smoke up to 25 a day. I had my lung capacity/carbon monoxide level checked, and actually have a very low carbon monoxide reading. (Apparently due to not smoking a cigarette all the way down, and also not taking big drags on the cigarette - and this was from the smoking cessation nurse, who eventually said I wasn't mentally ready to stop, and there was no point in trying to stop until I was ready).

So, spare your time from the lessons on the dangers of smoking to us seasoned smokers, and save them for the youngsters who might just listen. We already know the dangers, we have seen the adverts on the tv, on the cig packets etc. I would like to be able to call myself an ex-smoker one day, but I know I am not ready to stop, and no amount of lecturing will change that. It falls on deaf ears I'm afraid - I currently do not give a monkeys.

26-May-08, 23:00
Sorry but I think you are a typical smoker who always results to saying, what about this, isn't that wrong, or what about this or that or that.

Cars are not to blame for accidents, the car is the responsibility of the driver, the same way as a cigarette is the responsibility of the smoker. If someone is incapable of handling a car and driving safely then they will be arrested and possibly charged. Cars do have benefits when used correctly and safely, however, cigarettes have no benefits whatsoever regardless of their use. You can drive responsibly and even drink responsibly but you cannot and will not ever be able to smoke/ take drugs responsibly. Alcohol in small amounts can actually bring benefits, usually when consumed by drinking wine. Driving brings benefits by transporting people long distances when required but can you say this for smoking? No. Regardless to what a smoker believes or wants to believe, there simply are no benefits to smoking. For a smokers benefit- don't waste your life, and stop smoking and for anyone who is even thinking about smoking- don't result to this pitifully, useless act as it will never ever help you succeed in life. Smoking makes you stink, you get yellow teeth, you will feel dirty and how about you try wiping some cotton wool around your face and I think you'll find the cotton wool turn very yellow as a result of the dirt. I'm sure if you saw what your lungs looked like, you'd soon try to stop. How about you take a look at the following chemicals which make up a cigarette:

Benzene (petrol additive)
A colourless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture - and contained in cigarette smoke. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukaemia.
Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
A colourless liquid, highly poisonous, used to preserve dead bodies - also found in cigarette smoke. Known to cause cancer, respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems.
Ammonia(toilet cleaner)
Used as a flavouring, frees nicotine from tobacco turning it into a gas, found in dry cleaning fluids.
Acetone (nail polish remover)
Fragrant volatile liquid ketone, used as a solvent, for example, nail polish remover - found in cigarette smoke.
Particulate matter drawn into lungs when you inhale on a lighted cigarette. Once inhaled, smoke condenses and about 70 per cent of the tar in the smoke is deposited in the smoker's lungs.
Nicotine(insecticide/addictive drug)
One of the most addictive substances known to man, a powerful and fast-acting medical and non-medical poison. This is the chemical which causes addiction.
Carbon Monoxide (CO)(car exhaust fumes)
An odourless, tasteless and poisonous gas, rapidly fatal in large amounts - it's the same gas that comes out of car exhausts and is the main gas in cigarette smoke, formed when the cigarette is lit. Others you may recognize are :
Arsenic (rat poison), Hydrogen Cyanide(gas chamber poison)

Think. Is it really worth it?

These warnings are already on cigarette packets. Maybe it's time the Government forced alcohol producers to put similar warnings on their product's.

26-May-08, 23:10
Nobody suffers from passive boozing but plenty of women suffer beatings from drunken anal retentive husbands and boyfriends that can't handle their alcohol.

26-May-08, 23:14
Wow, thanks for the lecture!!! Do you not think that most, if not all, smokers are aware of what they are putting into their bodies? And do you not think that many smokers HAVE tried various methods to stop? I personally have tried many times. Patches - one brand burned my skin, another actually gave me a nictotine overdose! Chewing gum - just like a normal one. Zyban - smoked twice as much. Champix - felt no different at all. Willpower - I have none. Admittedly, there are no health benefits to smoking, but, as a smoker for at least 25 years, cigarettes and the nicotine I inhale are my 'emotional crutch'. In times of stress or depression, I have not taken illegal drugs or turned to alcohol, but continue on my less than 20 a day habit. On a few occassions, I have been known to smoke up to 25 a day. I had my lung capacity/carbon monoxide level checked, and actually have a very low carbon monoxide reading. (Apparently due to not smoking a cigarette all the way down, and also not taking big drags on the cigarette - and this was from the smoking cessation nurse, who eventually said I wasn't mentally ready to stop, and there was no point in trying to stop until I was ready).

So, spare your time from the lessons on the dangers of smoking to us seasoned smokers, and save them for the youngsters who might just listen. We already know the dangers, we have seen the adverts on the tv, on the cig packets etc. I would like to be able to call myself an ex-smoker one day, but I know I am not ready to stop, and no amount of lecturing will change that. It falls on deaf ears I'm afraid - I currently do not give a monkeys.

The "lecture" was actually to the previous poster who compared smoking to a car which is incomparable. I decided to add an extra bit to the end to highlight every single toxin that is actually in cigarettes because it doesn't seem to me like many people realise this as if they did, they would never have started smoking in the first place. Like they always say- prevention is better than cure. Prevent your addiction by not smoking in the first place.

26-May-08, 23:15
I know the dangers of smoking and agree it is unhealthy and anti-social, also that the statistic's say 1 in every 3 people will be affected by cancer, ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/cancer/ ), however I'd like to point out that in my 43 years on this earth I've seen more families, including my own, affected by alcohol than by smoking. I've seen addiction resulting in death. I've seen addiction resulting in broken marriages. I've seen addiction resulting in drunk driving, getting caught and losing his job because he needed his licence. I've seen violence on the streets after a superlager-superhero can't hold his drink. I've seen several ex-friends beat their wives when drunk. I could go on.

So yes, smoking is disgusting but at least when I have a cigarette I don't turn into a superhero and beat people up.

26-May-08, 23:20
These warnings are already on cigarette packets. Maybe it's time the Government forced alcohol producers to put similar warnings on their product's.

I think they do, it says "Consume alcohol responsibly" or some interpretation of that. Pretty pathetic really as it doens't exactly put alcohol consumers off drinking does it?

26-May-08, 23:23
I think they do, it says "Consume alcohol responsibly" or some interpretation of that. Pretty pathetic really as it doens't exactly put alcohol consumers off drinking does it?How about, 'warning!', Drinking alcohol may seriously injure your wife.
The "lecture" was actually to the previous poster who compared smoking to a car which is incomparable. I decided to add an extra bit to the end to highlight every single toxin that is actually in cigarettes because it doesn't seem to me like many people realise this as if they did, they would never have started smoking in the first place. Like they always say- prevention is better than cure. Prevent your addiction by not smoking in the first place.
The thing is, rfr10, you are missing the point. Young and old know the dangers now, they are well documented. It doesn't stop them from smoking does it? Smokers don't have a death wish, they smoke because they enjoy it and they don't go around thinking about getting cancer, the thought never enters their heads. Kids die from inhaling butane but other kids still inhale butane even though they know that others have died. We never think it will happen to us. Lecture all you want for all the good it will do.

26-May-08, 23:24
So, spare your time from the lessons on the dangers of smoking to us seasoned smokers, and save them for the youngsters who might just listen. We already know the dangers, we have seen the adverts on the tv, on the cig packets etc. I would like to be able to call myself an ex-smoker one day, but I know I am not ready to stop, and no amount of lecturing will change that. It falls on deaf ears I'm afraid - I currently do not give a monkeys.

And don't worry about that, we will be at our next Highland Youth Voice Conference coming up soon which is health themed. We'll also be having a health question time with many health officials on the panel so if you'd like any questions answered then tell me and I'll be quite happy to ask them.

26-May-08, 23:31
The thing is, rfr10, you are missing the point. Young and old know the dangers now, they are well documented. It doesn't stop them from smoking does it? Smokers don't have a death wish, they smoke because they enjoy it and they don't go around thinking about getting cancer, the thought never enters their heads. Kids die from inhaling butane but other kids still inhale butane even though they know that others have died. We never think it will happen to us. Lecture all you want for all the good it will do.

Lecturing and reflecting on what someone else said are two different things. I am not missing the point, I completely understand that young and old know the dangers. They don't have a death wish? Quite ironic isn't it when a cigarette is basically death on a stick. They may well enjoy it but if they were considerate, they would at least smoke away from others who would not appreciate the smell of tobacco up their noses. I know that many people do stand away from people but they need to realise they're damaging other people's health aswell as their own so, if you're going to smoke, smoke somewhere else. Peer pressure is the answer I'd give nowadays for young people starting smoking. They see other "cool" people doing it so they follow like a sheep and may be made to feel like a "geek" if they don't join in with their friends. Maybe more young people should be taking more responsibility and allowing people independence rather than forcing or tempting a friend into smoking aswell.

26-May-08, 23:41
How about, 'warning!', Drinking alcohol may seriously injure your wife.

That's quite good actually whether you were trying to be funny or be serious. Then again, that would be bias in saying that only men drink. Drunk people should be recorded on tape and played back to them to show them how ridiculous they look.

27-May-08, 02:32
As stated by rfr :-

Benzene (petrol additive)
A colourless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture - and contained in cigarette smoke. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukaemia.

Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)

Ammonia(toilet cleaner)

Acetone (nail polish remover)

Carbon Monoxide (CO)(car exhaust fumes)

I would hazard a guess that the cars/vans/lorries/busses put far more of these into the atmosphere than us smokers!

I guess we'll just have to put up with the "dead", and the houseproud, and the body adorners!:(

27-May-08, 06:48
after reading this thread ,should live in a bubble from the out side world ,and wait for old nick to come knocking,people will make there own choices in life,

27-May-08, 08:49
That's quite good actually whether you were trying to be funny or be serious. Then again, that would be bias in saying that only men drink. Drunk people should be recorded on tape and played back to them to show them how ridiculous they look.They did that with David Hasselfoff, I don't know if it worked though.

27-May-08, 08:53
As stated by rfr :-

Benzene (petrol additive)
A colourless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture - and contained in cigarette smoke. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukaemia.

Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)

Ammonia(toilet cleaner)

Acetone (nail polish remover)

Carbon Monoxide (CO)(car exhaust fumes)

I would hazard a guess that the cars/vans/lorries/busses put far more of these into the atmosphere than us smokers!

I guess we'll just have to put up with the "dead", and the houseproud, and the body adorners!:(
Well sead Aaldtimer,I am in the middle of a struggle to quit not for health reasons but its getting to expensive,they keep jacking the prices,thinking back I watch a lot of documentries on the wars,nearly every one of the boys who have time to sit light up. Must not of heard that smoking was bad for your health,the do gooder were not around then Thank god

Lord Flasheart
27-May-08, 09:02
The "lecture" was actually to the previous poster who compared smoking to a car which is incomparable. I decided to add an extra bit to the end to highlight every single toxin that is actually in cigarettes because it doesn't seem to me like many people realise this as if they did, they would never have started smoking in the first place. Like they always say- prevention is better than cure. Prevent your addiction by not smoking in the first place.

Why is it imcomparable .. because you say so ?? .. God .. is .. is that you ??

Cars pollute the enviroment and every time you walk down the street, you are no doubt affected by it as I am so why are you not concerned about that ??, I dont drive so do I have the right to get on my soap box at all drivers ?? .. do you have a car by chance ?? .. are you aware of the toxins you are putting into the enviroment every time you drive that affects everyone (whether they smoke or not).

Lets face it with Smoking banned in pubs, workplaces and public places the only way a non smoker could possibly passive smoke is if they go to a someones house (and personally anyone who doesnt want to be in my house if I smoke is free to leave, if they start lecturing me I remind them who pays the rent and where the door is) ,your atttitude of we are all idiots who need to be reminded whats in cigarettes is typical of the non smoker who feels the need to patronise and dictate. Flashback to the inspiration for the thread. In reality they dont have a leg to stand on anymore as smokers have been banished outside. Although I await the first study to claim that passive smoking can even be harmful when standing 40 feet away from a smoker in a 50 knot wind.

Which was the theme of the first post in the thread really, if you had read that you would know that an obese non smoker wandered into a designated smoking area and started lecturing us, perhaps if you had read that and the subsequent posts you might have made a comment instead of wading in with a (feeble) attack on all smokers. The whole point was to show the attitude today amongst the self righteous obviously - dont - do - anything - unhealthy - self assessed saints amongst us.

I know cigarettes are bad for me, I dont need you to tell me that. I like smoking, you could call them "tumours" and I would still smoke them. Mainly because it is the only pleasure I get in this politically correct world where people like youself feel the right to get on their soapboxes and dictate. Maybe we should meet up and take a timed run over three miles, I smoke 10-12 cigs a day and yesterday I outran a non smoker over that distance by 12 seconds. Admittedly he has been running a fortnight less than me but still .. I celebrated by standing over him puffing away happily.

It was fab.

27-May-08, 09:04
As stated by rfr :-

Benzene (petrol additive)
A colourless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture - and contained in cigarette smoke. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukaemia.

Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)

Ammonia(toilet cleaner)

Acetone (nail polish remover)

Carbon Monoxide (CO)(car exhaust fumes)

I would hazard a guess that the cars/vans/lorries/busses put far more of these into the atmosphere than us smokers!

I guess we'll just have to put up with the "dead", and the houseproud, and the body adorners!:(

Fumes rise up but when a smoker is standing right beside someone, and this person gets tobacco smoke blown into their face, it isn't very pleasant. No normal human being will stand beside a car deliberately inhaling car exaust fumes will they. There are more dangerous chemicals stuffed into a cigarette that a car exaust fumes. Now I'm not going to sit here constantly going on and on about dangers of smoking, as many of you have pointed out, you know the dangers so it's your choice now, you either carry on damaging your own health and others around you or make the effort to try and stop when you have the chance. You'll thank yourself when you do.

27-May-08, 09:11
Why is it imcomparable .. because you say so ?? .. God .. is .. is that you ??

Cars pollute the enviroment and every time you walk down the street, you are no doubt affected by it as I am so why are you not concerned about that ??, I dont drive so do I have the right to get on my soap box at all drivers ?? .. do you have a car by chance ?? .. are you aware of the toxins you are putting into the enviroment every time you drive that affects everyone (whether they smoke or not).

Lets face it with Smoking banned in pubs, workplaces and public places the only way a non smoker could possibly passive smoke is if they go to a someones house (and personally anyone who doesnt want to be in my house if I smoke is free to leave, if they start lecturing me I remind them who pays the rent and where the door is) ,your atttitude of we are all idiots who need to be reminded whats in cigarettes is typical of the non smoker who feels the need to patronise and dictate. Flashback to the inspiration for the thread. In reality they dont have a leg to stand on anymore as smokers have been banished outside. Although I await the first study to claim that passive smoking can even be harmful when standing 40 feet away from a smoker in a 50 knot wind.

Which was the theme of the first post in the thread really, if you had read that you would know that an obese non smoker wandered into a designated smoking area and started lecturing us, perhaps if you had read that and the subsequent posts you might have made a comment instead of wading in with a (feeble) attack on all smokers. The whole point was to show the attitude today amongst the self righteous obviously - dont - do - anything - unhealthy - self assessed saints amongst us.

I know cigarettes are bad for me, I dont need you to tell me that. I like smoking, you could call them "tumours" and I would still smoke them. Mainly because it is the only pleasure I get in this politically correct world where people like youself feel the right to get on their soapboxes and dictate. Maybe we should meet up and take a timed run over three miles, I smoke 10-12 cigs a day and yesterday I outran a non smoker over that distance by 12 seconds. Admittedly he has been running a fortnight less than me but still .. I celebrated by standing over him puffing away happily.

It was fab.

Well at least you don't sound like a heavy smoker. Yes smoking is banned in public places but it is not banned as long as your outside. Even standing at the street gig on Saturday, I had people walking past smoking, blowing it into my face as they passed and not to say it stunk. Why is smoking a pleasure? Because you started. It's an addiction, just like you can get alcohol, drug, caffiene and all other sorts of addiction. The only reason it's a pleasure is because you are now addicted to them. It's the tobacco. Admitedly, not all smokers are brainless people but I'm sure families and friends would really wish you to stop so that you can live longer. They don't want to see you dying early. If you don't like people getting on at you, sorry but tough. It's life and it will happen to many people regardless of whether you are a smoker or not but in the end, it's your life, you choose what you do and you suffer the consequences.

27-May-08, 11:05
This is taken from an article in The Independent just after the smoking ban came into force:

"But none of these restrictions is based on convincing proof that passive smoking kills. It is an assertion that owes a great deal to the sanctimonious superstition that there can be no smoke without death. Reputable scientists admit this. On Desert Island Discs in 2001, Sir Richard Doll, the man who proved the incontrovertible causal link between active smoking and lung cancer, said: "The effect of other people smoking in my presence is so small it doesn't worry me."
He was right not to fret. One of the largest studies of the health consequences of secondary smoking was published in the British Medical Journal in 2003. It tracked the health of 118,000 Californians over four decades in a rigorous attempt to identify a causal relationship between environmental tobacco smoke (the scientific term for secondary smoke) and premature death. It concluded: "The results do not support a causal relationship between ETS and tobacco-related mortality.""


I am an ex smoker who has the occasional fag when I am out. It's my choice, it's my body and it's my life. If you don't like it - just go away - I don't care...

27-May-08, 11:26
This is taken from an article in The Independent just after the smoking ban came into force:

"But none of these restrictions is based on convincing proof that passive smoking kills. It is an assertion that owes a great deal to the sanctimonious superstition that there can be no smoke without death. Reputable scientists admit this. On Desert Island Discs in 2001, Sir Richard Doll, the man who proved the incontrovertible causal link between active smoking and lung cancer, said: "The effect of other people smoking in my presence is so small it doesn't worry me."
He was right not to fret. One of the largest studies of the health consequences of secondary smoking was published in the British Medical Journal in 2003. It tracked the health of 118,000 Californians over four decades in a rigorous attempt to identify a causal relationship between environmental tobacco smoke (the scientific term for secondary smoke) and premature death. It concluded: "The results do not support a causal relationship between ETS and tobacco-related mortality.""


I am an ex smoker who has the occasional fag when I am out. It's my choice, it's my body and it's my life. If you don't like it - just go away - I don't care...

Passive smoking around people, especially children, increases the risk of asthma in later life. It is unlikely passive smoking will lead to death but if it leads to asthma, it is not a very pleasant thing to have, constantly having to use inhailers and worry about having an asthma attack. You will find that most children who have asthma have parents who smoke around them. Whether passive smoking is harmful or not, I do not appreciate those smokers who walk right in front of you with a cigarette and blow the smoke in your face. I can't bare to walk behind a smoker on the street. It creates a disgusting smell, makes your teeth yellow, your skin dirty, etc, etc.. so if that's what you want then go ahead, just don't smoke while in the company of non-smokers becauase most will not appreciate it. If you want to smoke in the street, find a place where no one is standing. That's a typical attitude "I don't care" You don't care but others do so be considerate of others.

Let's make it clear that I am not complaining to those who are considerate but for those who say "I don't care, the can go away if they don't like it" You can't say that, it's like saying " I don't care if I'm a murderer, they can try and avoid me" The words "I don't care " just show ignorance and selfishness amongst people.

27-May-08, 11:46
You can't say that, it's like saying " I don't care if I'm a murderer, they can try and avoid me" The words "I don't care " just show ignorance and selfishness amongst people.

I think you should seriously reconsider that last statement...

And the last time I looked - the Freedom of Information Act allows me to say whatever the hell I like!!

27-May-08, 11:48
I think you should seriously reconsider that last statement...

And the last time I looked - the Freedom of Information Act allows me to say whatever the hell I like!!

Change it to, "That is a ridiculous thing to say.."

27-May-08, 11:51
Oh and the Freedom of Information Act is the rights the public have to access public information.

27-May-08, 12:13
Sorry - I was doing something else at the same time... I meant Feedom of Speech... Damn multi-tasking!!

Of course I think children should be protected against everything, smoking inlcuded. My post refered to me standing outside a pub and having a cigarette. I would NEVER smoke around children... but I can't stand sanctiminious B...people... who stand beside someone who is smoking, then moan about it - just move away.

And for what it's worth - I agree with the smoking ban - pubs are nicer places for it and I'm sure it has helped a lot of people stop.

27-May-08, 12:21
Sorry - I was doing something else at the same time... I meant Feedom of Speech... Damn multi-tasking!!

Of course I think children should be protected against everything, smoking inlcuded. My post refered to me standing outside a pub and having a cigarette. I would NEVER smoke around children... but I can't stand sanctiminious B...people... who stand beside someone who is smoking, then moan about it - just move away.

And for what it's worth - I agree with the smoking ban - pubs are nicer places for it and I'm sure it has helped a lot of people stop.

You were close! :Razz Well yes, very true and that's what I do- move away. Apart from when I'm walking home from school and someone in front of me is smoking with the smoke drifting back towards me, I'll just cough very loudly to emphasise the fact that they're choking me :). The amount of school pupils who smoke and are only about 14/15 years of age is ridiculous. I've seen them walking about the streets amongst other people and yet, they are never caught. Then again, what exactly can police do to enforce this law? Usually they only thing they ever do is take the cigarettes away from them and that will be all. Personally, I think the actual smoking age should have been raised to 18 rather than just the age you have to be to buy them. Regardless to how old you have to be to buy cigarettes, young people will always find someone to buy them for them. The thing that shocks me is the parents who buy them for their teenage son/ daughter. Let's also admit, the Government don't want to stop too many people from smoking because they get their money from the taxes, cigarette industries also aren't going to care because they get paid.

27-May-08, 12:28
True, I must say - I started when I was about 14. It was something different that had to be tried. The fact that my mum always used to hound me about it just made me even more determined to do it.

I always used to get other people to buy them for me no bother, but I always used to crap my pants incase someone saw me and reported back to aforementioned parent.

Smoking will never be outlawed because of the money it raises in taxes. I also don't think that making things illegal is the answer. The smoking ban is a move in the right direction but as long as you have peer presure, you are going to have kids doing things they shouldn't! Saying that someting is wrong just makes it more attractive...:roll:

27-May-08, 12:41
I think children should be educated at an early age about smoking and they should be shown what it does to your lungs, your skin, your eyes, especially those who want to stay good looking, if they know it causes premature ageing, they may stop. I know one girl who started smoking early and she now sounds like a man, it's ruined her voice and her looks. Shame really. Smoking can also make your teeth fall out. I just don't understand why people do start smoking, especially at a young age when they should be fit and healthy, not out of breath and wheezy. Well maybe now with a Highland Youth Voice- Health Campaign group, they'll be able to educate young people about the defects of smoking and try and encourage them to stop or not to start in the first place. Showing them pictures like this should maybe do the trick-


27-May-08, 12:55
That's the kind of bad boy advertising that's needed!! Not your namby pamby "oh your hair will smell!" or "you will taste like an ashtray if you are kissing a boy!" :roll:

If I had seen those pics when I was 14, it might have made me think again!!

Lord Flasheart
27-May-08, 13:01
Fumes rise up but when a smoker is standing right beside someone, and this person gets tobacco smoke blown into their face, it isn't very pleasant. No normal human being will stand beside a car deliberately inhaling car exaust fumes will they. There are more dangerous chemicals stuffed into a cigarette that a car exaust fumes. Now I'm not going to sit here constantly going on and on about dangers of smoking, as many of you have pointed out, you know the dangers so it's your choice now, you either carry on damaging your own health and others around you or make the effort to try and stop when you have the chance. You'll thank yourself when you do.

Cop out.

You have made two comments about people blowing cigarrete smoke into your face on the street .. really ?? .. do they walk right up to you or are you just exaggerating to make your case ?? Stand in a stationary spot on a busy street of people and cars and see what you smell most. I would say the stink of exhaust fumes.

And as for your comments about "I dont like walking behind smokers" then heres a tip .. dont. Feel free to move to another part of the pavement. You mention getting yellow teeth etc etc from walking behind smokers on the street, grasping at straws there arent we or do you french kiss them as they pass ?? Now that there is no smoking in pubs you lot arent happy .. no smoking in workplaces .. still not happy. Now its the street. You have mentioned smokers being considerate to others yet you act like you have the right to saunter down the street and have anyone with a cigarette jump out of your way.

Can I lock threads I start ??, I feel this one has run its course. Despite starting the thread in the spirit of a bit of a mickey take, despite Northerner and myself trying to put a bit of banter into it it seems to have attracted the attention of those who dont smoke. The title of "Smokers .. On me I have a plan" seems to have been intrepreted as "Non smokers please come and lecture us", The screeching of soap boxes being dragged into the thread has been echoing since about page two.

Northerner .. class banter !!, we must do it again old chap !! .. ;)

27-May-08, 13:09
Cop out.

You have made two comments about people blowing cigarrete smoke into your face on the street .. really ?? .. do they walk right up to you or are you just exaggerating to make your case ?? Stand in a stationary spot on a busy street of people and cars and see what you smell most. I would say the stink of exhaust fumes.

And as for your comments about "I dont like walking behind smokers" then heres a tip .. dont. Feel free to move to another part of the pavement. You mention getting yellow teeth etc etc from walking behind smokers on the street, grasping at straws there arent we or do you french kiss them as they pass ?? Now that there is no smoking in pubs you lot arent happy .. no smoking in workplaces .. still not happy. Now its the street. You have mentioned smokers being considerate to others yet you act like you have the right to saunter down the street and have anyone with a cigarette jump out of your way.

Can I lock threads I start ??, I feel this one has run its course. Despite starting the thread in the spirit of a bit of a mickey take, despite Northerner and myself trying to put a bit of banter into it it seems to have attracted the attention of those who dont smoke. The title of "Smokers .. On me I have a plan" seems to have been intrepreted as "Non smokers please come and lecture us", The screeching of soap boxes being dragged into the thread has been echoing since about page two.

Northerner .. class banter !!, we must do it again old chap !! .. ;)

I'll add one more comment before you lock the thread. I am not that idiotic that I think you can get yellow teeth from walking behind someone on the street. What I said was SMOKERS get yellow teeth. I was highlighting the things which occur in smokers.

And yes, as a matter of fact, I was standing still at the street gig on Saturday and a smoker walked right in front of me as they puffed the smoke out their mouth from their cigarette and the wind blew it right in my face. Maybe they didn't deliberately do it but they shouldn't be amongst a crowd of young people smoking. Also, I do move, very quickly in fact away from smokers if they are walking in front of me but if it's young people (who shouldn't be smoking in the first place) I put on an exaggerated cough to basically say, stop smoking when your around lots of other people.

27-May-08, 13:15
Quite right Lord Flasheart! I have enjoyed the banter on this thread, just as I have enjoyed the 'arguing' on the thread. A non-smoker or and ex-smoker are those through choice, just as smokers are. And I was just thinking, seeing as so many everyday products contain the same ingredients as cigarettes, does that mean I can't do anymore housework because I might inhale those nasties? I wish! [lol]

Heard on GMTV this morning about the effects of passive smoking and children. Where was this scientific survey carried out? Hong Kong!! HELLOOOO!!! Anyone with sense out there? Probably the most poluted city in the world.

Ah well, I guess as long as people can breath, others will be condemned - bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27-May-08, 13:22
Quite right Lord Flasheart! I have enjoyed the banter on this thread, just as I have enjoyed the 'arguing' on the thread. A non-smoker or and ex-smoker are those through choice, just as smokers are. And I was just thinking, seeing as so many everyday products contain the same ingredients as cigarettes, does that mean I can't do anymore housework because I might inhale those nasties? I wish! [lol]

Heard on GMTV this morning about the effects of passive smoking and children. Where was this scientific survey carried out? Hong Kong!! HELLOOOO!!! Anyone with sense out there? Probably the most poluted city in the world.

Ah well, I guess as long as people can breath, others will be condemned - bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smoke and smoke as much as you want as for as long as you want but when you die early, we'll be saying- "Told you so"

Ok, us non smokers will stop going on and on but it's funny that a 17 year old has, what looks like more sense than adults. Drugs of any form are a waste of time, life and money. Think of all the useful things you could be spending money on rather than basically burning it away and paying to kill yourself. Then again, as you say, it's your choice. ;) End of debate.

27-May-08, 13:23
Yet again today I have had some self righteous individual lecturing me about the evils of smoking. I know its bad for me etc etc etc, anyway the most annoying thing really was that the individual lecturing me was no stranger to a fish supper, "a tad overweight" would be a generous description.

Then it struck me, it is perfectly acceptable these days to have a go at a smoker but if I was to say anything about this individuals (considerable) weight then I would no doubt be villified.

So I propose this .. instead of being all indignant when someone complains about our smoking we should play on the sympathies of the "lefty do gooder's" that I personally have no time for. As smoking is an addiction should we not be treated as the victims here ??, excuses can be made for everyone else so why not us ??

We should have a scheme with the Goverment dishing out Light cigarettes to those wanting to stop, you know like they do with the Methadone for drug addicts. We obviously have reduced lung capacity so we should have "Smokers Only" car parking near the main entrance to Supermarkets etc etc so we dont have to walk too far. This could all be funded from the vast amount of tax WE pay on OUR cigarettes. We could also have support groups where we all describe our treatment at the hands of non smokers and then cry for a bit.

Soon we will be classed as a "minority" and will be able to play on the sympathies of people who wear dufflecoats and use words like "inclusive" and "diversity" in every other sentence.

So if you take stick for smoking dont retaliate, just cry or slump to the floor with your head in your hands. Giving them a puppy dog look and saying "Why do you hate me so ??, Im a human being too" would also probably work.

Who is with me ??

I'm with ya, I plan to spend this afternoon practicing my Scarlett O'Hara-esque version of dropping to the floor in despair.

Oh and Rfr10? Those pics were so disturbing that after I viewed them I had to go outside and smoke 3 ciggies in succession just to get over the shock!! :)

27-May-08, 13:28
Ok, I'm going to run away now so that the "smoker gang" don't get me! :Razz

Lord Flasheart
27-May-08, 17:33
Ok, I'm going to run away now so that the "smoker gang" don't get me! :Razz

Too late Im afraid .. we have been out in force this afternoon and are currently building a set of traps a la the SAW films .. all basically involve non smokers having to puff their way to freedom. Each is more fiendish than the last, my personal favourite is the room where you have to smoke a pack of 20 Menthols (yuk) but the lighter is on the other side of the room, To get to it you have to .. well I have said too much. Personally I didnt think we need the Anacondas as the Black Widow's and the Elephant dung would be enough but I do admire a man who is thorough.

If you spot a smoke trail wisping past you from behind while out on the street .. run my friend .. run .. Muhahahahahahahahaha .. *cough* .. [evil]

27-May-08, 17:40
Too late Im afraid .. we have been out in force this afternoon and are currently building a set of traps a la the SAW films .. all basically involve non smokers having to puff their way to freedom. Each is more fiendish than the last, my personal favourite is the room where you have to smoke a pack of 20 Menthols (yuk) but the lighter is on the other side of the room, To get to it you have to .. well I have said too much. Personally I didnt think we need the Anacondas as the Black Widow's and the Elephant dung would be enough but I do admire a man who is thorough.

If you spot a smoke trail wisping past you from behind while out on the street .. run my friend .. run .. Muhahahahahahahahaha .. *cough* .. [evil]

Your tricks are no match for the non-smoker gang! ;)

28-May-08, 00:02
As it's the Derby next month I expect to see a few new jockey's, some from the Caithness area. I hope they're careful when they dismount from their high-horse.:D

My money is on Awheezinganapuffing running at 3.10. Race is The Caithness .Org Nicotine Classic.

02-Jun-08, 20:35
I've resurrected this thread to inform you all I have an appointment with a hypnotherapist on Thursday to try stop smoking for good. I've tried patches, gum and willpower to no avail so hopefully hypnotherapy works.

02-Jun-08, 22:51
I've resurrected this thread to inform you all I have an appointment with a hypnotherapist on Thursday to try stop smoking for good. I've tried patches, gum and willpower to no avail so hopefully hypnotherapy works.God I hope you don't see the 'light' and start lecturing us disenfranchised smokers. You can take away our taxes but you will never take away our FREEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMM.........

02-Jun-08, 23:13
It is a well recognised fact that addiction to cigarettes is more difficult to overcome than addiction to e.g heroin

02-Jun-08, 23:15
This is taken from an article in The Independent just after the smoking ban came into force:

"But none of these restrictions is based on convincing proof that passive smoking kills. It is an assertion that owes a great deal to the sanctimonious superstition that there can be no smoke without death. Reputable scientists admit this. On Desert Island Discs in 2001, Sir Richard Doll, the man who proved the incontrovertible causal link between active smoking and lung cancer, said: "The effect of other people smoking in my presence is so small it doesn't worry me."
He was right not to fret. One of the largest studies of the health consequences of secondary smoking was published in the British Medical Journal in 2003. It tracked the health of 118,000 Californians over four decades in a rigorous attempt to identify a causal relationship between environmental tobacco smoke (the scientific term for secondary smoke) and premature death. It concluded: "The results do not support a causal relationship between ETS and tobacco-related mortality.""


I am an ex smoker who has the occasional fag when I am out. It's my choice, it's my body and it's my life. If you don't like it - just go away - I don't care...
Could not agree more. well said

02-Jun-08, 23:52
God I hope you don't see the 'light' and start lecturing us disenfranchised smokers. You can take away our taxes but you will never take away our FREEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMM.........

I never lecture and can I add that I don't plan on being a hypocrite so your quite safe TBH.:D
It's a free country,(sort of) live and let live.

03-Jun-08, 08:08
God I hope you don't see the 'light' and start lecturing us disenfranchised smokers. You can take away our taxes but you will never take away our FREEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMM.........

I suppose you smokers will have a definite advantage if you use Mel Gibson/Braveheart as a slogan:

You won't have to paint yer faces blue, you'll go that colour anyway when you try to climb the stairs.[lol]

Lord Flasheart
03-Jun-08, 08:17
I've resurrected this thread to inform you all I have an appointment with a hypnotherapist on Thursday to try stop smoking for good. I've tried patches, gum and willpower to no avail so hopefully hypnotherapy works.

Oh no .. :eek:

Noooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!

They got to you didnt they !!, you are on the slippery slope now. First its Ciggys, then the Beer, then the women of loose morals and before you know it you are sitting in on a Saturday night, gasping for a ciggy, desperate for a beer and with no women interested in you (as we all know that smoking makes you cool and drinking is big and clever) I say this only to save you from a life of Davina Macall programmes and thinking that a breakdancer is somehow the greatest talent in Britian.

I have put my feelers out for Hypnotherapists in Caithness, if my bribe works you are going to think you are Donald Duck soon .. ;)

03-Jun-08, 08:18

Lord Flasheart
03-Jun-08, 08:53

I knew they didnt echo !!

03-Jun-08, 14:46
Oh no .. :eek:

Noooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!

They got to you didnt they !!, you are on the slippery slope now. First its Ciggys, then the Beer, then the women of loose morals and before you know it you are sitting in on a Saturday night, gasping for a ciggy, desperate for a beer and with no women interested in you (as we all know that smoking makes you cool and drinking is big and clever) I say this only to save you from a life of Davina Macall programmes and thinking that a breakdancer is somehow the greatest talent in Britian.

I have put my feelers out for Hypnotherapists in Caithness, if my bribe works you are going to think you are Donald Duck soon .. ;)

I don't drink much-about 15 units per year, I hope to stop smoking and I can't be bothered with women at the moment. Any suggestions on a bad habit I could take up.

Lord Flasheart
03-Jun-08, 16:51
I don't drink much-about 15 units per year, I hope to stop smoking and I can't be bothered with women at the moment. Any suggestions on a bad habit I could take up.

Dwarf throwing.

Any one who hardly drinks, cant be bothered with the fairer sex and is planning to give up smoking is going to need something exciting and a little bit risque to do !!

(The PC amongst can feel free to call it People-Of-Restricted-Growth Throwing.)

03-Jun-08, 17:10
Dwarf throwing.

Any one who hardly drinks, cant be bothered with the fairer sex and is planning to give up smoking is going to need something exciting and a little bit risque to do !!

(The PC amongst can feel free to call it People-Of-Restricted-Growth Throwing.)

A brilliant idea,one of my colleague's is a dwarf. I don't think he'll be up for it so I'll need to sneak up behind him in the canteen and launch my attack.:D

Lord Flasheart
03-Jun-08, 18:46
A brilliant idea,one of my colleague's is a dwarf. I don't think he'll be up for it so I'll need to sneak up behind him in the canteen and launch my attack.:D

It used to be a popular bar sport until the EU banned it, one of the dwarves who lost his living tried to sue them (unsuccessfully) .. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2285348.stm

Having seen it in action it is funny and the dwarves were the biggest instigators !!, there is nothing like watching a dwarf receed into the distance at a high rate of knots .. :lol:

Do a Youtube search under "Dwarf Throwing" .. ;)

03-Jun-08, 20:38
OMG!!!! that is soooooooo sick!!! but hey, I'm sick, so I had a great laugh - yet again! Am off to search youtube now!!

Oh, habits to take up - how about knitting, that way you can sell what you knit and make a wee profit of your non-smoking hobby. Alas, I cannot see you doing this for long though. After you have dropped several stitches, totally gotten confused on how to read the pattern never mind follow it, unpicked the poor excuse you have knitted and tried to caston the correct amount of stitches for the umpteenth time, you will gladly return to the ciggies to keep you sane :lol:[lol]

Good luck anyway, to you and anyone else brave enough to try giving up....again.

07-Jun-08, 09:42
I've resurrected this thread to inform you all I have an appointment with a hypnotherapist on Thursday to try stop smoking for good. I've tried patches, gum and willpower to no avail so hopefully hypnotherapy works.

Two days have passed since I went to see the hypnotherapist and so far it is working. I don't have the cravings for a cigarette, especially in the morning with my first coffee. Also, I had a hectic night at work last night, was on the go for almost 7 hours, and not once did I feel stressed and want to pop out for a smoke. I don't know what he's done to my brain but I wish I'd done this years ago.

07-Jun-08, 09:50
Two days have passed since I went to see the hypnotherapist and so far it is working. I don't have the cravings for a cigarette, especially in the morning with my first coffee. Also, I had a hectic night at work last night, was on the go for almost 7 hours, and not once did I feel stressed and want to pop out for a smoke. I don't know what he's done to my brain but I wish I'd done this years ago.
Well done so far, the First Ciggy in the morning is always the hardest habit to break.
I stopped smoking over 6 years now, I used the Patches, I found it very easy, but I had the advice of my Doctor ringing in my ears, "Stop smoking or you will lose a leg" , that was the biggest incentive I could have had

Lord Flasheart
07-Jun-08, 09:57
Well done so far, the First Ciggy in the morning is always the hardest habit to break.
I stopped smoking over 6 years now, I used the Patches, I found it very easy, but I had the advice of my Doctor ringing in my ears, "Stop smoking or you will lose a leg" , that was the biggest incentive I could have had

Fair one .. I have a few mates that have given up and they all say that WANTING to do it is the main thing, I probably will eventually as well. If only to deny Gordon Brown my cash.

07-Jun-08, 10:42
If I start mincing about, breathing deeply and saying "doesn't the air smell great", will someone please shoot me. :D

Lord Flasheart
07-Jun-08, 10:50
If I start mincing about, breathing deeply and saying "doesn't the air smell great", will someone please shoot me. :D

*click* *click*

Locked and loaded .. ;)

07-Jun-08, 11:00
*click* *click*

Locked and loaded .. ;)

Oh dear, me doth think me spoke too soon.:(

Lord Flasheart
07-Jun-08, 12:53
Oh dear, me doth think me spoke too soon.:(

Dont worry .. you will be allowed a last cigarette .. ;)