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25-Nov-05, 17:56
Hi all, :D
Anyone else horsey out there?!
It's just that I've been in contact with a lady down south who runs a company which is very well established (1700 or something it was founded), selling Flower Essences for all types of animals, and humans as well. There's all kinds of remedies: Calm, Trauma, Highly Strung, Over Dominant, Timid, Distress etc., as well as individual bottles which can be made up to suit each animal or person. The flower essences are entirely natural with all kinds of infused plants, herbs, flowers, Bach essence etc. and they really work! I know because a friend of mine who lives in Caithness used the Distress essence to calm down her pony on bonfire night, and the results were very good.
If anyone's interested, I have several leaflets from the company to hand out, with details on how to buy the bottles, how to contact the company, what the essences do, and the range on offer.
If you would like a leaflet, please send me a PM and I'll post one to you.
Also, if you would like to have a look at the web site first, the address is: www.sunessencesforanimals.com (http://www.sunessencesforanimals.com) - my friend who used the Distress essence on her pony has a testimonial on there as well.
Peach x

25-Nov-05, 18:02
A lot of rabbit breeders use these treatments also and absolutely swear by them

Murdina Bug
25-Nov-05, 18:25
Ye dinna need to go Sooth for these lassie! Look at this site -www.rainbowremedies.co.uk (http://www.rainbowremedies.co.uk)

Based in Halkirk! She doesn't have outlets in shops yet but you can buy online or go to Halkirk. Shop local I say. Below is a copy of the advert on this very site!

Rainbow Remedies
We supply a wide range of Flower Remedies and Natural Products for Pets & People. Also information on Holistic Pet care.
Phone Number
01847 831083

Fax Number

Mobile Number


Postal Address
3 George Street

KW12 6YE (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=KW12+6YE(Rainbow+Remedies)&z=2) Photograph
E-mail Address
[email protected] ([email protected])
Web Site Address
www.rainbowremedies.co.uk (http://www.rainbowremedies.co.uk/)

25-Nov-05, 18:30
Thanks for that!! I never even knew it existed lol

25-Nov-05, 18:39

I've used many of these remedies on dogs as well as horses. Get the right concoction and they really can help.
I have a dog who went through a phase of not letting a judge go over his body cos a foreign judge squeezed his doo dars a bit too hard. anyway I put him on valarian and skullcap and that, along with lots of hardwork, did the trick and the next time I took him out he qualified for crufts.

I don't suppose anyone knows of any good ideas, herbal or otherwise, for putting weight on a dog? He's fit as a fiddle, eats like a horse, is wormed etc regularly, we've tried him on food ranging from the science plan to dr johns and nothing seems to put the weight on.:(

25-Nov-05, 23:37
Thanks a lot Peach and Murdina Bug for these links!

I am very interested in using natural remedies for myself and pets and these sites are very interesting.

I have received a reply from Jane of SunEssences and she is going to help some of the cats we have at Cats Protection who we are finding it difficult to home because of behavioural 'problems' so it will be great if they work.

I have used Rescue Remedy on animals with much success.

Thanks again!


26-Nov-05, 00:09
Ive used Bachs flower remedies on myself and our dog, in particular the rescue remedy..........works wonders! Found the Bach remedies hard to come by up here though I was told there was little or no demand for them...........which surprised me! Its good to know of that site Peach thankyou!

Wonder what remedy would help some of the people on here who appear to be of the opinion that they are some sort of assistant manager/ess of the Universe...........The Universe by itself is very ordered! It would need to be one that is for someone that has an uncontrollable urge to control by their dominant nature and personality and another one to make them think before they speak as they do appear to be a bit insensitive at times, and another one for attention seeking and hyperactivity!

Im not surprised the dog doesnt put on weight with you around him PP!

If you find my postings so insensitive, stop following me around posting inane remarks that are nothing to do with the thread. I'm sorry if you expect everyone to agree with you all the time Phoenix, but I for one think you're just as opinionated as I am and rather more insensitive.

Back to the topic in hand, I see you're looking for a remedy for all the things you are guilty of. Don't be silly! It's your opinion, you're entitled to it and you shouldn't feel the need to seek out some cure for your rantings! If you're that determined to find a remedy, heres one - Just shut your mouth! :p

26-Nov-05, 00:42
Me following you around.............you do have a very high opinion of yourself PP!
Bach flower remedies that may help with "your rantings" etc are Heather, Honeysuckle, Vervain, Vine, Willow, Chicory, Chestnut Bud and Beech:}

26-Nov-05, 00:55
Ill give you both something to shout about? I reckon your herbal remedies are probably useless or in the extreme cases dangerous. Do you give your under eating dog any herbal remidies at the moment? If so, how about giving the dog nothing but one feed a day with no titbits for say 3 months. Ill bet you would see a marked improvement in its weight. If it doesnt get any better ill eat a daffodil in February.

26-Nov-05, 00:56
Porshie & Phoenix - behave yourselves. Go on Phoenix - admit that you deleted your post & it wasn't a figment of Porshie's imagination or the work of the fairies. Remember we are about to enter the Season of Goodwill & you will all be forced to "kiss & make-up" then - the jolly Red Man will have to cast an extra special spell around the forums here - lol :)

26-Nov-05, 01:34
Guilty Moira:} I need to take some Pine for guilt and Impatiens for irritability and some of that distress essence peach spoke of to keep me calm before I come on here! Sorry!

26-Nov-05, 01:51
Guilty Moira:} I need to take some Pine for guilt and Impatiens for irritability and some of that distress essence peach spoke of to keep me calm before I come on here! Sorry!

OK Phoenix - I forgive you - BUT I'm quoting your "admission of guilt" in here - before you delete it :) SO.... what concoction of herbal remedies would be required on the message board here at Caithness Org so we can all have a happy & peaceful festive season ?? I look forward to getting "high" on your answers. I think Porshie has logged off for the evening but no doubt will catch up in the morning.

26-Nov-05, 13:19
I like the look of that stuff. I could do with a dose of everything in this pic (http://www.rainbowremedies.co.uk/images/people_remedies.jpg). Can I drink it with ice, lemon & tonic?

Gleeber, it doesn't matter whether it works or not, if you believe it works then it does, almost by definition.

When is daffodil-eating day? I need to enter it into my diary. Shall we make it Feb 28?

In the meantime, I think Rainbow Remedies should consider concocting a special remedy for squabbling wifies. They'd sell a lot on this thread. ;)

26-Nov-05, 13:43
There you go Moira..............DrSzin provided the remedy hehe! A bit of humour! Squabbling wifies indeed! Cant help it must be the hormones!:}

26-Nov-05, 18:36
Hi all, ;)
What nonsense is being discussed right now! I started the thread about Flower Essences! :rolleyes:
I'm glad that you liked the web site Liz - I hope it helps the CP moggies.
Jane IS very helpful, isn't she? :)
Of course herbal remedies aren't dangerous. They're entirely natural and very effective.
Hmmm, some advice weight-wise for your doggy. I'm a wee bit of a doggy expert (;)) having studied dog books for 2 years prior to getting my dog. Does you dog appear depressed at all? Could he be pining for someone or something? If he's perfectly happy, has he been wormed recently? Can I ask what breed he is? Some are more picky than others. Have you tried dried or semi-dried dog food? How about a natural bland mix with herbs, chicken and rice? Does he get walked daily? If he continues losing weight, I would recommend a check-up with the vet.
Let me know how he gets on please!
Peach x

26-Nov-05, 18:51
Hi Peach

Yes it's amazing how a post about Flower Essences can turn into an argument isn't it?!!!

Jane is very helpful and I'm looking forward to trying her remedies on the CP Moggies and a couple of my own pets as well.

Placebos don't work on animals and if something works it's because the remedy itself has been effective and I've had 'natural' remedies work many times on my own pets.

Thanks again for the link!


26-Nov-05, 19:58
There you go Moira..............DrSzin provided the remedy hehe! A bit of humour! Squabbling wifies indeed! Cant help it must be the hormones!:}

I have heard that Evening Primrose oils are very good for wifies hormoanal (its not a spelling mistake) problems

26-Nov-05, 21:05
Hmmm, some advice weight-wise for your doggy. I'm a wee bit of a doggy expert (;)) having studied dog books for 2 years prior to getting my dog. Does you dog appear depressed at all? Could he be pining for someone or something? If he's perfectly happy, has he been wormed recently? Can I ask what breed he is? Some are more picky than others. Have you tried dried or semi-dried dog food? How about a natural bland mix with herbs, chicken and rice? Does he get walked daily? If he continues losing weight, I would recommend a check-up with the vet.
Let me know how he gets on please!
Peach x

No he's not depressed, far from it. He only really pines if I go away for a few days without him but danes can be notorious for that, they'll lose weight very easily. His worming, frontline etc is all up to date and very regular and he's on dry dog food. Like I said we've tried him on everything ranging from very expensive food to cheap food, neither one makes a difference as such. He is walked regular and has free run of 4 acres, but I've been restricting his exercise to see if that makes a difference. He is out side in a kennel and run during the day but I know he can't be cold because his kennel is insulated with 4" polystyrene all round and boarded and he also has a heat lamp.
I'm actually wondering whether to have him castrated as I know that will make a difference but of course that will then mean I can't show him.
He does tend to have a bit of an overactive personality, he calms down eventually but can hare round with the best of them.
Are there any herbal remedies for hyperactivity?
As for the vet, it looks as though that is my only option left. He's a fit muscly dog but very thin so I think it's off to the vets for tests.
I'd still appreciate any info for hyperactivity though. Cheers!

26-Nov-05, 23:31
It be worth getting him tested for an overactive thyroid gland Porshiepoo as this can cause hyperactivity and weight loss.

27-Nov-05, 02:07
What nonsense is being discussed right now! I started the thread about Flower Essences! :rolleyes:
I agree, absolutely.

And the need for the squabbling-wifie remedy is getting more urgent by the hour.

27-Nov-05, 02:16
Placebos don't work on animals and if something works it's because the remedy itself has been effective and I've had 'natural' remedies work many times on my own pets.
Phew, I'm glad someone realised what I was getting at. But it's not always that simple. If the owner believes it works on the animal, then it works almost by definition. You can have a placebo effect by proxy.

I'm not saying that none of these remedies work, I'm just pointing out a possible pitfall in interpreting the results.

I hope at least one of them works because I can't wait to see gleeber eat a daffodil. :cool:

27-Nov-05, 11:15
I hope at least one of them works because I can't wait to see gleeber eat a daffodil. :cool:

I have a feeling the daffodils in Thurso wont have to worry about being eaten in February. Some people think flowers have feelings too. (Prince Charles does). Maybe they get depressed like genetically designed dogs. I dont believe it though. Maybe your right Doc and its the owners who project their own fantasies onto their doggies and moggies?

Gleeber, it doesn't matter whether it works or not, if you believe it works then it does, almost by definition.

Alternative medicine is just that. Alternative. Most alternative medicines will have been checked out by the major drugs companies, put through the most stringent tests and found to have failed.
Thats why they now make up the multi million pound alternative medicine and therapy market.
Its fantastic that something works when people take these failed medicines. Its also fascinating how placebos work, but whats working if the medicine is duff? Somethings going on in our bodies that is connected to our thinking. Thats not rocket science. What is it though?

27-Nov-05, 19:23
Hi again,
It sounds like your dane has a very ideal lifestyle so I think the best thing to do would be a vet check, especially the one that Liz recommended.
Yes! There are herbal remedies for hyper-activity. Have a wee look at Jane's web site: www.sunessencesforanimals.com (http://www.sunessencesforanimals.com) (just in case you forgot the address!) - I think the best blend for your dane would be the Highly Strung, and possibly, if his pining is quite bad whilst your away, you could buy the Pining blend as well. You might also like to consider a personalised blend for him.
Hope this helps!
Peach x :)

28-Nov-05, 01:15
Hi again,
It sounds like your dane has a very ideal lifestyle so I think the best thing to do would be a vet check, especially the one that Liz recommended.
Yes! There are herbal remedies for hyper-activity. Have a wee look at Jane's web site: www.sunessencesforanimals.com (http://www.sunessencesforanimals.com/) (just in case you forgot the address!) - I think the best blend for your dane would be the Highly Strung, and possibly, if his pining is quite bad whilst your away, you could buy the Pining blend as well. You might also like to consider a personalised blend for him.
Hope this helps!
Peach x :)

Thanks for that. I'll certainly have a look and then speak to my vet about it when we go to see him.


28-Nov-05, 01:34
Nae bather at all! lol :D

28-Nov-05, 01:35
I agree, absolutely.

And the need for the squabbling-wifie remedy is getting more urgent by the hour.

exactly, some get right of the subject, this is turning out to be an agony colum for dog's

28-Nov-05, 23:45
I see! So you think my advice is off the subject?! ;) It isn't really because the dane's owner is going to have a look at the flower essences web site for a remedy for his dog's hyper-activity. But the argument on page 1 definately WAS off the original topic! :mad:

29-Nov-05, 02:32
Hello Peach, keep taking the peach essence lol. It works wonders eh? Ignore that gleeber and szin. they're non-believers. Good job some of us can see the light with flower essences though? You're a beacon of light in a sea of weeds lol. Keep it up and we'll see who's right in the end. :)

29-Nov-05, 19:11
Hiya Crayola,
Glad to see I have some support!! :D Thanks.
There's plenty of testimonials on the web site and I have proof that the flower essences work because I personally know a pony who was calmed down completely on Bonfire Night after her owner administered the Distress Essence to her. Living proof!! Hehehe ;)
Peach x

30-Nov-05, 02:41
I learned about flower essences at witch school at the weekend. It's a fairly new area for wiccans but it seems to be growing fast, although not all witches believe in it. Some think it's a New Age plot to discredit traditional wiccan medicine. I hope you don't mind me asking but are you a witch at all? I suspect you're not a "true" witch because you seem to accept the supposed powers of flower essences without question. I don't think "one calmed horse a truly proven herbal medicine does make", but I think we shall know soon.

01-Dec-05, 19:53
Witch school? WHAT is that?
AM I A WITCH??!! Oh my goodness!
Are you????!!!

02-Dec-05, 03:11
Witch school? WHAT is that?
AM I A WITCH??!! Oh my goodness!
Are you????!!!
I'm still learning. I take it you're not part of our movement yet?

Witch School is where you learn the ancient art of witchcraft and the even more ancient wiccan religion. My grandmother was a Dublin witch so I have the art in my genes and I'm learning to utilise it. I'm also a practising medium, but my new calling doesn't exactly approve of that so I don't advertise it widely.

I thought most flower essence practitioners were witches, so I'm a little surprised that you're expressing bemusement at the concept. Perhaps you're a latecomer and haven't been introduced to the inner circle yet?

02-Dec-05, 10:06
Witch school? WHAT is that?
AM I A WITCH??!! Oh my goodness!
Are you????!!!

Peach, please please dont go down that road, there is a coven of witches in here, and Crayola is always recruiting, see other threads.
They will have you chanting and dancing around a caldron and incanting anti male spells.
We have had Ghosts and Ghoolies, and Fairys swarming up and doon Kaitness,
the Lord of the Rings or Macbeths witches has nothing on these wimen.
You stick to your Horse Whispering, thats more believable than Crayola and Porshiepoo's diatribe.

03-Dec-05, 19:02
Peach, please please dont go down that road, there is a coven of witches in here, and Crayola is always recruiting, see other threads.
They will have you chanting and dancing around a caldron and incanting anti male spells.
How do you think they make those flower essences golach? I did a course on them last weekend and most of the makers of flower essences are also trained in the ancient wiccan arts. They rely on experience passed down through the ages. The Bach school is an exception, but I think his products are much the same as all the others.

We have had Ghosts and Ghoolies, and Fairys swarming up and doon Kaitness, the Lord of the Rings or Macbeths witches has nothing on these wimen. You stick to your Horse Whispering, thats more believable than Crayola and Porshiepoo's diatribe.
Golach, can you really not distinguish between ancient wiccan arts such as making flower essences, and stuperstitions such as fairies, ghosties & ghoulies? We're just joking about that lot. :eek:

04-Dec-05, 01:32
All this talk about witches is ridiculous.
I have never heard of 'Witch School', as you call it, I think witch craft is pagan, wrong and absurd, I am not a flower essences practitioner, merely someone letting more people know about the range of excellent Flower Essences on offer. The actual practitioner (Jane, who lives in England) is not a witch either - she simply makes up bottles of herbal natural flower remedies, which is nothing to do with being a witch whatsoever.
Golach, I have absolutely no intention whatsoever of joining 'Witch School'. I think it's utterly wrong, pagan, absurd, and ridiculous. I would never, EVER even contemplate trying it.
Yes, I like Horse Whispering a lot - of course I will stick with that.
This talk of witch craft is ridiculous.
Peach x

04-Dec-05, 01:36
This whole forum is getting ridiculous and totally off topic madness.......

04-Dec-05, 01:39
AMEN to thatShouldn't you start a new thread for that. This one is about flower essence for horses.......

04-Dec-05, 01:41
Not that ridiculous Peach!

Witches are not all black and evil minded you know, have you not watched charmed??????
There are many white witch covens that do alot of good and in actual fact have benefited many people in many ways.
The whole coven thing is not exactly my thing, but i'm not adverse to doing the odd spell (good ones of course ;) ) and have to say that if you have a cosher source book and perform the spells accurately, they can be extremely accurate.
Of course there are witches that abuse the coven and turn to the dark side but these are usually scooped back up into the loving light of the white witch covens before too much damage is done.

People should give them a break, they do alot of good. (the good ones that is, the bad ones do alot of bad)

04-Dec-05, 01:42
This whole forum is getting ridiculous and totally off topic madness.......

Show me one that hasn't!!!!!!!! lol

04-Dec-05, 01:43
Flower essence for horses what happened to it?
It seems to be hi-jacked by the witches from the covern in Lybster.

04-Dec-05, 01:45
So peach is their remedy for stress in animals pretty much the same as bachs rescue remedy??

04-Dec-05, 01:46
Show me one that hasn't!!!!!!!! lol

Read Naked Rambler that's one.

04-Dec-05, 02:47
All this talk about witches is ridiculous.
I have never heard of 'Witch School', as you call it, I think witch craft is pagan, wrong and absurd, I am not a flower essences practitioner, merely someone letting more people know about the range of excellent Flower Essences on offer. The actual practitioner (Jane, who lives in England) is not a witch either - she simply makes up bottles of herbal natural flower remedies, which is nothing to do with being a witch whatsoever.
Golach, I have absolutely no intention whatsoever of joining 'Witch School'. I think it's utterly wrong, pagan, absurd, and ridiculous. I would never, EVER even contemplate trying it.
Yes, I like Horse Whispering a lot - of course I will stick with that.
This talk of witch craft is ridiculous.
Peach x
Would you like me to send you the URL for the Witch School I went to?

Of course witchcraft is pagan! :rolleyes: Go read What is Wicca (http://www.wicca.com/celtic/wicca/wicca.htm) and come back and tell me that it's "utterly wrong, pagan, absurd, and ridiculous". I am saddened that you're sufficiently bold and brash to promote the wonders of flower remedies whilst appearing to have very little knowledge of them, and you are evidently sufficiently narrow-minded to dismiss their true pagan origins. I suspect you know almost nothing about Wiccanism. Or about Flower Essences either.

Here are the first three paragraphs from the site I cited above:

Contrary to what those who choose to persecute or lie about us wish to believe, Wicca is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of thinking and life which promotes oneness with the divine and all which exists.

Wicca is a deep appreciation and awe in watching the sunrise or sunset, the forest in the light of a glowing moon, a meadow enchanted by the first light of day. It is the morning dew on the petals of a beautiful flower, the gentle caress of a warm summer breeze upon your skin, or the warmth of the summer sun on your face. Wicca is the fall of colorful autumn leaves, and the softness of winter snow. It is light, and shadow and all that lies in between. It is the song of the birds and other creatures of the wild. It is being in the presence of Mother Earths nature and being humbled in reverence. When we are in the temple of the Lord and Lady, we are not prone to the arrogance of human technology as they touch our souls. To be a Witch is to be a healer, a teacher, a seeker, a giver, and a protector of all things. If this path is yours, may you walk it with honor, light and integrity.

Wicca is a belief system and way of life based upon the reconstruction of pre-Christian traditions originating in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. While much of the information of how our ancestors lived, worshiped and believed has been lost due to the efforts of the medieval church to wipe our existence from history, we try to reconstruct those beliefs to the best of our ability with the information that is available.

I exhort all our readers to go read the rest.

Someone suggested that blasphemy should warrant suspension. I don't agree, but I feel a little blasphemed against tonight. I've only been practising for a week or so and I already feel the heat of the prejudices I was so warned against. :(

04-Dec-05, 02:54
Not that ridiculous Peach!

Witches are not all black and evil minded you know, have you not watched charmed??????
There are many white witch covens that do alot of good and in actual fact have benefited many people in many ways.
The whole coven thing is not exactly my thing, but i'm not adverse to doing the odd spell (good ones of course ;) ) and have to say that if you have a cosher source book and perform the spells accurately, they can be extremely accurate.
Of course there are witches that abuse the coven and turn to the dark side but these are usually scooped back up into the loving light of the white witch covens before too much damage is done.

People should give them a break, they do alot of good. (the good ones that is, the bad ones do alot of bad)
I'm glad someone understands where I'm coming from.

We're not all about magic and spells, we mostly care about the world we live in and how to look after it, but we do cast spells and that's the fun bit.

Lol I've only been doing this for a week or so but I sound like an old hand already. Perhaps I should learn a little modesty first.

04-Dec-05, 10:29
Someone suggested that blasphemy should warrant suspension. I don't agree, but I feel a little blasphemed against tonight. I've only been practising for a week or so and I already feel the heat of the prejudices I was so warned against. :(

If its any consolation crayola I support your right to think what you want. The church did and still does condemn free thinking. So does Islam and Judaism. These 3 major religions have one thing in common, the Bible.
All the talk recently on caithness.org about life after death, spirits and other nonsense comes from that source. People who believe the bible is the word of God have run the moral content of Western societies since Abraham first decided there was only one God. We still live in a society that allows men of religious persusion an automatic seat in the House of Lords. Itll be another 4000 years before the power they are seeing crumble in front of their eyes is relegated to the basket of quaint human customs along with the source of that so called quaintness. The Bible.
Power to your elbow Crayola but be careful. Like any other born again nutter (myself included) you will be a pain at times.
The heat of that prejudices you feel will be co-created. Dinna forget that.

04-Dec-05, 14:34
Men can join too Gleeber. Interested?

You could learn how to make flower essences from daffodils. ;)

Peach seems too intolerant so probably wouldn't be admitted. This is a great pity because she is in touch with the natural world and that's always a good thing. I hate to see a natural brain go to waste like that.

I also see Porshiepoo as a possible recruit to the white side of wiccanism.

You have an open mind, gleeber, so you would fit in well. I too dislike the open abuse of power by western governments under the auspices of organised christian religions, George Bush being by far the worst of a bad bunch.

In the meantime, keep on taking those flower essences all. They are for humans too, don't use them all on gee-gees and woof-woofs.

04-Dec-05, 14:38
So peach is their remedy for stress in animals pretty much the same as bachs rescue remedy??

04-Dec-05, 14:41
I've just bought some bioforce flower essence or my cat. On reading the bottle it sounds like ome sort of anti depressant. Do you you think we have a right to make the decission for them?

04-Dec-05, 14:43
I've just bought some bioforce flower essence or my cat. On reading the bottle it sounds like ome sort of anti depressant. Do you you think we have a right to make the decission for them?does the cat seem to be depressed?

04-Dec-05, 14:45
does the cat seem to be depressed?well who am I to say whether he's depressed or not, he seems ok to me but I thought he might jut enjoy a few drops of this stuff anyway.

04-Dec-05, 15:20
Men can join too Gleeber. Interested?
Na thanks anyway. But,if ye wanted till know why ye suffer from such delusions as ye seem till I could mibby point you in the direction of a book or two about yours and a few ither o yer breeds superstitions.
Lek all open minds its important to make sure wur brains danna fall ooot.

As for floooor esscence. Dinna be daft lassies.

04-Dec-05, 15:46
We don't have superstitions, we have a way of life based on observation of our world and we care for our planet. The spells are less serious, they are no worse than no-religious rituals such as civil marriage, graduation, inductions into organisations, etc, and they're a dashed sight better than devotion to a football team. As I said, we care for our planet and try to do our best for it.

What evidence do you have that flower essences don't work? Have you tried them? Have you seen any systematic clinical studies of their effect?

04-Dec-05, 19:36
Sorry Crayola I wasnt poking fun at Wiccan but at some of the claims made on the Angels and Maggots thread.
Your right and I have no evidence that your floooor esscences dont work because homeopathic medicine is impossible to test in the same way as conventional medicine because of the claims made by homeopaths. Apparently homeopathic medicines, flooor esscence and all, dont have any of the active ingredients in them when you buy them.
Homeopaths claim the cure is physical rather than chemical. According to Richard Dawkins (foreword to a book called Snake Oil and Other Preoccupations by John Diamond) homepaths believe "that by some physical mechanism unkown to physicists, a kind of trace or memory of the active molecules is imprinted on the water molecules used to dilute them. It is the physically imprinted template on the water that cures the patient, not the chemicla nature of the original ingredient"
Theres more but Illl give you a chance to chew that one over first.

04-Dec-05, 20:46
OMG!!!! my owld mate Gleeber is going till become the Warlock of Wiccan, I can see totem poles and medicine huts springing up all over the Glebe and Springpark.
Tak heed Gleeber, yon chiel 'at floated round the cairns 'at 'e Hill 'o Forss might come visitan.