View Full Version : Caithness Youth Bank - Applications

20-May-08, 23:53
I have once again changed the Caithness Youth Bank application forms. The new form will hopefully be clearer and easier to complete.

For an application pack email [email protected] or [email protected]

If you receive your application pack from me, you will also be issued with a return information form.

Closing dates for applications is 30th June & 30th November each year but the sooner the application form is returned before each of these dates, the better.

The youth bank will provide grants of up to £1200 for projects which will benefit young people and the wider community. Conditions for receiving a grant and our Youth Bank criteria is included in the application pack.

We have received a very reasonable number of applications to assess at every meeting so far and 7 people responded to my last post on Caithness.org along with the remainder elsewhere.

Caithness Youth Bank must be ackknowledged, whether in newspaper, posters in the funded facility, etc. If this is not followed, the Youth Bank reserve the rights to take the money back.

Successful applicants will either be notified by phonecall immediately after the assessment meeting or by email / post depending on the availability of the applicant. You may also be asked to attend a Youth Bank presentation of cheques reception. The last presentation was held in the Pentland Hotel in Thurso. The next will be held around summer time in Wick.

Good luck to anyone who applies to the Youth Bank.

21-May-08, 11:35
Make sure in your email you state whether you want the application posted or emailed.

21-May-08, 22:44
You can now download the application pack from the following links:

NOTE: You must SAVE the file first. Do not just click OPEN.




25-May-08, 16:55
I really do want to encourage groups to apply to Caithness Youth Bank.

You may have applied before, been sucessful and want to apply again for something different.

You may have applied before, been unsucessful and want to try again once you've resolved any issues which could have let your application down the last time.

You may just be a new applicant who would like to see your group benefit from the grant.

In any of these cases, we want to hear from you, email [email protected] or [email protected] for an application form.

The forms which are downloadable from the links in the above post do not always print properly so I recommend you send us an email to request an application form.

You can also visit:


2. click on "Email this member"

3. Put "cyb01" as the subject so that the message arrives in the correct inbox.

4. Type your Full name, home address, email address and telephone number in the text box and click "Send Email" and I'll send out an application pack within 4 days.

10-Jun-08, 20:58
A reminder that applications are due to be returned before 30th June (this month).

Any groups wishing to apply should return application forms as soon as possible before this date.

If you intend to apply, need an application pack, need advice (limited) please contact me.

Ignore the contact details in the above posts, please contact [email protected] for an application pack.

The declaration must be signed on the application form or it will not be considered.

It is likely a presentation reception will take place in the summer time for all successful applicants.

Please do not use the downloadable applications above.

01-Jul-08, 15:11
Deadline for applications will be extended for a short time for any last minute applications.