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rs 2k
19-May-08, 08:32
I was thinking last night about how much things have changed as of now and when i was little, which was only 30 years ago

What can u remember? How far back!!

I mind living in a cobble street in Lancashire, where u had a back yard with the toilet outside, but then when i went to my grandma's all she had was a big box with a hole in it and a deep deep hole, how discusting was that?

Going to the shop for my mum for 20 cadet fags which was only 52p

Pocket money 2 1/2p a week

I will think of some more

But what can u remember, love to hear how things have changed

19-May-08, 08:54
You had an outside toilet in 1978?

19-May-08, 09:34
Being able to leave your doors unlocked

Crisps being 2 1/2p

When i started smoking 20 regal king size were 76p

most of all white mice and aniseed balls being six for a penny

more superstitions being quoted

and navy blue knickers

19-May-08, 10:12
getting paid £12 a week and being able to go to the pub get a round of drinks with 5 mates and a packet of fags for a quid and have change for the chippy on the way home and being able to travel from Lincoln to Burton-on-Trent for £4 on the train and that was in the early 70's.:lol:

Anne x
19-May-08, 10:21
Vests Liberty Bodices and Gaberdine Coats Clarks Brown Lace up shoes and Clarks Sandals in the summer Sunday Coat for best a new Party Frock
when you remember long summers and hard cold winters both seemed to go on forever the long walk to school best of all the smell from the Kitchen of lovely home baking or cooking
Pinching and eating my Grandads Pea pods from the garden
My Mum listening to the Archers on the Radio on a week night and Saturday Morning Childrens shows singing of Little White Bull and The Laughing Policeman

19-May-08, 10:43
Vests Liberty Bodices and Gaberdine Coats Clarks Brown Lace up shoes and Clarks Sandals in the summer Sunday Coat for best a new Party Frock
when you remember long summers and hard cold winters both seemed to go on forever the long walk to school best of all the smell from the Kitchen of lovely home baking or cooking
Pinching and eating my Grandads Pea pods from the garden

Oooo yes Anne, I remember all those too!

And also the whole family listening to Family Favourites on the BBC Light Programme on our then state-of-the-art Bush Transistor Radio (now fashionably retro):lol:.

The little wren on the farthing coin..I loved that!

I wasn't allowed to watch ITV as my parents disapproved of a channel funded by advertising. I used to have to nip round to a friend's house to watch Torchy The Battery Boy ;).

19-May-08, 11:12
A house with no electricity or running water where we had to fish the newts out of the buckets from the well. My mother trimming the wicks and cleaning the globes of the oil lamps.
The huge patchwork padded throw that went over the double bed and amused me for hours finding the matching patches, the wonderful feather matress that wrapped itself round you like a sleeping cat.
Older in years, being able to spend the day on the beach with a driftwood fire ,an old frying pan and a bag of spuds to make chips or down in the woods damming streams and making camps.
Even later the dreaded box pleated gymslip and the matching green wool knickers with a pocket for your handkerchief. Never did work out as to how that was considered appropriate that one should have to hitch up one's skirt to blow one's nose!
Days spent at harvest time when all the aunts,uncles etc. came along to help and with the cousins we had games of hide and seek amongst the stooks that lasted for hours.

19-May-08, 11:18
My granny's home made soup after school in the winter.

Having my feet measured for shoes in that x-ray machine thingy, wearing liberty bodices and navy school knickers -hated both! - Sunday coat with 'room for grwoth' and hat with elastic under the chin -hated that too!!

We'd no TV until I was ten, but I was allowed to visit a neighbour on Sundays to watch 'Sooty and Sweep' and 'Captain Pugwash', and I think there was usually a classic serial on as well...?

Fizzy drinks like American Cream Soda in returnable bottles with stone stoppers. Hand feeding a lamb from one of the bottles with a big black teat. Stone hot water bottles with stone stoppers too and chilly lino under my toes in winter mornings. The warmth and smell of the peat fired Rayburn in the kitchen and playing in the peat stack in the garden.

The threepenny bit, sweeties you don't get any more, advertising for Woodbines, Senior Service and Craven A all over the place.....pink toothpaste in a wee pot.....

That's more than enough to be going on with...strange and alarming how I can remember these things more clearly than what I was doing five minutes ago..... :roll::eek:

19-May-08, 12:20
The threepenny bit

I liked the 'thrupenny bit' too, Angela! All those edges to finger when you were lucky enough to have one in your pocket :cool:.

I yahooed 'thrupenny bit' earlier, and what came up first was an advert for a 'breastfeeding cushion' :lol:......I don't get it!

19-May-08, 13:00
a trip down memory lane like is nostalgic. i remember when there was neither tv or even radio. no running water in the house and no toilets
seven weeks of lovely summer at harvest time when it was brought home with horse and cart and built into screws.
did we enjoy ourselves as kids of course we did
a happy time can be had by making do with what youve got as what you never had you never missed
those days must be gone for ever but the memories will remain regards tony

19-May-08, 14:01
I dont appear to be as old as some of the previous contributors so my memories are of the 70s and 80s.

I remember the house key on a shoelace you reached through the letter box. (just asking to be burgled doing that now) I remember tickling fish in the burn, I remember the lemonade lorry, I remember thousands of starlings on the wires in the field behind the house. (that probibly hasnt changed)

I remember when skateboards were thin and BMX was popular the first time. I remember Raleigh Griftors, Raleigh Strikas and Bombers.

I remember going to the doctor without an appointment and the wee speaker above the waiting room door where "next patient please" would crackle from. I remember leaving the house after breakfast to go and play and not comming home till dinner time, in the summer time you would go back out after dinner till it got dark.
I remember picking tatties, cutting peat and my gran serving the main course in the soup bowls to save washing up. I remember barn dances where there was always fighting (possibly not changed).

I remember being young and not caring how I looked, had no clue what label was cool.

I remember when we had 3 tv stations, and when Moray Firth Radio started, (Titch Mcooey)

I remember when I thought Inverness was "The Big City" and the hight of sophistication.

19-May-08, 14:16
I dont appear to be as old as some of the previous contributors so my memories are of the 70s and 80s.

LOL Average, you're right there - my kids have memories like yours! .....

and just like you they see a lot of changes from when they were 'young'....... :lol: :lol:

Lord Flasheart
19-May-08, 14:32
I also remember the Raleigh Strikas, Grifters and Bombers !!, wasnt the smallest one called the Boxer ??, also the Raleigh Chopper with the high seat and gears made by Sturmey Archer.

I also remember Lord Anthony parkas (with mandatory orange lining and fur lining on the hood), when playing British Bulldogs wasnt a health and safety issue and the ice cream in the cone shaped plastic container with bubblegum at the bottom (Screwballs??) and also the stout(!) cans with the pictures of women on the back (*gasp* how sexist ??)

Casting my mind back to when I was a kid if someone had told me that we would all have a mobile phone that could fit in the palm of your hand that had more computer memory than was used to land on the moon, that you could buy a thing called an Ipod that could carry all your music and was the size of a cigarette packet and the world would be linked by the internet and most of us would have our own computer I would have laughed. Lets face it this forum would have been unthinkable not so long ago.

I mean how many us stared in wonder at CD's when they came out ??, things that we take for granted like text messaging were pure science fiction when I was young.

And I am only 35.

19-May-08, 14:41
We are the same age Flasheart.

Lord Anthony Parkas, Sweetheart stout, screwballs. Memories flood back.
Staypress trousers.

I remember being over the moon when i got my first personal cassette player (wasnt a sony walkman, too expensive).

Its weird to think that kids now have no comprehension of there being a time without the internet or mobile phones. I remember being amazed at the first button dial phone we had. I remember part lines.

19-May-08, 14:54
Vests Liberty Bodices and Gaberdine Coats Clarks Brown Lace up shoes and Clarks Sandals in the summer Sunday Coat for best a new Party Frock
when you remember long summers and hard cold winters both seemed to go on forever the long walk to school best of all the smell from the Kitchen of lovely home baking or cooking
Pinching and eating my Grandads Pea pods from the garden
My Mum listening to the Archers on the Radio on a week night and Saturday Morning Childrens shows singing of Little White Bull and The Laughing Policeman
anne little white bull will be ringing in my head all day now,as remember it so well,by tommy steel.oh that little white white bull,:lol::lol:

19-May-08, 15:12
mind the little bottles of milk we got at school

lynne duncan
19-May-08, 16:08
tattie time and peats and taking in the square bales at maries down the road, mince and new tatties with peas from the back garden.
climbing the trees and my brother getting stuck as he tried to follow
the milk bottles in primary school
picking gooseberries and then counting the scratches
standing on top of the worth hill at half yolking from the peats and then running back down as fast as you could making sure not to tread on any adders

19-May-08, 16:26
Okay-dokey, here's what I remember from my young days, which was only 2 weeks ago:

Penny caramels
Player's No.6
Senior Service
Mars Bar 2 1/2p
Coka Cola 7p
Pacers chews 8p
Crisp's 2p
Tudor Gammon flavour
Smash ad tin men from Mars
Playtex Cross Your Heart bra's
Sneaking a look at the lingerie section of the Kays catalogue
Sneaking a look at my older sister,(many times lol)
Dad on shift work-got to stay quiet 'cos he's sleeping
My Granny being a selfish old bitch
Oxford Bags
School Cap's
Mouse Trap
Ker Plunk
Platform shoes
High waist trousers
Grandpa shirts
Barathea blazers
Mum's home made soup
Mum's home made everything
Making Xmas decorations
Long winter's with snow
Long summer's with sun
My Chopper
Burning my new school jersey on the cooker
Falling of my tricycle as a kid and smacking into side of ice-cream van
Trying to dry the cat in the oven
Getting a thru'penny bit going to school
Mrs Shearer, my first teacher-brilliant
Mrs Law, my second teacher-what a horrible bitch
Smashing a car window by accident-boy,did I run
Smashing a bus window by accident-boy,did I run
My first crew-cut
My first Doc Marten's
Playing Kiss,Cuddle,Torture
Hide and seek
Writing and receiving my 1st love-letter,(no,I didn't send it to myself)
My dog biting me and getting my first anti-tetanus jag
My pal falling out a tree. I was going to try catch him but thought he'll be too heavy so stepped aside and let him hit the deck. He was okay tho'

19-May-08, 16:30
I liked the 'thrupenny bit' too, Angela! All those edges to finger when you were lucky enough to have one in your pocket :cool:.

I yahooed 'thrupenny bit' earlier, and what came up first was an advert for a 'breastfeeding cushion' :lol:......I don't get it!

Thru'penny bit is rhyming slang for...lol
Maybe that's why it came up.

19-May-08, 16:36
mind the little bottles of milk we got at school

awww loved them, they stopped whilst I was still in primary school. Canna mind why cost probably or maybe replaced by summit like the milk tokens you get now.

19-May-08, 16:37
I remember recieving my first valentine card in primary 1, unexpectantly. That night I made one for the girl in question, I had no paper so the card was made out of a hoover bag, unused.

(If you are a member here, and remember getting a hoover bag card, please believe me it was given with the best of intentions and made out of love)

19-May-08, 16:48
I remember recieving my first valentine card in primary 1, unexpectantly. That night I made one for the girl in question, I had no paper so the card was made out of a hoover bag, unused.

(If you are a member here, and remember getting a hoover bag card, please believe me it was given with the best of intentions and made out of love)

You were obviously sucking up to them lol

Lord Flasheart
19-May-08, 16:52
Remember when what passed as cartoon entertainment was watching a muscular man in a pair of knee boots, wrestling shorts and pseudo bondage chestpiece battle a hooded skeleton with the help of a green tiger .. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=JEsHUel04dY

If anything proves times have changed then this is it for me, kids arent happy these days unless its a PS3, a Wi or some sort of reality show. I mean he won every week and we still kept watching !!

I feel old now.

19-May-08, 17:05
Now I think that all this WWF stuff is just crap and I cant believe the kids think its for real. But I know that when I was kid, it never occured to me that Big Daddy, Giant Haystasks and Rolerball Rocco were all play-acting.

I loved He-Man, and Dungeons and Dragons.

19-May-08, 19:26
must be going down to boating shed with oh both sweet 16 ,paying think about shilling for 2hrs for rowing boat .rowing up wick river,under two bridges,hot summer nights, and wick river was as good as any with two 99s,happy days gone

19-May-08, 19:31
Skateboards and Clackers and Rolf's Stylophone
Whipped ice-cream when you asked for a cone
Tonka and Lego,my new Raleigh Chopper
My sister's face when I burst her Spacehopper

Porridge for breakfast, did make me sick
Mum's home-baking and the bowl to lick
Colour TV, we were first in the street
Playing games with my brother,the little cheat

Oor Wullie,The Broons, I thought they were real
I hated the bath, whit's the big deal
Wintertime snow, I didn't feel cold
Ten Embassy Tipped, they didn't ask how old

These modern days with so much leisure
Kids don't know how to make their own pleasure
Xbox or Wii, an expensive game
Don't look at the kids, we're to blame

19-May-08, 19:52
I remember that we had to be absolutely quiet when the weather forecast came on the radio at abot 6'oclock My father was a fisherman.At my aunts farm we were given one bowl with porridge and another with milk. Can taste it yet

19-May-08, 19:52
forgot to mention in previous post that there was also no electricity
little wonder the old folks had good eyesight .first it was little paraffin lamps then the tilly big deal then [lol]
when wollies came to wick it said nothing over 3pence or sixpense
it was the case[but even to buy a paraffin lamp] three pence for the glass another one for the bowl and so on
no tescos then [lol]regards tony

rs 2k
19-May-08, 21:24
You had an outside toilet in 1978?

Yes we did, at the bottom of the yard

The 1st time i saw a toilet in the bathroom was when we moved to scotland in 1980 :D

I mind pinching my mum's tights and cutting the leg off and stuffing a ball in it and playing a game by hitting it over your shoulder and between your legs etc, doing it to a rhyme if i mind right, but i can't mind what it was called tho!!

19-May-08, 22:32
Yes we did, at the bottom of the yard

The 1st time i saw a toilet in the bathroom was when we moved to scotland in 1980 :D

I mind pinching my mum's tights and cutting the leg off and stuffing a ball in it and playing a game by hitting it over your shoulder and between your legs etc, doing it to a rhyme if i mind right, but i can't mind what it was called tho!!

My sister and her friends used to play that game. One of the songs went something like this:

3, 6, 9,
The goose drank wine
The monkey ? on the streetcar ?

That's all I can recall, sorry.

19-May-08, 23:31
My sister and her friends used to play that game. One of the songs went something like this:

3, 6, 9,
The goose drank wine
The monkey ? on the streetcar ?

That's all I can recall, sorry.
I think it went along the lines of:

3 6 9
the goose drank wine
The monkey chewed tobacco on the streetcar line.
The line broke the monkey got choked
And they all went to heaven in a little row boat.

It was in fact turned into a hit record at some point but I cant remember who by.

Anne x
19-May-08, 23:42
I think it went along the lines of:

3 6 9
the goose drank wine
The monkey chewed tobacco on the streetcar line.
The line broke the monkey got choked
And they all went to heaven in a little row boat.

It was in fact turned into a hit record at some point but I cant remember who by.

clap clap the next line

19-May-08, 23:48
The Belle Stars

20-May-08, 17:41
The Belle Stars

The Clapping Song

This is shocking. I was a DJ back in the 80's when that record was out, played it many times-show's how crap it was that I didn't even know or recognise the words as the song my sister sung.

They also had a hit with Iko Iko. Memorable-no. I had to look them up on Wikipaedia.:D

Anne x
21-May-08, 20:02
mind the little bottles of milk we got at school

oh yes and in the summer the milk would be warm ugh !!! as it was left outside in the Sun and in winter frozen in the bottles 1/3rd of a pint wasnt it in the wee bottles

21-May-08, 20:07
oh yes and in the summer the milk would be warm ugh !!! as it was left outside in the Sun and in winter frozen in the bottles 1/3rd of a pint wasnt it in the wee bottles
indeed it was 1/3 rd of a pint, and was full fat milk,none of semi-skimmed back then,:lol:

21-May-08, 20:27
I remember Tree Top orange squash was all there was to drink pop wise.
Blueband margarine
Tripe and onions for my tea at Grannys
Sliding down the banisters in the tenement where we stayed
Playing in the "back"
Outside toilets.
Public baths,where you bathed once a week.
Buying a steamie ticket for mum on a Monday.
Loading the washing into the pram,for said trip
Sixpence in the dumplings
Frosty window panes
Frozen pond you could slide on in Queens Park.
Mum alwas home when we came home from school.
Grannys fur coat
A memory lanes a nice place to visit.:D

21-May-08, 20:58
Dunno how I managed to dreg this up as I have the worlds worst memory but I do remember a powdered orange juice drink called Apeel made by Birds which we used to drink loads of.

21-May-08, 23:03
Dunno how I managed to dreg this up as I have the worlds worst memory but I do remember a powdered orange juice drink called Apeel made by Birds which we used to drink loads of.

There tagline was "Peal the seal", using an animated, singing seal. I hated those ad's.

21-May-08, 23:12
You had an outside toilet in 1978?

I was born in Yorkshire in a one up - one down cottage with no bathroom and an outside bog in 1960, much like a lot of mi'sen and my wife's friends.

We moved into a 'better' house in 1965, my Gran moved into our old house and stayed there until she died in the late 90's. Outside bog, lean-to kitchen and a tin bath in front of the fire. When I used to visit her she would insist that I didn't go outside to the bog for a wee, "just use the sink for a scatter".........

They don't make 'em like that any more...


22-May-08, 10:03
1928 del boy area peckham london. one roller skate. cheek the stallholders for speckled or bad fruit. no sale by date.they threw it at you. baker shop. looking for stale cakes.1/2 d ago. hanging on the back of anything that moved with the shout of whip behind governer keeping lookout for beat copper. faggots and pease pudding .jellied eels sat morn cinema for jam jars. 60 years ago.

22-May-08, 18:17
In your day Bobandag16 you would have taken the speckled fruit home to share, nowadays it`s more likely to have over-ripe fruit and veg lobbed at your windows and doors by today`s eight year olds who are about the age you would have been then.

George Brims
22-May-08, 18:53
I yahooed 'thrupenny bit' earlier, and what came up first was an advert for a 'breastfeeding cushion' :lol:......I don't get it!

Rhyming slang?

22-May-08, 19:05
I yahooed 'thrupenny bit' earlier, and what came up first was an advert for a 'breastfeeding cushion' ......I don't get it!

Rhyming slang?

Haha! Good thinking, George. ;)

It was all those edges which puzzled me :confused.

22-May-08, 23:07
The doctor coming to the house when I had measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough and scarlet fever. The smell of his pipe and the clouds of smoke in my bedroom.

My mother's dreadful cooking. OK, it was over a coal fire.

Outside toilet a million miles from house through snowdrifts.

Getting completely dressed for school, including coat, hat and gloves BEFORE you got out of bed in winter.

School holidays - all your mates coming to call for you to go out to play - they just stood outside yelling early morning till you came out. My dad getting on his bike at dusk and having to go 4 or 5 miles to round us up from playing on slag heaps and at the old pit heads.

The pit ponies coming up blind into the fields and going totally insane for 3 weeks in August.

Sugar and flour and currents in blue paper bags. Deliveries by the fish van, the grocer's van, the popman, the butcher's van etc. as no shops. Crisp packets had salt in blue paper inside them.

Anne x
22-May-08, 23:41
Thats the way it was
that be Smiths crisps with the wee blue bag of salt

23-May-08, 22:36
Vests Liberty Bodices and Gaberdine Coats Clarks Brown Lace up shoes and Clarks Sandals in the summer Sunday Coat for best a new Party Frock
when you remember long summers and hard cold winters both seemed to go on forever the long walk to school best of all the smell from the Kitchen of lovely home baking or cooking
Pinching and eating my Grandads Pea pods from the garden
My Mum listening to the Archers on the Radio on a week night and Saturday Morning Childrens shows singing of Little White Bull and The Laughing Policeman

Remember it well Housewives Choice on the Radio, always seemed to be Russ Conway playing Side Saddle, Walk in the Black Forest etc.
Saturday morning it was Children's Favourites with Uncle Mac. Funny how it was the same tunes every week:
Wally Whyton ~ The Runaway Train,
Peter, Paul and Mary ~ Puff the Magic Dragon,
Danny Kaye ~ The Ugly Duckling,
Bernard Cribbins ~ Hole in The Ground/ Right said Fred,
Tommy Steele ~ Little White Bull
(never did know who sang it) The Laughing Policeman

Them were the days when you had "Sunday clothes" which was the same outfit all year round and in summer you fair sweltered in your winter coat going to Sunday School.
I remember when tights came into fashion, they were so expensive and I was still made to wear stockings as they were much cheaper ~ only 3/11(19p) out of Woolies whereas tights were at least 12/-(60p)! I suppose Mam did have an ulterior motive - if you wore stockings and suspenders you couldn't were too short a mini skirt.[lol]

25-May-08, 17:32
The doctor coming to the house when I had measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough and scarlet fever. The smell of his pipe and the clouds of smoke in my bedroom.

My mother's dreadful cooking. OK, it was over a coal fire.

Outside toilet a million miles from house through snowdrifts.

Getting completely dressed for school, including coat, hat and gloves BEFORE you got out of bed in winter.

School holidays - all your mates coming to call for you to go out to play - they just stood outside yelling early morning till you came out. My dad getting on his bike at dusk and having to go 4 or 5 miles to round us up from playing on slag heaps and at the old pit heads.

The pit ponies coming up blind into the fields and going totally insane for 3 weeks in August.

Sugar and flour and currents in blue paper bags. Deliveries by the fish van, the grocer's van, the popman, the butcher's van etc. as no shops. Crisp packets had salt in blue paper inside them.
imagine that dr coming to treat someone on here today lol [lol] [lol] tony