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The Pepsi Challenge
17-May-08, 05:21
Apologies if this has already been given a thread, but it's recently been brought to my attention that the Lyth Arts Centre has had its funding cut, and, that, there's a chance it may close. I just want to say how sorry I am to hear that, and, that, Caithness' own purpose-built arts venue may bite the dust. Yet another nail on its way in.

17-May-08, 10:33

There have been informative articles in last week's and this week's Groat; also wonderful letters from faithful supporters and performing artistes who support the Art Centre. All are disgusted at the treatment of this "wonderful oasis" - not my words but those of one of the many and great artistes who have passed through it's portals.

The Scottish Arts Council want the arts to be promoted and performed throughout Scotland and have, in the past, helped Lyth Art Centre to keep this gem in the centre of Caithness alive, as is their remit. Even though the performances are usually fully booked with faithful and discerning audiences, the centre still needs financial support to continue it's excellent work to bring top performers and world renowned artists to Caithness. Such is it's fame and popularity among the artistes and artists that they have been known to ask to come back and perform so that they can again enjoy it's ambience! They applaud the personal touch that Lyth brings to the arts and the rapport they can build with the audience. They also appreciate the first class accommodation that Lyth provides and the chance to unwind for a few hours in it's peaceful surroundings and enjoy the wonderful food provided by the Centre's excellent staff. Lyth Arts Centre has built up a faithfull and consistent following and has a well known reputation for it's quality jazz nights and more....

The Arts Centre also provides a beautiful setting for small parties e.g. a diamond wedding and a golden wedding celebration in the afternoon when the couples and their guests were enthralled with the peaceful surroundings and the very personal sevice they were given, making their special occasions into special memories.

For the Scottish Arts Council to pull the rug from under the Arts Centre's feet without a backward glance is an insult to Willie Wilson and his team, without whom such a place would not exist.

Willie came back to Caithness to share his dream and his home and this is how he is being rewarded.

The Pepsi Challenge
18-May-08, 09:15
Torvaig, many thanks for outlining it all - appreciated. If I can bring some positive attention to it in the national press, I will. Fingers crossed it all works out OK. Cheers.

18-May-08, 10:55
Torvaig, many thanks for outlining it all - appreciated. If I can bring some positive attention to it in the national press, I will. Fingers crossed it all works out OK. Cheers.

Your support in print would be very much appreciated Pepsi as is your post here; even if we don't get the necessary funding and have to close it is so heart warming to get the support we have been getting...

We still have the funds for opening this year during the months of July and August and visiting orgers et al will be very welcome! :)

Ahhhh....I still remember singing with Carol Kidd after her show....lovely lady and a great jazz singer who really enjoyed herself in Lyth!

18-May-08, 11:07
May just do that, go out and visit, have always meant to but now seems it may be now or never. What a shame hope the decision can be changed.

18-May-08, 11:12
See you there, July or August or both! It's the sort of place where locals visit time and time again just to taste the pancakes and enjoy the grounds!:lol:

30-May-08, 20:51
This would be a disaster if Lyth closed its doors.I've gone a few times and can't think of anywhere else that attracts so much local and national talent to caithness. The venue is beautiful, we would lose the chance to see so many artists and musicians in the county if this were to close.

Valerie Campbell
31-May-08, 11:32
This would be a disaster if Lyth closed its doors.I've gone a few times and can't think of anywhere else that attracts so much local and national talent to caithness. The venue is beautiful, we would lose the chance to see so many artists and musicians in the county if this were to close.

Totally agree.

31-May-08, 15:37
May I point those who are the Arts Centre's supporters to more about the withdrawal of the Scottish Arts Council support.....thanks for the kind words folks.....


31-May-08, 18:11
This decision by the SAC is a disgrace and the reasons given are a typical example of bureaucrat-speak. They obviously have little knowledge of what the Arts generally are about and absolutely none of Lyth - what it does on a shoestring and the incredibly enterprising international programmes it puts on. Can we start a petition or to whom should we complain? The SAC needs to know how the people of Caithness feel.

31-May-08, 18:50
Letters of appreciation and support in the first instance would be much appreciated if sent to William Wilson at the Lyth Arts Centre and they can then be used as necessary in future dealings with the Arts Council or whatever body may be approached in the future. There have been several letters from artists and artistes who have exhibited and performed at the Centre and it all helps in the "fight for funding".

The executive committee have met recently and have considered several alternative ways of using the Centre and keeping it as a going concern. Until a report has been produced on this meeting, I won't comment further.

It is good to know that Lyth has such faithful and supportive friends. Many thanks; it is very much appreciated!

05-Jun-08, 11:24
Well - last night playing on the same bill as Jacqui Dankworth and Ian Shaw and 2 excellent guitarists too in Mike Walker and Chris Allard. The Big Band did its stuff well and we had lots of positive comments. Jacqui and her guitarists were entrancing, a "real time stands still" performance full of joy, passion, and a sheer delight to experience. Then Ian was host to his very own party, I never ever thought I'd hear "alone again naturally" without being irritated by the performer, I actually heard the song for the first time despite knowing all the lyrics - I feel quite guilty for never noticing just how powerful a lyric it is when played with such depth and conviction. Then a jazzy version of "walk on the wild side" with audience participation - they were the highlights, the whole experience was so complete that recall of more than a feeling of complete integration in every moment is really difficult.

So I think you can safely say I and many more people had an amazing time in Caithness last night with world class performers, the Arts Council want us to be challenged apparantly; how could experiencing the arts be better than sitting in open jawed amazement at the talents of icons. The only thing that could have made it better is if more people could fit in, but that in itself is the delight of the venue. I haven't commented on the threatened closure before, partly because the place is so fantastic that it's like a guilty pleasure. We have had so many excellent nights there where we've learnt and grown as musicians and people,that it does feel too good to be true. In these days where the bean counters rule, where appearance and business plans take precedence over substance, I for one am so grateful to William for continuing to roll the boulder uphill and despite so many obstacles, providing Caithness with such a terrific venue and programme for so long.

Lyth needs £25k a year more to run, £50k in total, Eden Court was almost £20m to refurbish, enough said I feel.

What a good night, could not have been better, Caithness does deserve to have Lyth Arts Centre, may we have many more "red point" nights.

Should anyone feel this is a little too gushing this is a posting by someone who rarely feels compelled to share his feelings with the rest of the world unless it is irritation!

Thanks again William


05-Jun-08, 16:52
Davem; many thanks for that; I will ensure William sees your post and your words will be appreciated though no doubt you spoke to him yourself last night!

Just imagine, Cleo Laine and Johnnie Dankworth's daughter singing in Lyth; yet another coup d'etat....