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05-May-08, 09:26
Can someone tell me who owns O'Brians opticians, I thought Mr O'Brian was retired now, heard it was Dolland & Aitchison, but the O'Brian sign is still there and thats the name in the phonebook.

05-May-08, 11:04
Can someone tell me who owns O'Brians opticians, I thought Mr O'Brian was retired now, heard it was Dolland & Aitchison, but the O'Brian sign is still there and thats the name in the phonebook.
is it a query or do you need specs? iknow you cannot see a beautiful baby in front of you.:):(

05-May-08, 11:36
is it a query or do you need specs? iknow you cannot see a beautiful baby in front of you.:):(
:lol:Sorry bobandag16 it was a Query, I already have specs as you know, and I do know a bonnie baby when I see one, just haven't seen any lately

05-May-08, 13:17
It is Dolland & Aitchison but still using the O'Brien name, phone number is still 603447, the prices are higher though!

05-May-08, 13:31
Thought it was duncan and todd from about the aberdeen way???

05-May-08, 13:50
Thought it was duncan and todd from about the aberdeen way???

Think you are right Macwull.....

05-May-08, 16:07
Yes, Duncan and Todd.

05-May-08, 20:23
I had eyes done in wick there 2 weeks in Wick and didn't have to pay for my eye tests they free:)

05-May-08, 21:55
Eye tests have been free for about two years now if my memory serves me well. And a good thing too.....