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View Full Version : Granted three miracles

29-Apr-08, 14:45
One of my horescopes informs me that i'm soon to be granted three miracles.This got me thinking,what personally would i like to miraculously happen.:eek:

1.Daughters acne clears up without medication.
2 Oh gets a job after almost a year unemployed.
3.my old dog no longer requires heart meds because she's fine.

Now for you personally what would you like and not loads of money or an end to world famine....thats sorted.;)

29-Apr-08, 15:21
1. oh to be home more (works away)
2. headaches to stop
3. wee one to stop hitting herself

29-Apr-08, 16:07
1. More horticultural jobs in Thurso, so that I can move up.
2. The ability to afford my own house.
3. My family to all find jobs they like.

Kevin Milkins
29-Apr-08, 17:14
1/I would like to be able to melt down all there is to Know about computers and word proccesing and put it in a big jug, and then stick a funnel in my ear and pour in contents of jug.
2/Had listened to my mother more.
3/Make Landrover Discovery's reliable

Cedric Farthsbottom III
29-Apr-08, 17:24
1.For Rangers to win the quadruple(to keep the family happy)
2.To find that there's aliens oot there
3.To have a five minute conversation with Jesus.

Oooohhh the wife just said one there......to see the four Beatles play live.....ooooh.

the second coming
29-Apr-08, 20:37
erm, in ascending order of priority

1. Get an honest straight talking political leadership

2. Eliminate racisism and bigotry

3. Have a third tap that pours never ending Deuchars IPA.


29-Apr-08, 23:49
I take it we can't go for world peace then in this thread.

I can only think of one miracle I would like right now - to sell our house.

(BTW Cedric I saw the Fab Four live in Bradford but I can't for the life of me remember the year - not that there were many years to choose from. It cost ten bob I think in old money though - a fortune.) So maybe I've already had my miracles. Maybe a better thread would be what miracles we've had in our lives.

30-Apr-08, 00:00
1.For Rangers to win the quadruple(to keep the family happy)
2.To find that there's aliens oot there
3.To have a five minute conversation with Jesus.

Oooohhh the wife just said one there......to see the four Beatles play live.....ooooh.You leaving Pete Best out?:D

the second coming
30-Apr-08, 08:19
I take it we can't go for world peace then in this thread.

I can only think of one miracle I would like right now - to sell our house.

(BTW Cedric I saw the Fab Four live in Bradford but I can't for the life of me remember the year - not that there were many years to choose from. It cost ten bob I think in old money though - a fortune.) So maybe I've already had my miracles. Maybe a better thread would be what miracles we've had in our lives.

What are the 3 you've witnessed then?? I'll kick off with birth of my son, staying alive this long and erm, struggling with the third, the miracle of Duechars IPA..!!! Sorry, can't think of a third, well a positive one at that

30-Apr-08, 08:32

This reminds me of a thing I saw on TV

Noel Edmunds was being interviewed and was asked just how he made everything so successfull....

He said he used a strange thing called -


He said that he wrote down a list of all the good things he would like to happen to himself and the things he wanted to achieve in this lifetime...
He said you did not have to believe in it,,,but try...write down 10 things you want...

As the bibile said - Ask and you shall recieve...

I think this is similar to the wish list you have just created...So I trully hope they come true for you...

All the very best


30-Apr-08, 09:02

This reminds me of a thing I saw on TV

Noel Edmunds was being interviewed and was asked just how he made everything so successfull....

He said he used a strange thing called -


He said that he wrote down a list of all the good things he would like to happen to himself and the things he wanted to achieve in this lifetime...
He said you did not have to believe in it,,,but try...write down 10 things you want...

As the bibile said - Ask and you shall recieve...

I think this is similar to the wish list you have just created...So I trully hope they come true for you...

All the very best


If read about the cosmic ordering thingy too and at times its almost believable.
I found £20 after OH lost £40 in the back garden five days later.:eek:

What I found difficult to do was think of three miracles for me.I cant bring my mother back from the dead as I know that would be a "miracle"
I guess what i subconsiously did was list the three most important "people" in my life and ask for something for them.

I love some of your miracle wishes.:)

04-May-08, 21:57
What are the 3 you've witnessed then?? I'll kick off with birth of my son, staying alive this long and erm, struggling with the third, the miracle of Duechars IPA..!!! Sorry, can't think of a third, well a positive one at that
Second Coming - hmm. Just come back to this thread. I'm struggling too. OK - birth of children would be one (except too young, stupid, poor and resource/family-less to appreciate it at time). Top one is definitely Staying Alive (except that's just brought to mind Barry Gibbs' teeth in that dumb video - an image I could well do without).
Ooooh - what's my third? I guess finding happiness most of the time now and finally liking myself for being the person I am. That sounds selfish but it's not really - it helps you like everyone else. Oh, another miracle is seeing my kids all grown up and having nice lives.

It doesn't sound like much does it? Not compared to climbing Everest, being a rock star, earning millions, but who cares about that?

The miracle I'd still like to achieve would be to sing in tune and not sound like a crow.

04-May-08, 22:09
'e only miracle that i wid want is for grany til be rid o' her cripplin disease thats bin wi her for almost half her life....:~(

poor wifie....

apart fie at am happy wi what iv got ;)

04-May-08, 22:45
'e only miracle that i wid want is for grany til be rid o' her cripplin disease thats bin wi her for almost half her life....:~(

poor wifie....

I hope you get your miracle Trix. Is there nothing medical can help?

04-May-08, 23:25
hi tilter, shes got rheumatoid arthritis, she began wi'ed when she wis only 37 - she'l be 68 on tuesday...

poor wifie hes metal in various parts o' her body bur shes still in alot o' pain.

its a shame til see her go aboot her hoose as she so limited in what she can do.....

takes her over half an oer til peel an chop an ingin :eek:

05-May-08, 08:15
1) The climate up here to change to a more favourable one. Don't mind cold winters but want fantastically warm, long summers. This is to help with OH arthiritis and for everyone who has to cope with SAD.

2) My daughters spine to straighten all by itself! :) One's had the op to have rods inserted but the other hasn't cos it's about 2 degrees less bent than it needs to be to get it. I think it makes her unique but she hates it!

3) For every decision my daughters make in their life to be the right decision, leading to absolute happiness, always.