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View Full Version : Cancer Research UK Relay For Life Caithness

21-Apr-08, 20:17
The Cancer Research UK Relay For Life is an overnight team event in support of those living with cancer and in memory of those who we've lost through it.

The event is to be held in Caithness for the first time this year. It will take place at Sir George's Park (The Dammies) in Thurso on 30/31 August and will last for 12 hours (6pm - 6am).

Teams of 8-15 people take turns around a track, with a minimum of one person per team on the track at all times. You can walk, run, crawl, hop, skip or jump your way around. It is not a race, it's not about distance, it's about supporting those for whom cancer does not sleep. Teams are asked to fundraise both prior to the event and on the night in whatever way they choose. Registration is £10 per team member and each person will receive a Relay For Life team member t-shirt. Bring a tent, but we don't think you'll want to sleep as there will be games throughout the night.

The guests of honour at the relay are always our survivors, those who have lived with, and are living with, cancer. The survivors walk the first lap which is followed by a reception. Each registered survivor will also receive a special t-shirt. (There is no charge for this). This is their opportunity to celebrate life and ours to honour them.

A very important part of the event is the 'Candle of Hope' ceremony. This takes place as darkness falls. Candle bags which have been dedicated to those lost and in thanks for those still with us, are lit around the track. These bags are plain white for your dedications and decoration and can be purchased for £5.

There will be lots of entertainment going on, live bands, stalls etc. A programme will be available in the coming weeks.

If you would like any further information, to register a team or register as a survivor please check out our web page at http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/relay/venues/caithness/. We also welcome any offers of help in the lead up to, and on the day itself.

Thank you.

21-Apr-08, 20:35
What a wonderful idea. Hope it is a good night for all weather wise and that lots of fund raising is done. We all have enough advance warning so should be able to plan ahead.

white arrow
21-Apr-08, 22:56
Hi, if you need any help my husband and myself will be glad to assist in any way.

22-Apr-08, 00:02
Maybe we could have an org team......or two?

22-Apr-08, 18:40
This sounds like a great event. Why not get together with your friends and register your team.

22-Apr-08, 19:03
Our web page is now up and running and shows the contact details for survivors, teams and volunteers. Please check it out at http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/relay/venues/caithness/ (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/relay/venues/caithness/)

23-Apr-08, 18:04
Register your team online today!

25-Apr-08, 19:43
Hi Everyone, come on get a team together and help raise money for this great cause.

25-Apr-08, 20:15
I wholeheartedly agree.

Anyone who would like to start a team please get in touch with me.

27-Apr-08, 19:43
I'd love to see an Org team at our event. It's easy to register, you can do it all online.

Remember, the sooner you register your team, the more time you have for fundraising!

30-Apr-08, 18:10
Teams are now beginning to register so come and join in.

We'll be arranging team captain get togethers to share ideas and co-ordinate fundraising.

This is going to be a great event for all.

07-May-08, 09:04
Hi everyone

I am getting together a team for the Cancer Research Uk Caithness Relay for Life. This is taking place in Thurso on 30th August 2008. I personally appreciate the research that this charity does into finding a cure for cancer and also research into the treatment and the side effect management. I have had surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and would like to do my bit to raise money to ensure this vital research can continue. If anyone would like to make a donation then please PM me. Every donation will be very much appreciated. Thank you in anticipation.

08-May-08, 21:12
Just a quick update....

4 teams have registered online and 15 packs have been given out.

Remember we're also looking for survivors to register to take part in the first lap and be our guests of honour.

Thanks to all

13-May-08, 22:22
Further update.....

We'll hopefully be having launch events in both Wick and Thurso within the next few weeks. Dates are being confirmed.

Focus will be on ways to relax.....

23-May-08, 09:43
There is going to be launch nights in June to promote the Caithness Relay for Life in August, the nights are going to be themed on
Health, Beauty and Relaxation and there is going to be a selection of folk there offering their services.

The Thurso Launch is going to be on Thursday 5th June in the Pentalnd Hotel and the Wick one on Friday 13th June in the Waterfront.

It should be good nights and you should come along, times have yet to be confirmed but keep an eye out for posters or in the whats on slot on the org.

I don't think there will be an entrance fee but there will be a silver collection, bearing in mind that the beauticians etc are giving their services for free.

So come along and support the fight against Cancer.

28-May-08, 09:53

Just an Update on the launch nights

The Thurso one is on the 5th June at 7.30pm in the Pentalnd Hotel, there will be a silver collection at the door, there is a number of local beauticians coming along, to do demonstrations. There will also be information available about the event, so if you are planning on entering a team for the relay come along to the launch night for more information.

The Wick night is on the same theme and is on the 13th June at 7.30pm in the Waterfront.

Come along it should be a good night.

29-May-08, 21:48
Please do come along to our launch nights in Thurso or Wick and find out more about this great event.

Team packs are now available so there's no excuse for not registering your team. Some teams have already started their fundraising!

We will also be doing a bag pack in the Thurso Co-op tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday and will be selling 'Candle of Hope' bags at the Halkirk gala charity night on Thursday 12th June.

01-Jun-08, 13:33
A big thank you to all the helpers and customers during the bag packs in Thurso Co-op on Friday and Saturday.

An excellent amount was raised to help us on our way with the Relay For Life Caithness.

Thanks also to the Co-op themselves for their assistance.

02-Jun-08, 10:30
Hi everyone

Just a quick reminder about the Cancer Research Uk Caithness Relay for Life Launch Nights. The team packs have arrived so why not come along and pick it up and enjoy our evenings of health and beauty and fun. If you want to know more about this fantastic event then please come along to The Pentland Hotel, Thurso on Thursday 5th June at 7.30pm or The Waterfront, Wick on Friday 13th June at 7.30pm. Enjoy a complimentary drink and nibbles and meet others who are taking part in the Relay. Together we can beat cancer.

03-Jun-08, 09:53
Hi everyone

This should be a good night with Indian Head Massage, Yoga, Skin Care, Reiki, Colour Analysis, Health and Beauty.

Silver Collection at door and Raffle.

See you all there

03-Jun-08, 18:29
sounds like a plan - free demonstrations... I'm going!! :D

04-Jun-08, 11:28
Hope your all minding about the launch night in Thurso tomorrow night, it should be a good night and there are going to be quite a few folk there demonstrating:
Denise Imrie - The Magic of Colour
Gorgeous - Beauticians
Health and Beauty Beauticians
Jill Nicholson and Kirsty Windsor - Dounreay Occupational Health Nurses providing advice on Skin Care, Testicular and Prostrate Cancer
Donna Booth – Alternative therapies
Diane Sutherland - Phoenix Cards (sold in aid of Cancer Research)
Margaret Jackson – Reiki and hypnotherapy.

Team packs and information will also be available on the night, so come along and enjoyourselves:D:D

04-Jun-08, 22:17
Should be a good night. An excellent chance to find out all about the Relay for Life and meet others who are getting involved. Hope to see you all there.

05-Jun-08, 23:04
Just wanted to say that The Thurso Launch Night for the Relay for Life was a great success. It was a brill night and very well attended. I am sure the Wick Launch Night which is on Friday 13th June in The Waterfront at 7.30pm will be equally well attended. Well done to all the organisers.

06-Jun-08, 21:08
Thanks 9464! Yes it was an excellent night and we really must thanks all the wonderful people who gave their time for free.

Quite a few of them will be with us again in the Waterfront on the 13th so why not come along. Free demonstrations (massage is great!), lots of great things to buy including gift ideas.

There's even a free glass of wine for all..........:D

07-Jun-08, 01:49
I can't make it but I'm going to light a candle where I am for those I know that's died from cancer.

09-Jun-08, 19:21
Just a quick reminder about the Caithness Relay for Life Wick Launch Night. It will be held in The Waterfront on Friday 13th June at 7.30pm An evening of Health, Beauty and Relaxation.

12-Jun-08, 09:38
Thanks 9464! Yes it was an excellent night and we really must thanks all the wonderful people who gave their time for free.

Quite a few of them will be with us again in the Waterfront on the 13th so why not come along. Free demonstrations (massage is great!), lots of great things to buy including gift ideas.

There's even a free glass of wine for all..........:D

aye it looked like you where enjoying the massage the other night!!!!

Hope you are all remembering about the launch night in the Waterfront tomorrow night at 7.30, the Thurso night was a great night so come along and try and get to the front of the massage que before releyfor life!!!!!

12-Jun-08, 20:32
Oh a massage sounds great, and a free glass of wine, what more could a body want. See you all at the Launch night tomorrow at the Waterfront at 7.30pm

12-Jun-08, 20:37
Did I mention the massage was FREE!!! And fully clothed I might add....:lol:

Come on you orgers out there, get along to the Waterfront tomorrow night.

alistair harper
12-Jun-08, 21:56

My wife taking part in the Relay For Life Caithness 2008 on 31/08/2008 to raise money for Cancer Research UK and would really welcome your support. Its an all night relay from 6pm to 6am.

Please take a moment to sponsor her. It's really easy - you can donate online by credit or debit card at the following address:


All donations are secure and sent electronically to Cancer Research UK. If you are a UK taxpayer, Justgiving will add an automatic 28% bonus to your donation at no cost to you. Please join her in supporting Cancer Research UK and a fabulous cause!

Thanks and best wishes,

15-Jun-08, 15:58
Good luck to your wife's team. Only one question....why aren't you in it? This is not a women only event so all you guys out there can get involved too.

Hope to see all the team captains at the first Team Captain meeting, Watten Hall (cos it's halfway for Wick and Thurso) 24th June at 7.30pm.

Bring all your questions, fundraising ideas and any money you've already raised. We'll also have the team member t-shirts.

20-Jun-08, 10:00

Hope all you Team captains are remembering about the meeting on Tuesday 24th June at 7.30 in Watten Hall, come along with your registration forms and you can collect your team t-shirts.

If you haven't got your team registered yet but are planning on putting in a team come along also as we will be giving out information.

If you don't want to come alone, then feel free to bring another team member with you, and Captains if you can't make it any team member can come and pass the information on to the team.

The point of this meeting is so that we can pass on information to the teams and the teams can ask us questions.

look forward to seeing you there.

23-Jun-08, 19:13

Don't forget the first team captain meeting, Tuesday night in Watten Hall at 7.30pm.

This is your first chance to ask those important questions and pick up your team t-shirts.

See you all there!

26-Jun-08, 19:24
A very successful first team captain meeting was held in Watten on Tuesday night.

There are a lot of team packs out there though that haven't yet been registered. Please try and register as soon as possible so that we can get a good idea of how many tents we're going to have and where to position those that are intending on also fundraising on the night.

We also have a list of fundraising ideas if anyone would like a copy!


03-Jul-08, 21:38
Hi again all

Yes, only 8 weeks until the first ever Relay For Life Caithness!

If you have a team pack but haven't registered yet, what are you waiting for? We need to know how many tent spaces we'll be needing, and those teams fundraising on the night will placed according to their needs.

It's going to be a great night.

There are lots of events happening in Caithness over the next 2 months to raise funds for us, please go along, have some fun and support the teams who are giving their time to help.

13-Jul-08, 21:19
Hi all

There is now less than 7 weeks to the Relay For Life Caithness!

Have you registered your team yet?

There are lots of events taking place to raise valuable life saving funds for the relay so please support as many as you can.

Team Captains, remember to let us know what you're planning for the night itself so we can make sure there's as big a variety of stalls and entertainment for those wonderful people to spend their money on as possible. The more original the better!

More updates soon.

14-Jul-08, 10:55
Hey all,

I'm needing an XL tshirt - can i get one at the next Team Captain Meeting please?

14-Jul-08, 11:09
Hey all,

I'm needing an XL tshirt - can i get one at the next Team Captain Meeting please?

You certainly can, the next team captains meeting is Tuesday 22nd July at 8pm in Watten Hall.

14-Jul-08, 11:14
Calling all Team Captains

The next team captain meeting for the Relay for life is on Tuesday 22nd July at 8pm in Watten Hall.

Come along to get more information, to ask questions, to pick up your team t-shirts and register your team if you haven't done so already.

If you have sold any candle bags then can you please bring them along with you as well.

Hope to see as many of you as possible.

17-Jul-08, 10:53
Hi All

Just to let you know that the relay for life will be having a stall at the County Show in Thurso, we will be selling Candle of Hope bags, and committee members will be manning the stall so caome along and see us and if you have any questions we'll be glad to help.

We'll be in a blue tent close to the flower tent.

Hope to see a few of you

19-Jul-08, 09:03
Just to let you all know there will be a car boot sale in the Castletown Drill Hall, on Sunday 27th July, between 2pm and 4pm.

Tables are £6, If you require a table pm me or txt me on 07875 601552

We hope to have stalls with lots of bargains. Along with tombola, baking stall, teas, Kids stall & face painting.

Friends Team are raising money for Relay for Life, Cancer Research Uk.

Hope you can make it!

21-Jul-08, 14:21
hey there! i'm heading up from aberdeen to do the relay,supposed to go as a survivour and a team member, i'm heading up till thurso on the sat cuz i'm working, what time do i need till be there?

21-Jul-08, 17:54
Hi there

If anyone is looking for a fundraising opportunity, check out www.likisma.org/vitality - you can have a party where 10% of all sales are donated to your charity - Likisma also offer a £50 basket of products that you can raffle off. If anyone is interested, contact me through caithness.org or on the link above :D

22-Jul-08, 12:44
hey there! i'm heading up from aberdeen to do the relay,supposed to go as a survivour and a team member, i'm heading up till thurso on the sat cuz i'm working, what time do i need till be there?


The opening cermoney is at 6pm but as a survivor/team member you'll be required to register beforehand, so if you come an hour or so before hand to get registered and your tent setup.

22-Jul-08, 12:45
Hi All

Just to let you know that the relay for life will be having a stall at the County Show in Thurso, we will be selling Candle of Hope bags, and committee members will be manning the stall so caome along and see us and if you have any questions we'll be glad to help.

We'll be in a blue tent close to the flower tent.

Hope to see a few of you

Hi folks
we had the tent set up on friday night, but unfortunately it blew over through the night and we had to pack it up.

but no fear we shall be at the Halkirk Games next saturday.

24-Jul-08, 10:22
Just to let you know that we now have over 50 teams registered for the relay, its going to be a fun night!!!!

05-Aug-08, 19:28
Hi all

We've been quiet for a while but we're still here!

There's now only 3 weeks to go and things are hotting up. There will be 1 more team captain meeting before the Relay where you'll get lots of information and hopefully we can answer all those niggling questions.

Remember to bring any sold candle bags along to the meeting, or pop them into the Cancer Research shop in Thurso, or give them to any of the committee. We need to get this in before the Relay please as there will be quite a lot to do!

See you all soon.

08-Aug-08, 22:41
When is the next Team Captain Meeting? I haven't read the past few local papers so not sure when it is.

Cheers Guys....

09-Aug-08, 16:01
Hi folks

the next and final team captains meeting is on thursday 14th August at 7.30pm in Watten Hall, we where aware that the last one wasn't great, but rest assured this one is going to be better, as we have a lot of information to pass out. Theres not long now till the event so it is esential that has many captains come along, if the captain can't make it then a team member should come along.

Hope to see you all on Thursday night

09-Aug-08, 18:43
Just a quick message to say that you will be able to have a cup of tea or coffee at the meeting. So please come along. We have lots of information to tell you and we want you to know whats happening at the event. We will be able to answer all your questions. Please remember that this will be cut off point for team names to be included in the official programme, so if you have not yet registered please do so at this meeting. If any teams have any photos of their fundraining events I would appreciate if you could email them to me for possible inclusion in the programme. Please PM me for email address. Thanks

11-Aug-08, 11:08
Come on guys don't be shy with the team photos. I really need them soon. Cheers
See you at the team captains meeting on Thursday 14th in Watten Hall.

14-Aug-08, 11:39
Rememeber the Team Captains meeting tonight. This will be a good meeting and our last chance to answer all your questions on a face to face basis. Please come along, we have lots to tell you all.

17-Aug-08, 13:06
Hello all

Well only 2 WEEKS TO GO!

To the teams out there, you're all doing brilliantly, looking forward to seeing you all on the night. There's going to be some crowd!

Everyone is welcome to come down on the night and support the teams and the survivors. There will be lots going on. Live music, various stalls, food, pipe band, Caithness FM. Lots of lovely things to spend your money on.

You can even just come down to heckle the Committee (but it might cost you! :D).

It all kicks off at 6pm but the Caithness Big Band will be playing from 4pm to get the teams dancing while putting up their tents.

So put the date in your diary....TOGETHER WE WILL BEAT CANCER!

24-Aug-08, 20:15

We can't believe the response to this event. There are now 59 teams registered and almost 90 survivors, absolutely amazing.

Remember that this is an event everyone can join in with. If you're not part of a team or a survivor, pop down to support those who are. Don't forget your pennies though cos there will be plenty of opportunities to part with them.

Come and listen to the live music....Saxifer are on around 7.30pm and a young local band The Chikn Pickers are on around 10pm. Thurso Pipe Band will be there along with Caithness FM.

Watch the spectacle of the balloon race at 9pm, 1000 balloons being released.

Reflect with us at the Candle of Hope ceremony as darkness falls at 9.30pm. Bags are still available from committee members or the Cancer Research UK shop in Thurso. These need to be handed back by Friday if at all possible.

There's going to be lots of fun to be had, bring the kids, your parents, anyone you can find. It's going to be a great night.

See you all Saturday!:D

24-Aug-08, 23:44
CAITHNESS’s 1st Relay for Life
Saturday 30th & Sunday 31st August 2008
4.00pm :- Caithness Big Band - To get everyone Jazzed up and in the mood
5.30pm :- Gentle and fun warm up with Kate Stewart
6.00pm :- Opening Ceremony
Guest Speaker Anne Dunnett, Lord-Lieutenant of Caithness
Cutting of Ribbon followed by Announcement of Survivors
Survivors’ Lap of Honour with members of Thurso Pipe Band
Followed by Survivors’ Reception – Sponsored by Aurora
6.30pm : En Mass Lap with Introduction of all teams
4.00pm - 9.15pm Team Fundraising – lots of fun, Kids Games, Baking, Plants,
Books, Face Painting, Raffles, Balloons, Sumo Wrestling, Stalks,
Tombola, Catering & Refreshments, Lucky Dips, Spit Roast and
much more.
6.30pm– 11pm Music from Local Bands, Thurso Pipe Band & Caithness FM
8.00pm :- Talk - What the money raised is used for by Gillian Smith, Scientist at
Ninewells Hospital, Dundee (20 minutes) to be held in Survivors Tent.
9.00pm :- Balloon Race – release of 1000 Helium filled balloons
9.30pm :- Candles of Hope Ceremony – Lap of Reflection, Introduction, Poem
A Minute Silence followed by Lone Piper and Flare to be let off
10.00pm :- Conga Lap
11.00pm - 5.30am :- Team Entertainment and games, Pyjama Lap, Awareness Lap
5.30am :- Presentation of Certificates
5.45am :- All Teams on the Track – Countdown to Finish
6.00am :- Closing Ceremony – Motivational talk with statistics.
Music – Heather Small “What have you done today to make
you feel proud”

Please note: The times and events listed are subject to change.


25-Aug-08, 17:05
Alternative Vitality will be there too offering back massages and reiki to help keep you going through the night - all donations will go to Cancer Research Relay for Life! Look forward to seeing you all there :D

25-Aug-08, 23:54
Can I book one now. Sounds great.

27-Aug-08, 10:58
There will be live music by Caithness Big Band, Saxifer, Thurso Pipe Band and Chikn Pickers.
Music and chat from Caithness FM. Hope to see you all there. Come along and support the teams and the survivors.

27-Aug-08, 17:25
im in a team for it on sat night and my father in law who hasnt shaved his beard in nearly 15years is shaving his off down there on the night to try and raise some more money so please everyone come down... its for an ace cause :D:D

28-Aug-08, 11:18

I am in a team that is doing the relay on Saturday, but some people have been saying that Thurso FC are playing at home on Saturday, I know that there home games are played at the dammies, was just wondering if that has been changed?

Especially as I know that teams with tents, caravans, etc have to set up between 3 -4.30.

If anyone does know can they let us know.


baggie boy
28-Aug-08, 21:18
thurso have changed there game to castletown @ 3pm

28-Aug-08, 21:42
Thanks for that

29-Aug-08, 14:46
HEY, just a quick reminder that its all happening tomorrow. See you all there.

29-Aug-08, 15:29
Have a great fun day for a great cause; all the best to all those taking part. :)

29-Aug-08, 15:34
Sounds like it will be a good day. Lets hope the weather stays as good for tomorrow as it has been today.

Does anyone know if the Hee Haw donkeys are there for the kids?

Good luck to everybody taking part.

29-Aug-08, 16:14
im taking part, hope weather stays nice... im choked with the cold :(

30-Aug-08, 04:03
I'm going from wick if anyone wants a lift

Anne x
30-Aug-08, 09:48
Good luck to everyone in all the teams hope my pals stay awake;)

30-Aug-08, 10:11
I'm going from wick if anyone wants a lift

What time are you leaving Fran?

30-Aug-08, 10:16
Can someone give me directions please? I'm no use with maps, lol.

30-Aug-08, 10:27
goodluck to everyone, taking part in this worth while cause, hope you all have a great time, and the weather holds for you.

Mr P Cannop
30-Aug-08, 10:43
whats the final events list and times ??

30-Aug-08, 10:50
whats the final events list and times ??
if you go back to page 3 of the thread you will see a full time table of all events taking place.

Mr P Cannop
30-Aug-08, 11:15
is it too late to register ??

30-Aug-08, 11:40
Can someone give me directions please? I'm no use with maps, lol.

Blondie, where are you travelling from? If it is from Wick via the Watten road, turn right at the first traffic lights you come to in Thurso and the dammies is immediately on your left. If you are travelling by bus, alight at Tescos and walk as it is not far. If you get a lift, let the driver worry about the parking!

If you are coming via the Castletown road, as you come into Thurso and down along the river, you will see the dammies on your right. The bus stops at the traffic lights at the sorting office facing the town clock and you can walk back in minutes.

Hopefully the noise and the sight of the crowd will be all the landmarks you need! Enjoy....

30-Aug-08, 20:28
Good luck to every one taking part - i hope the weather stays fine for you - wife and wee straw are taking part - see you all in the morning - second biggest walk in the uk - bet its the best!!!!!!!!!!!

30-Aug-08, 20:44
What an excellent evening for those taking part. Everyone should be very proud of their achievement. Well done Caithness.

30-Aug-08, 22:40
Was down with the kids tonight and was absolutely bowled over by the participants, crowd, and the spirit shown by all. It was a great evening, both weather wise and for its entertainment value.

I can only wish all my best to those taking part, and imagine there will be some weary yet happy people in the morning.

Well done everyone - organisers, teams & supporters.

30-Aug-08, 23:07
Congratulations to the organisers for such a great event. It was wonderful to see 100 survivors walk around the track, and all the candles in bags, so many of them. I even found my one for robbie and really felt he was with me. It was beautiful to see these candles lit all around the track, and 100 baloons were let off.It was an amazing event and i met some wonderful people who have survived cancer and were walking around the track to help others. I was in tears a few times.The atmosphere was great and everyone so friendly. Hope they will organise this every two years or so. well done. I took many pictures but dont know how to get them on here. Neil Fernie was busy with his camera and pictures were being taken for press and tv for monday.I think there will be thousands and thousands of pounds raised from this spectacular event, probably the biggest relay in scotland.

AMAZING TOTAL RAISED SO FAR at sunday morning is £96,000 well done caithness, especially the organisers absolutely amazing

new driver
30-Aug-08, 23:44
Two views from the Thurso Relay for Life. A marvellous atmophere at the Dammies. Let's hope the weather holds overnight.


Candles of Hope

31-Aug-08, 00:03

31-Aug-08, 00:22
Well done to everyone involved with the Relay of Life.

What a brilliant night bringing everyone together to remember, contemplate, fund raise and enjoy.

31-Aug-08, 07:43
Just home! Absoloutely brilliant night! Well done everyone, organisers, survivors and walkers!!!!

alistair harper
31-Aug-08, 07:57
I was down at the dammies with my bucket collecting for my team mates K&Co and i would like to say a big thankyou to everyone who put in a donation and signed my shirt it was a great privalage to be among everyone there. The weather had stayed great and i would like to think someone was looking down on the dammies when 2 big black clouds came overhead but rays of sun broke through.congratulations to everyone involved in the day well done.

31-Aug-08, 09:57
what an amazing night!
im not tired im buzzing from it all
such an emotional night aswell!!
Caithness did us proud

feet are sore tho :D

Mr P Cannop
31-Aug-08, 10:31
Congratulations to the organisers for such a great event. It was wonderful to see 100 survivors walk around the track, and all the candles in bags, so many of them. I even found my one for robbie and really felt he was with me. It was beautiful to see these candles lit all around the track, and 100 baloons were let off.It was an amazing event and i met some wonderful people who have survived cancer and were walking around the track to help others. I was in tears a few times.The atmosphere was great and everyone so friendly. Hope they will organise this every two years or so. well done. I took many pictures but dont know how to get them on here. Neil Fernie was busy with his camera and pictures were being taken for press and tv for monday.I think there will be thousands and thousands of pounds raised from this spectacular event, probably the biggest relay in scotland.

the thurso event was the 2nd biggest in the uk

31-Aug-08, 10:35
Congratulations everyone - it was a wonderful night - emotional and inspiring :D x

31-Aug-08, 11:07
There have been many times when I felt so proud of Caithness - this has topped them all .

Well done ...
and Thank You.


31-Aug-08, 11:29
The sun shone on that special night
Blue shirts gleamed – faces bright
With smiles of joy, Oh what a sight
As they walked o’er the grass in Caithness

Candles flickered as the sun went down
Friends met friends as they strolled around
‘Good to see you’ greetings abound
As they walked o’er the grass in Caithness.

‘Thanks for coming’ and ‘See you again’
Whether it’s sunny or cold with rain,
The Blue Shirts will ne’er restrain
As they walk o’er the grass in Caithness.

31-Aug-08, 11:35
The sun shone on that special night
Blue shirts gleamed – faces bright
With smiles of joy, Oh what a sight
As they walked o’er the grass in Caithness

Candles flickered as the sun went down
Friends met friends as they strolled around
‘Good to see you’ greetings abound
As they walked o’er the grass in Caithness.

‘Thanks for coming’ and ‘See you again’
Whether it’s sunny or cold with rain,
The Blue Shirts will ne’er restrain
As they walk o’er the grass in Caithness.

A lovely poem trinkie, and what a wonderful achievement all round. Everyone that was involved -you should all feel so very proud!:)

Dynamic Sounds
31-Aug-08, 13:28
It was a remarkable event, and the weather could no thave been better for it!
I was there from the start till I hade to go to work and the sight of the people walking was certainly inspirational.

The couple of poems that were read out at the candle of light part were really really poignant.

Went back this morning after work to pick up the lighting and power cables that were used on the stage, and the poor comittee and helpres looked like they had just gone 12 rounds, but they were all still cheery, and still not finished clearing up the dammies, and the toilets.

I heard that the total raised at present is over the £90k mark! That in my opinion isn't just remarkable, but is absolutley fantastic!

Big pat on the back to everyone.

Here's some pictures I took from the stage




31-Aug-08, 15:20
Congratulations and well done to the organisers of the Cancer Research Relay event held in thurso yesterday for raising an amazing £96,000,,,,so far...what a great achievement for all involved. Not forgetting all the walkers, many who went round time after time , in ever increasing numbers as the day/evening went on, It was a great event and i met some lovely people.

Mr P Cannop
31-Aug-08, 15:31
has any one else got any photos from this event ??

31-Aug-08, 15:44
I would like to congratuate everyone who took part in this amazing event. Well done to everyone involved with the Relay of Life. It was a brilliant night in every way bringing everyone together to remember and help fund raise for this well deserved charity.
Three cheers to You

31-Aug-08, 16:24
has any one else got any photos from this event ??

I have. but dont know how to get them on here. Well done to you Paul, I saw you walking around the track.

31-Aug-08, 17:10
brilliant day! really enjoyed it - music, atmospher weather - everything!

31-Aug-08, 17:33
Brilliant Night, well done to all involved, it was a pleasure playing all those 'Choons' to keep you going.


31-Aug-08, 17:38

Pensions United

31-Aug-08, 17:41

31-Aug-08, 17:45

Survivors - An Inspiration to us all.

31-Aug-08, 17:49

31-Aug-08, 17:53
As a member of the Relay for Life Caithness Committee I would like to say a great big thank you to everyone who played a role in the Relay. It was absolutely fantastic to see a record number of survivors walking our lap of honour, followed by all the team members. It was a sight to take your breath away. The candle of hope ceremony was so emotional but brilliant. I was amazed at the complete silence as the inspirational poems were read out and to see all the candles of hope around the track - wow. When we took on this task of organising the Relay we could never have dreamt that it would turn out to be the 2nd Biggest Relay for Life in the UK with regards the team numbers but in our opinion we were number ONE We had the most ever number of survivors and raised the most amount of money. We broke the record of £89,000 and yet the money kept on coming. Wait for it ---over £97,000 was raisied for Cancer Research UK, with more still to come in. Caithness you have done us very proud. Your generosity has been outstanding. Thank you to you all.

31-Aug-08, 17:54

These Guys are at the Top of Their Field (The Field Being The Dammies) - Well Done All.

31-Aug-08, 20:25
As chairperson of the Relay for Life Caithness committee I would like to say thank you Caithness!!! We have never doubted the generosity of the people in our county but this weekend has surpassed our wildest dreams.

To the survivors, you were truly inspirational and your courage and determination to get out there should be a lesson to us all.

To the teams, I looked behind as the committee lead the team lap and the sea of turquoise behind was breathtaking. Be proud of yourselves, you're all amazing.

To the people of Caithness, I cannot begin to thank you for the support you have shown to all our teams in their fundraising prior to, and on the night. You have proved there really is no one like us. I realise many charities have stepped back this year to allow us to fundraise to such a great extent. We are indebted to you all.

To my committee, thank you, thank you, thank you. You have all been outstanding and this could never have happened without all the hard work and commitment you have put in over the months. I pay tribute to you all and your families who I know have been bombarded with this, neglected, roped in and probably never want to hear the word 'relay' again.

To everyone who has donated time, services and help, thank you, it has been overwhelming.

There is still money coming in and we sincerely hope to break the £100,000 mark before our closing deadline.

If anyone has photos from the night, I'd greatly appreciate either them being pm'd to me or put on a disk and popped into the Cancer Research UK shop in Thurso. It would be wonderful to capture this for the future.


31-Aug-08, 22:26
There is a DVD of our event being made and if anyone has photographs which you would like included on this dvd then please PM me and I will arrange the transfer of these piccies to Paul. This can be either via email or on disc. I would appreciate these pictures as soon as possible to allow the dvd to be created soon. Copies of this DVD will be available for sale with all proceeds going to boost our total. Thanks

Mr P Cannop
31-Aug-08, 23:04
There is a DVD of our event being made and if anyone has photographs which you would like included on this dvd then please PM me and I will arrange the transfer of these piccies to Paul. This can be either via email or on disc. I would appreciate these pictures as soon as possible to allow the dvd to be created soon. Copies of this DVD will be available for sale with all proceeds going to boost our total. Thanks

can i get a copy of the dvd and photos too plz ??

31-Aug-08, 23:05
What a day, well done to you all!
http://forum.caithness.org/%3Ca%20href=%22http://s109.photobucket.com/albums/n68/Dazza-AstraSRI/?action=view&current=DSCF7211.jpg%22%20target=%22_blank%22%3E%3 Cimg%20src=%22http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n68/Dazza-AstraSRI/DSCF7211.jpg%22%20border=%220%22%20alt=%22Photobuc ket%22%3E%3C/a%3E

31-Aug-08, 23:27
can i get a copy of the dvd and photos too plz ??

Once the DVD is finished, it will be available on sale for Cancer Research UK.

Mr P Cannop
01-Sep-08, 09:04
is the pipe band on the dvd too and how much will the dvd cost ??

Mr P Cannop
01-Sep-08, 18:17
did anyone else see the short news clip on stv news about 18.15pm ??

01-Sep-08, 21:54
Hi everyone

Does anyone by chance have a piece of video clip of the cutting of the ribbon and the conga lap. If so I would appreciate if you could let me have a copy of it. Many thanks

02-Sep-08, 08:30
did anyone else see the short news clip on stv news about 18.15pm ??


its on at the end :D

02-Sep-08, 13:18
I was very disappointed in the press coverage of the event - it deserved much more publicity

02-Sep-08, 17:17
I have asked the reporter for STV if we can have a copy of the coverage he took to be included on the dvd. He himself was disappointed by how little they used.

02-Sep-08, 18:38
Just to let you know that the total SO FAR has now exceeded.....


We also have a book in the Cancer Research shop in Thurso if anyone would like to record their thoughts and memories of the night for others to share. Please do pop in and leave a message.


02-Sep-08, 18:56
and thanks to you for all your hard work.

02-Sep-08, 19:13
thats truely amazing im soo proud to have been apart of it all

well done everyone !!!

02-Sep-08, 19:17
I was very disappointed in the press coverage of the event - it deserved much more publicity

Probably you'll find that the Courier/Groat will give it great coverage. Its a cause that is close to the hearts of a lot of staff. The Nationals will pick it up from there if they haven't published anything already.;)

02-Sep-08, 19:34
That is fantastic news. I have to agree with Ash it was an amazing event & i am so proud to have been part of it all. Well done Caithness (& Sutherland) for all your support.

02-Sep-08, 20:02
YIPPEE Caithness you have hearts of Gold. Well Done everyone

03-Sep-08, 02:42
I agree. As a former journalistI was schocked that the event only had a few lines tucked away in a corner of the Press and Journal, no pictures, I was very dissapointed.
There should have been interviews and picturesd with the organisers, survivors, and people who have lost loved ones to cancer. there should have been huge coverage. Why was nothing in the sunday Post. I didnt see any Groat reporters there just the P&J one. So I am hoping there will be a dvd.
And what about Lord and Lady thurso who live just up the road, I didnt see them there.

03-Sep-08, 07:39
i watched the bit on news and it wasent worth putting on my son did leg wax for it and the walk.

03-Sep-08, 07:41
I agree. As a former journalistI was schocked that the event only had a few lines tucked away in a corner of the Press and Journal, no pictures, I was very dissapointed.
There should have been interviews and picturesd with the organisers, survivors, and people who have lost loved ones to cancer. there should have been huge coverage. Why was nothing in the sunday Post. I didnt see any Groat reporters there just the P&J one. So I am hoping there will be a dvd.
And what about Lord and Lady thurso who live just up the road, I didnt see them there.

Lord & Lady Thurso were there from the start, standing at the starting line.

03-Sep-08, 08:12
Lord & Lady Thurso were there from the start, standing at the starting line.

Yes, I saw them there too.

Bit harsh to question their commitment to the event just because you didn't see them, Fran.

03-Sep-08, 13:08
What a weekend, I am still buzzing, even more so when I have just heard that we have hit over £103 000, its a crazy amount, where is it going to stop, everyone in Caithness should be so proud and be giving themselves a pat on the back.

I have been reading the comments and I have to agree with them all, the atmosphere was something else, It was me who was given the task of speaking at the Candle of Hope cermonay, and as I was standing on the stage looking out at everyone doing the lap of reflection with the music playing it was taking me all my time to keep focused and not let the emotion hit me, and during the minutes silence you could have heard a pin drop, it was the most silent minute I have ever experienced.

I'm delighted that everyone enjoyed the night, it made it all worth while for us organising it.

03-Sep-08, 13:26
would it be possible for you to print here the poem you read out as we couldn't quite catch it all on the night

03-Sep-08, 15:42
Heres the link to a 6 minute video of the Thurso relay for life event http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obq8QU7AKgQ better than the STV coverage anyway!!!!

Well done everyone who took part!!!! :D

03-Sep-08, 16:23
Thank you for posting this.
So glad someone recorded this fabulous event.

03-Sep-08, 16:25
me to just about to watch it !
just signed the book in the cancer shop aswell
they have two they have one for people who took part in the event and are affected by cancer and one for everyone else
some lovely comments in there :D

03-Sep-08, 19:03
I agree. As a former journalistI was schocked that the event only had a few lines tucked away in a corner of the Press and Journal, no pictures, I was very dissapointed.
There should have been interviews and picturesd with the organisers, survivors, and people who have lost loved ones to cancer. there should have been huge coverage. Why was nothing in the sunday Post. I didnt see any Groat reporters there just the P&J one. So I am hoping there will be a dvd.
And what about Lord and Lady thurso who live just up the road, I didnt see them there.
sad that the local press had their eyes off the ball. this was the greatest for caithness with advance publicity. lord and lady of this manor can not be faulted. they support many small unknown charity works with no publicity.the press more interested in a missing cat. get themself local nose for news .talk to the people.

03-Sep-08, 21:57
would it be possible for you to print here the poem you read out as we couldn't quite catch it all on the night

Every Candle has a name
we're like sailors in the night, being guided by a light
Just a beacon on the shore, giving hope and strength and more.

Walking through this sea of lights, I sense unity and might
The power of passion in this place, every memory has a face

These are loved ones we have known, some still here, but some are gone
In this time, in our own way, as the footsteps melt away

We see love in every flame, like a never-ending chain
and we know, that every candle has a name

Theres a name of the ones who still are here
theres a name of those gone -we still hold dear
theres a name, each one shining in the flames
and i know, that every candle has a name.

footie chick
03-Sep-08, 22:06
Can I just say that the press coverage of this event was pants!!


Anne x
04-Sep-08, 01:07
The sun shone on that special night
Blue shirts gleamed – faces bright
With smiles of joy, Oh what a sight
As they walked o’er the grass in Caithness

Candles flickered as the sun went down
Friends met friends as they strolled around
‘Good to see you’ greetings abound
As they walked o’er the grass in Caithness.

‘Thanks for coming’ and ‘See you again’
Whether it’s sunny or cold with rain,
The Blue Shirts will ne’er restrain
As they walk o’er the grass in Caithness.

great trinkie as usual
and so proud of my pals who did it and well done to all of you great cause

04-Sep-08, 01:39
Yes, I saw them there too.

Bit harsh to question their commitment to the event just because you didn't see them, Fran.

Yes, youre right, my apologies, I didn't see them and would have spoken to them if i had.

05-Sep-08, 09:43
Does anyone have any photos of the Relay which they want included on the DVD? If so please can you email them to me as soon as possible. Does anyone have a video clip of the start and the conga lap. PM me for email address. Many thanks

07-Sep-08, 02:26
http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n68/Dazza-AstraSRI/DSCF7199.jpghttp://forum.caithness.org/%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n68/Dazza-AstraSRI/DSCF7199.jpg%5B/IMG%5Dhttp://forum.caithness.org/%3Ca%20href=%22http://s109.photobucket.com/albums/n68/Dazza-AstraSRI/?action=view&current=DSCF7199.jpg%22%20target=%22_blank%22%3E%3 Cimg%20src=%22http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n68/Dazza-AstraSRI/DSCF7199.jpg%22%20border=%220%22%20alt=%22Photobuc ket%22%3E%3C/a%3E

14-Sep-08, 08:11
Hi all

Thanks for all the wonderful comments and photos you've posted.

There is still money coming in, which is amazing, so we have now broken through........


Thank you all so much.

The dvd will be available soon!