View Full Version : Wanna help write a short story?

The Pepsi Challenge
16-Nov-05, 21:08

Are any of you out there budding writers? Do you have a way with words and want to get involved in a new writing project? If so, then please read on...

Over the next 18 months I will be compiling a series of short stories devised by myself but written by other people. Sound weird? You betcha. For example: I will be giving two different writers a brief of a story that I have concocted: complete with introduction, brief narrative, and summary/moral conclusion. (Think Rod Serling from the Twilight Zone.) Anyway, the difference is, each writer will be “directing” the story in their own unique way. The outcome will, hopefully, be two widely contrasting angles on the same story.

Interested? If so, please send me a sample of your writing - it doesn’t have to be anything serious; a short story, or just some kind of example of how your writing style is. Grammar is not essential. In fact, it’s almost irrelevant. If you can tell a good story it doesn’t matter about your spelling or punctuation. It can even be in Caithness or Edinburgh dialect - ok, perhaps I’ll stop at Aberdonian - it really doesn’t matter.

So - what are you going to get out of this? If anything, it will be a bit of fun, and will be interesting to compare the different variations of the same story. A small Edinburgh publisher that I have a good relationship with will, at the very least, read what I’ve sent. So you never know - your work just might get published. Or in the paper. Hopefully one of them at least.

For more info - or if you want to send me some of your writing - please email me at: [email protected]



16-Nov-05, 21:50
Sounds fun! Hope you get a few takers -- good luck!

The Pepsi Challenge
16-Nov-05, 21:55
Cheers Szin, I hope so, too.