View Full Version : Downloading

07-Apr-08, 13:50
Was just wondering if any of you fellow orgers out there download music? What programs do you use?:cool:

Kevin Milkins
07-Apr-08, 14:17
Was just wondering if any of you fellow orgers out there download music? What programs do you use?:cool:

I have used Lime Wire. Its ok as long as you are running anti virus etc.

07-Apr-08, 14:19
Tried many over the years, but now i steer away from anything peer to peer, All i use these days is good old newsgroups !

07-Apr-08, 14:24
I use itunes and I love it, 79p for a single and £7.99 for an album.

07-Apr-08, 16:53
i think the most important thing about paying for downloads is that its copyright free and not tied to a particular gadget?I agree to all these peer to peer networks are a waste of time and u dont no what else your getting with your downloads eg virus and spyware more hasstle than its worth.

07-Apr-08, 16:55
I use itunes and I love it, 79p for a single and £7.99 for an album.

If its £7.99 for a download album i would sooner pay a couple of pounds more and have it on cd for life.

07-Apr-08, 17:31
The thing about P2P and newsgroups is that there are audio files on there, not just music, that are not available from paysites because, perhaps, they haven't been released on cd or have been discontinued or are too obscure.

I've downloaded many audio files and music tracks that I could never have gotten from paysites due to lack of choice.

Of course there is always the possibility of downloading virus's and trojan's, I've downloaded several myself over the years, but my anti-virus program and spyware-checker have always collared them at the point of entry and quarantined them immediately. It has never been an issue on any of the computers I have owned.

07-Apr-08, 17:51
I use MP3 rocket, I can download a whole album in under ten minutes for free, I use decent ant-ivirus and anti-spyware so have no problems

07-Apr-08, 18:12
Most of the content shared through these p2p programmes is illegal, yu can be easily traced if you don't know what you are doing and not worth the hassle of a possible court appearance for breach of copywrite.
All a bit of fun getting your movies and music for free until you are caught.

Kevin Milkins
07-Apr-08, 18:23
Most of the content shared through these p2p programmes is illegal, yu can be easily traced if you don't know what you are doing and not worth the hassle of a possible court appearance for breach of copywrite.
All a bit of fun getting your movies and music for free until you are caught.

Hey Lilly ,you are not from the music police are you and trying to set us up for a fall.

And on the 7th of April your honor I posted on the org a thread asking people to admit to illegal downloading .lol:lol:

percy toboggan
07-Apr-08, 18:24
Despite embracing internet and pc.'s at a relatively early stage this is one route I won't go down.
I don't buy much music these days but that which I do is in the traditional c.d. format...itself a poor substitute for someone who has a fair few original gatefold albums amongst a modest vinyl collection.

Downloading music is too abstract a step for me...but then I'm relatively auld at 56, and can remember more (for me) satisfactory times.

07-Apr-08, 18:29
Hey Lilly ,you are not from the music police are you and trying to set us up for a fall.

And on the 7th of April your honor I posted on the org a thread asking people to admit to illegal downloading .lol:lol:You never know, Lilly may be an agent for the dreaded MPAA.

Kevin Milkins
07-Apr-08, 18:30
Despite embracing internet and pc.'s at a relatively early stage this is one route I won't go down.
I don't buy much music these days but that which I do is in the traditional c.d. format...itself a poor substitute for someone who has a fair few original gatefold albums amongst a modest vinyl collection.

Downloading music is too abstract a step for me...but then I'm relatively auld at 56, and can remember more (for me) satisfactory times.

The only way that us old uns are going to satisfy our taste in music is to find it P2P. Most of the stuff I have downloaded ,you would never have found it anywhere else.

07-Apr-08, 18:35
The only way that us old uns are going to satisfy our taste in music is to find it P2P. Most of the stuff I have downloaded ,you would never have found it anywhere else.What would you say if they traced you, "Milly made me do it"?[lol]

Kevin Milkins
07-Apr-08, 18:43
What would you say if they traced you, "Milly made me do it"?[lol]
It wasn't me sarge,honest. I left my lap top on the carpet while I was making a cup of tea and my boxer dog must have been licking the key boared. I dont even like Max Boyce ,Honest.;

07-Apr-08, 18:43
Can someone explain how easy it is to trace someone?


PS I have bought loads more CDs in the last few years after listening to bands music I downloaded through IRC.


07-Apr-08, 18:45
Aviod P2P as you are technically shring while you downlaod it, it's the sharing it part which is illeagal, however if you can find a good direct download your covered as of yet there are no laws against downlaoding copyrighted materail only sharing and distributing it.

07-Apr-08, 19:05
Can someone explain how easy it is to trace someone?


PS I have bought loads more CDs in the last few years after listening to bands music I downloaded through IRC.

:)When you connect to a p2p network your IP is available to whoever you connect to.

07-Apr-08, 20:14
Really, and how does that allow them to trace you?


07-Apr-08, 20:28
Really, and how does that allow them to trace you?

:)The ip can be traced to an isp and a court order would get any information an agency needed to go forward with a prosecution.

07-Apr-08, 20:51
The ip can be traced to an isp and a court order would get any information an agency needed to go forward with a prosecution.

This only happens though if you connect to a government computer which is "pretending" to have the file, just so it can trap you. Which raises the whole ethical question of "Were they downloading illegal content if you didn't actually have the file?" etc.

07-Apr-08, 21:05
This only happens though if you connect to a government computer which is "pretending" to have the file, just so it can trap you. Which raises the whole ethical question of "Were they downloading illegal content if you didn't actually have the file?" etc.Not necessarily if you are downloading from a torrent site then your ip is logged and the agency got hold of their database then through the bittorrent nature of ratio based sharing you could still be prosecuted.

12-Apr-08, 02:13
Whenever I am logged into a P2P network I can view all the IP addresses also downloading. Quite interesting, especially if you run a quick scan on them and see what country they are in.

I stopped downloading a while ago as I found that I could make money from watching films.

Its simple, go to Tesco and buy DVD. Watch DVD. Put DVD on amazon and sell it for £1 more than you paid for it.

12-Apr-08, 08:47
Not necessarily if you are downloading from a torrent site then your ip is logged and the agency got hold of their database then through the bittorrent nature of ratio based sharing you could still be prosecuted.

So what if you use a server based in a country where it is nigh on impossible for the authorities/agencies to gain access to any information identifying you; let alone liable to lead to a prosecution?


12-Apr-08, 12:31
Can someone explain how easy it is to trace someone?


PS I have bought loads more CDs in the last few years after listening to bands music I downloaded through IRC.

when u go on the internet every one has an ip address they trace u through that it is possible for police to no every single page u have been on and what u have downloaded in the last year if they want to and every thing u do on your computer no matter if u erase it it is still on ure hard drive?
The only reason people that download illegal music or software get away with it is because fraud squadas are only interested in getting the big fish there not really concentrating on the person that downloads now and again
I personally think its a waste of time downloading pirate software more trouble than its worth

12-Apr-08, 12:33
Whenever I am logged into a P2P network I can view all the IP addresses also downloading. Quite interesting, especially if you run a quick scan on them and see what country they are in.

I stopped downloading a while ago as I found that I could make money from watching films.

Its simple, go to Tesco and buy DVD. Watch DVD. Put DVD on amazon and sell it for £1 more than you paid for it.

even better wait a while after the release go to tescos when its down to £3

12-Apr-08, 12:41
I personally think its a waste of time downloading pirate software more trouble than its worth

It helped me learn how to build my boat and pressgang a crew!


12-Apr-08, 13:38
when u go on the internet every one has an ip address they trace u through that it is possible for police to no every single page u have been on and what u have downloaded in the last year if they want to and every thing u do on your computer no matter if u erase it it is still on ure hard drive?

To gain access to that information, the Police need access to your computer. They cannot get their hands on your computer without a warrant.

However, once they do then all the info they need is contained in those .dat files, and is fairly easily recovered, even if the .dat files have been deleted.

The only reason people that download illegal music or software get away with it is because fraud squadas are only interested in getting the big fish there not really concentrating on the person that downloads now and again
I personally think its a waste of time downloading pirate software more trouble than its worth

"Fraud squads" have nothing to do with it.

There will be very few actual prosecutions of software/music piracy.

What is happening is that the Government are pushing the ISPs to remove persistent offenders from their networks permanently. The rights holder (or their representatives) scan the IP addresses of torrent users, and issue a demand to the ISP that they warn the user to stop. The third time they warn you, you are disconnected from your ISP permanently.

They won't even have to prove that you have been downloading or sharing copyrighted material, as they will not be making criminal or even civil charges. It'll all be covered by your ISP's Terms & Conditions.

13-Apr-08, 05:20
Was just wondering if any of you fellow orgers out there download music? What programs do you use?:cool:
I use CNET Download.com,they have a great selection,I go to the celtic section and download lots of songs & Music most of them free,worth a look Regards Robin http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

13-Apr-08, 09:12
I personally think its a waste of time downloading pirate software more trouble than its worth

It helped me learn how to build my boat and pressgang a crew!


Brilliant one-liner [lol]