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View Full Version : Recycle, re-use or preserve - another wedding dress thread

07-Apr-08, 10:33
OK so we have deciced a wedding dress shop up here would be handy and we are making up our minds as to how much we want to pay for the privellage.

What I am interested in is what we do with our dresses once the big day is over.

I am not in a possition that I could cut my dress up to make a christening gown, nor in a position to hand it down to be worn at my childs wedding, unless of course my son is into frilly lace lol

What have you done with your dress???

Any ideas as to what I could use mine for, I am fed up of it taking up room, but don't wan't to just chuck it in the bin.

07-Apr-08, 10:36
I can't give you any ideas, I'm afraid!

I kept my wedding dress as well. It's safely packed away in a special box in the wardrobe. It takes up a lot of space, but I just can't bear to part with it!

I'm in the same position - I don't think my son will want the dress in years to come either! :eek::lol:

07-Apr-08, 11:12
I can't give you any ideas, I'm afraid!

I kept my wedding dress as well. It's safely packed away in a special box in the wardrobe. It takes up a lot of space, but I just can't bear to part with it!

I'm in the same position - I don't think my son will want the dress in years to come either!

How about hiring your dresses out? It seems a shame to spend so much money and only see it worn the once. If you could all start a hiring ring, some of you letting your phone numbers be used for the initial enquiry, ask friends etc., for dress donations but not necessarily storing them, just making sure that they are dry-cleaned and ready to wear, then each owner still has their dress but with the option of seeing someone else get the pleasure of wearing it.

Make up a leaflet of pictures of the dresses for hire giving sizes, material etc., and then the prospective bride chooses one of her liking. Maybe have a special thread on the org....with pictures...

What a good excuse for the money you spend on your dress eh? "But darling, I am only doing my bit for the environment". :lol:

I must admit I am amazed at what people spend on their dresses; and yes I know, it's their special day etc., etc., but wouldn't it be good to see someone wear your dress and enjoy the experience and still be able to have it back....

Once someone starts the ball rolling and it becomes the thing to hire a dress I would hope that common sense prevails and it becomes as common as the groom hiring his kilt! After all, it's the people who matter, not the finery.

I know sentiment is very important but imagine the good feeling you get by doing your bit for recycling.....;)

07-Apr-08, 11:48
Hiring a dress is a brilliant idea. But I would feel so rotten if I managed to stain or spoil someone elses precious wedding dress. :( I wouldn't feel just so bad if it a shop hire though as the owner wouldn't be so sentimental about it.

07-Apr-08, 12:07
My wedding dress was hanging in the wardrobe when my daughters found it playing hide and seek so gave it to my girls to play dress up with. (This was a few years ago) They had hours and hours of fun with it and with my bridesmaid's dress from my sister's wedding too. It's been used in a local play as well. What's the point in no-one else getting any enjoyment from it. It's now 22 years old, I'll never fit into it again and I doubt very much if the girls will want it. My neices now dress up in it when they come to stay.

07-Apr-08, 13:34
I know when my mum was a bridesmaid as a child my gran had her dress and her sisters dresses scaled down and put onto china dolls. Think she still has them in the loft somewhere. Thought this was a really nice idea.

07-Apr-08, 13:35
Hiring a dress is a brilliant idea. But I would feel so rotten if I managed to stain or spoil someone elses precious wedding dress. :( I wouldn't feel just so bad if it a shop hire though as the owner wouldn't be so sentimental about it.

Yes, I know what you mean about spoiling someone else's dress but I suppose by the time they have agreed to hire it out they will be aware of what may happen....:)

07-Apr-08, 13:37
My wedding dress was hanging in the wardrobe when my daughters found it playing hide and seek so gave it to my girls to play dress up with. (This was a few years ago) They had hours and hours of fun with it and with my bridesmaid's dress from my sister's wedding too. It's been used in a local play as well. What's the point in no-one else getting any enjoyment from it. It's now 22 years old, I'll never fit into it again and I doubt very much if the girls will want it. My neices now dress up in it when they come to stay.

I think that is a wonderful idea; little girls playing at dressing up and in such fine dresses! Good for you; look at the happiness it has brought...:)

07-Apr-08, 13:39
I know when my mum was a bridesmaid as a child my gran had her dress and her sisters dresses scaled down and put onto china dolls. Think she still has them in the loft somewhere. Thought this was a really nice idea.

Now there's another lovely idea; great keepsake without the bulk. Another business idea....:)

07-Apr-08, 13:42
Mine is lying in a box keep saying I'll get rid of it but its still there, getting rid of the ex that went with it was easier.LOL

07-Apr-08, 14:08
The dress was converted to a ball gown , the coat needed no alteration, I wore both several times and loaned the coat more than once.
My daughter had a lovely bridesmaid's dress that we dyed burgundy red and she used it for a couple of formal balls.
All have now saddly been disposed of, as there was no way that I would fit into either and my daughter thought she could not keep wearing the same outfit.
It seems such a shame that we cling onto these things and don't use them although I will admit to having my late mother-in-laws full length veil packed in tissue until such time as I can decided what to do with such a delicate item.

07-Apr-08, 14:15
I still have mine as my daughters say they would love to wear it for there weddings, so looks like i will be keeping hold of mine for a long time yet..And its the only frock i own, and its the first time ive worn one so its probably a sentimental thing i have for my dress......

07-Apr-08, 14:22
curtains..dolls clothes..restyled into something you would wear..mine is still waiting to be cleaned after my wedding in 2003 been stuffed into a bag in the wardrobe and not even looked at since...feeling guilty now might look into drycleaners again...

mums angels
07-Apr-08, 15:03
Mines hanging in the wardrobe doing nothing but as its a very simple dress i hope that my daughter might like to wear it to her 6th year ball or something as its suitable for that if it was dyed and it shouldn't date by then. :lol:

i have my daughters bridesmaid dress and we bought the whole bonnie prince charlie kilt outfit for my son and i would never part with them but have lent out the kilt on occasion . i was told by many a person that i was wasting money on it but it means more to me than my wedding dress :lol:

07-Apr-08, 15:20
I imagine you could make a lovely pram set or cot set out of a wedding dress.