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View Full Version : Java update

05-Apr-08, 19:47
I've had a little icon popping up in the corner of my screen for some days now telling me a Java update is available - it's Jave 6 update 5. Looking in my Program Files I seem to have j2re1.4.2_03 and jre1.6.0_03 (the former is older). Looked at More Information on the window that opens if I click the icon and there's a link to Installation Instructions which isn't instructions at all but links to lots of stuff I don't understand and there seem to be masses of things that can go wrong. Is it OK to instal? Is it OK not to instal? Can't make up my mind which is worse.

05-Apr-08, 21:14
Is this the page the updater icon sends you to?


If so, it would appear to be legitimate. It would be prudent to update your version of Java ASAP.

06-Apr-08, 19:41
Thanks Metal. Funny, having been there for days I've lost the little icon now. Anyway I went back into History and this was where it took me

I scrolled down and clicked the Installation Instructions link and that's where I just didn't know what to look at or what they were talking about. I see the same link is on the next page of the one you sent so it's all the same except yours looks friendlier initially. However there is still the nasty bit after it's installed about configuring it - so complicated :~( .

Do sometimes wish programmers would realise we don't all want these techy complications. I'm reasonably literate (although obviously becoming less so) but heaven help anyone who isn't.