View Full Version : E-Mail hoax

02-Apr-08, 08:58
I just recieved an email claiming to be from Lloyds TSB advising me to activate my online banking and give details of my account or it will be suspended. I do not have an account with this bank so i think it must be a hoax. The email looked professional so some people may think it is the real thing.

02-Apr-08, 09:35
I have had quite a few of these recently too, from HSBC and also Halifax (who I do have an account with) have reported the Halifax one and then deleted all of them.

Quite sure they cannot be genuine, because I don't have an account with HSBC, taking no chances anyway and not replying to any of them!

02-Apr-08, 09:45
I have forwarded the email on to Lloyds as they have an email address on their web site to forward any emails that you think may be scams.

02-Apr-08, 10:50
banks never ask you for acount details in emails, but no doubt there will be a few people who think these are genuine and do as they have been advised.

02-Apr-08, 14:50
If any bank has a genuine reason to contact you, they will not email you. If you receive and email from a bank, delete it unless you've signed up for online banking but be careful.

If they need to contact you with regards to something important, they will phone or send a letter in the post.

02-Apr-08, 15:01
I know banks do not contact customers in this way, this is simply just a warning for anyone else who receives this email as it could look like it is genuine to some people. Lloyds TSB scams team have informed me that it was a fraudulent email and it is being sent to customers and non-customers of the bank, if you receive one of these you are advised to delete it straight away and do not follow any links on the page as these may contain a virus.

02-Apr-08, 15:09
I seem to be getting a lot of these e-mails in just now as well, from the bank I am with as well as other banks!
When I first got one from which I thought was our bank, I phoned them up to see what they thought but it is just scams! You have to be so careful and like someone said you may think they are genuine and end up giving your bank details to people or ending up with a virus!
Katy x

02-Apr-08, 15:10
If the email does not say 'mrs X' or whatever, but just 'dear customer' or 'dear client' bin it or better still copy message source and send to spamcop - I've done three RBS ones today and they all are from Russia..

02-Apr-08, 15:17
If the email does not say 'mrs X' or whatever, but just 'dear customer' or 'dear client' bin it or better still copy message source and send to spamcop - I've done three RBS ones today and they all are from Russia..

Where is the best place to send them to Bekisman?
Katy x

Highland Laddie
02-Apr-08, 15:44
HBOS addy is ([email protected])

02-Apr-08, 16:09
You can send them - select and copy message source - and paste on the spamcop site.. you can contact the various security sections of the banks/building societies, but with Spamcop they firstly scan them, show you the results and then deal with them, usually they show that they will also forward them to the Bank etc concerned.. So click on http://www.spamcop.net/ (http://www.spamcop.net/) and register (it's free although you can pay for a faster service)..
I'm no expert but it's nice sometimes when I paste in, Spamcop comes back to tell me that that particular site was disconnected/sorted out earlier

02-Apr-08, 18:07
it is a hoax no banks will send u an email asking for personal details what a lot people forget they should not take the webpage for being real u should always look at the address bar at the top in your internet explore and check the website address?

02-Apr-08, 20:07
I've had lots of these as well. Don't open them at all - simply delete them immediately.

04-Apr-08, 11:50
Ricco, Good advice. I reported this on the org some while ago and have since deleted hundreds of them from my inbox. They are well done though and some folk would be easily taken in, especially if they deal with the bank the letter appears to have come from.

04-Apr-08, 12:30
we recieve them aswell and i just mark them as spam..then everytime they come in they go straight to the trash department.Best place for them.:confused

04-Apr-08, 13:43
I've got them all marked as spam which means they appear in the folder in plain text....much easier to spot they are a hoax without all the bank branding on them. Report them all I say, One day I got 14 all purporting to be from Halifax!

04-Apr-08, 23:36
I've had several of these. The first one, allegedly from the Halifax, gave a phone number to ring which was very similar to the ones Halifax use and also an email address to contact. I've never banked with Halifax so that sort of gave a clue something was wrong.

I take it that the original Scam didn't catch enough fish because the emails were very quickly altered to the "One Click" kind which is the more tempting method because it can be used without you having to put your brain into action.

The subsequent ones claimed to be from various banks, all with accurate copies of the bank's logos etc. I would suspect that quite a few people who got the first email with their own bank's heading will have been trapped.

05-Apr-08, 10:50
Delete all e-mails you recieve from anyone you dont know.

They are mostly scams or contain a virus.

Dont take the risk. Ashes

05-Apr-08, 12:04
I get these emails regularly...commonly known as Phishing - not so much from banking but from the likes of Paypal or ebay...you know, like a message from someone saying they didn't win an item you were bidding on, but I was not bidding on anything...if you followed the links in the email it usually was VERY SIMILAR to the real thing...

Best thing is to forward to the "Spoof" dept at ebay or paypal...
