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View Full Version : Lost/Stolen Wallet

25-Mar-08, 21:32
My son was at Wick Tesco's today and lost his wallet. It has not been handed in to Tesco's. If whoever took it happens to be reading this as you will know there wasn't much in it and we are not worrried about the money you can keep it but if you still have the wallet and the other personal things that were in it, we would be very grateful if you could leave it at the Service desk in Tesco's or somewhere that we might eventually get it back. Please please think about it as the things that were in the wallet he needs.
We would be really grateful especially our son. If you got rid off the wallet and its contents could you please find a way to let us know.
I did phone Tesco's tonight to ask them if it had been handed in and I also asked them if there was any chance that they could look in the bins to see if it had been dumped but the guy I spoke to on the Service Desk basically wasn't much help and he had no intention of getting someone to check the bins so if you have dumped the wallet and contents into the bin could you please find a way to let us know.

25-Mar-08, 21:46
sorry to hear about this it sound like there was important personal things in the wallet i hope you get it returned to you soon.

25-Mar-08, 21:52
sorry to hear about your son's loss, nothing worse than that feeling. Especially if it was stolen. horrible feeling but try not to dwell on it too much. Had purse nicked on night out with £80 in it but lucky I always leave cards and stuff at home. Hope he gets it back but if not put it down to experience.

26-Mar-08, 11:20
what a shame..hope he gets it back ..did he look under the shelving in tesco's...last time i was in the shop someone was on hands and knees looking for a purse and it was found on the floor under the shelves..