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View Full Version : How do you relax/cheer yourself up?

25-Mar-08, 10:38
What are your methods to help relieve stress and to relax, as well as to cheer yourself up?

I'm about to have a LONG bath with laveder bath oil and some warm amber incense sticks while I see the snow drift down outside the window. Might get some music put on as well. Will probably end up asleep and then wake up in cold water! Never mind! :lol:

Sorry if some see this as a pointless thread, but I am genuinely wanting to know some more techniques so I can try them out myself.


25-Mar-08, 10:51
i do lots to relax, if its in the evening a have a really hot bath, candles and wine

during day i take the dog out for a long way,silly i know but it relaxes me, other times i make a big mug of milky coffee and curl up on sofa or in bed with a book or a magazine........ chilling out watching dvds is good aswell

25-Mar-08, 11:33
Cheers Ash! The coffee idea sounds good!

Might try it in a minute, who am I kidding.....I always drink coffee! ><

Just had bath with olive oil, lavender oil and aromatherapy oil....it didn't help, and then I nearly broke my neck thanks to the slippy olive oil!

25-Mar-08, 11:45
Cheers Ash! The coffee idea sounds good!

Might try it in a minute, who am I kidding.....I always drink coffee! ><

Just had bath with olive oil, lavender oil and aromatherapy oil....it didn't help, and then I nearly broke my neck thanks to the slippy olive oil!

First time Rob Ive ever heard of anyone having a bath with olive oil[lol]

Loch not Lock
25-Mar-08, 11:46
Unfortunately Prozac and Diazepam as I no longer drink alcohol. Then watch live horse racing on TV - a thrill every 10 minutes.:(:)

25-Mar-08, 11:47
First time Rob Ive ever heard of anyone having a bath with olive oil[lol]

I don't know...sure popeye must have at some point...:lol:

Loch not Lock
25-Mar-08, 11:48
First time Rob Ive ever heard of anyone having a bath with olive oil[lol]

Popeye did.

25-Mar-08, 11:49
I don't know...sure popeye must have at some point...:lol:
[lol] That's a good one lazytown. You're quicker than me on a Tuesday morning.

25-Mar-08, 11:50

Venture if you google it you will see it softens your skin and hair....as well as making the bath slippy! Just make sure you don't put too much in or it'll just clag you in greasiness! Yack!

Try it sometime, it really makes you feel soothed! Make sre you add another oil with a strong aroma though...or you smell like a deep fat fryer afterwards!

25-Mar-08, 12:02

Venture if you google it you will see it softens your skin and hair....as well as making the bath slippy! Just make sure you don't put too much in or it'll just clag you in greasiness! Yack!

Try it sometime, it really makes you feel soothed! Make sre you add another oil with a strong aroma though...or you smell like a deep fat fryer afterwards!

Thanks Rob I am aware that olive oil is good for your skin and hair but you're not supposed to sit in it. The idea is to use it on your hair when you wash it along with another fragranced oil and then rinse it out. The same applies to your skin a couple of drops with a moisturiser. Oil and water dont mix so I cant imagine what its like to sit in a bath with oil floating on the top. Plus its dangerous and very slippy if it gets on the floor.

25-Mar-08, 12:05
Thanks Rob I am aware that olive oil is good for your skin and hair but you're not supposed to sit in it. The idea is to use it on your hair when you wash it along with another fragranced oil and then rinse it out. The same applies to your skin a couple of drops with a moisturiser. Oil and water dont mix so I cant imagine what its like to sit in a bath with oil floating on the top. Plus its dangerous and very slippy if it gets on the floor.

I found quite a few sites that reccommened adding it to bath water along with scented oils and it worked a treat!

My skin is now soft and I'm delighted with the smoothness of my hair!

I did find it quite slippy though, hence why I suggested not to put too much in. I'll take your advice too though and try it outwith the bath on my skin and let you know how that goes.


25-Mar-08, 12:42
Make sre you add another oil with a strong aroma though...or you smell like a deep fat fryer afterwards!

Crikey, is that what the sophisticated palate of the Caithness chippy customer demands these days?

Sandra's and Robin's are awash with the fruits of the Mediterranean olive groves? By jings!

Have you tried Crisp'n'Dry? I swear by it; having lost, literally, pounds a time putting it in my bath. Perhaps we could club together and get it cheaper wholesale.


25-Mar-08, 15:12
Crikey, is that what the sophisticated palate of the Caithness chippy customer demands these days?

Sandra's and Robin's are awash with the fruits of the Mediterranean olive groves? By jings!

Have you tried Crisp'n'Dry? I swear by it; having lost, literally, pounds a time putting it in my bath. Perhaps we could club together and get it cheaper wholesale.


I wish the chippy used olive oil!

Well maybe that sounds like a suitable idea...

25-Mar-08, 15:42
Nothing to do with the thread Rob but why has your post count been stuck at 984 for so long and not increasing ?

25-Mar-08, 15:47
It's not stuck venture.

25-Mar-08, 15:52
Excuse my stupidity I didn't realise that the number changes on every post you have each time you post. If that makes sense.

25-Mar-08, 15:53
Venture the post count increases with each post...no worries for going off thread! ><

25-Mar-08, 16:06
Yes I know that but I didnt realise that the running total changes on every post in every thread you go on each time you post. I dont even know if that makes sense to me now never mind anyone else[lol] Just forget I asked the question. lol

25-Mar-08, 16:09
No worries venture. I understand what you mean!

You mean does an old post display the current post count or the post count at the time of posting?

It displays the current post count.

So ALL posts you have done will currently have posts: 517.

25-Mar-08, 16:20
Only 10 posts to go Rob to reach the magical 1000 mark.

25-Mar-08, 16:28
so how is your post stuck on 990..or am i having a blond moment...

25-Mar-08, 16:29
You learn something new every day didn't notice that before. :eek: Well lets get back to the thread.

Are you now de-stressed and relaxed? Why are you stuck inside and not out with your mates? Its the holidays. Get out and have a good snowball fight that'll relieve the stress.

25-Mar-08, 16:32
so how is your post stuck on 990..or am i having a blond moment...
Dont worry about it ciderally I had one too[lol]

25-Mar-08, 16:34
i just thought it went up one with every post done...not every thread done...
im just editing this as mine has went up one on this posting ...so how is robs stuck on 990
or am i being platum blond now.....tee hee

percy toboggan
25-Mar-08, 20:07
My diet is usually fairly healthy but on occassion - like tonight MrsT. cooked us up a fine blend of Birds-Eye beefburgers, frayed eggs (cos we're posh like) , beans.... and proper oven chips. It's cheered me up no end.

Later I'll be having a bath...no lavender oils no candles no nowt 'cept for me little clockwork radio from Tesco which I'll wind up whilst sat on t'lavvy beforehand. Oh...and a few bubbles if there's any left.

Then I'll have a cup o'tea and go to bed about half nine - happy as Larry.

25-Mar-08, 20:22
put me in the mood for a bath the night. its nice and relaxing in the bath another way i get stress free is by baking cakes.

25-Mar-08, 20:28
Rob go careful with that oil in the bath! Put 6 drops of lavender oil in a desert spoon of milk and then run it in with the bath and that disperses the oil through the water without the slipperyness. I know it sounds yucky but is very affective and no accidents! and before anyone says 'won't the milk leave a smell', it doesn't. Was told to do this by a health professional to help the healing process years ago and it worked a treat.

To relax I meditate, play music, read or do embroidery.

Highland Laddie
25-Mar-08, 20:35
read the org, that's usually good for a laugh.

25-Mar-08, 22:20
nowt 'cept for me little clockwork radio from Tesco which I'll wind up whilst sat on t'lavvy beforehand.

There is no chance that will fall in and give you a heart stopping shock then!


26-Mar-08, 09:34
Only 10 posts to go Rob to reach the magical 1000 mark.

:) I never actually noticed that! So quality how do you relax and de-stress yourself?

26-Mar-08, 17:03
if im stressed i find a wee game o wii boxing helps lol.to relax i like a game o guitar hero 3 or a wee game o fifa

26-Mar-08, 17:07
if im stressed i find a wee game o wii boxing helps lol.to relax i like a game o guitar hero 3 or a wee game o fifa

What about if you're upset, how do you get your mind off it?

26-Mar-08, 17:17
im never really upset am usually a fun cheery guy lol

26-Mar-08, 17:23
lol well thanks for that! :)

What does everyone do when they're UPSET?

percy toboggan
26-Mar-08, 17:56
There is no chance that will fall in and give you a heart stopping shock then!

No, none at all.
Even fully wound up it amounts to negligible lecky.
I could of course buy batteries but it's so rewarding to get
sound out of the thing for nothing more than some deft wrist action.

I'm warming to you slightly boozer but on another thread you used the word 'dude'...please dunna do it again eh? ;):roll:

26-Mar-08, 18:04
on another thread you used the word 'dude'...please dunna do it again eh?

Dude, is that like, 'Reverse Psychology'?

You know, dude, when you see those films and they use a thing to electrocute people, like an old telephone? I wonder how much voltage they generate...

I find a glass of wine and the newspaper is the best company in the bath.


26-Mar-08, 18:05
A wee dram and a blast on World of Warcraft for me when the weather is bad. A nice bike ride around Loch Calder with a wee pack-up and a flask when it is nice.

26-Mar-08, 18:39
I find a glass of wine and the newspaper is the best company in the bath.


I only buy the John O'Groat Journal and I can't see how I could read that in the bath without giving it a dunking! :lol:

To relax I like to light the sitting room fire, turn on some music (not too loud) and curl up in the armchair with a good book.


If I'm annoyed or upset about something, I crank the music up loud, dance around the place like a nutcase, thinking I'm God's gift to dance (no mirror in the sitting room to ruin my illusion) and then flop on the settee with a cuppa.