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12-Nov-05, 20:06
I've just noticed that CCTV cameras are being installed in Wick. I've noticed only 2, don't know if there are any more. Maybe these will sort out a lot of problems like vandalism and fights, etc.

12-Nov-05, 20:10
Its just a pity they wouldnt invest in mobile cctv to sort out areas were crime is happening in resdiential areas.

12-Nov-05, 20:15
I've just noticed that CCTV cameras are being installed in Wick. I've noticed only 2, don't know if there are any more. Maybe these will sort out a lot of problems like vandalism and fights, etc.
yeah i know i hope it does short them out.
They should also have them in wick high school

12-Nov-05, 20:47
No way. i wudnt like 2 be in a class wey cameras

12-Nov-05, 20:50
i know the feeling but do you think ppl want to be in the street with cameras as well eh.
When they are finished putting cameras in Wick i think Thurso should get more especialy on the foot bridge now

12-Nov-05, 20:51
Thurso has quite a lot jst now. Are there more than 2 in Wick?

12-Nov-05, 20:56
yeah i know but i mean on the foot bridge, victorian walk and the schools

12-Nov-05, 23:07
Beware Hooligans!!!! Big Brother is watching you, the camera`s i know about are at the camps car park, the hospital rear car park, the Hospital Brae looking down Bridge street. If i see anymore illlet you all know

12-Nov-05, 23:16
There's a camera at the car park behind the dentist

12-Nov-05, 23:19
why would they need any at Victoria Walk. If people who were inebriated would stay away from it there would be no probs

12-Nov-05, 23:21
yeah i know but what would you rather have more suacides or a camera?

12-Nov-05, 23:23
Ah but there not suicides just to much drams.

12-Nov-05, 23:24
Is Victoria walk in Wick?????? No, well whats it got to do with WK cctv????? Yer on the wrong channel darling:p

12-Nov-05, 23:25
yeah but that person they found at victoria walk, she had a letter with her as well so she might have been drunk but we cant be sure

12-Nov-05, 23:26
but i just said after wick they should put some in thurso then it just turnt into thurso

12-Nov-05, 23:28
Maybe darling, but they don't make enough CCTV cameras in the world that would cover all Wicks Probs

12-Nov-05, 23:29
but Thurso has had CCTV for a number of years now and it has successfully helped in cases of vandalism and assaults - suprised you haven't seen the cameras around town??

12-Nov-05, 23:33
Keep to the topic Sandie . Wick is long overdue the cameras and let them put up more.

12-Nov-05, 23:35
i have seen a couple but i dont think i need to waste my time looking up a lamp post to see if there is any cameras.
If they could put a camera in the school then it would be good is all i ment because it might stop all the bullying eh.
I did not mean in every class i just ment a couple in the corriders

12-Nov-05, 23:37
i didnt say they couldnt all i said is that it would be good if they put a couple in schools.
Did i say anything about not putting them in wick.
Tell you the true i highly agree with the council and think they should put cameras in wick.

Big G
13-Nov-05, 00:17
dont be so stupid sandie - cameras in corridors - i dont think so! Teachers classroom's are near corridors and i am sure that there will be at least one teacher walking along a corridor at class change time - maybe OUTSIDE the school in the playground etc will stop fights and bullying!
Wick is desperatley needing cameras as there is far to much carry on going on - i mean the amount of fights and ppl being stabbed and all that - just way beyond a joke! Wick should of got them before Thurso did!!

13-Nov-05, 00:45
I agree Big G wick is in more need than Thurso. As for the schools the high schools have cameras and key pads at the doors for security since the dunblane tragedy dont think they are in use though as it has been a long time since i was in school!!

13-Nov-05, 00:57
Hopefully the cameras are in action now, obviously the hooligans don't know the cameras are there, i was picking up a kebab out of the indian takeaway a little while ago and someone smashed the glass door.

13-Nov-05, 01:00
was it your kebab you were picking up,or was it one someone else dropped

lol, you have a fantastic sense of humor, nice to have a wee giggle when reading threads.:D

twee dledum
13-Nov-05, 01:02
:D I agree Geezer, its nice to have a sense of humor

twee dledum
13-Nov-05, 01:07
Ha Ha whyever would you think of calling yourself
something so silly, may I ask?
I think Cheeky Sod just suits you sir!!!!!!!!!!

twee dledum
13-Nov-05, 01:14
:rolleyes: Well put it this way, they dont call me Peter Pan for nothing!!!!

13-Nov-05, 18:56
dont be so stupid sandie - cameras in corridors - i dont think so! Teachers classroom's are near corridors and i am sure that there will be at least one teacher walking along a corridor at class change time - maybe OUTSIDE the school in the playground etc will stop fights and bullying!
Wick is desperatley needing cameras as there is far to much carry on going on - i mean the amount of fights and ppl being stabbed and all that - just way beyond a joke! Wick should of got them before Thurso did!!

There are already CCTV cameras in the grounds of the school. Don't know if they are any use though. They R not stopping fights.

13-Nov-05, 19:01
dont be so stupid sandie - cameras in corridors - i dont think so! Teachers classroom's are near corridors and i am sure that there will be at least one teacher walking along a corridor at class change time - maybe OUTSIDE the school in the playground etc will stop fights and bullying!
Wick is desperatley needing cameras as there is far to much carry on going on - i mean the amount of fights and ppl being stabbed and all that - just way beyond a joke! Wick should of got them before Thurso did!!
yeah you are right wick should have had them in before us,
I may off been stupit about saying they should put cameras in corriders.
I really think they should have more cameras in wick than what they have in thurso.

13-Nov-05, 20:14
I don't think there should be more cameras in wick than thurso .But they should put bobbies back on the beat .

13-Nov-05, 22:57
How right you are, but not only in Wick and Thurso, every town and city in the country.People will still stop and think twice about causing trouble if there`s a bobby about.Problem is there aren`t enough and who wants to be a bobby these dayshttp://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon5.gif

13-Nov-05, 23:16
:) bobbies on the beat, what a laugh, there tooo lazy to patrol the street's,they are happy supping hot chocolate in the warmth.

Big G
13-Nov-05, 23:31
I agree Big G wick is in more need than Thurso. As for the schools the high schools have cameras and key pads at the doors for security since the dunblane tragedy dont think they are in use though as it has been a long time since i was in school!!

yeah they have them at thurso high school the security things but they were not in use ever when i was there - the ones at the primary schools work tho!

14-Nov-05, 17:01
:) bobbies on the beat, what a laugh, there tooo lazy to patrol the street's,they are happy supping hot chocolate in the warmth.
Thats what I think but I've heard that they don't have very many police men/women for this area of the country so thats why you hardly see any. They are always in their cars driving about parts of Wick which has less trouble than other parts. POINTLESS!

15-Nov-05, 11:27
Thats what I think but I've heard that they don't have very many police men/women for this area of the country so thats why you hardly see any. They are always in their cars driving about parts of Wick which has less trouble than other parts. POINTLESS! Aye yer right, Does anyone else think that the cops or a couple of them in Wick are "bent", not homosexual but able to change their minds when it suits. Im convinced they are ,What do you think folks? Dont ye all just love a bit of controvorsey:p

15-Nov-05, 12:10
My boyfriend took me out a driving lesson went into the business park in wick. As i was driving round the corner who do we see the police parked but they were'nt parked facing down to the main road as if they were looking out for speeding cars. They were facing the other way so no one would see them and the windows where all steamed up what do you think they were up to.

15-Nov-05, 12:26
My boyfriend took me out a driving lesson went into the business park in wick. As i was driving round the corner who do we see the police parked but they were'nt parked facing down to the main road as if they were looking out for speeding cars. They were facing the other way so no one would see them and the windows where all steamed up what do you think they were up to.

why did'nt you park along side them?????????

15-Nov-05, 14:44
the windows where all steamed up what do you think they were up to.

Eating chips the greedy pigs that they are! It always steams up my car windows

15-Nov-05, 14:57
I have heard all a few stories about a few of the local police, esp in wick who could be 'on the take' by certain shaddy people in Wick.Normally i would say without hesitaion they must be talking rubbish, but they are people i think are trustworthy saying the odd thing, so god knows.
As Nae fear just beer says the lasy gits are probably eat like pigs(!!!!!), and avoiding any form of work. They should get off their fat backsides and be out on the beat, all over wick and thurso.It would even keep the enviromentalists happy, less fuel used etc!And save some of the tax some of us pay!!!!

15-Nov-05, 22:55
Would that be lease car windows Naefearjustbeer?

15-Nov-05, 23:35
:D :D Aye well there are other things that can steam up a cars windows:rolleyes:

16-Nov-05, 01:16
I ken 1 bobbie who goes into a neighbour o mine and he certainly aint eatin his chips

16-Nov-05, 01:30
i did'nt say they were eating chips use your imagination

twee dledum
18-Nov-05, 00:07
Sorry Kreive I never meant to imply that is what you thought.
But I wouldnt be able to post on here what my imagination sees without getting a lengthy ban. I think I CAN imagine what they were getting up to. I see it happening everyday not very far from where I live.

18-Nov-05, 10:21
I assume you just happen upon these incidents "not very far" from your home by chance rather than "do a collymore"


18-Nov-05, 10:48
sorry twee dledum didn't mean for it to sound that i was annoyed i had put something but i edited it because i didn't want a ban either sorry

twee dledum
18-Nov-05, 18:47
I assume you just happen upon these incidents "not very far" from your home by chance rather than "do a collymore"

;)Not much choice im afraid when something is going on just yards from your back doorstep.