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View Full Version : Reputation

11-Nov-05, 21:07
I see now that we can be judged by others. So I wondered what the concensus was that would make one poster to add bad or good repution to another.

Up to now I have received one personal insult rep and 2 more favourable reps.

Personally, I wouldn't bad rep someone if I disagreed with their point only if it was aggressive or in bad taste.

If I see a post that differs from my view but was well constructed then I may add good rep. But I will probably give more good rep to views that mirror my own.

11-Nov-05, 22:14
Up to now I have received one personal insult rep and 2 more favourable reps.

4/10 Must try harder.

11-Nov-05, 22:37
how do you get to see your own reputation?

12-Nov-05, 02:39
4/10 Must try harder.

as meatloaf put it , 2 out of 3 aint bad .

14-Nov-05, 00:25
how do you get to see your own reputation?

anyone going to answer this??

Niall Fernie
14-Nov-05, 11:11
Look for a blue, green or red square on your "User CP". On the right hand side I think.

14-Nov-05, 11:28

I have to type more as it doesnt like messages less that ten characters??

The Pepsi Challenge
14-Nov-05, 16:55
I've never cared a jot for what people think of me anyway. No-one's vain, are they?

15-Nov-05, 16:56
IM an unknown quantity - i hope i stay that way i rather like it

15-Nov-05, 19:42
I don't like the fact that you can personally attack members, adding comments that could potentially be offensive, and be completely anonymous - which I am sure will be the case in some instances, when threads become heated as they sometimes (or should that be normally??) do

The Pepsi Challenge
15-Nov-05, 20:06
I agree, it's very deconstructive and not very sporting - eh, what, my British chums?