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View Full Version : Does this message board represent Caithness well?

19-Mar-08, 13:25
I wonder what idea people reading this message board might form about Caithness, the people and the place. (Following on from Karia's interesting thread.)

I think a lot of the content on this board is generic message board fodder, and the idea people form would really depend on their experience of message boards rather than anything else.

One improvement I would like would be for everyone to display their location and affiliation with Caithness.

Anne x
19-Mar-08, 13:34
The reason I joined having left Caithness in o6 was keep up to date with all the goings on in the county

I have had visits to Caithness since a child but lived and worked there for a lot of years I have family who live there and a lot of very good friends

you would just have to view the magnificent photos in the Photography section to see how lovely a place Caithness is

19-Mar-08, 13:34
One improvement I would like would be for everyone to display their location and affiliation with Caithness.

Then why not lead by example :roll:

I see no need for anyone to have their location although it is useful if they are selling items.

19-Mar-08, 13:36
One improvement I would like would be for everyone to display their location and affiliation with Caithness.

lol Boozeburglar, your location isn't displayed, is it? :confused...mine is I think. ;)

My Caithness connection is no secret, it's there on my profile, but like most other profile details doesn't appear above my posts....not sure there would be space anyway.

I don't know how other folk would feel about having more info about themselves appearing on the boards, though I would have no objection.

19-Mar-08, 13:40
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_4_20.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxuk101MXGB) http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_5_107.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxuk101MXGB)

I live in wick............Moved here for a better life.got it love it,,,w3ant more of it..

Now as to what kind of representation the message board shows to me, we are all mad, concerned about nothing else other than what we want...No joking, i think it is a very open forum, where people can be around friends and fellow orgers without having to worry to much about who likes who....

The topics that present themselves show we are not all robots that follow eachother, or bleeting sheep...Single minded people will see a difference...If we concerned ourselves personally with what goes on a forum then that would seem as though we are all losers with nothing better to do...

i LOVE THE FORUMS and love the chance to open up peoples eyes with strange, true, threads that involve caithness and anyone else who is not living in the uk and is a member....IMO.........

19-Mar-08, 13:41
This is just a general discussion forum, there are lots of sub-forums available:
Photography as has been mentioned which gives an idea of the scenery, etc, etc. Quite a lot of information is already available on this site for anybody wishing to know about life in Caithness.

19-Mar-08, 13:50
I think a lot of the content on this board is generic message board fodder, and the idea people form would really depend on their experience of message boards rather than anything else.

I believe that's true. I frequent a fair few fora/ums, some are free-topic and some are subject-specific. I suspect that I may have some considerable experience of online communities in general.

I think that's why I get so annoyed at the chat-room topics on here, and the 'seen it all before' threads too - I mean, in forum-land it's generally accepted that whenever the topic of 'Spangles - where are they now?' pops up, it's a signal of the impending death of that particular forum. Next one in the list is 'Whatever happened to white dog poo?' :roll:

It's very difficult sometimes to see that some people don't have the experience of online forums that I may have, and that to them, wondering about white dog poo or spangles is a new and interesting (and valid) subject to them, even though I've seen it a hundred times before.

One improvement I would like would be for everyone to display their location and affiliation with Caithness.

I'd go further. I'd make it compulsory. ;) I'm not altogether comfortable with people who have no relationship with the county commenting on Caithness matters.

19-Mar-08, 13:51
I hear you TBH

I mean the whole message board, not just the general section...hence the Caithness is a beautiful place item.

Geez, I found it hard coming up with all those, I know they don't cover much but it is only a larf, aye?


19-Mar-08, 13:54
[quote=Metalattakk;361219]I believe that's true. I frequent a fair few fora/ums, some are free-topic and some are subject-specific. I suspect that I may have some considerable experience of online communities in general.

I think that's why I get so annoyed at the chat-room topics on here, and the 'seen it all before' threads too - I mean, in forum-land it's generally accepted that whenever the topic of 'Spangles - where are they now?' pops up, it's a signal of the impending death of that particular forum. Next one in the list is 'Whatever happened to white dog poo?' :roll:

It's very difficult sometimes to see that some people don't have the experience of online forums that I may have, and that to them, wondering about white dog poo or spangles is a new and interesting (and valid) subject to them, even though I've seen it a hundred times before.

I'd go further. I'd make it compulsory. ;) I'm not altogether comfortable with people who have no relationship with the county commenting on Caithness matters.[
What white dog poo. what did i miss, and i hate spangles......

19-Mar-08, 14:06
Excellent thread BB...and a what dazzling array of questions!;)

My connection is also in my profile but I will repeat it here for those seeking credentials:D

My husband was born and brought up in Strathy where his father was the Church of Scotland minister and we spend a lot of our spare time in both Sutherland and Caithness and have many friends there...old and new.

19-Mar-08, 14:08
It's very difficult sometimes to see that some people don't have the experience of online forums that I may have, and that to them, wondering about white dog poo or spangles is a new and interesting (and valid) subject to them, even though I've seen it a hundred times before.

I'd go further. I'd make it compulsory. ;) I'm not altogether comfortable with people who have no relationship with the county commenting on Caithness matters.

I can see where you are coming from with your first comment as I only subscribe to the Org Forum and one other specialised one but I'm sure that your greater forum experience brings with it a tolerance of newbies and their posts.

Your second comment I have more difficulty with as there is no specific test of "Caithnesstisity" required to join the forum so people with no relationship with the county can join and as members, surely their opinions are as valid and possibly insightfull as anybody's.

19-Mar-08, 14:12
Well, that is a subject that is up for debate, Dusty. As I said, I'm not entirely comfortable with it.

19-Mar-08, 14:15
Many people dont know about the caithness .org unless they have connections to the county.....Its a free forum for all but i can see where metalattakk is coming from, would you take advice from someone who does not know about caithness....This is the exact reason why i have spent 2 weeks studiyng the web for as much about caithness history so i feel i am part of the county....I only heard about the org 2 years ago, i have benn in wick for 4 yrs now...

19-Mar-08, 14:32
I hear you TBH

I mean the whole message board, not just the general section...hence the Caithness is a beautiful place item.

Geez, I found it hard coming up with all those, I know they don't cover much but it is only a larf, aye?

:)Fair enough but what changes would you bring about? What would you like the sub-forums to contain that would better present Caithness as a whole? Btw whatever happened to white dog poo and spangles?

19-Mar-08, 14:38
I'm not altogether comfortable with people who have no relationship with the county commenting on Caithness matters.I quite agree to a point, as long as it is only advice they are offering then I can see no real harm in someone taking an interest in caithness affairs. Maybe they have experienced problems in their own communities similar to current issues that we have and could provide some useful insight. It's all good.

19-Mar-08, 17:03
.......Next one in the list is 'Whatever happened to white dog poo?' .....

Well I see white dog poo every day :lol:

Surely people wouldn't make a judgement on the good folks of Caithness just by what is written on here??

19-Mar-08, 18:15
Caithness Rocks!!!

This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 33 seconds.[evil][evil]

19-Mar-08, 20:50
Fair enough but what changes would you bring about? What would you like the sub-forums to contain that would better present Caithness as a whole? Btw whatever happened to white dog poo and spangles?

One of my college tutors told me that there is less white dog poo around now because dog food has changed. Something about the quality, or what was in the food that made the poo white.

19-Mar-08, 21:13
One of my college tutors told me that there is less white dog poo around now because dog food has changed. Something about the quality, or what was in the food that made the poo white.

Some dog poo still goes white if it is left long enough. People don't pick up their dog poo round here [evil]

I am a bit unsure about some of the comments on this thread, are folk suggesting that only those with a connection to Caithness should use the boards ?

20-Mar-08, 00:59
I wonder what idea people reading this message board might form about Caithness, the people and the place.

The front page of Caithnesss.org is more of an interest and a better reflection of life here in the County. The message boards reflect those who have the time and the energy to participate and/or respond and from what I have seen recently, they are not a true reflection of what is happening in Caithness.

I have no interest in who is sporting the latest piercing or tattoo, nor am I inspired to try sucking my coffee through a Twix biscuit.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading some of debates here when I joined Caithness.org.

Oops - I nearly forgot to say - I've not voted yet. I need time to reflect :)

20-Mar-08, 15:20
The content on this forum is certainly not representative of the Caithness I know.

Thank goodness :cool:.

20-Mar-08, 15:48
The content on this forum is certainly not representative of the Caithness I know.

Thank goodness :cool:.

so what is the ciathness that you know, i am confused with this statement, Caithness is to everyone what they make it..I am not having a go but i am interested in the caithness you know or should it be knew...?:confused

20-Mar-08, 15:54
It took me 9 months to figure out an avatar and the rep system now I need a crash course on adding a profile to show my caithness credentials.;)
Caithness, I love it, but there has been a lot of changes over these last few years and not all of it good, so I suppose sometimes it can be seen on the message board.

20-Mar-08, 15:58
The people I mix with in the county tend to be down to earth, self-deprecating folk with an ironic sense of humour.

Not qualities much in evidence around here I am afraid.

20-Mar-08, 18:39
We are fine fowk with lots of wonderfull attributes but I think the single biggest hurdle that our County needs to get over is the Ord! Our demographic position makes us unique but shouldn't have us "set apart". But don't expect me to develop this theme into having Scotland getting over the hurdle that we should be part of the UK. That's a fine hurdle and the higher it is set the better. :D

WBG :cool:

21-Mar-08, 00:44
Caithness .Org is in my opinion a great community website. The thing that bothers me about the forums, as an international visitor is that some people on the org feel it necessary to tear into others personally.
I belong to other forums and have found that you get many differing opinions on most subjects, and some can totally oppose each other, but I have never seen anyone on these forums attack another poster over thier different opinion or spelling mistakes. Is this a reflection on Caithness, I hope not, as it wasn't like this when I first came onto the org, there were many heated debates, but not this carry on that goes on these days.
I think that the trouble makers are not all caithness people anyway, so no the forum does not represent Caithness well, but I think the org does. :D

21-Mar-08, 01:29
I think that the trouble makers are not all caithness people anyway, so no the forum does not represent Caithness well, but I think the org does. :D
Lolabelle I agree with you 100%, the Caithness .Org is a fantastic representation of Caithness, but the Message boards are not

21-Mar-08, 12:51
Lolabelle I agree with you 100%, the Caithness .Org is a fantastic representation of Caithness, but the Message boards are not
There is a definite split now on the org of the Newbies and Oldies whose tastes, amongst other things, differ greatly. There was a time when you could enjoy a really good debate and post your opinion on a subject without fear of being criticised, jumped on by the pack or humiliated for your literacy skills.

The board is being flooded with threads which at times are on subjects which verge on the ridiculous and usually end up turning into a cat and dog fight. I think if these people were aware of how stupid and childish they look to those "looking in" they'd realise that they are doing themselves and the org no favours.

Definitely agree that Caithness.org is a really good representation of Caithness. As to the Message Board now that's a different story. I feel the general forum needs to start rebuilding its image. The way things are going at the moment its slowing turning into an embarassment and hopefully those "looking in" aren't using the brush and tar theory on all orgers.

IMHO its a yes for the website and a no for the messageboard.

21-Mar-08, 20:22
I have to agree wit Lollabelle , Golach and Venture although I have my connections with Caithness and Sutherland and will stand up and prefer them to the rest of the country as oppose to some favourite places scattered over GB/Europe a definate yes to the Org and No to the message Board

Penelope Pitstop
21-Mar-08, 20:50
"Does this message board represent Caithness well"

Good God, I hope all the damn posts about that idiot George Galloway doesn't give the wrong impression about us lot up here....[disgust]

21-Mar-08, 20:58
"Does this message board represent Caithness well"

Good God, I hope all the damn posts about that idiot George Galloway doesn't give the wrong impression about us lot up here....[disgust]God forbid anybody gets the impression some Caithnessians like George Galloway. That just wouldn't do.:lol:

21-Mar-08, 21:09
God forbid anybody gets the impression some Caithnessians like George Galloway. That just wouldn't do.:lol:

The GG's are aye well spoken of int 'The Grove'..

what de ye means that's horses not Galloway?;)

21-Mar-08, 21:26
The GG's are aye well spoken of int 'The Grove'..

what de ye means that's horses not Galloway?;)Huh....?:eek:

21-Mar-08, 21:33
The GG's are aye well spoken of int 'The Grove'..

what de ye means that's horses not Galloway?;)


The 'Grove'.. A well known watering hole in thurso

Gee gees..alternative name for racing horses , oft speculated on in above establishment

GG...initials of George Galloway..hence the post

21-Mar-08, 21:38
The 'Grove'.. A well known watering hole in thurso

Gee gees..alternative name for racing horses , oft speculated on in above establishment

GG...initials of George Galloway..hence the postAh, the grove lounge, I am a wee bit slower today than normal, maybe the weather.:lol:

21-Mar-08, 21:48
Ah, the grove lounge, I am a wee bit slower today than normal, maybe the weather.:lol:

Hey.......I am in a forgiving mood!


Cedric Farthsbottom III
21-Mar-08, 21:56
Caithness is a home frae home for me.In five years I'll reach a personal goal.I'll have been in Caithness the same time I have been in Ayrshire.Loved every minute in both.But to answer the messageboard question by the burglar,this forum is the same as any other.The site itself is full of a passion for Caithness and the team should feel proud.Regarding the messageboard,if I didnae like it,I wouldnae bother with it.

Moi x
22-Mar-08, 01:12
There is a definite split now on the org of the Newbies and Oldies whose tastes, amongst other things, differ greatly. There was a time when you could enjoy a really good debate and post your opinion on a subject without fear of being criticised, jumped on by the pack or humiliated for your literacy skills.

The board is being flooded with threads which at times are on subjects which verge on the ridiculous and usually end up turning into a cat and dog fight. I think if these people were aware of how stupid and childish they look to those "looking in" they'd realise that they are doing themselves and the org no favours.

Definitely agree that Caithness.org is a really good representation of Caithness. As to the Message Board now that's a different story. I feel the general forum needs to start rebuilding its image. The way things are going at the moment its slowing turning into an embarassment and hopefully those "looking in" aren't using the brush and tar theory on all orgers.

IMHO its a yes for the website and a no for the messageboard.This is one of the best posts I have seen on this forum in a long, long time.

I have nothing to add to it.

Moi x