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16-Mar-08, 09:53
Has anyone else noticed the shambolic state of the steps at Wick Harbour...the ones beside the big old chimney?

A few time I have been walking down and slipped, this morning I nearly went head-first down! A lot of the steps are crumbling and have no straight edge to them! On top of that they're covered in slimey mud and stones which add to the difficulty of it!

Has anyone else had any encounters with these steps? Sorry to moan but I want something to be done about this!

16-Mar-08, 10:07
and the ammount of water running down them, and not to mention the broken glass everywhere! its the way i like to go to take the dog for a walk, but im about afraid to anymore as its so dangerous!

16-Mar-08, 13:01
I know, it's ridiculous, I will write a letter to the council!

16-Mar-08, 14:49
to be perfectly honest,im not having a go,but if you have walked on them once and thought they are a state common sense should kick in and not use them again until you are happy with state of them,unless you are waiting for yourself to slip on them and think that will move there lazy butts to fix them.

but yes i do agree with you they are in a state.

16-Mar-08, 15:07
It's the route I like to walk and I'm not going to change it because the council aren't maintaining the town properly.

The steps are there to be used so i'm going to use them.

16-Mar-08, 16:21
I know, it's ridiculous, I will write a letter to the council!

It's the route I like to walk and I'm not going to change it because the council aren't maintaining the town properly.

The steps are there to be used so i'm going to use them.First you will have to find out who owns the steps and therefore who is responsible for their upkeep.

16-Mar-08, 16:27
ok thanks tbhI say that because don't think it's the councils ground.

16-Mar-08, 16:32
Ok thanks, any idea whose? How would I go about finding out?

16-Mar-08, 16:51
Ok thanks, any idea whose? How would I go about finding out?I really Couldn't really say. Maybe you could try contacting Iain Sutherland or Malcolm Bremner the harbour-master.

16-Mar-08, 19:45
it a long way to come for a walk would you not say, as you come from thurso........what time do you set off.......?????????

16-Mar-08, 19:53
Where there's blame, there's a claim...

Maybe he's hoping to try out http://www.injurylawyers4u.co.uk/

16-Mar-08, 19:56
why not...lots of people do this.......but not many win...........

16-Mar-08, 19:59
I really Couldn't really say. Maybe you could try contacting Iain Sutherland or Malcolm Bremner the harbour-master.
someone on the harbour trust might know also am sure IAIN would be well clued up on it tony

16-Mar-08, 22:28
someone on the harbour trust might know also am sure IAIN would be well clued up on it tonyI would think so to Tony. A couple of signs stating that the stairs are dangerous should cover it or they could fence them off as well.

16-Mar-08, 23:33
I would think so to Tony. A couple of signs stating that the stairs are dangerous should cover it or they could fence them off as well.

I think money could be the deciding factor in this case, WHT dont seem to have a lot of money due to a lack of trade, so where would the funds come from??

16-Mar-08, 23:53
Tried in my heels once.... the hospital seems o.k. though...

17-Mar-08, 01:39
I think money could be the deciding factor in this case, WHT dont seem to have a lot of money due to a lack of trade, so where would the funds come from??That's why I suggested a couple of warning signs or perhaps fencing the steps off.

17-Mar-08, 02:01
What the hell are you doing in Wick?


17-Mar-08, 09:04
Visiting people riffman! I'm worried someone is going to do some serious damage. I've seen kids going up and down the stairs.

17-Mar-08, 10:19
maybe you could get a volunteer group going and start work mainting te steps, i am sure the guy at whaligoe steps will give you a few pointers on how is done;)

17-Mar-08, 10:21
maybe you could get a volunteer group going and start work mainting te steps, i am sure the guy at whaligoe steps will give you a few pointers on how is done;)

I don't have time to start a group up. Anyway, it's SOMEONE'S responsibility...just trying to find out who...?

17-Mar-08, 10:24
I don't have time to start a group up. Anyway, it's SOMEONE'S responsibility...just trying to find out who...?

Oh well just a suggestion................:roll:maybe you could contact SOMEONE and ask them...........................:confused

17-Mar-08, 10:32
Will do Justine. :D Hmmmm........I'll write a draft of an email.

17-Mar-08, 10:37
Will do Justine. :D Hmmmm........I'll write a draft of an email.

Maybe you could contact John Thurso, he is quick to get on to the appropriate people......

17-Mar-08, 10:43
Ah after his quick response to your letter about MacArthur street..I think I will! Great idea! :D Thanks!

17-Mar-08, 10:52
Justine what address would I post a letter to....?

is it Thurso East Mains, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 8HN.

17-Mar-08, 10:55
http://www.johnthurso.org/contact.phtml (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.johnthurso.org/contact.phtml)
all you need to know is here...GOOD LUCK.......:)

17-Mar-08, 11:48
Thanks! Am I best sending a letter, an email or both?

17-Mar-08, 11:50
i do believe they call it use your own brain logic.......................

17-Mar-08, 11:53
I do believe I am greatful for all your help justine. Thanks :)

17-Mar-08, 11:54
you are more than welcome

Poultney lad
17-Mar-08, 13:44
It has been like that for donkeys years
hopefully something will get done about it

17-Mar-08, 13:47
Thanks for the comment poultney lad! I just sent an email to john thurso...will be sending an identical letter by snail mail this afternoon.

Mr P Cannop
17-Mar-08, 13:58
try sending the letter to john Thurso at the house of commons

17-Mar-08, 14:23
Has anyone else noticed the shambolic state of the steps at Wick Harbour...the ones beside the big old chimney?

A few time I have been walking down and slipped, this morning I nearly went head-first down! A lot of the steps are crumbling and have no straight edge to them! On top of that they're covered in slimey mud and stones which add to the difficulty of it!

Has anyone else had any encounters with these steps? Sorry to moan but I want something to be done about this!

Really surprised if you're a Wicker that you havent noticed this before. These steps have been in that condition for many years.

17-Mar-08, 14:24
Mind and send the letter to the local Councillor for the area as well - billingual of course - that'll fairly get them drummed up ;)

WBG :cool:

17-Mar-08, 15:04
WBG, who is the councillor?

Venture, I'm Thursolonian!

17-Mar-08, 15:21
WBG, who is the councillor?

Venture, I'm Thursolonian!

i think he was wondering if you live in wick now.....and had not seen the state of the steps before..I have been here 4 yrs and did not know they existed....I am either blind or they are well hidden....

17-Mar-08, 15:23
They are quite well hidden Justine....If you walk along the green you will see it slopes down at the chimney end and then there are steps....it's this deathtrap I am speaking about!

17-Mar-08, 15:23
will take alook next time i pass that way.....

17-Mar-08, 15:26
okey dokey, be very careful if you decide to go down the steps though.

17-Mar-08, 15:30
Isn't there a handrail all the way down?

17-Mar-08, 15:38
Yes, this doesn't really make the steps any safer though. They are crumbling and the handrail won't really make them less slimey.

18-Mar-08, 00:49
Sent email to john thurso and pultneytown's councillor...also will be posting john thurso a letter tomorrow.

18-Mar-08, 00:56
Schhessht Rob,

At ees one beeg avatar!

My prediction was pretty bang on tho'!;)

18-Mar-08, 00:58
Schhessht Rob,

At ees one beeg avatar!

My prediction was pretty bang on tho'!;)

:D What was your prediction? I forgot?

18-Mar-08, 12:01
i think he was wondering if you live in wick now.....and had not seen the state of the steps before..I have been here 4 yrs and did not know they existed....I am either blind or they are well hidden....
Have to say Rob I was under the impression that you lived in Wick and went to school in Thurso. It came from one of your first posts when someone queried your location of Thurso because you were posting on a particular thread giving the impression you stayed in Wick.. I was sure you said you were using a mates PC in Thurso at the time. Obviously I have misunderstood the situation.

Its unusual to see someone from Thurso being concerned about Wickers breaking their necks on the steps let alone campaigning to get something done about them [lol]

18-Mar-08, 12:07
Venture, I was living in Wick when I posted previously. :) I've now moved to Thurso. I'm in Wick alot and use the steps on a weekly basis. Sorry for the confusion!

Have you been down those steps personally?

What's your opinion of them?

18-Mar-08, 12:12
Venture, I was living in Wick when I posted previously. :) I've now moved to Thurso. I'm in Wick alot and use the steps on a weekly basis. Sorry for the confusion!

Have you been down those steps personally?

What's your opinion of them?Why do you use the steps on a weekly basis and why don't you use the ones at the other end?

18-Mar-08, 12:14
Why do you use the steps on a weekly basis and why don't you use the ones at the other end?

I use them because they're there to be used. Not using them won't take them away or stop their status as a deathtrap.

18-Mar-08, 12:19
I use them because they're there to be used. Not using them won't take them away or stop their status as a deathtrap.Not using them would prevent your own injury or death so why use them? Because it's there is not a very good reason.

18-Mar-08, 12:25
Not using them would prevent your own injury or death so why use them? Because it's there is not a very good reason.

I choose to use them and that's my choice. In know not using them would prevent inury!

This thread isn't about who uses them and why, it's about how someone has a responsibilty to maintain those steps and whoever it is isn't meeting the standards of safety expected!

18-Mar-08, 12:38
I choose to use them and that's my choice. In know not using them would prevent inury!

This thread isn't about who uses them and why, it's about how someone has a responsibilty to maintain those steps and whoever it is isn't meeting the standards of safety expected!So in continuing to use them you take responsibility for any accident you have because you knew they were dangerous, doesn't really make sense. Of course it is about who uses the steps, wouldn't your thread make them aware of the dangers if they didn't already know? Anybody that continues to use something that is dangerous have only themselves to blame if they have an accident. You have apparently taken steps, (pardon the pun), to find out who is responsible for their upkeep, now all you can do is ask people to have the good sense not to use them whilst they are in this state, starting with yourself.

18-Mar-08, 12:47
So in continuing to use them you take responsibility for any accident you have because you knew they were dangerous, doesn't really make sense. Of course it is about who uses the steps, wouldn't your thread make them aware of the dangers if they didn't already know? Anybody that continues to use something that is dangerous have only themselves to blame if they have an accident. You have apparently taken steps, (pardon the pun), to find out who is responsible for their upkeep, now all you can do is ask people to have the good sense not to use them whilst they are in this state, starting with yourself.

No...I don't tale responsibilty for any accident.

Health and Safety rules mean that they must be cordened off or a warning of some kind put in the vicinty of the stairs...

If no such measures are taken then anyone having an accident on the stairs is not to blame.

I'm talking about legalities here, NOT personal opinion.

18-Mar-08, 13:38
No...I don't tale responsibilty for any accident.

Health and Safety rules mean that they must be cordened off or a warning of some kind put in the vicinty of the stairs...

If no such measures are taken then anyone having an accident on the stairs is not to blame.

I'm talking about legalities here, NOT personal opinion.Take some responsibility for your own actions Rob, you say you know they are dangerous yet you continue to use them, Rhetorically I hope you understand how stupid that comes across.

18-Mar-08, 13:55
Take some responsibility for your own actions Rob, you say you know they are dangerous yet you continue to use them, Rhetorically I hope you understand how stupid that comes across.

Health and Safety rules mean that they must be cordened off or a warning of some kind put in the vicinty of the stairs...

If no such measures are taken then anyone having an accident on the stairs is not to blame.

Not talking about my actions.

18-Mar-08, 13:58
Health and Safety rules mean that they must be cordened off or a warning of some kind put in the vicinty of the stairs...

If no such measures are taken then anyone having an accident on the stairs is not to blame.

Not talking about my actions.But you wont take any responsibility for your own actions.

18-Mar-08, 14:01
This thread is about the state of the stairs at Wick harbour.

Does anyone have any further comments on this?

If not I will close the thread then re-open it when an update is available.

18-Mar-08, 14:05
This thread is about the state of the stairs at Wick harbour.

Does anyone have any further comments on this?

If not I will close the thread then re-open it when an update is available.What is the matter with you Rob, does a bit of debate about taking ownership of your actions unnerve you so much that you have to take the huff?

18-Mar-08, 14:10
Oh no, PLEASE don't close your thread.

Think about your post count, wee man!

Here is an update for you, closing threads because people don't agree with you or post something you don't like is childish, even for a sixteen year old.


18-Mar-08, 14:10
What is the matter with you Rob, does a bit of debate about taking ownership of your actions unnerve you so much that you have to take the huff?

Cheers for that comment, gave me a smile! :lol:

18-Mar-08, 14:15
Cheers for that comment, gave me a smile! :lol:Glad to have cheered you up rob but you never answered my question. My feeling is having an attitude like that is responsible for bottles of sleeping pill having the warning, "may cause drowsiness".

18-Mar-08, 14:44
The answer to your question is : no.

Margaret M.
18-Mar-08, 15:01
Oh no, PLEASE don't close your thread.

Think about your post count, wee man!

This could be the day when Rob reaches the magical 1k level. Exciting.

25-Mar-08, 15:24
Some might remember that I wrote to John Thurso regarding the stairs at Wick Harbour. I now have a reply.

Many thanks for your e mail. I know the stairs but have not been on them for a while. I shall be in Wick next week and will have a look.
Kind regards
John Thurso

25-Mar-08, 16:25
Some might remember that I wrote to John Thurso regarding the stairs at Wick Harbour. I now have a reply.
well done you...:lol:

25-Mar-08, 16:37
Let's hope the headlines next weik aren't

Lord Thurso slips up during Wick visit

south view 7
25-Mar-08, 22:28
Some might remember that I wrote to John Thurso regarding the stairs at Wick Harbour. I now have a reply.
Good for you rob16d,glad to see someone trying to get something done about that stairs and the ones at the other end are not much better........

26-Mar-08, 09:31
Ciderally and Southview thanks for the encouragement! If he wont take it any further then I'll just resend the letter to him, or local MSP and all the local counsellors.

MadPict I was joking about that with someone as well! Cheers for the giggle! :)