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Poultney lad
16-Mar-08, 00:44
Do They Still Do Scrums At Weddings When They Throw Money To The Crowds, have not seen it done in a long time

16-Mar-08, 02:40
In deepest Lanarkshire it was called a scramble, or a scrammel, in the vernacular. Like you, I haven't seen one in a long time. Just when I could do with the change too!;)

16-Mar-08, 02:45
In deepest Lanarkshire it was called a scramble,

i think we 'scots' called it a scramble too but we wis so lazy (tired fie catchin 'e haggis) that it wis choost shortened til 'scrum'.....hence 'e kaitness dialect' [lol]

16-Mar-08, 03:31
When I was wee, in Edinburgh, we called it a "Poor Oot" Don't know how that originated - maybe from the posh Pour Out or more likely something to do with being poor. Grabbing even an old penny meant getting two fruit salads and two blackjacks at the sweetie shop!

16-Mar-08, 04:03
When I was wee, in Edinburgh, we called it a "Poor Oot" Don't know how that originated - maybe from the posh Pour Out or more likely something to do with being poor. Grabbing even an old penny meant getting two fruit salads and two blackjacks at the sweetie shop!

Someone else wi my upbringing, mind as a bairn turning up at every wedding for the pennies! Changed from poor oot to scramble when I moved to Glasgow way.

16-Mar-08, 10:52
When I was wee, in Edinburgh, we called it a "Poor Oot" Don't know how that originated - maybe from the posh Pour Out or more likely something to do with being poor. Grabbing even an old penny meant getting two fruit salads and two blackjacks at the sweetie shop!
In Perthshire is was also known as a Poor oot and all the bairns in the village gathered at the Kirk on wedding days, awaiting the Poor Oot[lol]

16-Mar-08, 10:56
in other parts of the country they call it a FIGHT....lol:lol:

16-Mar-08, 11:09
Was at one in Leith Walk when i was a bairn. Havent seen, or taken part in one since! :Razz

16-Mar-08, 11:38
I remember them when i was a kid, we called them scrambles aswell.
Found this link to a Gorbals scramble there are plenty more on google.

http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/meltingpot/oxford/762/html/body_a_scramble.htm (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/meltingpot/oxford/762/html/body_a_scramble.htm)

16-Mar-08, 11:41
I remember this when i was a kid as well. It was called a scrambles well there were plenty of casualties to from what i can remember. :D

16-Mar-08, 14:31
something else for health and safety to get their knickers in a twist over!

16-Mar-08, 14:36
yup it was scramble when i wis wee in dundee ,,ghee havnt seen one since i was about..6 or 7:lol:

16-Mar-08, 14:45
Scramble down here in Falkirk too!

These days the kids (in their designer gear) wouldn't compromise their 'dignity'.;):lol:

16-Mar-08, 23:26
It was always a "scramble" in Broxburn and Bathgate where I spent much of my childhood. And they used to heat up the coins beforehand!! My mates who turned up wearing gloves in summer showed me a trick or two!

17-Mar-08, 09:39
Never heard of this....but I think I need to attend one! Was it rubbish coins...like coppers...or was it like £1 coins? Jee...imagine being pelletted with coins! :eek:

Poultney lad
17-Mar-08, 13:39
it was coppers and silver 5 ,10

17-Mar-08, 13:49
Awwww....still if I scrum enough I could end up with enought dosh for a loaf of bread and a tin of beans! Beans on toast tesco value style! Well....I'm already accustomed to it anyway!

17-Mar-08, 14:20
Awww,... rob, am sure we can supply more than a can o beans and a slice o loaf til ye biye! The rich ;) folk here on the org will be able to spare you the need to scramble!

WBG :cool:

17-Mar-08, 15:02
>< Post all monetary donations to....... haha! I am joking by the way!

17-Mar-08, 15:03
Awwww....still if I scrum enough I could end up with enought dosh for a loaf of bread and a tin of beans! Beans on toast tesco value style! Well....I'm already accustomed to it anyway!

Is this another one of your starving days Rob? [lol]

17-Mar-08, 15:06
:) Venture I must say I've just had a good feed! I'm just being a scrounger with the scrum idea!

17-Mar-08, 16:18
aye, my dad sorted out a scramble in front of the house just before my sister was married, but the rest of my family are from ayrshire, haveny really seen it happening up here since.....

Anne x
17-Mar-08, 17:15
Mine was from the car taking my dad and I to the church just as we were leaving the house as all the local kids had gathered round the house

17-Mar-08, 17:16
The last wedding I was at, when I was about 11 years old probably (approx 6 years ago) they did what you are refering to then so it can't be that long ago they did it last. It's a fun thing to do for the young ones!

17-Mar-08, 17:17
I agree with rfr10...would be nice to see all the yung'uns having a laugh...although I wouldn't fancy getting pelted with coins!

Anne x
17-Mar-08, 17:20
I agree with rfr10...would be nice to see all the yung'uns having a laugh...although I wouldn't fancy getting pelted with coins!

Rob its not a gala night parade now that is a health hassard !![lol]

17-Mar-08, 17:21
Anne if thats the kinda galas you go to, can i come for a laugh? could see who has the best aim ;)

17-Mar-08, 22:56
tempting sometimes tho it may be, ya don't throw the coins AT the kids.....just on the ground for them to scramble for!! :-)

18-Mar-08, 00:21
Jings00....anything you wanna own up to? :)

18-Mar-08, 17:04
certainly not, i know nothing, i seen nothing!!! :-)