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View Full Version : Eat To Live Or Live To Eat?

12-Mar-08, 17:17
Which are you?

Do you take pleasure in planning, preparing and presenting your meals?:)

Are you an adventurous cook who loves to experiment?


Do you see food as fuel which you shovel in three times a day and is preferably cooked by someone else?;)

12-Mar-08, 17:20
bit of both i love to cook but i dont enjoy it as much when i have made it, silly i know, but i love food, so when my OH is off work he cooks, and i love it :D

12-Mar-08, 17:29
I am an eat to live, I dont get excited over food very often and see mealtimes as a chore. I do all the cooking in the house and don't mind it at all but I find once I have cooked I just can't be bothered eating much.

12-Mar-08, 17:32
My sister loves cooking and is great at it (if only she lived closer :roll:)

Me, I cook because I need to eat, although when I'm in the mood to cook, I love doing the whole 3 course meal. Doesn't happen very often though!! Some nights I resort to pizza and chips and it feels like an effort :lol:

12-Mar-08, 17:34
I agree with henry! I eat to live, but on ocassions live to eat!

12-Mar-08, 17:36
I eat merely as a means of survival.

There is so much pretence surrounding food these days.

I have less than zero time for pompous, posturing, rich ponces like Jamie Oliver trying to tell me what I should be eating. Easy for him to say, born with a silver spoon rammed down his throat :roll:

12-Mar-08, 17:38
Since so much of our time goes into shopping for and then preparing food I am glad that I really enjoy doing so...and that OH shares that enjoyment and is an excellent cook.:D

12-Mar-08, 17:47
Karia you get all your meals sorted? Lucky you!

12-Mar-08, 17:50
Karia you get all your meals sorted? Lucky you!

Not at all rob ...we mostly cook together and it is great fun, then we sit down at the table to eat, no trays on laps, no telly on, enjoying the food and talking.:)

12-Mar-08, 17:55
Definately eat to live, some days it's only a sarny, other days it's toast and then an evening meal.

12-Mar-08, 18:18
I enjoy conjuring something up I like something different and am one of those that open fridge ,cupboard and try to see what we can join together etc sometimes it works some times not so good but as yet nobody has complained so I canīt be doing to bad

12-Mar-08, 19:16
I don't believe that it's only Bobbyian, Ash and myself who enjoy cooking and eating.:eek:

Where are all the Caithnessian chefs in the making?

12-Mar-08, 19:36
suppose the same can be said for work. Do we work to live or live to work?? Whats other orgers views?

12-Mar-08, 19:55
Defianately work to live:(.
As for food I usually get my meals cooked for me but about once a week I feel guilty and make something ,not because I don't enjoy cooking but because I get delicious stuff presented to me almost every night. Like to eat out 2 or 3 nights as well.

Kevin Milkins
12-Mar-08, 19:59
Which are you?

Do you take pleasure in planning, preparing and presenting your meals?:)

Are you an adventurous cook who loves to experiment?


Do you see food as fuel which you shovel in three times a day and is preferably cooked by someone else?;)

I give up the fags
It is suggested I give up booze
There is no way am I cutting down eating to just three times a day

12-Mar-08, 20:01
I don't believe that it's only Bobbyian, Ash and myself who enjoy cooking and eating.

Where are all the Caithnessian chefs in the making?
The Golden Child is now in Dunfermline cooking in his co-owned restaurant for they lucky Fifers!! :mad:[lol]

12-Mar-08, 20:03
I give up the fags
It is suggested I give up booze
There is no way am I cutting down eating to just three times a day
Good for you Kevin !! Red wine is good for you too [lol]

12-Mar-08, 20:03
The Golden Child is now in Dunfermline cooking in his co-owned restaurant for they lucky Fifers!! :mad:[lol]

That's soooo near me Anne..let me know the name of this excellent eaterie!

I'm sure Lassie in fife would be interested too.

12-Mar-08, 20:06
That's soooo near me Anne..let me know the name of this excellent eaterie!

I'm sure Lassie in fife would be interested too.
I'm sending pm !! Also when he comes home - I think "Great" decent food..... He comes home thinking "home cooking" !! Impasse :eek:

12-Mar-08, 20:23
Thanks Anne......lovely menu, which I intend sampling at the earliest opportunity!:D:D

Anne x
12-Mar-08, 20:30
I just love to cook anything and everything love trying new things and old favourites

have found out that we vary our dinners a lot more now introducing a lot more Fish Scallops Mussels White Meat rather than all the red meat we once ate

Oh still loves his Steak though and of course the Casseroles winter warmers they are !!

we always sit down to eat at a nicely layed table and the wine of course

now that I do not work anymore find the waistline showing it a bit from all the little extra sweets and puddings I have been making lately

point me to the gym [lol]

12-Mar-08, 20:33
I love food!

I do nearly all the cooking at home. I've worked as a chef in the past. I've done the pretentious "nouvelle cuisine" bit, I've done school dinners; and just about anything in between and outside that range too.

I love experimenting with new ideas, and love cooking old favourites.

I'll cook just about anything, just about anywhere, for anyone.

Eat to live - or live to eat?

Neither, food is far more important than either of those views :D

12-Mar-08, 20:41
[quote=NickInTheNorth;357298 Eat to live - or live to eat?

Neither, food is far more important than either of those views [/quote]

Beautifully and succinctly put Nick....I was surprised not to have heard from you on this one.:D

Anne, it is good to hear we are not alone in our civilised dining and quaffing.......you chaps must come over for a meal some time.;)

Keep the recipes coming!


12-Mar-08, 20:43
Beautifully and succinctly put Nick....I was surprised not to have heard from you on this one.

Anne, it is good to hear we are not alone in our civilised dining and quaffing.......you chaps must come over for a meal some time.;)

Keep the recipes coming!


It's this ridiculous working lark keeping me away from the finer things in life :D

12-Mar-08, 20:50
It's this ridiculous working lark keeping me away from the finer things in life :D

Never forget you are a free man Nick...........

.........in principle!;)

12-Mar-08, 20:55
definite..eat to live.... not a food person at all i am so fussy its unreal!!! live on baked tatties and pasta!!!..when i can be bothered making that!!:confused

12-Mar-08, 20:58
definite..eat to live.... not a food person at all i am so fussy its unreal!!! live on baked tatties and pasta!!!..when i can be bothered making that!!:confused

Acht Miranda.ye cannae waste fine wines on baked tatties lass!;)

12-Mar-08, 21:03
ahh but karia i do hev some cheese on them baked tatties.... cheese n wine go well together!!:lol:

12-Mar-08, 21:07
ahh but karia i do hev some cheese on them baked tatties.... cheese n wine go well together!!:lol:

Yev got me there!;)

12-Mar-08, 21:08
Acht Miranda.ye cannae waste fine wines on baked tatties lass!;)

Food snob!

Course you should enjoy a nice glass or 2 of wine with a baked tattie! Genuine food of the gods. Unless you do the unthinkable and steam them in a microwave.

The humble tattie needs treating with reverence, a couple of hours in a proper oven, or even better cooked in an open fire. Get some crispiness in the skin, add a little bit of butter, or a decent mature cheddar, or both! Sit down a eat with a glass or two of what you fancy.


12-Mar-08, 21:13
Yev a point there Nick...a golden tattie in the embers of a dying fire is definitely a 'Spud I Like':D

However Dairy intolerance means no butter..or cheese!

Not quite the whole story as I can have goats cheese..bleurgh, or sheeps cheese..much nicer and you get a couple of 'blue' versions...miss Wensleydale and Caerphilly and decent Cheddar though.

What wine would you suggest for the Baked Tattie? Minding that Miranda's an expert in these matters.:D

12-Mar-08, 22:38
Our whole house is definatly live to eat, none of the kids like junk food,good fresh food is no1 in our house.Even the baby gets homemade meals, never tasted a jar! So looks like 7 food fanatics in one house!

12-Mar-08, 23:06
Our whole house is definatly live to eat, none of the kids like junk food,good fresh food is no1 in our house.Even the baby gets homemade meals, never tasted a jar! So looks like 7 food fanatics in one house!

Chaz...you have made this thread for me!:D

May your family be the cause of many a chip shop closure* and the start of a bright, healthy and exciting culinary future for caithness.

* Wouldn't really wish to see the closure of any enterprise..a change from the deep fat fryer ethos wouldnae hurt though.;)

Anne x
13-Mar-08, 00:18
Our whole house is definatly live to eat, none of the kids like junk food,good fresh food is no1 in our house.Even the baby gets homemade meals, never tasted a jar! So looks like 7 food fanatics in one house!

Just great to hear this story at last no fast food no ready meals just good wholesome cooking makes your heart sing at last a family with great food and all happy kids

Margaret M.
13-Mar-08, 00:45
Mealtimes are my favourite times of the day. I love going all out for dinner parties but most days it is simple, healthy meals -- lots of fresh foods.

13-Mar-08, 00:56
i hate cooking but love eating!!:lol: my other haf is a magic cook, i get home from work and most of the time hes got a 3 course meal all prepared!!! god i love that man. yip he cooks, i wash up. then he goes offshore and its back to beans on toast and good ole mince n tatties mmm mmm. but he makes things like cullin skink followed by salmon with honey drizzled on it and roasted veg. then hes off rattleing out some home made pudding, bread n butter or grilled banana with syrup n chocolate served with ice cream melting beside it!!! ah cant wait til he gets home!!:Razz

13-Mar-08, 09:08
Just great to hear this story at last no fast food no ready meals just good wholesome cooking makes your heart sing at last a family with great food and all happy kids

All my kids (except the 3 year old) are really food oriantated, wont touch anything but free range chicken or eggs,it is more expensive but it is my kids choice .
They all can cook a decent meal,soup or most things.I feel its important to have a well fed family without all the processed rubbish.And belive it or not it works out cheaper to feed a family of 7 on all homemade food:)