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View Full Version : Games Consoles! Good or bad?

11-Mar-08, 16:34
Recently acquired my first games console EVER!

X Box

It had Burnout 3-Takedown with it......veeeerry addictive.....hours fly by....

I can see how it could be a good way of winding down after a long day, I can also see how it could take over your life!

What do you think?

11-Mar-08, 17:07
kids got a second hand playstation 2..I restrict them to weekend only and just for a couple of hours, otherwise they would never be off it...

I have a sega i bought years ago, still love the odd game now and then....

But i do know someone who lives for theirs..when they get in they play on the playstation...all the time/......

11-Mar-08, 17:08
brilliant game i have it also but on ps3.and youre right its is very addictive!

but i do think it is a great way to wind down.just dont let it take over your life cos before you know it your hands will look like mishapen claws[lol]

i dont understand those people who play it for 22 hours a day.perhaps it can turn into an addiction like fags or booze.

11-Mar-08, 17:09
Careful Saveman....


11-Mar-08, 17:12
i think they can be bad.... my brother is well and truely addicted to his games console, he can be irratable at times, my nephews are truely addicted to there ds's...... you cant get two words out of them at times, my OH has a ds and my 4year old is very interested in it, i refuse to let her have one....

11-Mar-08, 17:35
I have a Wii which was bought for me for Fathers Day last year - I do enjoy it but it doesn't go on often as it's linked to the main TV and I only get the remote for that once in a blue moon!

OH has (or should I say had) a DS but our kids rarely let her have a shot, so our youngest (6) just got one for her birthday last week, while our eldest will have to wait until his 8th birthday at the end of April for his! Maybe then my OH can have hers back :D

Rather than buy the expensive games, we have put M3 Real cards in them so we can just download games free from the Net. It also lets the kids watch movies & play MP3s on them, making them perfect self-contained entertainment centres which will be great when we go on holiday.

Oh, and back to the question. I'd say they're good to a point. Homework has to come first and if they don't do as they're told they're threatened with a ban. The current Nintendo consoles are a lot more interactive than the old style games machines so I'm all for anything which develops hand-eye coordination as well as good reflexes.

11-Mar-08, 17:44
Recently acquired my first games console EVER!

X Box

It had Burnout 3-Takedown with it......veeeerry addictive.....hours fly by....

I can see how it could be a good way of winding down after a long day, I can also see how it could take over your life!

What do you think?

Burnout 3 - gotta be my favourite game of all time, so addictive, we have Burnout Paradise on the PS3, here's a tip - never use the brakes and don't drive you own car immediately after playing! :Razz

Just got a Wii two weeks ago, it's great! never had so much exercise in years. I still have my old Sega Saturn in the attic too [lol]

11-Mar-08, 17:57
Can't see the attraction myself at all, but I guess consoles can be fun if you like that sort of thing. Really can't understand how people can play them for hours and hours though. If I had children they would only be allowed a limited time on them as I'm a bit old fashioned and think that kids should be encouraged to play with toys rather than computer games.

11-Mar-08, 19:18
Can't see the attraction myself at all, but I guess consoles can be fun if you like that sort of thing. Really can't understand how people can play them for hours and hours though. If I had children they would only be allowed a limited time on them as I'm a bit old fashioned and think that kids should be encouraged to play with toys rather than computer games.

Crash Bandicoot doesn't like games??!! Weird... ;)

Speaking of Crash Bandicoot I spent many an hour trying complete said game version 2 or 3, I can't remember now. Got to 100% and wasn't finished... Eh? It turned out that you had to get to 104% I got to about 102% and one of the kids (all 3 were under 5y/o at the time) deleted my game from the memory card :eek:
I was very restrained, I didn't even complain, I just took the dog for a very very long walk
I don't play them now, chance would be a fine thing. Although I do like playing the sims 2 on my pc.
I can't see the harm in them as long as you don't neglect other things or people.

mums angels
11-Mar-08, 19:57
Personally i hate them , i try to limit the time my kids spend in front of Tv and consoles , hubby loves them, in our house we have Xbox ( not touched in year and half) Wii ( not on since November ) , Ps3 ( on maybe 3 times a month when huuby home ) 2x gameboys ( made obselete by the DS's) 2x Ds's, one mine one my daughters .. (mine i couldn't even tell you where it was) ..and one PSP now one DS and PSP are used by my kids but they are limited to it ..an hour tops( and certainly not daily) and rooms MUST be clean , homework done and any other jobs i can think of.

when i think of all the money thats been spent it makes my blood boil ...waste of money and not at all educational or healty, i'm to blame for the kids because they want it and all their friends have them etc .. but i try to be responsilbe , TV and consoles are often used as "babysiters" for some parents .

11-Mar-08, 20:33
I would think they take over alot of people's lives. I remember i got the playstation when it came out in 1995 or 1996, very addictive it was. I dont own a console anymore. Did have the PS2, but it seemed to have lost it appeal. I hardly play any games anymore. Got bored with all the same type of games coming out, over and over again.

11-Mar-08, 20:46
For adults, they are fine, but they are addictive! I used to spend hours on my Playstation, but now I never get the time!

For kids, they are fine, as long as the time they spend on them are monitored. Our son has a Gameboy Advance and a PS2, but I limit the time he spends on them. It can be good for concentration, and eye/hand co-ordination, and some of the games can be educational.

11-Mar-08, 20:48
Crash Bandicoot doesn't like games??!! Weird... ;)

Ha ha, I never thought of that!!! Think I only ever played the game once. I wasn't very good :lol:

11-Mar-08, 22:39
we got a wii at christmas which hasnt been on for weeks, kids have a ps2, xbox(which they got from my siter) they have a ds each and i have a ps2 of my own but they all just gather dust, i know i should be pleased that my kids arent addicted to them but it really is such a waste.