View Full Version : Emergency Dentist Number

The Angel Of Death
11-Mar-08, 15:45
Anyone know this chiped a tooth and it hurts like hell

11-Mar-08, 15:49
found this from bekisman
NHS Dental Helpline on 0845 6442271
or e-mail [email protected] ([email protected])

11-Mar-08, 15:51
Anyone know this chiped a tooth and it hurts like hell

The dental helpline is 08456 442271

The Angel Of Death
11-Mar-08, 15:58
Will phone them quick smart tomorrow morning i hate dentists with a passion one of the few things in life that really scares me

Doesn anyone know what time there open is it 8:30 or 9:00 ???

11-Mar-08, 15:58
Think you have to phone at 9am in the morning

11-Mar-08, 16:02
I phoned when my crown came out, was told it wasn't an emergency, Managed to get a dentist to take me on privately and it cost £270 to get a new crown, So the best of luck to you

The Angel Of Death
11-Mar-08, 16:06
Think this chipped tooth of mine is giving me toothache as well me thinks

11-Mar-08, 22:06
Now that should be an emergency, let us know how you get on

The Angel Of Death
11-Mar-08, 22:08
Well i aint looking forward to what ever happens dentist really freak me out doesnt matter what i get done just takes me out in a cold sweat really really really makes me wish i looked after my teeth when i was younger

11-Mar-08, 22:23
:eek: one of my fillings fell out today too!!!! as yet no pain.. so not an emergency but the first twinge and im giving them a call too... oh i feel for you angel of death as i hate the dentist too!!!! only go when im forced!!!!!:(

11-Mar-08, 23:00
i broke one of my front teeth and phoned that emergency number! Got an appointment that day and thay fixed it and filled it, at no charge!! i was delightes as i have a thing about teeth and couldn stand going around with a broken one!! Hope you get on okay!!

11-Mar-08, 23:17
Just make sure you complain about the pain. As I posted in an earlier thread my stepson was given the run-a-round from one clinic to another because no one thought it was enough of an emergency.

11-Mar-08, 23:29
Well i aint looking forward to what ever happens dentist really freak me out doesnt matter what i get done just takes me out in a cold sweat really really really makes me wish i looked after my teeth when i was youngerI no the feeling am totally terrified of the denitst, broke one of my front teeth a few months ago, phoned the dental helpline and got an appointment for the following day, they were really nice and fixed my tooth for me, hope you get on ok.

11-Mar-08, 23:32
Well i aint looking forward to what ever happens dentist really freak me out doesnt matter what i get done just takes me out in a cold sweat really really really makes me wish i looked after my teeth when i was younger

I'm lucky enough to be registered with the only dentist in the county I would trust. Neil Erridge at the Bridges Dental Clinic in Wick helped me with my hatred of dentists. I now just dislike dentistry work being carried out on me ;)

I would start phoning the Emergency Line well before 9am, The Angel of Death. A few shrieks down the phoneline would help convince them that you are in severe pain. Good luck.

12-Mar-08, 00:38
I'm shaking, just reading this thread! :eek:

Hope you manage to get it sorted.

12-Mar-08, 09:51
I phoned when my crown came out, was told it wasn't an emergency.......

Was that diagnosis made by a Clinician, or someone from a call centre? Personally I would only take the word of a properly qualified dentist after he or she has made a thorough examination.

I too am in need of an NHS dentist, I have already written to my MSP he in turn, has written to the Chairman of NHS Highland asking for an explanation as to why NHS dental care is not available in Caithness.

Constituency Office:
Jamie Stone MSP
Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross
26 Tower Street,
IV19 1DY
01862 892726

Parliament Headquarters:
EH99 1SP
0131 348 5790

I fully intend to write again to Jamie Stone for an update soon.

I have also told the NHS, and Mr. Stone, that if I or my wife suffer pain, in the absence of NHS dental care, we will go to A&E. The NHS has told me that treatment will not be given at the hospital. I have informed both the NHS and my MSP that if this should happen, I'll make sure the story hits the front page of every Sunday news paper from John O'Groats to Lands End. Period.

Now onto my GP: I have expressed my concern to him. He is aware that there is a lack of dental care, but there is nothing he feels, he can do, it is the way of things. Oh really, a bit rich coming from a doctor who should be taking an interest in his patients well being.

If everyone reading this post, could just take a few minutes to write or telephone their MSP. It would bring this problem to the forefront where it belongs. If you feel able to, tell your GP that lack of proper dental care may impact on your health and general well being.

I have privatley spoken to NHS Staff, and they are fully supportive of my stance, so we do have allies from within.

If there is a Journalist out there reading this, you can send me a pm for more about what I am doing to bring this issue to the forefront, and to get the NHS to provide the care and treatments that Government says we are getting.

The Angel Of Death
13-Mar-08, 11:12
I'm lucky enough to be registered with the only dentist in the county I would trust. Neil Erridge at the Bridges Dental Clinic in Wick

Its funny thats who i ended up with and i wouldnt go back to him again i found him very sarcastic and i just got the impression because i was doing it via the nhs that i wasnt as good as a private customer its almost as if i got the bare minimum and that only

The ironic thing is its not the first time i have heard this about him and that practice my mum wont go back over the doors and will take any other dentist

Aww well you live and learn etc

13-Mar-08, 19:27
Sorry to hear that you did not share my experience of this dentist, The Angel of Death. You didn't say how the actual treatment went. Are you sorted and pain-free?

The Angel Of Death
13-Mar-08, 20:06
Yea all sorted think it was a temp filling that was put in god knows how long it will last themain thing is that all is now as well as it can be in my mouth

14-Mar-08, 02:40
Anyone know this chiped a tooth and it hurts like hell

If you have a medical condition, eg heart problem, diabetic, ms etc, you can be seen by the hospital dentist, who is really nice.

The Angel Of Death
14-Mar-08, 10:16
Other than im a bit nuts and not there sometimes its not really classed as a medical condition so i have to go down the proper routs but thanks for the info fran all the same

15-Mar-08, 11:43
An elderly relative who had a bad reaction to dental numbing because of contraindications with cardiac medication was referred to Raigmore last November by Bridgend in Thurso as an emergency for an extraction as an emergency.

The appointment has come in now, after several phone calls to Inverness, for 3rd April, but only to be "examined" ...not for the treatment. This poor old sould is nearly 88 and a journey from one side of Thurso to the other to the GP is trauma enough for him.

The medication he was on which made him ill at the dentist before has been changed since December, so having to tooth removed at Bridgend is no longer a problem....however they will not see him until the tooth is removed, but they still take his £15 per month to remain registered.


16-Mar-08, 03:33
This gentleman would be seen by the nhs dentist at caithness general if he has a heart problem. phone the hospital to speak to the dentist 605050

16-Mar-08, 14:20
I got to Mr Henderson at the Bridges Clinic and he is really nice. Still hate going to the Dentist though!

17-Mar-08, 11:57
I put my name down on waiting list for NHS dentist in October 2005. been told today I am 4,068th on list!! By the time I get there will have no teeth left. Not sure what population of Caithness is now, but that is a heck of a lot of folks waiting. I have an abscess, look like a swollen cartoon character and have been in agony all weekend. Finally got an emergency appointment this afternoon with Bridges clinic. Will be demented by then! Also annoyed as my 5 year old was seen at school for an examination but have had to register her for her to get treatment and have to wait now for a letter. Let's hope the kids don't have to wait years to be seen!